May 11, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 6 8091 noted, ‘‘The whole point of the Helsinki Ac- Los Angeles with the late Los Angeles Mayor for allegedly offering him $100,000 if he cords is mutual monitoring, not mutual evasion Tom Bradley. Rising up through the ranks, he dropped out of the race. The courts ultimately of difficult problems.’’ A key to the ultimate was a director of the police and fire union and threw out the indictment, but the scuffle de- success of the Helsinki Process has been the later a trusted top aide to legendary Chief Wil- railed the Senator’s campaign and helped involvement of civil society—courageous liam Parker. Ed served as Los Angeles Chief Congressman Ed Zschau win the nomination. human rights defenders like those who estab- of Police from 1969 until 1978 where he was Davis turned his energy and attention back lished the Moscow Group—willing to speak known as a popular firebrand who pushed law to Sacramento, winning praise as a reasoned out on behalf of others. I remain deeply con- and order during times of turbulence. Vice-Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. cerned over human rights trends in Russia, Chief Davis proved popular with not only Often called central casting’s choice as a sen- especially the adoption of regressive laws af- with the people of Los Angeles, but also with ator, the white-haired gentleman was easily fecting fundamental human rights and free- weary Americans who were looking for tough reelected to a third term to the State Senate doms. leadership during uncertain times. During the in 1988. I join my colleagues on the Helsinki Com- same period, his officers’ morale was at an all- Known by his friends as a man of great mission in congratulating the Moscow Helsinki time high. He became a national figure as a charm and graciousness, Senator Davis cele- Group on the occasion of its 30th anniversary tough law and order proponent quelling stu- brated 50 years of public service with a gala of dedicated service in the defense of funda- dent protests during the Vietnam War, oppos- dinner in 1991. Highlights of the evening in- mental freedoms and liberty. ing the Black Panthers, and taking a strident cluded recorded tributes from comedian Bob f stance against the epidemic of hijacking in the Hope and former Presidents Ronald Reagan early 1970’s. RECOGNIZING NICHOLAS J. PARK and Richard Nixon. Looking forward to a In 1974, the entire nation watched as the peaceful retirement, Senator Davis and his FOR ACHIEVING THE RANK OF Chief’s force had a climatic shootout with the EAGLE SCOUT wife, Bobbie, moved north to Morro Bay, Cali- Simbionese Liberation Army who had kid- fornia in 1992. napped heiress Patty Hearst. Several leaders Senator Davis is survived by his wife, Bob- HON. SAM GRAVES of the gang died in a fiery blaze at the conclu- bie, his children Michael Davis, Christine Coey OF MISSOURI sion of the confrontation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chief Davis implemented historic reforms at and Mary Ellen Burde and step-children Fred, Michael, and Kyltie as well as several beloved Thursday, May 11, 2006 the LAPD and left a legacy of influence in law enforcement. His innovations include creating grandchildren. Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause the Neighborhood Watch concept to bring resi- to recognize Nicholas J. Park, a very special dents together, and instituting community po- f young man who has exemplified the finest licing. While crime rose by 55 percent across qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- HONORING ROBERT ROGERS the Nation during his tenure as Chief, crime ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- actually decreased by 1 percent in Los Ange- ica, Troop 180, and in earning the most pres- les. His influence still exists in the LAPD, and HON. KENNY MARCHANT tigious award of Eagle Scout. programs that the Chief invented are at the Nicholas has been very active with his OF TEXAS heart of every police organization worldwide. troop, participating in many scout activities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The City of Los Angeles honored him by nam- Over the many years Nicholas has been in- ing the newest and most elaborate of the Thursday, May 11, 2006 volved with scouting, he has not only earned three LAPD training centers ‘‘The Ed Davis numerous merit badges, but also the respect Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Emergency Vehicle Operations Center & Tac- of his family, peers, and community. to recognize Mr. Robert Rogers upon his re- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in tics/Firearms Training Center’’ in 1998. tirement as President and Chief Executive Of- A respected member of the academic com- commending Nicholas J. Park for his accom- ficer of the Educational Employees Credit munity, Chief Davis lecturing at USC and Cal plishments with the Boy Scouts of America Union, after almost 30 years of service in the State Los Angeles as an adjunct professor of and for his efforts put forth in achieving the credit union industry. police administration and management for 18 highest distinction of Eagle Scout. His retirement concludes a phenomenal ca- years. He was the author of Staff One, a lead- reer in the credit union business, starting as a f ing police management textbook. Texas State Examiner in 1977. Rogers later TRIBUTE TO THE LATE CALI- Prior to his appointment as Chief, he served held executive-level positions at Hughes Em- FORNIA STATE SENATOR ED for many years as a law enforcement advo- ployees Credit Union, Houston Area Teacher’s DAVIS cate working with the California Legislature in Sacramento. Among his many outstanding Credit Union, and the University of Arkansas HON. HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ McKEON contributions is the landmark Peace Officer’s Credit Union. He also served as Deputy Com- Standards and Training Act of 1959, which set missioner for the State of Texas in 1988 and OF CALIFORNIA was named Commissioner three years later. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES minimum police standards for California. After retiring as Police Chief in 1978, he set 1995 Rogers moved to Fort Worth to act as Thursday, May 11, 2006 his sights on the California Governor’s man- President and CEO of EECU. Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sad- sion. Running in the Republican gubernatorial Rogers has been an active leader with ness today to honor the memory of Ed Davis, primary, the Chief came in second to Attorney many credit-union related affiliates on the a former California State Senator and Los An- General Evelle Younger in a four-man race, local, state, and national level. He is a former geles Chief of Police. He was a remarkable which included State Senator Ken Maddy and Director for the National Association of Com- man who was a monumental presence on the San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. munity Credit Unions, and is on the Board of Los Angeles and California political scene. Chief Davis returned to the political arena in Directors for Town North Bank. Other note- Senator Davis passed away on April 22, 2006 1980 after winning the State Senate election worthy accomplishments include founding the in San Luis Obispo, CA at the age of 89. for the 19th Senate District. He represented Texas Credit Union Legislative Coalition, and Born Edward Michael Davis on November Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, the North San being appointed to the Texas Credit Union 15, 1916 in Los Angeles, he graduated from Fernando Valley and the Santa Clarita Valley. League’s Board of Trustees. John C. Fremont High School and enlisted in Overwhelmingly re-elected to a second Sen- Rogers has been an advocate for credit the United States Navy where he became a ate term in 1984, Senator Davis again set his unions and members throughout his career. decorated officer. He later received his Mas- sights on higher office. He entered the 1986 He has always sought to provide vital financial ters in Public Administration from USC. Al- U.S. Senate race against longtime incumbent services for the underserved and ensured that ways a proud alumnus, he often sported a Alan Cranston. His slogan, ‘‘One Tough Cop, the voices of credit unions and their members maroon blazer and gold pants, USC’s famous and One Great Senator.’’ recalled his glory were heard in the political arena. I thank him colors, on the State Senate floor. days as Chief. for his years of dedication to Texas families. I Joining the Los Angeles Police Department The Republican race was upended when wish him well in his retirement; his presence in 1940, Ed first walked a beat in downtown one of Senator Davis’ opponents was indicted will truly be missed. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:29 Mar 20, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00219 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR11MY06.DAT BR11MY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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