AlumniNews St. Francis Xavier University • Antigonish • Nova Scotia • Canada 22 4 Features Canada’s Youngest Premier / 4 Our own Rodney MacDonald ‘94 Frank McKenna Says No / 6 It was his for the taking, but former premier declines Liberal leadership bid. 14 Alumni Spotlight/ 11 Meet some of our stars 12 New Chair / 14 Guy Savard leads Board of Governors Coady Goes National / 22 Regular Features Get Ready to • President’s Message / 3 Celebrate / 25 11 • Alumni Association News / 26 Homecoming ‘06 • The Word From Our Chapters / 27 • Brag Page / 35 • The Word From You (News Exchange) / 36 StFX Alumni News • Spring 2006 1 I AM PLEASED TO SEE the emphasis in this magazine on our alumni/ ae. One magazine cannot hold all of the wonderful stories we could tell of our graduates who are doing good work wherever they are, but it is nice to be able to focus on a few. Our story on Frank Mc Kenna ’70 went through several changes on its path to publication. Initially we decided to focus on our new ambas- sador to the United States. We saw the emphasis starting to change when speculation started about his potential to become the next leader UNIVERSITY of the Liberal Party of Canada and then again when he announced that he was resigning as ambassador and would not seek the leadership. I AlumniNews can tell you it kept Allan Gates, our director of communications and the author of the story, on his toes writing and rewriting. I am sure there will MANAGING EDITOR soon be another story to write about this Xaverian’s future plans. Noreen Nunn ’92 Our chapters have much to report and if you haven’t attended an Email: [email protected] alumni event lately I encourage you to respond to the next invitation Phone: 902-867-2243 you receive. Our volunteer network is a vibrant group of people provid- ASSISTANT EDITOR ing wonderful social gatherings and terrific networking opportunities Shelley Cameron-McCarron for our newer graduates. Your support is always appreciated. Email: [email protected] I want to thank all of those who participated in a recent telephone PRODUCTION & DESIGN survey we conducted. We’ll be reporting the results to the Alumni board Angela Penney at our spring Chapter workshop here in Antigonish and then to you in Email: [email protected] the next issue. WRITERS Keep in touch and Hail & Health, John Bastin Allan Gates Noreen Nunn Shelley Cameron-McCarron Cindy McInnes NEWS EXCHANGE EDITOR Glenda Bond Email: [email protected] PHOTOGRAPHS L E T T E R S John Bastin Bernice MacDonald ,QWKH EXV\ GD\V SUHSDULQJ IRU P\ WULS KHDUG, WKDW COVER DESIGN (OOHQ&DPSEHOO KDG JRQH WR 0DODZL ZLWK D &,'$ Angela Penney IXQGHGILVKHULHV SURMHFW WKURXJK 0HPRULDO 8QLYHUVLW\ 6KHV LQYROYHG LQ DSURMHFW WR LQFUHDVH ZRPHQ VU ROHVLQ ADVERTISING INQUIRIES WKHILVKHU\ :HWULHG WR FRQWDFW HDFK RWKHU DQG HYHQ Glenda Bond Phone: (902) 867-2186 WXDOO\ZHUH VXFFHVVIXO +HU 0RP WKUHZ WRJHWKHU DVPDOO Fax: (902) 867-3659 FDUHSDFNDJH IRU PH WR GHOLYHU WR KHU DQG XSRQ UHWXUQ Email: [email protected] LQJKDG, VRPH &KULVWPDV JLIWV WR GHOLYHU WR KHU SDUHQWV IURP(OOHQ:H ZHUH DEOH WR KDQJ RXW DW WKH +LSSR DEADLINES 9 LHZ/R GJHMXVW RXWVLGH /LZRQGH 1DWLRQDO 3DUN :H FALL ISSUE copy deadline September 20 for KRSSHGRQ D ULYHUERDW ZKLFK WRRN XV WKURXJK WKH SDUN November mailing L-r: Victoria Hodder, Danielle Duggan ’92, ’93, Shawn :HFKDWWHG DQG FDXJKW XS RQ QHZV IURP KRPH DQG Rovers ’02, Mark MacIsaac ’91, Jason Rolls, Lori ZKDWRXU IULHQGV IURP ZHUH; GRLQJ QRZ DOO DV ZH WRRN SPRING ISSUE Hovey and Steve Warren ‘03. Missing are Kim copy deadline January 20 for Crawford ’91 and Heidi MacDonald ’96. For more letters, see page 38... March mailing FAR FROM HOME SUMMER ISSUE copy deadline May 20 for *UHHWLQJVIURP WKH 0LGGOH (DVW +HUH LV DSKRWR WDNHQ RQ July mailing 6W); 'D\ DW WKH 'RKD *ROI &OXE LQ 4DWDU LQ FDVH \RX G OLNHWR LQFOXGH LW LQ WKH $OXPQL 1HZV1RW EDG ;UHSUH AlumniNews is published by St. Francis VHQWDWLRQIRU D FRXQWU\ LQRIWKH 0LGGOH (DVW Xavier University Alumni Affairs and 7KDQNV Communications three times annually for alumni and friends of the university. 0DUN'0DF,VDDF0%$ Views expressed are those of the individual contributors or sources quoted. TREATS FROM MOM Contents, copyright © 2005 by St. +LP\ QDPH LV /DXUD 5DPVD\ ,UHFHQWO\ UHWXUQHG Francis Xavier University. Subscriptions IURP0DODZL $IULFD DQG JRW WR PHHW XS ZLWK D IHOORZ to AlumniNews are available to the public for $21 a year, single copies $7. Letters ;DYHULDQLQ WKH SURFHVV 0\ WULS ZDV OHG E\ 3UHVE\WHULDQ to the editor are welcome. Address : RUOG6HUYLFHV DQG 'HYHORSPHQW ZLWK WKH IRFXV RQ correspondence to: WKHLU7RZDUGV D :RUOG ZLWKRXW $,'6 FDPSDLJQ :H YLVLWHGERWK WKH UXUDO DQG XUEDQ DUHDV LQ 0DODZL WR VHH AlumniNews St. Francis Xavier University ILUVWKDQG WKH DIIHFWV RI $,'6 DQG ZKDW DFWLRQ LV WDN Laura Ramsay ’02, left, and Ellen Campbell ’01 with PO Box 5000 LQJSODFH LQ WKHVH FRPPXQLWLHV some elephants in Africa. Antigonish, NS B2G 2W5 Email: [email protected] 2 StFX Alumni News • Spring 2006 Phone: 902-867-2186 P R E S I D E N T ‘ S P A G E Dr. Sean E. Riley ’74 THE XAVERIAN TRADITION OF PUBLIC SERVICE Public service is a StFX tradition. In developing no to a return to the countries and in rural communities in Canada, political stage. While in law and social justice, in healthcare and edu- McKenna may have cation, StFX alumni make a difference. said no to running for the leadership, I am sure And then there’s politics. his commitment to pub- lic service will continue. For more than 150 years, St. Francis Xavier Uni- versity has produced leaders who make a differ- Of course, public serv- ence in Canada and around the world. The next ice in the StFX tradition chapter of Xaverian public service will be written goes well beyond poli- by Rodney MacDonald ‘94, the new Premier of tics. Witness Teresa Nova Scotia and a man at the forefront of the MacNeil ’59, who, dur- new generation that will redefine Canadian poli- ing a 37-year career at tics. MacDonald has already begun to place his StFX, pioneered a new way of looking at adult stamp on provincial affairs and is championing education and lifelong learning. Or Justice Mer- our universities as an important part of the fu- lin Nunn ’50 a respected jurist who has demon- ture health of Nova Scotia. strated that serving the public is his highest call- ing. Or John Allan Cameron ‘66 who led the Our new premier may have been drawn to poli- way and mentored many on their East Coast tics by another young Xaverian, Brian Mulroney music careers. ‘58 who took to the political stage as a student on this campus and went on to lead the federal These individuals, and the countless others like Conservative Party and to become the 18th prime them in the StFX community, are putting their minister of Canada. mark on our country and our world. It’s a pow- erful example of the Xaverian spirit in action. Frank McKenna ’70 was one of the most suc- cessful premiers in recent memory, and served as an outspoken representative for Canada as Ambassador to the United States. He was a strong contender to lead the federal Liberal Party but, Dr. Sean E. Riley’74 surprising many, made the fateful choice to say StFX President StFX Alumni News • Spring 2006 3 Bringing energy and experience to THE JOB ’94 Grad takes Nova Scotia’s top job Meet Canada’s youngest premier. At the age of 34, StFX alumnus Rodney MacDonald captured the Leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia. Only a few short weeks later he was sworn in as Premier of Nova Scotia. But the new Premier’s experience goes well beyond his years. He has been MLA for the riding of Inverness for seven years, and has shown leadership as Minister of Tourism, Culture and Heritage, Minister of Health Promotion and Minister of Immigration. During the dramatic 2006 Nova Scotia PC Leadership Convention held in Halifax on Feb. 10 and 11, MacDonald clinched the leadership title over two well-seasoned candidates; well-known Halifax business leader Bill Black and former provincial finance minister Neil LeBlanc. 4 StFX Alumni News • Spring 2006 For those who know Premier MacDonald personally, they know him as Rodney - a strong leader and kind man, willing to take time to listen to others and share in their common concerns. He has always held the utmost respect for Nova Scotia traditions, its history and for its oldest institutions such as StFX. “StFX prepared me to always aspire to new heights,” said Premier MacDonald. “The university’s curriculum, professors and senior ad- ministration are invaluable to students. They provide the leadership quali- ties and necessary tools to meet life’s challenges.” Premier MacDonald graduated from StFX in 1994 with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education. Before entering the political arena, the Mabou, Cape Breton native taught for Nova Scotia’s Strait Regional School Board and the Mi’kmawey School on Chapel Island, Nova Scotia. Premier MacDonald is also known for his professional music career. He received two nominations for East Coast Music Awards in 1998 and has released two CDs. As a professional fiddler he traveled across Canada and parts of the United States and Europe. Premier MacDonald is married to Lori-Ann (Gillis). They have an eight- year-old son Ryan. PETER MACKAY TAKES SENIOR POST Peter MacKay, Member of Parliament for Central Nova, which encompasses StFX’s campus, was named Minister of Foreign BELOW: Peter Fardy, StFX Affairs and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities VP Advancement and MP Peter MacKay dis- Agency by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
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