NEWS FROM THE CHAIR June 2012 012 has posed constant innovation, crea- 2 challenges, with a re- tivity and enthusi- gional focus on flood and asm that flows INSIDE flood recovery, the Murray from involving Darling Basin Plan and the young people is introduction on July 1 of the amazing and RDA News from the Chair carbon tax, to the Riverina Riverina recognise Region. investing in young RDAF Funding people is investing Twenty five Riverina com- in our future. Health & Hospital Fund munity and economic de- velopment officers & volun- Whilst there we heard of announcement. Development Simon Crean’s, teers attended a Trade & the welcome announce- Regional Development Austral- Investment’s Community ment of the Federal budg- RDA Riverina Overview ia Fund (RDAF), announce- 2011 Economic Development et’s inclusion of $11.3 mil- ment of $14.5million contribu- Conference 2012 – a 3 day lion dollars towards the $25 tion to the $57 million project. Riverina First Commu- conference during May , to million Griffith Community nity Fund exchange ideas and strate- Hospital Project and a fur- I believe that these are exciting gies which help to build the ther $6 million contribution times for the Riverina as we Our Communities capacity of our rural com- to the redevelopment of the continue to grow by success- Conference Cessnock munities . We know we are Hillston hospital service. fully meeting challenges. resilient , the challenge for There is a solid foundation for Good news also on the hori- Country Change us all is remain sustainable. community and industry to zon as Wagga Wagga City progress and to promote a The conference theme Re- Council are one step closer Clean Energy Initiatives region that is recognised for its silient Regional Communi- to developing the Riverina innovation, vibrance and con- ties echoed the changing Intermodal Freight and Lo- NBN Co nectivity. economic, cultural and envi- gistics Hub at Bomen follow- ronmental factors affecting ing Minister for Regional Grant Opportunities Tom Watson Chair our communities today. The Speciallty Food & Drink Fair 2012 RDAF delivers a regional development boost to the Riverina Carbon Farming Initia- agga Wagga City ment's Regional Develop- the Riverina and Murray re- tives W Council were success- ment Australia Fund. The gions. ful in their pursuit of funding strategic importance of this The $57 million project in- RDA Riverina Com- for a key piece of regional project to the region was volves the construction of new mittee 2012 economic infrastructure pro- highlighted in RDA River- major rail and road infrastruc- ject – Riverina Intermodal ina’s Regional Plan. ture and a freight terminal on Calendar Freight and Logistics Hub - as 80 hectares of land at Bomen. part of the Federal Govern- What is the Riverina Inter- modal Freight The construction of additional and Logistics rail infrastructure, including a Hub (RIFL)? new 5km long master siding, will allow freight trains to safely The RIFL Hub pull off the main rail line to load will provide and unload material for wider freight consol- distribution. idation, logis- tics support The construction of the River- and rail ina Intermodal Freight and Lo- transport ser- gistics Hub will create up to 200 vices for busi- jobs during the two year con- nesses struction phase and potentially throughout 65 jobs once operational. Issue 5 Page 2 HEALTHCARE RECEIVES A BOOST IN WESTERN RIVERINA PRIORITISING REGIONAL HEALTH There is excitement in Griffith than a billion dollars allocated existing public facility provid- AND about progress on a new hospi- to regional health projects in ing some interconnection for HOSPITALS tal for the western Riverina with the last budget, including the services. The Griffith hospital The Government is the federal budget announce- Wagga Base Hospital rebuild. project is backed by a commu- investing $1.8 billion ment of $11.3 million for the nity trust and St Vincent's Hos- Griffith’s Community Hospital over 6 years through proposed $25 million Griffith pital in Sydney. site has been cleared and a regional priority Community Hospital project. work has started on a training This boost for health care will round of the Health The $475 million regional health facility, but the budget fund- create a platform making it and Hospitals Fund to package also included funding ing means the full hospital easier to attract doctors and support upgrades to for the redevelopment of the project can start. specialist to the western Riv- regional health infra- Hillston hospital service. erina creating new jobs and structure, expand The private facility, co-located strengthening our local com- regional hospitals and Overall 76 projects were funded on existing Griffith Base Hospi- munities. support clinical train- in the budget following more tal site will complement the ing. RDA Riverina Overview 2011 RDA Riverina connecting communities, business & government to projects, programs, services funding and other people. Link to our recently released RDA Riverina Overview 2011 demonstrating the achievements of RDA Riverina and its partners during 2011. Link to http://www.rdariverina.org.au/uploads/docs/ RIVERINA FIRST COMMUNITY FUND ROUND 10 Riverina. cessful projects include instal- A total of 11 regional pro- lation of green room ameni- The fund is a philanthropic jects were successful ties, refurbishment of commu- Successful Projects fund used to improve social, through the Riverina First nity facilities to website de- Narrandera Basketball Assoc. cultural and community Community Fund Round 10, sign, community signage and services and facilities in Riv- Friends of Tumbarumba Li- auspiced by Regional Devel- power to community shed. erina communities. The suc- brary opment Australia (RDA)- Lani Houston Executive Officer Adelong Mens Shed for RDA-Riverina stated “there were 22 applications with sub- Wagga Womens Health Centre missions amounting to well Lockhart & District Progress over the available funds which Association made the assessing very diffi- cult. However there will be Dirnaseer Public Hall Trust further funds released in Community Action 4 Suicide Round 11 which will be Education launched in the second half of Cootamundra Creative Arts 2012 For further information Centre go to: RDA Riverina committee member Gary Lavelle, Dirnaseer Hall Committee committee presi- www.rdariverina.org.au Hay Shutterbugs dent Angela Hughes, Junee Shire Council Community Economic Development Officer Jacinta Ceeney and Dirnaseer Hall committee secretary Denise Miller check out the new kitchen Coleambally Chamber benches purchased with $2000grant funding from RDA Riverina’s Riverina First Community Fund. RIVERINA GEN Y IMPRESS "it was awesome to Riverina pro- such as exchange ideas, RDA vided sponsor- this is ship for 4 young people; Ms impera- nurturing regional Jordan Bryon (Community tive for resilience with peo- Producer, Multistory Project, commu- ple from different Eastern Riverina Arts) Ms nities age groups, differ- Jodi Plant (Tourism Trainee, and ent sectors and Hay Visitor Information Cen- hence different regions; I tre), Mr Jacob Muthsam the rea- (PaCE Coordinator Leeton) son for felt part of a big and Ms Roslyn Penning RDA NSW team and was (Tourist Officer, Griffith Visi- Riverina providing this op- reminded of the He stated “clearly a generation tor Information Centre) to portunity. They have many power of collabora- attend the recent Trade & ideas and solutions they just we need the input of’ “ if com- tion. I left the con- Investment NSW Community need to be asked” stated Ms munities are to be successful. Economic Development Con- Lani Houston (CEO RDA Riv- The connection between all ference feeling in- ference held in Cessnock erina). generations (Gen X and Z) is spired to apply my during May 2012. also imperative. skills and creativity High quality speakers such “Providing the opportunity as futurist, demographer & Our Riverina Gen Y’s generated to further enrich and encouraging the Gen Y social commentator Mark considerable interest with their the Riverina's dy- members of our communi- McCrindle identified the questions and knowledge, es- namic identity." pecially on tourism and social ties to participate in profes- differences in the Y genera- Jordan Byron sional development activities tion and other generations. media issues. “To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.” MELBOURNE INTEREST IN RIVERINA SITE.. evelopment officers from This inaugural event for Vic- niliquin and Temora on site D participating Riverina toria attracted over 8,000 to promote the possibilities shires in the Country Change singles, couples and families of a tree change and high- Project met in Melbourne, for giving them the chance to light the advantages of liv- the Victorian Regional Living explore everything that's ing, working, studying, in- Expo , a three day event at great about living and work- vesting and thriving in the Melbourne Convention and ing in regional centres . Riverina region. Exhibition Centre promoting The Country Change project The Expo gave Melbournians the advantages of relocating to facilitated by RDA-Riverina the opportunity to talk to regional centres hosted rep- people who actually live in resentatives regional communities for an from the insiders view on jobs, educa- Local Gov- tion, health services, attrac- ernment tions and what it is really Areas of like to live here. Melbourne Griffith, visitors were change ready Leeton, Nar- and looking forward to a randera,
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