Cancer Biomarkers 28 (2020) 91–100 91 DOI 10.3233/CBM-190993 IOS Press The interactome of the prostate-specific protein Anoctamin 7 Elina Kaikkonena, Aliisa Takalaa, Juha-Pekka Pursiheimoa, Gudrun Wahlströma and Johanna Schleutkera;b;∗ aInstitute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland bDepartment of Medical Genetics, Genomics, Laboratory Division, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland Abstract. BACKGROUND: Elevated Anoctamin 7 (ANO7) expression is associated with poor survival in prostate cancer patients. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to discover proteins that interact with ANO7 to understand its functions and regulatory mechanisms. METHODS: The proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) method was utilized. ANO7 fused to biotin ligase was tran- siently transfected into LNCaP cells, and the biotinylated proteins were collected and analysed by mass spectrometry. Four identi- fied proteins were stained with dual fluorescent immunostaining and visualized using Stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED). RESULTS: After bioinformatic filtering steps, 64 potentially ANO7-interacting proteins were identified and analysed with the GO enrichment analysis tool. One of the most prominently enriched cellular components was cellular vesicle. Co-localization was showed for staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1 (SND1), heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) mem- ber 1A (HSPA1A), adaptor related protein complex 2 subunit beta 1 (AP2B1) and coatomer protein complex subunit gamma 2 (COPG2). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study in which ANO7 interacting proteins have been identified. Although further studies are needed, the findings reported here expand our understanding of the role and regulation of ANO7 in prostate cancer cells. Furthermore, these results are likely to introduce new targets for the novel cancer therapies. Keywords: ANO7, AP2B1, BioID, COPG2, HSPA1A, interactome, prostate cancer, proteomics 1. Introduction both prostate cancer susceptibility and the risk of ag- gressive PrCa [2]. Moreover, since ANO7 expression Prostate cancer (PrCa) is the most common cancer is prostate tissue-specific [3,4], ANO7 is a compelling in men, and heritable factors account for 57% of the target for novel PrCa therapies. risk [1]. Although there are many well-characterized Of interest, we recently showed that one of the pathways involved in PrCa progression, new biomark- SNPs predisposing to aggressive PrCa clearly asso- ers able to predict aggressive disease outcome are ciates with favourable response to the first-line doc- etaxel chemotherapy for metastatic castration-resistant needed. In our recent study, we linked the ANO7 gene PrCa (mCRPC) [5]. Together these findings strongly to the development of aggressive PrCa [2]. Our data suggest that ANO7 possesses a functional role in showed that high ANO7 expression predicts poor pa- PrCa progression. However, more detailed studies are tient survival and that certain recurrent ANO7 single- needed to investigate the role of ANO7 in normal vs. nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with cancerous prostate. Certain Anoctamin protein family members have been associated with various cancer types [6]. For ∗Corresponding author: Johanna Schleutker, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, 20520 example, ANO6 has membrane scramblase function Turku, Finland. Tel.: +358 29 450 2726; E-mail: Johanna.Schleutker and its activity is required for cell death in ep- @utu.fi. ithelial cells and macrophages [7]. Additionally, ex- ISSN 1574-0153/20/$35.00 c 2020 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved This article is published online with Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC BY-NC 4.0). 92 E. Kaikkonen et al. / The interactome of the prostate-specific protein Anoctamin 7 pression of alternative transcript of ANO6 predicts 2. Materials and methods poor survival of breast cancer patients [8]. Moreover, ANO1 is upregulated in prostate cancer and has been 2.1. Plasmids linked to PrCa tumorigenesis [9]. The Anoctamin 7 (ANO7) gene encodes two isoforms: a long form that The pcDNA3.1 MCS-BirA(R118G)-HA plasmid consists of 25 exons (ENST00000274979.12) and a was provided by Professor Johanna Ivaska (University short form (ANO7S) containing the first four exons of Turku, Turku, Finland) and was originally a gift (ENST00000402530.7). The protein product of the from Kyle Roux (Addgene plasmid #36047; http://n2t. long form (ANO7L) localizes in the plasma membrane net/addgene:36047; RRID:Addgene_36047) (Addgene, (PM) [3,10], endoplasmic reticulum (ER) [11] or Golgi Watertown, MA, USA). ANO7 was PCR-amplified apparatus [10]. The structure of ANO7L is unknown, from the pNGEP-L plasmid (a gift from Professor but based on its primary structure, ANO7L is pre- Karl Kunzelmann, University of Regensburg, Regens- dicted to have eight membrane spanning regions, and burg, Germany). This construct carries the variant al- its N- and C-terminal regions are predicted to reside lele rs7590653 (NC_000002.12:g.241223944G > A), inside the cell [12]. The ANO7L is suggested to act as which causes the E912K amino acid change. The a calcium-activated chloride ion channel [13,14] or a cloning primers used were BirA (R118G) HA_ANO7_ membrane scramblase [15]. FRW_1: GTCTGCAGAATTCATGCGAATGGCTG In this study, since there are no reports on the lo- and BirA (R118G)-HA_ANO7L_REV_1: GATGTTC- calization of ANO7S, we chose to elucidate solely the GAATTCCTGCTGCAGCTG. The final ANO7L- interacting partners of the ANO7L protein and deter- BirA∗-HA construct and empty BirA∗-HA vector were mine the cellular components and processes in which transformed into MAX Efficiency DH5α competent ANO7L is involved. To identify ANO7-interacting cells (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), proteins, we used the well-established BioID and the insert was verified by Sanger sequencing. Since method [16,17]. We chose this method since the strong LNCaP cell line express relatively low levels of en- hydrophobicity of ANO7 and its membrane integra- dogenous ANO7 we chose to overexpress ANO7 car- tion are likely to introduce severe methodological ob- rying C-terminal V5-His-identification tags (also a gift stacles in the use of traditional co-purification meth- from Professor Karl Kunzelmann) to carry out the co- ods. The BioID method allows recognition of protein- localization analyses. protein interactions without a need to purify the in- tact protein-protein complexes [16]. In more detail, 2.2. Cell lines the biotin ligase (BirA∗) is fused to the bait-protein. The fusion protein (in our case ANO7L-BirA∗) in- troduces a biotin label to proteins residing in close The LNCaP cell line endogenously expressing (less than 10 nm) proximity of the fusion protein bait. ANO7 mRNA [3,18] was used in all experiments. The Subsequently, all biotin-labelled proteins are collected cell line was authenticated using PCR-single-locus- with streptavidin-coated beads and analysed with LCI- technology by Eurofins Genomics Europe Applied Ge- MS/MS (liquid chromatography-tandem mass spec- nomics (Ebersberg, Germany). The cells were cultured trometry). This method allows effective identification in RPMI-1640 medium (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland) of proteins from complex biological mixtures. We per- with inactivated 10% foetal bovine serum, 100 U/ml formed the bioinformatic functional enrichment analy- penicillin, 0.1 mg/mL streptomycin and 2 mM ultra- ◦ sis for the identified proteins with Gene Ontology (GO) glutamine in 5% CO2 at +37 C. knowledgebase (http://geneontology.org/). The most prominent GO terms identified were related to cellu- 2.3. Transient transfection and biotin administration lar vesicles. For further validation we selected five pro- teins having high enrichment scores. To visualize the To isolate biotinylated proteins, two 10 cm Petri co-localization of selected proteins and ANO7, we per- dishes were plated with 1.5 million cells in parallel. formed dual immunofluorescence analysis of ANO7 Sterile glass cover slips were included and processed and the endogenous proteins of interest. The imag- for immunofluorescence and biotin detection as de- ing was done with super-resolution stimulated emis- scribed below. For dual immunofluorescence detec- sion depletion (STED) microscope, which is able to tion, the cells were plated on sterile glass coverslips separate signals 20 nm apart allowing visualization of coated with poly-L-lysine (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, protein-protein interactions. MI, USA) in 6-well plates (100,000 cells/well). E. Kaikkonen et al. / The interactome of the prostate-specific protein Anoctamin 7 93 One day after plating, the cells were transiently ferred onto an Immuno-Blot R PVDF Membrane (Bio- transfected using the Lipofectamine 3000 reagent Rad, CA, USA). Biotinylated proteins were detected (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) ac- according to the methods of Roux et al. [16]. For HA cording to Thermo Fisher’s optimized protocol for tag staining, we used a rabbit anti-HA tag primary an- LNCaP cells. Twenty-four hours after transfection, tibody (H6908, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MI, USA) in 50 µM biotin was added to the cells, which were fur- 5% BSA-TBST and a HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG ther cultured for 24 h before analysis. secondary antibody (sc-2054, Santa Cruz Biotechnol- ogy, Dallas, TX, USA) in 5% BSA-TBST. 2.4. Cell lysis and purification of the proximity-labelled biotinylated proteins 2.6. Identification of interacting proteins by LC-ESI-MS/MS
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