APPENDIX B Biological Resources Assessment Materials APPENDIX B-1 Special-Status Plant Species Potential to Occur Status Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/ Blooming Scientific Name Common Name (Federal/State/CRPR) Period/Elevation Range (feet) Potential to Occur Abronia villosa var. chaparral sand- None/None/1B.1 Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Desert dunes; sandy/annual Low potential to occur. There is aurita verbena herb/(Jan)Mar–Sep/245–5,250 suitable soil; however, the habitat is disturbed. Acanthoscyphus Parish’s oxytheca None/None/4.2 Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest; sandy or Not expected to occur. The site is parishii var. parishii gravelly/annual herb/June–Sep/4,000–8,530 outside of the species’ known elevation range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Allium howellii var. Mt. Pinos onion None/None/1B.3 Great Basin scrub, Meadows and seeps (edges), Not expected to occur. The site is clokeyi Pinyon and juniper woodland/perennial bulbiferous outside of the species’ known elevation herb/Apr–June/4,265–6,070 range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Ambrosia monogyra singlewhorl burrobrush None/None/2B.2 Chaparral, Sonoran desert scrub; sandy/perennial Not expected to occur. No suitable shrub/Aug–Nov/30–1,640 vegetation present. Ambrosia pumila San Diego ambrosia FE/None/1B.1 Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland, Low potential to occur. There is Vernal pools; sandy loam or clay, often in disturbed suitable soil; however, the habitat is areas, sometimes alkaline/perennial rhizomatous disturbed. herb/Apr–Oct/65–1,360 Arenaria paludicola marsh sandwort FE/SE/1B.1 Marshes and swamps (freshwater or brackish); sandy, Not expected to occur. The site is openings/perennial stoloniferous herb/May–Aug/5–560 outside of the species’ known elevation range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Artemisia palmeri San Diego sagewort None/None/4.2 Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Riparian forest, Riparian Low potential to occur. There is scrub, Riparian woodland; sandy, mesic/perennial suitable soil; however, the habitat is deciduous shrub/(Feb)May–Sep/45–3,000 disturbed. Asplenium western spleenwort None/None/4.2 Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub; Not expected to occur. No suitable vespertinum rocky/perennial rhizomatous herb/Feb–June/590– vegetation present. 3,280 Astragalus hornii var. Horn’s milk-vetch None/None/1B.1 Meadows and seeps, Playas; lake margins, Not expected to occur. No suitable hornii alkaline/annual herb/May–Oct/195–2,790 vegetation present. Berberis nevinii Nevin’s barberry FE/SE/1B.1 Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Not expected to occur. No suitable Riparian scrub; sandy or gravelly/perennial evergreen vegetation present. shrub/(Feb)Mar–June/225–2,705 10728 B-1-1 March 2018 APPENDIX B-1 (Continued) Status Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/ Blooming Scientific Name Common Name (Federal/State/CRPR) Period/Elevation Range (feet) Potential to Occur Brodiaea filifolia thread-leaved FT/SE/1B.1 Chaparral (openings), Cismontane woodland, Coastal Low potential to occur. The habitat is brodiaea scrub, Playas, Valley and foothill grassland, Vernal disturbed and not suitable for this pools; often clay/perennial bulbiferous herb/Mar– species. June/80–3,675 California round-leaved filaree None/None/1B.2 Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland; Low potential to occur. There is macrophylla clay/annual herb/Mar–May/45–3,935 suitable soil; however, the habitat is disturbed. Calochortus catalinae Catalina mariposa lily None/None/4.2 Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Low potential to occur. The habitat is Valley and foothill grassland/perennial bulbiferous disturbed and not suitable for this herb/(Feb)Mar–June/45–2,295 species. Calochortus palmeri Palmer’s mariposa lily None/None/1B.2 Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows Not expected to occur. The site is var. palmeri and seeps; mesic/perennial bulbiferous herb/Apr– outside of the species’ known elevation July/2,325–7,840 range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Calochortus Plummer’s mariposa None/None/4.2 Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Low potential to occur. The habitat is plummerae lily Lower montane coniferous forest, Valley and foothill disturbed and not suitable for this grassland; granitic, rocky/perennial bulbiferous species. herb/May–July/325–5,575 Carex comosa bristly sedge None/None/2B.1 Coastal prairie, Marshes and swamps (lake margins), Low potential to occur. The habitat is Valley and foothill grassland/perennial rhizomatous disturbed and not suitable for this herb/May–Sep/0–2,050 species. Castilleja San Bernardino None/None/1B.2 Chaparral, Meadows and seeps, Pebble (Pavement) Not expected to occur. The site is lasiorhyncha Mountains owl’s-clover plain, Riparian woodland, Upper montane coniferous outside of the species’ known elevation forest; mesic/annual herb (hemiparasitic)/May– range, and there is no suitable Aug/4,265–7,840 vegetation present. Caulanthus simulans Payson’s jewelflower None/None/4.2 Chaparral, Coastal scrub; sandy, granitic/annual Not expected to occur. No suitable herb/(Feb)Mar–May(June)/295–7,220 vegetation present. Centromadia smooth tarplant None/None/1B.1 Chenopod scrub, Meadows and seeps, Playas, Low potential to occur. The habitat is pungens ssp. laevis Riparian woodland, Valley and foothill grassland; disturbed and not suitable for this alkaline/annual herb/Apr–Sep/0–2,100 species. Chloropyron salt marsh bird’s-beak FE/SE/1B.2 Coastal dunes, Marshes and swamps (coastal Not expected to occur. The site is maritimum ssp. salt)/annual herb (hemiparasitic)/May–Oct(Nov)/0–100 outside of the species’ known elevation maritimum range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. 10728 B-1-2 March 2018 APPENDIX B-1 (Continued) Status Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/ Blooming Scientific Name Common Name (Federal/State/CRPR) Period/Elevation Range (feet) Potential to Occur Chorizanthe Peninsular spineflower None/None/4.2 Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Lower montane coniferous Not expected to occur. No suitable leptotheca forest; alluvial fan, granitic/annual herb/May–Aug/980– vegetation present. 6,235 Chorizanthe parryi Parry’s spineflower None/None/1B.1 Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Low potential to occur. There is var. parryi Valley and foothill grassland; sandy or rocky, suitable soil; however, the habitat is openings/annual herb/Apr–June/900–4,005 disturbed. Chorizanthe xanti white-bracted None/None/1B.2 Coastal scrub (alluvial fans), Mojavean desert scrub, Not expected to occur. No suitable var. leucotheca spineflower Pinyon and juniper woodland; sandy or gravelly/annual vegetation present. herb/Apr–June/980–3,935 Convolvulus simulans small-flowered None/None/4.2 Chaparral (openings), Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill Low potential to occur. The habitat is morning-glory grassland; clay, serpentinite seeps/annual herb/Mar– disturbed and not suitable for this July/95–2,430 species. Cuscuta obtusiflora Peruvian dodder None/None/2B.2 Marshes and swamps (freshwater)/annual vine Not expected to occur. The site is var. glandulosa (parasitic)/July–Oct/45–920 outside of the species’ known elevation range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Cylindropuntia snake cholla None/None/1B.1 Chaparral, Coastal scrub/perennial stem Not expected to occur. The site is californica var. succulent/Apr–May/95–490 outside of the species’ known elevation californica range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Deinandra paniculata paniculate tarplant None/None/4.2 Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland, Vernal Low potential to occur. There is pools; usually vernally mesic, sometimes sandy/annual suitable soil; however, the habitat is herb/(Mar)Apr–Nov/80–3,085 disturbed. Dodecahema slender-horned FE/SE/1B.1 Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub Not expected to occur. No suitable leptoceras spineflower (alluvial fan); sandy/annual herb/Apr–June/655–2,495 vegetation present. Eriastrum densifolium Santa Ana River FE/SE/1B.1 Chaparral, Coastal scrub (alluvial fan); sandy or Not expected to occur. No suitable ssp. sanctorum woollystar gravelly/perennial herb/Apr–Sep/295–2,000 vegetation present. Eriophyllum lanatum southern Sierra woolly None/None/4.3 Lower montane coniferous forest, Upper montane Not expected to occur. The site is var. obovatum sunflower coniferous forest; sandy loam/perennial herb/June– outside of the species’ known elevation July/3,650–8,200 range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Fimbristylis thermalis hot springs fimbristylis None/None/2B.2 Meadows and seeps (alkaline, near hot Not expected to occur. No suitable springs)/perennial rhizomatous herb/July–Sep/360– vegetation present. 4,395 10728 B-1-3 March 2018 APPENDIX B-1 (Continued) Status Primary Habitat Associations/Life Form/ Blooming Scientific Name Common Name (Federal/State/CRPR) Period/Elevation Range (feet) Potential to Occur Frasera neglecta pine green-gentian None/None/4.3 Lower montane coniferous forest, Pinyon and juniper Not expected to occur. The site is woodland, Upper montane coniferous forest/perennial outside of the species’ known elevation herb/May–July/4,590–8,200 range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Galium californicum Alvin Meadow None/None/1B.2 Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest; granitic, Not expected to occur. The site is ssp. primum bedstraw sandy/perennial herb/May–July/4,425–5,575 outside of the species’ known elevation range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Galium johnstonii Johnston’s bedstraw None/None/4.3 Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest, Pinyon Not expected to occur. The site is and juniper woodland, Riparian woodland/perennial outside of the species’ known elevation herb/June–July/4,000–7,545 range, and there is no suitable vegetation present. Helianthus nuttallii Los Angeles sunflower None/None/1A Marshes and swamps (coastal salt and Not expected to occur. No suitable ssp. parishii freshwater)/perennial rhizomatous herb/Aug–Oct/30– vegetation present. 5,005 Heuchera caespitosa urn-flowered alumroot None/None/4.3 Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous Not expected to occur.
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