P CTHE TUFTS- - DAILY7 Medford, MA 02155 Monday, April 8. 1991 Vol XXII, Number 54 SOME LIKE IT HO T... Iraqi expatriate condemns US foreign policy in Middle East by CHRISTOPHER BODEEN leadershipfor failing to intervene Political and Social Evil,” and Senior Staff Writer in what he called, “the ongoing was moderated by Symposium An expatriate Iraqi writer and genocide of the Iraqi People.” Chair Sherman Teichmanxho two American experts on the Roth also detailed evidence he introduced the discussion as an Middle East spoke at the Fletcher had gathered from recently re- opportunity to “unravel and ana- School’s Cabot Auditorium last leased people who had been de- lyze what has become.” Thursday night, condemning the tained by the Kuwaiti authorities Al-Khalil is the author of Re- United States’ lack of resolve in that resumed power once that public of Fear, a book that deals the face of bloody factional fight- country had been liberated. That with Saddam Hussein’s rule of ing in Iraq, alleged human rights evidence alleged torture, sum- Iraq. He described the origin of violations in liberated Kuwait, mary execution and a pogrom. the popular uprising in the south, and evidence of state supported against Palestinians occurring instigated by a lone tank com- terrorism by the government of there “under the noses” of US mander who had escaped from Dai/y file photo America’s new ally President authorities. In an April 2 New Kuwait to the southern Iraqi city Tufts students take advantage of the sudden summer heat this Haffaz Assad of Syria. York Times opinion article by of Basra along the now famous weekend, as temperatures got unseasonably warm. Samir al-Khalil, who has cho- Andrew Whitley entitled, “The “highway of death.” According to sen to use that pseudonym for Dirty War in Kuwait, Whitley said Al-Khalil, the commander’s unspecified reasons,reiterated his that, according to Pentagon speech condemning Hussein gal- NUreport concludes support for the strategy he pre- sources, US civil affairs authori- vanized an insurrection among sented in his March 27 New York ties are presently responsible for people whose sectarian aspects Times opinion piece. In that ar- preventing human rights viola- were exaggerated by Hussein to that data was falsified ticle he called for an American tions and for maintaining public bolster the government’sposition. march on Baghdad. At Cabot gation for over three years until security in Kuwait. Roth said the This uprising, in which Iraqi by KRIS MUFFLER Auditorium,making his first pub- US effectively “owns Kuwait.” Shiites have played a major role, Daily Editorial Board the NIH came to the conclusion lic appearance, he emphasized that she did indeed fake data. Cannistraro, who had been in has been largely stamped out in An extensive and exhaustive the need for expediency and de- chargeof National Security Coun- Subsequently the Subcommittee the past week by the elite Repub- investigation by the National In- scribed the current situation in cil covert operations during the of Oversight and Investigations lican guard, who reportedly shot stitute of Health over the validity Iraq as “another Cambodia.” Iran-contra affair, wasdirector of held three hearings, and held up on sight all males between the of a scientific article co-authored He was joined at the Fletcher operations and analysis at the the initial decision that indicated ages of 15 and 45 in Basra and by a Tufts professor has indicated School’s Cabot auditorium by CIA’S counterterrorism center that some of the most important wrongdoing. other southern towns. Vincent M. Cannistraro, a former until September of last year. He data in the report was fakid. The draft report was revised He said thegovernment of Iraq high ranking Central Intelligence termed recent events in Iraq, the Thereza Imanishi-Kari, the and finalized before being sent hopes that the use of force will not Agency official who quit his po- “predictable consequences” of out to some of the researchers only stamp out the rebellions but professor whoisallegediyrespon- sition in protest of the inconsis- American policy decisions that sible for altering data in a genetic involved in the experiment, in- will also crush any sense hope tent treatment given to Syria’s either wereorwerenottaken.The among the populace. According experiment leading to a paper cluding doctors David Baltimore governmentbyUS policymakers, and war against Iraq, he told the audi- to AI-Khalil, the refugee problem published in the scientificjournal DavidWeaver,Imanishi-Kan, and by Kenneth Roth deputy di- ence, had been, “a moral crusade and the post-doctoral fellow who among the rebelling Kurds of Cell, was hired by Tufts School of rector of Human Rights Watch, a for the futureofIraqandKuwait,” northern Iraq is of “monumental Medicine after the challenge of initiated the investigation. New York basedcivilrightsgroup. but the Bush Administration, he proportions,” which the US has the data in 1986 and has been on Margot O’Toole, aformer post- Rothrecentlyreturnedfromafact P doctoral fellow working with believed, was guilty of falsely “sat and watched.” As many as staff since. finding mission to Kuwait. raising the Iraqi people’s hopes According the draft report, Imanishi-Kari in early 1986 in a two million Iraqi Kurds have been Roth attacked US conduct to- that the New World Order would which was sent recently to all lab at the Massachusetts Institute displaced, gathering along the wards Iraq prior to the Iraqi inva- be extended to their country. parties involved for any revisions border with Turkey, although that for Technology, raised concerns sion of Kuwait on August 2,1990 The forum was organized as and has not yet been made public, nation, which has been fighting a and during the prosecution of the the final presentation in the Tufts Imanishi-Kari was under investi- see REPORT, page 15 gulf war. Healso chastised the US Symposium series, “Confronting see CONDEMN, page 16 Emir of Kuwait discusses return Peace in the Middle of democracy and free elections East seems unlikelv J KUWAIT CITY (AP)-- The came hours afterthe main Islamic The fundamentalist Islamic by CHRISTOPHER BALL has gained a new air force from emir of Kuwait, in his first public fundamentalistgroup, the Islamic Constitutional Movement has Senior Staff Writer the Iraqi planes that were flown to address since the allies ousted Constitutional Movement, de- demanded a new Cabinet “based For years, peace in the Middle its territory. Moreover, Iran also Iraqi occupation forces, pledged manded elections within six on competence, honesty in per- East has been like a desert mi- gained territorial concessionsand Sunday to restore parliamentary monthsandrestorationofthecon- formance, and popularity.” Tra- rage: it seems visible from a dis- a peace settlement from Iraq. democracy and hold elections stitution and parliament. ditionally, many of the top-level Earlierin the conflict, Iraq had within a year. The drive for political reform Cabinet post were given to mem- Gulf Commentary attempted to balance the intro- Sheik Jaber al-Ahmed al- gained momentum after allied bers of theal-Sabahruling family. - duction ofoverwhelmingUS mili- Sabah, in a nationally broadcast troops ousted Iraqi soldiers from The Cabinet resigned March tance, but as those looking ap- tary power into the region by seek- speech, also asked “Kuwait’s Kuwait in late February, ending a 19, following intensecriticism by proach, it disappears. ing a new strategic relationship friends” to keep a presence in the nearly seven-month occupation. many Kuwaitis over difficulties Iraq’s acceptanceof the United with Iran. Teheran played off emirate to help protect it. He did Leaders in some Western nations, restoring essential services after Nations ceasefire terms yester- Baghdad’s hopes and fears to its not mention any countries by including the United States and the Iraqi occupation. Neither the day seemingly brought the world advantage. name. Britain, had also urged the ruling emir nor any other official has ;loser topeacein theMiddleEast, Then the Allies crushed Iraq In the 10-minute speech, he family to allow greater democ- indicated when a new govern- but it could well be a mirage. militarily, leaving Iran militarily also said he would study the pos- racy. ment might be named. While the UN ceasefire will stronger, and with a consequen- sibility of extending political Following the Aug. 2 invasion The primeministerand at least :onstrain Iraq’s ability to threaten tial increase in political develop- rights to women, who now have of Kuwait, Iraqi President Saddam some ministers are expected to its neighbors for some time, the ments in the region. Iran’s imme- no vote. He did not mention the Hussein appealed to Arab masses retain their posts. But the funda- hostile alignments in the region diate support for the Shiite rebels 1962 constitution, which he sus- to join him against the oil-rich mentalists demanded the ouster that existed prior to the August and its April 3 decision to allow pended in 1986 along with dis- rulers in the Persian Gulf region. of those deemed responsible for invasion of Kuwait still remain. Iraqi Kurds to enter its borders solving the National Assembly. The al-Sabah family has con- the situation that led to Iraq’s Far from re-ordering the Middle have gained it increased promi- The emir’s announcement trolled Kuwait since 1759. invasion. East, the Persian Gulf war has nence. Teheran’s call for interna- The emir’s speech Sunday was Their ouster is essential, the raised the stakes in the regional tional aid organizations to assist delivered to mark the start of the fundamentalist group said in its political competition. Iraqi refugees in Iran will bring it final 10 days of the Muslim holy communique Sunday, ‘‘to avoid Inside - The unprecedented coopera- further recognition as a leading Peatures ........................
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