Corneliu Constantineanu Marcel V. Măcelaru Iosif Riviș-Tipei HE Protestant Reformation ought to be remebered as a truly pivotal T moment in the history of Christianity. Its memorable five sola (sola Scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria) have shaped the theological understanding and have informed the worship imagination of countless Christian communities over the past 500 years. The Reformation rekindled an understanding of “faith” as something real and active – the ingredient that informs and transforms human lives, both private and public. It advocated for the participation of Christian believers and communities in public life. It proclaimed a gospel that addresses the entire reality, under the universal, all-powerfull, all- encompassing lordship of Christ. Over the past five hundred years, all these ideas and the model of REFORMATION 500 Christian existence they gave birth to, have also had an undeniabe impact REFORMATION 500 on culture and society, in Europe and beyond. The identification, evaluation, and further projection of this impact is the topic of the present volume. Cultural and Social Impact of the Protestant Reformation -Tipei ș 1517–2017 Rivi ▪ The studies included in this volume were presented at the international conference Reformation 500: Cultural and Social Impact of the celaru Protestant Refomration, 1517–2017, organised by the Intercultural and ă Interconfessional Research Centre, Faculty of Humanities and Social M Sciences, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Romania, during 26-28 ▪ April 2017. ISBN 978-973-752-794-3 Constantineanu Editura Universității „Aurel Vlaicu” COORDONATORI: Corneliu Constantineanu Marcel V. Măcelaru Iosif Riviş-Tipei Reformation 500 Cultural and Social Impact of the Protestant Reformation 1517–2017 Editura Universităţii „Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, 2018 © 2018 Editura Universității „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, România Toate drepturile rezervate. Orice reproducere sau selecție de texte, din această carte este permisă numai cu aprobarea în scris a coordonatorilor volumului sau a autorului articolului. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the editors or of the author. Opiniile exprimate în acest volum aparţin autorilor şi nu reprezintă punctul de vedere al coordonatorilor sau al Editurii. Autorii își asumă întreaga responsabilitate pentru forma şi conținutul cărţii şi se obligă să respecte toate legile privind drepturile de autor. Volumul este rezultatul conferinței internaționale: Reformation 500. Cultural and Social Impact of the Protestant Reformation, 1517–2017, din 26–28 aprilie 2017, organizată de Centrul de Studii Interculturale și Interconfesionale, Facultatea de Științe Umaniste și Sociale, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad. ACADEMIC REFEREES / REFERENȚI ȘTIINȚIFICI Prof. univ. dr. habil. Otniel Bunaciu Universitatea din București, România Prof. univ. dr. habil. Corneliu Simuț Universitatea „Emanuel” din Oradea, România Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României Reformation 500 : Cultural and Social Impact of the Protestant Reformation 1517-2017 / coord.: Corneliu Constantineanu, Marcel V. Măcelaru, Iosif Riviș-Tipei. - Arad : Editura Universităţii "Aurel Vlaicu", 2018 ISBN 978-973-752-794-3 I. Constantineanu, Corneliu (coord.) II. Măcelaru, Marcel V (coord.) III. Riviş-Tipei, Iosif (coord.) 2 CONTENTS / CUPRINS Contents / Cuprins iii Contributors / Lista de autori vii Scripture, Faith, Public Life. The Impact of the Protestant Reformation in Eastern Europe – An Introduction 1 Corneliu Constantineanu, Iosif Riviș-Tipei Scrisoare deschisă adresată Dlui Dr. Martin Luther cu ocazia împlinirii a 500 de ani de la declanșarea Reformei 17 Hans Klein Protestantism in Romania – Past and Present 29 Dănuț Mănăstireanu Evangelical Protestantism and Civil Society – An outline 51 Wojciech Szczerba The Reformation and Relational Justice 71 Graham Giles Solus Spiritus – Exploring the “Forgotten” Sola of the Reformation and Its Implications for Evangelical Public Engagement 97 Ciprian Gheorghe-Luca Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther in Conversation 115 Haddon Willmer Luther’s Theological Method and the Individualization of Protestant Theology – An Initial Study 123 Borowski Michael Din viaţă la teologie. Rădăcinile şi caracteristicile teologiei bisericii la Jean Calvin 141 Daniel G. Oprean %iii Reformation 500 De la disprețul față de lume la sanctitatea căsătoriei. Reabilitarea noțiunii de familie în comentariile lui Jean Calvin la Noul Testament 161 Ciprian-Flavius Terinte Pre-Reformers and Their Influence in Europe 175 Sorin Pătcaș Nicolaus Olahus, un catolic în faţa ofensivei Reformei 185 Corneliu Pădurean Despre ce vorbim – Reformatio in peius sau Restauratio in integrum? 199 István R. Szabó Episcopatul românesc reformat în a doua jumătate a secolului al XVI-lea 221 Sorin Bulboacă The Country, the Burden, the Prayer. The Theological Perspectives of Otrokocsi Fóris Ferenc Regarding the Well-Being of the Nation 241 Ciprian Simuț Protestant Influence on Bible Translation in Serbia 265 Branko Bjelajac The Reformation and the Challenge of Islam. Four Lessons to Learn 277 Thomas Schirmacher Creation Stewardship and the Reformation 303 Steve Michmerhuizen Max Weber – Etica Protestantă și Spiritul Capitalismului 313 Mihai Handaric Diferența care nu face nici o diferență. Influența Reformei asupra slujirii bivocaționale 331 Narcis N. Vlașin %iv Contents / Cuprins Echoes of the Protestant Reformation in University Education 345 Marcel V. Măcelaru „Fiecare centimetru pătrat”. Protestantismul, credința creștină și spațiul public – lecții de la Abraham Kuyper 359 Corneliu Constantineanu, Iosif Riviș-Tipei Problema vieții și adevărul biblic 373 Florea Lucaci În căutarea adevărului 385 Florin Demean-Dumulesc Dialogul ecumenic în fața provocărilor actuale 397 Ovidiu D. Druhora %v Contributors / Lista de autori Ciprian Terinte is Associate Professor at the Pentecostal Theo- logical Institute, Bucharest, Romania. Dr. Terinte obtained his bachelor at the same Institute and then completed his doctoral studies in theology at the Sibiu University, Romania, with a thesis on pauline ecclesiology. He is also associate pastor of Good News Pentecostal Church in Bucharest. In addition to his specialization in the area of pauline theology and New Testa- ment backdround, Dr. Terinte has a special interest in greco- roman literature, patristic literature and public speaking. He is the author of four other books: Viaţa Bisericii conform meta- forelor pauline (The Life of the Church according to Paul’s Ecclesiological Metaphors), Conducerea bisericească în scri- erile Noului Testament (Church Leadership in the Writings of the New Testament), Scrierile Noului Testament. Context, Canon, Conținut (The Writings of the New Testament. Back- ground, Canon and Theological Content), Epistola către Colo- seni. De la text la predică (The Epistle to the Colossians. From Text to Sermon) and numerous articles in the area of NT exege- sis and biblical preaching. Dr. Ciprian Terinte is married to Dana and they have a son, Joseph Flavius. Wojciech Szczerba is a graduate of Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw (1996) and Economic Academy in Wro- claw (1997). He studied in Holand, Amsterdam at Theological Seminary and Belgium, Heverlee at Evangelische Theologis- che Faculteit. In 2000 he completed his Ph.D. in Patristics at the University of Wroclaw. In 2009 he defended his second Ph.D. in Ancient Philosophy at the same University. Wojciech wrote two books dealing with the issue of universal salvation in Greek Philosophy and early Christian thought and numerous articles dealing with such issues like anthropology, soteriology, Protestant tradition, ancient philosophy and theology. Wojciech became Academic Dean of Evangelical School of Theology in 2002 and served in this position until he became the Rector/ President in 2006. Besides that, Wojciech serves as editor-in- chief of periodical Theologica Vratislaviensia. He is involved in various ecumenical initiatives and interreligious dialog. His wife is Magdalena and they have one daughter and one son. )xvii EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTISM AND CIVIL SOCIETY AN OUTLINE1 Wojciech Szczerba Reformation and Its Evangelical Outcomes October 31, 1517 signifies an important moment for churches, communities and organizations derived from a broadly under- stood Protestant tradition. On this very day, according to the common tradition, Dr. Martin Luther nails 95 theses to the doors of the All Saint’s Church in Wittenberg. The theses are critical in their character, refer to the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church at the turn of 16th century and are mainly connected with the procedure of selling indulgences, under- standing of penance and the state of overall morality of the Catholic clergy2. This way Martin Luther initiates the process of renewal of the western Christianity called the Reformation and theological-ecclesiastical tradition named Protestantism3. The first Lutheran creed, so called Augsburg Confession (Confession Augustana), considered to be some kind of Protestant manifesto, was written by a friend and coworker of Martin Luther, Dr. Philip Melanchthon. In this Confession, presented June 25, 1530 at the Diet of Augsburg, for the first time can be found references to what later came to define the fundamental theses of Protestantism4: 1 The article has been published in a shorter form in Polish periodical,
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