Objavljuje i tiska Državni zavod za statistiku Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, Ilica 3, p. p. 80. Published and printed by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80 Telefon/ Phone: +385 (0) 1 4806-111 Telefaks/ Fax: +385 (0) 1 4817-666 Elektronička pošta/ E-mail: [email protected] Internetske stranice/ Web site: http://www.dzs.hr Odgovara ravnatelj Marko Krištof. Person responsible: Marko Krištof, Director General Priredile: Marija Avilov, Zlata Bojanić i Kristina Piškor Prepared by: Redaktorica: Matija Škegro Vdović Sub-editor: Urednica: Ljiljana Ostroški Editor-in-Chief: Lektorica za hrvatski jezik: Maja Gregorić Language Editor for the Croatian Language: Prevoditeljice i lektorice za engleski jezik: Ivana Tabak Translator and Language Editor for the English Language: Tehnička urednica: Ankica Bajzek Cesar Technical Editor: Statistička izvješća ISSN 1332-0297 Statistical Reports MOLIMO KORISNIKE DA PRI KORIŠTENJU PODATAKA NAVEDU IZVOR. USERS ARE KINDLY REQUESTED TO STATE THE SOURCE. Tiskano u 30 primjeraka. Printed in 30 copies. Služba za komunikaciju s korisnicima User Communication Department Informacije i korisnički zahtjevi Pretplata publikacija Novinarski upiti Information and user requests Subscription Press corner Telefon/ Phone: Telefon/ Phone: Telefon/ Phone: +385 (0) 1 4806-138, 4806-154, 4811-212 +385 (0) 1 4806-115 +385 (0) 1 4806-121, 4806-168 Elektronička pošta/ E-mail: Elektronička pošta/ E-mail: Elektronička pošta/ E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Telefaks/ Fax: Telefaks/ Fax: Telefaks/ Fax: +385 (0) 1 4806-148 +385 (0) 1 4806-148 +385 (0) 1 4806-148 SADRŽAJ CONTENTS UVOD INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 KRATICE I ZNAKOVI ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 METODOLOŠKA OBJAŠNJENJA NOTES ON METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 KOMENTAR COMMENTARY .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 1. UMJETNIČKO STVARALAŠTVO I REPRODUKTIVNO IZVOĐENJE U SEZONI 2016./2017. ARTISTIC PRODUCTION AND LIVE PERFORMANCES, 2016/2017 SEASON 1.1. Kazališta u sezoni 2016./2017. Theatres, 2016/2017 season .............................................................................................................................................. 17 1.1.1. Izvedena djela, predstave i posjetitelji u zemlji i inozemstvu u sezoni 2016./2017. Performed plays, performances and attendance, at home and abroad, 2016/2017 season .................................... 17 Profesionalna kazališta Professional theatres ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 1.1.2. Zaposleni i osobe angažirane na temelju ugovora, kapacitet (sjedala) u sezoni 2016./2017. Persons in paid employment and employed on basis of contractual agreement, capacity (seats), 2016/2017 season ...................................................................................................................... 17 1.1.3. Izvedena djela prema vrsti, predstave i posjetitelji u sezoni 2016./2017. Performed plays, by type, performances and attendance, 2016/2017 season ........................................................ 22 Profesionalna kazališta za djecu Professional children's theatres .......................................................................................................................................... 30 1.1.4. Zaposleni (profesionalno), djeca i osobe angažirane na temelju ugovora, kapacitet (sjedala) u sezoni 2016./2017. Persons in paid employment, children and persons employed on basis of contractual agreement, capacity (seats), 2016/2017 season .................................................................................. 30 1.1.5. Izvedena djela, predstave, posjetitelji i festivali u sezoni 2016./2017. Performed plays, performances, attendance and festivals, 2016/2017 season ...................................................... 31 Amaterska kazališta Amateurs’ theatres ............................................................................................................................................................. 32 1.1.6. Zaposleni (odrasli), djeca i osobe angažirane na temelju ugovora, kapacitet (sjedala) u sezoni 2016./2017. Persons in employment (adults), children and employed on basis of contractual agreement, capacity (seats), 2016/2017 season ...................................................................................................................... 32 1.1.7. Izvedena djela, predstave, posjetitelji i festivali u sezoni 2016./2017. Performed plays, performances, attendance and festivals, 2016/2017 season ...................................................... 34 1.2. Profesionalni orkestri, ansambli i zbor u sezoni 2016./2017. Professional orchestras, ensembles and choir, 2016/2017 season .................................................................................... 36 1.2.1. Zaposleni i osobe angažirane na temelju ugovora u sezoni 2016./2017. Persons in paid employment and persons employed on basis of contractual agreement, 2016/2017 season ............................................................................................................ 36 1.2.2. Koncerti i posjetitelji u sezoni 2016./2017. Concerts and attendance, 2016/2017 season ........................................................................................................ 37 1.3. Ansambl narodnih plesova i pjesama Hrvatske "Lado" u sezoni 2016./2017. LADO – National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia, 2016/2017 season .............................................................................. 38 1.3.1. Zaposleni u Ansamblu u sezoni 2016./2017. Persons in paid employment in Ensemble, 2016/2017 season .............................................................................. 38 1.3.2. Priredbe Ansambla i posjetitelji u sezoni 2016./2017. Ensemble’s concerts and attendance, 2016/2017 season ..................................................................................... 38 G-1. Predstave i koncerti u sezoni 2016./2017. Performances and concerts, 2016/2017 season ................................................................................................................. 39 G-2. Posjetitelji predstava i koncerata u sezoni 2016./2017. Attendance of performances and concerts, 2016/2017 season .......................................................................................... 39 1.4. Kazališta, orkestri/ansambli i zbor, predstave/koncerti, posjetitelji, zaposleni i osobe angažirane na temelju ugovora po županijama u sezoni 2016./2017. Theatres, orchestras/ensembles and choir, performances/concerts, attendance, persons in paid employment and persons employed on basis of contractual agreement, by counties, 2016/2017 season .............................................. 40 STATISTIČKA IZVJEŠĆA 1602/2017. STATISTICAL REPORTS 3 2. RADIO I TELEVIZIJA U 2016. RADIO AND TELEVISION BROADCASTING, 2016 2.1. Radiopostaje, odašiljači, zaposleni i program iz vlastitog studija u satima po županijama i gradovima/općinama u 2016. Radio stations, transmitters, persons in employment and programme from in-house studio, expressed in hours, by counties and towns/municipalities, 2016 ......................................................................................... 47 G-3. Vlastiti radioprogram po vrstama emisija u satima u 2016. Own radio programme, by type of programme, expressed in hours, 2016 ........................................................................... 51 G-4. Televizijski program emitiran iz matičnog TV centra po vrstama emisija u satima u 2016. In-house broadcasted TV programme, by type of programme, expressed in hours, 2016 ................................................... 51 2.2. Televizije, zaposleni i emitiranje televizijskog programa u satima u 2016. TV broadcasters, persons in employment and transmission of TV programme, expressed in hours, 2016 ......................... 52 2.3. Emitiranje i prijenos televizijskog programa u satima u 2016. Transmission of TV programme, expressed in hours, 2016 ................................................................................................ 52 2.4. Radiopretplatnici i televizijski pretplatnici po županijama i gradovima/općinama u 2016. Radio and television subscribers, by counties and towns/municipalities, 2016 ................................................................... 53 2.5. Pretplatnici i privremeno odjavljeni prijamnici u 2016. Subscribers and temporarily cancelled TV sets, 2016 ......................................................................................................... 58 3. KINEMATOGRAFIJA U 2016. CINEMATOGRAPHY, 2016 3.1. Kinematografi prema vrsti, organizacijskom obliku i broju dvorana/ekrana u 2016. Cinemas, by type, organisational frame and number of screens, 2016 ............................................................................... 61 3.2. Kinematografi prema broju kinoprojektora, kinoprojektori
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