Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1974 7-24-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 24, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1974 Volume 55, Issue 210 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 24, 1974." (Jul 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STC shrugs off Walker veto of $3.6 million By Jeff JeeeU src building, that Gov . Dan Walker Sawxlers said the funds cut wouldn't biU whEfl it was in the bouse, Saunders o.IIy E«;yptiaII SbIf Writer vetoed Monday. delay the src building since "we've said. The parts of SIU's appropriation been going on tbe assumption he Also iDcloded in Walk.,,-'s $351., The SdJooI of Tedmical Careers (Walk.,,- ) would vdo it." (src) didn't need the $S.6 million , signed by the governor include a $63,000 million vetoes was a reduction of pay ..yony, Dave Saunders, src infor· allotment to pay for planning the src SIU and IBHE officials had agreed to raises for StU employees from eight to mation director said Tuesday. building, a Walk.,,- aide said Tuesday. request funds for planning litis year and five per ceq!. "We couldn't spend the money this Construction funds were vetoed for construction next year, Saund.,,-$ Dale Knight, StU vice president for yeu- even if ..., did have it," be ex· because they exceeded the level agreed said. administration and campus treasUrer, plaiDed. upon with the Illinois Board of Iligber indicated Tuesday the five per cent ~ Saunders was talking about the $S.6 Education (IBHE ) and because plans House Minority Leader Clyde <lIoate, boosts would be made effective July 1 mi1lioo 00 StU's appropriation tabbed for the project have not been drawn yet , (D-Anna) added ."" estimated con­ and tbe increase wiU be included in the for coosIJUction costs of an on-eampus the aide said. struction cost to the SIU appropriations paychecks starting Aug. 1. --"I 13gyptianVaily Southern lllinois University ~ . Juty 24, 1974-\101 56 No 210 GOP lawmaker pledges to vote f or impeachment WASHI NGTON <AP I- Rep. Lawrence released hi s tapes and I read in his own J . Hogan of Ma r yland . a Re publican words things that shocked me." member of the House Judiciary Com· In his statement, he said. " 1bo5e who m ittee. a nnounced Tu ~a y he will vote oppose impeachme nt sa y it would to im peach President :"'-lixon . wea ken the presidency" In my view. if " 1 have come to the conclusi on thal f Ri cha rd M. Nixon has . beyond a :;1 ~~oth~ml:~c~ . P;;i=3': rea sonable doubt. committed im ­ weakening the presidency even more." peacha ble offe nses whi ch . in my Hogan generally was not listed among judgment. ar e of sufficient magnitude those committee Republicans most that he sould be removed from office." iikely to support impeachment. Hogan said. Nearly all of the 21 Democrats are "The evidence convinces me that my regarded as virtually certain to support president has li ed repeatedly. " he ad· impeachme nt while II Republicans ded. usuaUy are listed as hard-line voterS Hogan. 45. who is running for governor against. Hogan is the fIrSt member to of Ma ryland. made hi ~ a nnouncement formally announce his vote altbough the day before committee debate was others have indicated how they would sche dule d on pro posed articles oC im ­ vote. peachment. The likeliest scenario for the debate is The judiciar y pa ne! scheduled the that it will open with introduction of a opening session of its official debate of resolution declaring that it is the the impeacbment of PresidEflt Nixon committee's recommendation to the for Wednesday at 6 :30 p.m . House that Nixon should be impeached. The proceedmgs wlii De televised li ve Then would come forst phase of the on ABC-TV and on various Public debate. with each of the 38 committee Broadcasting System stations. members having 15 minutes to talk. The The National Public Radio system has resolution may be tabled without a vole said it will carry the debate live from and then the committee wiU tum to start to finish. CBS has said its radio debate on individual articles of im· networlr. wiU also carry the debate live peachment. but wiU break away for its regular six­ 1:he Democrats reportedly were minute newscasts every hour. working on three proposed articles of impeachment based upon the presen. Sh(,df' of ,1i((f'rf'Rf'f' NBC Radio and ABC Radio have said tabon made last week by Jolin Doar. they will air the debate live only when clrief counsel to the impeacbment de.velopments warrant. The Mutual On a _nn ~ day, two children wistfully eye the ~ COYering two inquiry. Broadcasting System bas said it plans to The three articles would charge the ",the.- said yQJngSters at Old Main Mall fountain. Camera angle and ieiepi,oio carry highlights 0< each day's debate in lens ....., it _r thaI Alice Hennan and OJris Newman, both ~, share the President witb obstructing justice in the special evening programs. Watergate investigation, witb contempt urRln!Ila space, but _ and light make it clear they're standing on the out­ T V networks are rotating coverage _ at the fountain. (Staff photo by .lad< Cress,) of Congress for his refusal ... obey but each one can carry debate if it committee subpoenas and abuse at wishes power for his a1IeRed role in surveiIlaoce Asked why he was declaring his activities as weIf as attempts to make Honorary degree for Gray position in advance. Hogan replied the the Internal Revenue' Service more debate would be " pro forma." politically responsive . .. By tomorro~' e very" person on the committee. so far as I'm concerned. wiU recommended by Sullivan bave made up his mind," Hogan said. : G,L, Hotl" Hogan predicted that at least five 0< By BIll La,.- to Southern Winois merits a recognition the t7 Republicans on the committee wiU o.IIy EcJotiu - Wriler higher than a simple award." vote for impeachment. He said if the full Gray is retiring from politics after 210 House studies the e vidence as carefuUy Student Body President Dennis years in the House. He was hospitaJjzed as he did it also will vote to impeach Sullivan has recommended that an about a year -co aft.,,- a heart al1acl<. President Nixon. IIooorary dfcree be awarded to Rep. SlJIlivan said Tuesday that Gray is a White 'louse spekesmen had no "-lb' Gnly (D-Wesl Frankfort), "self~ade 1IUUl" and was elected comment on Hogan's an.oouncemenL' withOut substantial fODaDCial badring. ~ Hogan said his decision. was made III a IetUr to various administrative "He's one of the few COI1UDOII people ~says he wouldn't '-_ trouble ..,....-i &IIivat cited "tbe oul&taD. within the last few days but " the real to gel into politics and maIoe it 'Nithout body blow was when tbe Presideat . \ '111 13.6 million. ",~ __ by hili (Gn\y) ",ring family .-y bebiDd .him. ~ Makqri~ , ffUlY regaill post C'risis tumbles Greek regime By no __ "'- In ~ his resignation, was reported 10 be · sporadic in· The Bnlish reported flghq 00 Sampmo said In a Cypruo rodio ddonls that did oot seem 10 . eo· the oortbern coast beach-bead ol_'ftIe miIiIary-badled felt -=­iIIlbe '!II<r. _ that Corides was _ daDger the oease.fi.re that went """ estabu..ed by Turttisb forces in equipped, becaDSe of bis ex effect 00 -..lay. their invasion Saturday. _ ol bloody_y CD turmaiI Cypruo. perieDoe, to '-I the nation. U.N. '-Iquarters in New Ycrit jIIIId Ibe preDdmt ol Ibe island's At the Westen> Wbite House in said G....... natiooaJ guard rdIfj __ rosiped. Arch'. Ca1i(ornia, PTea Socr1Ury RooaId eypn .. 1be announcement in Greece by troops advaooed <XI a U.N. forne the .moe ol President _ biIbop -.no. said be ezpected to L. ZegIe- said Presideo1 Nixm was _ tolbe c,priot ~ in a. iIlI!epinJ in _ with developments camp in Nicosia, the capital, ODd Giziltis. a general, that the govern· the i.nt.ematimal firoe was given or­ few_. tIInJICII Socr1Ury ol !late Henry A. mmt 01 Premier Adamantios AlI­ 1'beIe developments came in ders to resist them. However, a droutsopoulos had stepped down U.N. ~an said la.... that the quid! _CD in _ ol . ' ~ ' MediterTanean island it· oeI[, tbere ___ new cUbreaIts ol U.N . ..nt, made up ol canadians. brought jubilation 10 the SIr-.. 01 '"was DOt attacked or invaded." ::=~nr~=~ figbting, according 10 . the United Aihens. Poople hugged and _ . in · ~ NotiaDs ODd the Bntisb IJe{ense U.N. troops took control of !be automobiles hooked tbeir horns ODd Farmer Greek Premi<r ~. MiDiatry. But the _ , ,.1lidJ at Nicosia airport because ol flghq a-owds s,outed out . " Unity ODd liDo <:aramaoIio wOO bod caJIed Ibe first was described as serious. later in that area_ demoaacy !" coup 00 Cypnas a '"national ~,- was invited by er-:e'. ~ to ......" [ram ..we in Paris to _. DeW c:i_ gov...... State fr.eeway projects hit _ ol aatiooaI Imioo. 'Ibe . __..........,t said it bod alfond,-canmaoIi.s • pIaoo 10 with $79 million reduction Oy to AlbIN. Ilia .moe -.;d be bod loft Ilia ~ to retam 10 SPRINGFIELD ( AP )- freeways linking the state'S major "Legislating hicnways ' is a bad TraDsportation Secretary citiesAmong.
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