Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-29-1967 The B-G News November 29, 1967 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News November 29, 1967" (1967). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2148. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2148 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. 'Barefoot In The Park' Opens Tomorrow Night The University Theatre will pre- peccable propriety, who comes to Children and Adults. Tickets for sent Nell Simon's hearty comedy visit her daughter and the groom. this performance may be pur- "Barefoot In the Park at 8:15 p.m. January Eckert and William chased by contacting the Society tomorrow through Saturday In the Mines play the blithe bride and at 500 Lehman Avenue, In Bowling Main Auditorium. groom, and Marcelo Marlaca will Green. Tickets lor this ierfor- "Barefoot In the Park"' Is an portray the gourmandlzlng, Impe- mance are $1.50 each. entertaining domestic comedy cunious, attic neighbor. Robert Kor the remaining regular [*r- about a delightful pair of newly- Arnold as the telephone repairman formances, reserved seats maybe weds who, after six days of mar- and Tracy Davis as the delivery obtained at the University Theatre riage, try to organize their lives man round out the cast. box office for the regular admis- In an Inadequate little apartment Dr. P. Lee Mlesle, professor of sion price of $1.00 for adults and that Is located an exhausting five speech, Is directing the production 25? for children. Special bargain flights of stairs above ground level. and John Hepler, associate profes- books are also available. Reser- The play has been aptly called— sor of speech, Is the scenery vations may be made by calling by the New York Journal Amer- and lighting designer. 353-8411, extension 3303, from 11 ican—a "hurricane of hilarity." Tomorrow evening's perfor- to 3:30 p.m. dally. Nancy Barrett will be seen as mance Is a special benefit for the University students may pur- Mrs. Banks, the mother of Im- Wood County Society for Crippled chase tickets for 10 cents. CLIMBING HIGHER AND HIGHER - William Hines as the husband in "Barefoot in The Park" is virtually ignored by his wife, played by January Eckert. AWS Proposes The B-O Hours Solutions By ROSEMARY KOVACS News Managing Editor Goodbye to hours, women's government, and the AWS Legislative Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Board. These were the "extreme solutions" and choices revealed in a plan presented to the Association of Women Students' Legislative Wednesday, November 29, 1967 Board yesterday by Bea Smith, chairman of the no-hours committee. Volume 52, No. 38 The plan, which won't be up for official AWS action or Implemen- tation for some time, Involves different types of housing pro- viding various aspects of hours and government for upperclass McNamara To Leave Defense Post women and those over 21. The key word for the plan Is "Choice" (Combined News Services) - - of 12 to 18 hours a day, six to that. The Texas Governor served Rep. Samuel Devine (R.-Ohlo), --each woman could decide under After serving two presidential ad- seven days a week. from 19G1 until 1962 as secre- called the impending resignation what plan she would live. ministrations as Defense Secre- In recent months there have tary of the Navy In the Kennedy welcome news to many members The housing choices as Miss tary, Robert McNamara is pre- been certain Indications that Mc- administration. He Is a close of Congress. Smith described Include: paring to step down from his post Namara differed with President friend and political ally of Pres- McNamara's departure Is fore- — a dormitory with no hours to become president of the World Johnson and other Influential ident Johnson. seen by some Vietnam war- and no government (officers, res- Bank. Pentagon military advisers on Connally has said In the past watchers as a sign for increase" idence hall assistants). McNamara was nominated to the Vietnam war strategy. lie had no Interest In a new Pent- U. S. participation in that con- — i a unit with no hours but post by President Jolmson last McNamara's step down from tus agon appointment, but he recently flict. —lth government. week. The ndThifiation was Sub- post forties at a time wn#i£.iie announced he would not seek a third McNamara, of late, has been — a unit with hours and no mitted to the bank's 20 directors. administration and Its military term as governor of Texas. conservative In his war views, government. If It is approved as expected by policies are under fire. The news of McNamara's decis- questioning Increased American -- a unit with hours and gov- the bank's 106 members, Mc- Waning support of the adminis- ion was greeted on Capitol Hill commitments to Southeast Asia ernment (present system). Namara could begin his new job tration as reflected In the opin- with varying degree of concern in men and materials. LBJ Is said If, for example, a woman wanted early next year. ion polls coupled with the wave and relief. to have been taking the brunt of to live in a dormitory with no A report that Texas Gov. John of dissent that has rolled from Senate Democratic Leader Mike his advisory Intelligence from de- hours regulations but with a gov- B. Connally may take over Mc- one section of the country to the Mansfield called him the best man partmental "hawks," rather than ernment, she would sign up to Namara's Defense Department other Is the situation as McNa- in the cabinet McNamara. live In that dorm. post has not been confirmed by mara leaves his post. Miss Smith told the AWS rep- either the White House or the It Is known that he has been resentatives to take the Ideas back Pentagon. haunted by doubts that his orig- to their dormitories and soror- McNamara's departure as De- inal counsel to two presidents to Best-Dressed Coed ities for discussion. She asked for fense chief has been rumored for escalate the U. S. presence and a written report of the women's months. the U. S. committment in Viet- feeling on the plan to be pre- For seven years he has managed nam may have been ill-advised. Contest Tomorrow sented to her by Dec. 5. the biggest military establishment McNamara is generally con- While upperclass women and In the world, an Institution with ceded to have been the first sec- Twenty-four contestants, repre- p.m. Thursday, In the Union Ball- those over 21 would be auto- 4.5 million employees, a budget retary of defense to establish a senting each of the woman's hous- room. matically under such a plan, Miss of more than $80 billion, and a firm civilian control of the mil- ing units, on campus, will take Contestants will model In three Smith said women under 21 who nuclear arsenal that could des- itary. part In the A.W.S. Best Dressed outfits during the competition: a wished to participate could with troy the earth. The Job has re- The rumor that Gov. Connally Girl Contest, to be held at 7:30- typical campus outfit, a party parental permission. quired of him a work schedule would replace McNamara is just dress, and an off-campus daytime As tor the University officials outfit. Six trophlei will be award- accepting such a plan, Miss Smith ed: four to the runners up, one said, "Yes, I feel they will agree rotating trophy to the housing unit to it -- we've had their cooper- and one to the best dressed girl. ation while discussing it." 9 From BG Protest Draft Wllma Porkorny, last year's win- "The question now is, will the ner will present the awards. Special to the News a half. Reinforcing the twenty or so women agree to It." At 8 a.m., word went up that In presenting the plan, Miss By WILLIAM BARROW blue-jacketed mounted police were The tenth annual contest Is spon- Yesterday morning, nine mem- the buses were soon due, and the an equal number of motorcycle sored by Glamour Magazine. The Smith also brought up the Idea march shifted to the ramp, near of eliminating AWS's legislative bers and supporters of the Bowl- police In black leather jackets and best dressed co-ed from our cam- ing Green Draft Resistance League the Public Auditorium, that led carrying three-foot nightsticks. pus will compete In the nation- power and having AWS serve as participated in an anti-draft de- to the lower level parking areas. They promptly started shoving and a "standard." wide "Ten Best-Dressed Girls In "Since the major problems of monstration held outside the Fed- yelling at the marchers to fall America Contest" also sponsored eral Building in Cleveland. Police allowed the participants back onto the sidewalk. by the magazine. The ten nation- dress and hours are now being Leaving the University at 5 a.m., to reform their lines across the handled, and we have already given When this wasn't done fast e- al winners will be flown to New the delegation arrived in Cleveland drive, but moved in to nudge the York City In June as guests of the dorms power to legislate any to greet several buses bringing people back with sticks and hors- nough, the police brought their rules for their unit within the sticks into play, knocking one eld- the Magazine and will be featured draft inductees to the Induction es when the buses arrived.
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