Ficus microcarpa Chinese banyan Moraceae Forest Starr, Kim Starr, and Lloyd Loope United States Geological Survey--Biological Resources Division Haleakala Field Station, Maui, Hawai'i January, 2003 OVERVIEW Ficus microcarpa is a popular ornamental tree grown widely in many tropical regions of the world. The pollinator wasp has been introduced to a number of places where the tree is cultivated, including Hawai'i, allowing this species to spread beyond initial plantings. F. microcarpa is a notorious invader in Hawai'i, Florida, Bermuda, and from Central to South America. Tiny seeds within small sized fruit are ingested by many fruit eating animals, such as birds. Seeds are capable of germinating and growing almost anywhere they land, even in cracks in concrete or in the crotch of other trees. The small seedling begins to grow on its host, sending down aerial roots, and eventually strangling and replacing the host tree or structure. In Hawai'i, most of the main islands are infested with F. microcarpa. Typically, this species invades disturbed urban sites to degraded secondary forests in areas nearby initial plantings. It has recently been observed growing on native wiliwili (Erythrina sandwicense) in lowland dry forests of Maui. On the main islands of Hawai'i, rapid containment once inside natural area boundaries may be the only feasible action, given the widespread distribution. On Midway Atoll, the wasp was introduced later than on the main islands and, as a result, F. microcarpa has only recently begun to spread there. With limited distribution, control here seems more feasible than on the main islands. To decrease the potential for this species to spread, it should not be introduced to new areas and could be removed in natural areas where it is limited in distribution. TAXONOMY Family: Moraceae (Mulberry family) Latin name: Ficus microcarpa L. fil. (Wagner et al. 1999). Synonyms: F. nitida sensu auct., non Thunb.; F. retusa sensu auct., non L. (Wagner et al. 1999). Urostigma microcarpum (L. f.) Miq; F. retusiformis H. Lev. (Missouri Botanical Garden 2002). F. thonningii Blume (PLANTS 2001). Common names: Chinese or Malayan banyan (Wagner et al. 1999). Indian Laurel (Bailey and Bailey 1976). Curtain fig (Brickell and Zuk 1997). Taxonomic notes: The genus Ficus is made up of about 1,000 species from pantropical and subtropical origins (Wagner et al. 1999). Plants in the genus are all woody, ranging from trees and shrubs to climbers (Neal 1948). Nomenclature: The species name, microcarpa, refers to the small size of the fruit. Related species in Hawai'i: In Hawai'i, about 60 other species of Ficus are cultivated (Wagner et al. 1999). DESCRIPTION "Variable in habit, often epiphytic, subscandent shrubs when young, in maturity spreading evergreen trees with large branches and numerous aerial roots hanging from the trunk and branches, these sometimes reaching the soil to form pillar-like roots. Leaves variable, coriaceous, oblong, elliptic to broadly elliptic or obovate, usually 5-8 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, glabrous, margins entire, petioles 0.6-2 cm long. Syconia sessile, arising among or just below the leaves, depressed-globbose, 6-10 mm in diameter, subtended by 3 broadly ovate, persistent bracts." (Wagner et al. 1999). Seeds minute, less than 1 mm (pers obs.). BIOLOGY & ECOLOGY Cultivation: A widely cultivated tree throughout the world. Riffle (1998) notes that F. microcarpa is one of the most common street trees in warm climates around the world. This is true in Hawai'i, where F. microcarpa is described by Neal (1965) as one of the more common Ficus trees planted throughout the state. It has been grown in gardens of Hawai'i since the early 1900's and is now naturalized probably on all the main islands (Wagner et al. 1999). Invasiveness: F. microcarpa has become a well known invader due to several characteristics that allows it to successfully establish and spread. Some of these characteristics include the following: popularity in the horticulture industry and ability to get around the globe in large numbers, intentional and unintentional introduction of pollinator wasps, large fruit production, dispersal agents such as birds, bats, rodents, and others, and ability to grow in inhospitable places with little requirements. In addition to these characteristics, which are typical of many invading Ficus spp., F. microcarpa has the added ability to disperse more often due to its small fruit size which allows the fruit to be taken by a larger number of dispersal agents. In addition, Bronstein (1989) proposes that F. microcarpa has the ability to establish with a smaller population size due to its "asynchronous" fruiting cycle which allows wasps to find fruits of all life stages throughout the year. Pollination: The fruit (syconium or fig) and reproduction systems of species in the genus Ficus are unique. Each species of Ficus has an associated species of agaonid wasp (Hymenoptera: Chalcoidea: Agaonidae). Ficus species can only be pollinated by their associated agaonid wasps and in turn, the wasps can only lay eggs within their associated Ficus fruit. For successful pollination and reproduction of Ficus species to occur, its associated pollinator wasp must be present. Conversely, for successful reproduction of agaonid wasps to occur, their associated Ficus species must be present (Janzen 1979). The pollinator wasp for F. microcarpa, Parapristina verticillata, was purposefully introduced to Hawai'i in 1938 (Wagner et al. 1999). Propagation: In Hawai'i, seeds are readily germinated. It can also be grown from cuttings and air layers (Dehgan 1998). Dispersal: Plants are spread over long distances through the horticulture industry. In Central America, fruits of F. microcarpa are dispersed by both bats and birds anywhere 2 that F. microcarpa produces mature fruits (McKey 1989). In Hawai'i, various birds observed by the authors foraging and roosting in Ficus spp. trees on Maui include mynah birds (Acridotheres tristis tristis), blue faced doves (Geopelia striata), lace necked doves (Streptopelia chinensis), Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus), Northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis), and house sparrows (Passer domesticus), though there are probably more. Other animals, such as bats, pigs, rodents, parrots, and monkeys may be capable of spreading fruit. In Florida, the seeds of F. microcarpa are also dispersed by ants attracted to an oily tissue coating the seed (Nadel et al. 1991.) Pests and Diseases: In Hawai'i, there are a number of insects which attack F. microcarpa. The Cuban laurel thrip (Gynaikothrips ficorum) causes visible damage to leaves (Smith 1998). It was first documented from the State in 1964 (DOA 2002). One year later, in 1965, Macrocentrus thripiformis (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) was introduced from Mexico as a biological control agent for the Cuban Laurel thrips (Teramoto and Heu 2000). Another insect that causes visible leaf damage is the banyan leaf gall wasp (Josephiella sp.). It was first found in the State in 1989 (DOA 2002). Another wasp which attacks the fruit of F. microcarpa is the torymid wasp (Sycophila sp.) which was first found in the State in 1976 (DOA 2002). DISTRIBUTION Native range: F. microcarpa is native from Ceylon to India, southern China, Ryukyu Islands, Australia, and New Caledonia (Wagner et al. 1999). In its native range, southern Asia, F. microcarpa thrives in moist regions, where it is common up to 6,000 ft (1,829 m) (Neal 1965). Global distribution: F. microcarpa is established in at least Hawai'i, Florida, Bermuda, and from Mexico to South America. In Florida, F. microcarpa was widely planted as an ornamental and began to spread once its pollinator arrived. Apparently, the wasp was an unintentional introduction that perhaps arrived live in fruit transported from other infested areas, though this is not certain (McKey 1989). Currently, this species invades urban and suburban areas, however, it is predicted that this weedy species will become a future invader of natural areas. The Missouri Botanical Garden's specimen database (2002) lists the following location for North America: USA, Florida, Dade, 5 m (16 ft), 25.41N 80.16W, collected on March 9, 1992. In Bermuda, F. microcarpa was heavily planted in the 1940's to 1950's. Pollinator wasps and seedlings first appeared around 1980 (McKey 1989). It is uncertain how the wasp arrived, though it is suspected to have arrived in fruit from elsewhere. Control methods are currently being explored. The pollinator wasp and seedlings of F. microcarpa were first observed in Mexico around 1985 (McKey 1989). Fruit is dispersed by bats and birds and is a potential threat to tropical forests there. The following locations from Mesoamerica are listed in the Missouri Botanical Garden's specimen database: El Salvador, San Salvador, 710 m (2,329 ft), 13.47N 89.11W, collected on December 17, 1971; Honduras, Francisco Morazan, 14.15N 87.10W, collected on October 17, 1978; Mexico, Campeche, Chiapas, 3 and Quintana, collected on March 28, 1982, May 12, 1982, and June 8, 1984, respectively; Nicaragua, multiple collections, ranging from 40 m (131 ft) to 830 m (2,723 ft), 11.28N 85.31W to 13.10N 86.20W, collections made from 1979 through 1984; and Panama, Darien, 8.13N 77.54W, collected on July 1, 1959. In South America, the following locations are listed in the Missouri Botanical Garden's specimen database: Bolivia, Beni; Columbia, Valle del Cuaca, 1,000 m (3,280 ft), collected on February 2, 1984; Ecuador, Guayas, Capeira, 20-200 m (66-656 ft), 02.00S 79.58W, collected on September 26, 1981; and Venezuela, Aragua, Maracay, collected on July 21, 1985. Asian specimens listed by the Missouri Botanical Garden's specimen database include the following locations: India, Tamil Nadu, 1000 m (3,280 ft), 11.36N 76.32 E, collected on June 10, 1989; Lesser Sunda Island, Bali, 8.15S 115.25E, collected on June 16, 1976; Taiwan, 200 m (656 ft), 21.55N 120.50E, collected on July 31, 1989.
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