LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY In accordance with the Americans With case, including orders, are available at the Deceased. must appear on the date and at the time Disabilities Act, persons in need of a spe- %NGTMQHVJG%KTEWKV%QWTVŏUQHſEG;QWOC[ URGEKſGF NOTICE TO CREDITORS cial accommodation to participate in this review these documents upon request. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR proceeding shall, within seven (7) days pri- The administration of the estate of IN THE CIRCUIT CIVIL COURT OF THE You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- or to any proceeding, contact the Adminis- %QWTVŏU QHſEG PQVKſGF QH [QWT EWTTGPV CF- HENRY J. RUIZ A/K/A HENRY JOSEPH TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, VTCVKXG1HſEGQHVJG%QWTV%KVTWU%QWPV[ RUIZ, deceased, whose date of death IN AND FOR CITRUS COUNTY FTGUU ;QW OC[ ſNG &GUKIPCVKQP QH %WT- TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS 110 North Apopka Avenue, Inverness, FL rent Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida was November 13, 2016; File Number CIVIL DIVISION CHILD (THESE CHILDREN). IF YOU FAIL 34450, Telephone (352) 341-6414, via Supreme Court Approved Family Law 17-CP-000887, is pending in the Circuit TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME Case No. 2016 CA 000385 A Florida Relay Service. Form 12.915.) Future papers in this law- Court for Hillsborough County, Florida, SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL Probate Division, the address of which SUNCOAST CREDIT UNION, A Dated: April 7, 2017. suit will be mailed or e-mailed to the RIGHTS TO THE CHILD (OR CHILDREN) CFFTGUU GU QPTGEQTFCVVJGENGTMŏUQHſEG KU21$QZ6CORC(NQTKFC WHOSE INITIALS APPEAR ABOVE. FEDERALLY INSURED STATE Kristopher E. Fernandez The names and addresses of the person- CHARTERED CREDIT UNION For the Court WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family al representative and the personal repre- Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and Plaintiff, Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain sentative’s attorney are set forth below. 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are By: /s/ Kristopher E. Fernandez automatic disclosure of documents and in- vs. Kristopher E. Fernandez hereby informed of the availability of formation. Failure to comply can result in All creditors of the decedent and oth- availability of private placement of the UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, 114 S. Fremont Avenue sanctions, including dismissal or striking er persons having claims or demands Tampa, Florida 33606 EJKNFYKVJCPCFQRVKQPGPVKV[CUFGſPGF GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, of pleadings. against decedent’s estate, on whom in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes. CREDITORS AND TRUSTEES OF (813) 832-6340 a copy of this notice is required to be MARJORIE F. OLSEN, DECEASED, Fla Bar No. 0606847 Dated: 3/25/17 UGTXGFOWUVſNGVJGKTENCKOUYKVJVJKUEQWTV If you are a person with a disabil- JOSEPH P. OLSEN, JR. A/K/A JOE [email protected] Don Barbee, Jr. WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- ity who needs any accommodation to OLSEN A/K/A JOSEPH P. OLSEN, AS Attorney for Plaintiff Clerk of the Circuit Court TER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLI- participate in this proceeding, you are A KNOWN HEIR OF MARJORIE F. 4/14-4/21/17 2T By: Maria Trenton CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS entitled, at no cost to you, to the pro- OLSEN, DECEASED, ERIC J. OLSEN, —————————————————— Deputy Clerk AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A vision of certain assistance. Please AS A KNOWN HEIR OF MARJORIE 4/7-4/28/17 4T COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. EQPVCEV #FOKPKUVTCVKXG 1HſEG QH VJG F. OLSEN, DECEASED, UNKNOWN Courts, Attention: ADA Coordinator, —————————————————— All other creditors of the decedent and 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602, SPOUSE OF JOSEPH P. OLSEN, JR. other persons having claims or demands A/K/A JOE OLSEN A/K/A JOSEPH P. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Phone: 813-272-7040, Hearing Impaired: CICKPUVFGEGFGPVŏUGUVCVGOWUVſNGVJGKT 1-800-955-8771, Voice impaired: 1-800- OLSEN, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ERIC FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS J. OLSEN, USF FEDERAL CREDIT HERNANDO COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA GOCKN #&#"ƀLWFQTI AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- within two working days of your receipt UNION, AND UNKNOWN TENANTS/ CIVIL LAW DIVISION LICATION OF THIS NOTICE. OWNERS, of this summons at least 7 days before Case No. 272015-CA-000487 ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN Defendants. your scheduled court appearance, or IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN KOOGFKCVGN[WRQPTGEGKXKPIVJKUPQVKſ- IN RE: MATTER OF SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA NOTICE OF SALE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR NANCY L. HANDWERKER cation if the time before the scheduled PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER appearance is less than 7 days. If you Notice is hereby given, pursuant to HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA Plaintiff, CIVIL ACTION BARRED. are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Final Judgment of Foreclosure for Plaintiff v. entered in this cause on March 30, 2017, CASE NO.: 2015-CA-000472 NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- Witness my hand and seal of this court in the Circuit Court of Citrus County, COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM at Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida on Florida, Angela Vick, Clerk of the Circuit JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, CHARLES FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE April 7, 2017. Court, will sell the property situated in ASSOCIATION, M. SMITH, MAJORIE A. SMITH, AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF PATRICIA HANDWERKER, RAYMOND CLERK OF COURT BY: Citrus County, Florida described as: Plaintiff, DEATH IS BARRED. Pamela Morena vs. HANDWERKER and KURT 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQ- LOT 2 OF AN UNRECORDED SUBDI- HANDWERKER; DEPUTY CLERK THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, tice is: April 14, 2017. 4/14-5/5/17 4T VISION AND BEING MORE PARTICU- Defendant/s. LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, Personal Representative: —————————————————— COMMENCE AT THE SE CORNER CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER NOTICE OF ACTION KATHLEEN JANE RUIZ-GARDEN OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, (Formal Notice By Publication) /CVVKZ#XGPWG IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWN- UNDER, OR AGAINST, PATRICIA A. Hudson, FL 34667 THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WILSON A/K/A PATRICIA ANN WILSON TO: Charles M. Smith and Marjorie A. OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND SHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE 17 EAST, Smith THENCE N 89 DEGREES 37’ 48” W F/K/A PATRICIA ANN STANLEY, Personal Representative’s Attorneys: FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SE DECEASED, et al, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Amended Derek B. Alvarez, Esq. - FBN 114278 JUVENILE DIVISION 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 A Defendant(s). Petition for Declaratory Judgment or Al- [email protected] FFN 513226 DIVISION: C DISTANCE OF 50.01 FEET, THENCE ternatively Reformation of Deed has been Anthony F. Diecidue, Esq. - FBN 146528 N 0 DEGREES 36’ 24” W PARALLEL NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED SALE filed in the Fifth Judicial Circuit in and for [email protected] IN THE INTEREST OF: WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant Hernando County, Florida case no.: 15- Whitney C. Miranda, Esq. - FBN 65928 A.J. DOB: 9/20/16 CASE ID: 16-1221 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 to an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure CA-000487 regarding real property situ- [email protected] Child ated at 5075 Freeport Dr., Spring Hill, FL A DISTANCE OF 160.0 FEET TO THE Sale dated March 20, 2017, and entered GENDERSALVAREZDIECIDUE, P.A. POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE N in Case No. 2015-CA-000472 of the Cir- 34606-1419. You are required to serve a NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING copy of your written defenses, if any, on 2307 West Cleveland Street ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL 89 DEGREES 37’ 48” W PARALLEL cuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit Tampa, Florida 33609 WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SE in and for Hernando County, Florida in petitioner’s attorney, whose name and ad- RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS dress are: Phone: (813) 254-4744 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 A which JPMorgan Chase Bank, National (CZ STATE OF FLORIDA DISTANCE OF 273.0 FEET, THENCE Association, is the Plaintiff and Glenlakes Mario E. Torres, Esquire Eservice for all attorneys listed above: N 0 DEGREES 36’ 24” W PARALLEL Master Homeowners Association, Inc. TO: Eli Diaz Dorta torres|benet P.A. [email protected] Residence/Whereabouts Unknown WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE f/k/a Glenlakes Homeowners Association, 5308 Van Dyke Rd 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 A Inc., Matthew A. Stanley, as an Heir of the Lutz, FL 33558 4/14-4/21/17 2T A Petition for Termination of Parental DISTANCE OF 160.0 FEET, THENCE Estate of Patricia A. Wilson a/k/a Patricia —————————————————— 4KIJVU WPFGT QCVJ JCU DGGP ſNGF KP VJKU Ann Wilson f/k/a Patricia Ann Stanley, QPQTDGHQTG#RTKNCPFVQſNGVJG S 89 DEGREES 37’ 48” E PARALLEL original of the written defenses with the court regarding the above-referenced TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SE deceased, Roderick Eric Stanley, The Un- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR child. You are to appear before the Hon- known Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Assign- clerk of this court either before service or HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 A immediately thereafter. orable Caroline Tesche Arkin, at 1:30 p.m.
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