PAbstracsonfd.eng *hI S *eo vugai* L CIAT is a nonprofit organization de­ voted to the agricultural and economic development of the lowland tropics. The government of Colombia provides support as host country for CIAT and furnishes a 522-herntare site near Cali for ABSTRACTS ON FIELD BEANS CIAT's headquarters. In addition, the Fundaci6n para la Educaci6n Superior (FES) makes available to CIAT a 184­ hectare substation in Quilichso and a 73-hectare sub;tation near Popaydn. Publication of CIA T's Bean Infor- CIAT also co-manages with the Institu­ mation Ceiter. to Cu:,nbiano Agropecuario (ICA) the 22,000-hectare Carimagua Research Center in the Eastern Plains of Colom- Documentalist: bis and carries out collaborative work Francy Gonzdlez V. on several of ICA's experimental stations in Colombia; similar work is done with Periodicity: 3issuesper-year. national agricultural agencies in other Latin American countries. CIAT is financed by a number of donors repre- Annual subscription rates: sented in the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research US$16.oo for Latin America, (CGIAR). During 1983 these CIAT th" CL1,frt'an, Africa, aiid donors are the governments of Australia, SoutheastAsa. Belgium, Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, the Nether­ US$26.oo for other countries, lands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzer­ land, the United Kingdom, and the Colombia: $1.000.oo. United States; the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Printed at CIA T. (IBRD), the Inter-American Develop­ men- Bark (IDB); the European Eco­ nomic Community (EEC), the Inter- Correspondence and subscriptions national Fund for Agricultural Develop­ should be sent to: ment (IFAD), the OPEC Fund for International Development; the CIAT Rockefeller Foundation, and the Ford Communications and Information Foundation. In addition, special project Support Unit funds are supplied by various of the aforementioned donors plus the Kellogg Apartado A~reo 6713 Foundation, the United Nations Call, Colombia Development Programme (UNDP), and the International D velopmcnt Rqsearch Centre (IDRC). Information and conclusions reported herein do not necessarily reflect the position of any of the aforementioned governments, agencies, or foundations. Abstracts on Field Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Vol. VIII No. 2 August, 1983 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION iii COMPONENTS OF AN ABSTRACT iv HOW TO USE THE INDEXES v AOO BOTARY, TAXONOMY AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION BOO PLANT ANATOMY, MORPHOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY 1 COO PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 2 CO1 Plant Nutrition 4 CO! Plant Development 10 C03 Chemical Composition, Methodology and Analyses 12 DOO AGRONOMY 18 DOI Soil, Water, Climate and Fertilization 18 D02 Cultivation Practices: Planting, Weed Control and Harvesting 29 D03 Cultivation Systems: Intercropping, Rotational Crops 37 D04 Seed Production 44 D05 Varietal Trials 44 EOO PLANT PATHOLOGY 44 E02 Bacterioses 47 E03 Mycoses 49 E04 Viroses 53 E05 Nematodes 55 E06 Physiological Disorders 55 FOO PEST CONTROL AND ENTOMOLOGY 59 FO Injurious Insects, Mites and their Control 59 GOO GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING 63 GO' Breeding, Selection and Germplasm 63 G02 Cytogenetics 75 G03 Polyploidy HOO NUTRITION 75 HOI Foods and Nutritive Value 77 100 MICROBIOLOGY 81 I01 Rhizobium spp., Nitrogen Fixation and Nodulation 81 JOO ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT 84 KOO FIELD PLOT TECHNIQUE 90 LOO GRAIN STORAGE 90 LOI Stored Grain Pests 90 ZOO GENERAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Y2 AUTHOR INDEX 94 SUBJECT INDEX 102 INTRODUCTION This journal of analytical abstracts, which replaces the former combination of abstract cards and yearly cumulative volumes, is designed to provide a specialized guide to the world's literature on field beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) disseminating research results and ongoing activities related to the crop. The abstracts report condensed information from journal articles, booklets, mimeographed reports, theses, manuals and other conventional and nonconventional material, categorized into broad disciplinary fields to facilitate rapid scanning. Additionally, abstracts are author and subject indexed to enable more compre­ hensive consultation. When retrospective or exhaustive coverage of a topic is desired, mechanized bibliographic searches of the entire document col­ lection can be provided by CIAT's Documentation Center. Abstracts of all articles that match the topic of interest are provided to users who request this search service. The full text of every article abstracted by the Documentation Center is aiso available, through the photocopy service. CIAT's Documentation Center also publishes journals of analyti­ cal abstracts on cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) grown under tropical conditions, and on tropical pastures. Other CIAT publi­ cations dedicated to keeping users aware of research developments in their respective fields include: Pages of Contents, Cassava Newsletter, Pastos Tropicales - Boletfn Informativo, and Hojas de Frijol. iii COMPONENTS OF AN ABSTRACT Sequential number in the journal (for Year of Authors use of indexes) publication Accesion I number I 0284 (for photocopy E16751 'ALVAREZ C., E.; VANEGAS, C., G.; VICTORIA K., J.I. 1979. Transmisi6n requests) por semilla de bacterias fitopat6genas del frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris Original title L.) en Colombia. (Seed transmission of bacterial phytopathogens in English title beans in Coilombia). lActs Agron'mica 29(1/4),:1l . Sa. u.Sa. Engi . 11 Ref ., Additional Soirce Pages Language Language notes of paper of summary Phaseolus vulgaris. Xanthomonas phaseoli. Seeds. Cultivars. Disease] transmission. Seed transmission. Statistical analysis. Laboratory Descriptors experiments. Colombia. j Three different methods were used to determine the 2 of bean seed infection by Xanthomonas phaseoli. Evaluations were made on 21 samples with an av. seed infection of 19.9, 5.4, and 24.4% as determined by visual analysis of abnormal symptoms on seed coats, the most probable nurber technique (MPN), and induction of symptoms on bean seedlings, resp. Results obtained with visual analysis presented a highly significant correlation coefficient .Ab.tract (0.82) with symptoms produced by X. phaseoli on bean seedlings. However, the results obtained by the HPN technique showed a high variation coefficient and low correlation coefficient with the other 2 methods. Best results were obtained by sowing bean seed samples on sterile sandy soil and later incubating 8 day-old seedlings under 1002 RH at 26"C for 48 h. ,(Author's summary) E02 Abstractor Subject and/or translator categories HOW TO USE THE INDEXES The numbers listed under each entry in the author and subject above indexes correspond to the abstract's sequential number, found each abstract within the journal. subject The last issue of the year contains cumulative author and indexes for the year. Author Index The Author Index can be used to find abstracts when the personal is or corporate authors are known. The Author Index, which cited alphabetically arranged, lists all author and co-author names in the publication. Subject Index used in The Subject Index presents an alphabetical list of descriptors descriptors, beans research, many of which are combined with other allowing the identification of more specific topics. -P-XANTHOMONAS PHASEOLI 0288 OISEASE CONTROL 0261 0277 PLANT BREEDING 0287 0290 0296 RESISTANCE 0287 0289 0290 096 SEED 0 SISSION 02 IT AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS Users who wish to obtain full text of the documents listed in the abstracts journals, can use the. photocopy service at the following address: CIAT - Communications and Information Support Unit Photocopy Service Apartado Aereo 6713 Cali, Colombia Requests must indicate the access number of the document (upper left corner of each reference), rather than the sequential number. Charges are: US$0.10 or Col. $4.oo per page in Colombia US$0.20 per page elsewhere Orders should be prepaid, choosing one of the following alternatives of payment: 1. Check in US$ made out to CIAT against a U.S. international bank 2. Check in Coi$ made out to CIAT, adding the bank commision value 3. Bank draft made out to CIAT, giving precise personal information 4. CIAT coupons, issued by CIAT's Library with a unit vluc of $1.uo and fractions of US$0.10 5. AGRINTER coupons, obtainable with local currency at national agricultural libraries and at the regional offices of the Instituto Interamericano de Cooperaci6n para In Agricultura (llCA) in Latin American and Caribbean countries 6, UNIESCO coupons, available at UNESCO offices all over the world Vi AOO BOTANY, TAXONOMY AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 0202 18599 VILHORDO, B.W.; MULLER, L. 1981. Correlacao entre caracterizacao botgnica e classificacao comercial em cultivares de fejao (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). (Correlation between botanical characterization and commercial classification of bean cultivars). Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil, Instituto de Pesquisas Agronomicas. Boletim Ticnico no. 8. 61p. Port., Sum. Port., EngI., 21 Refs., Illus. Phaseolus vulZarLs. Cultivars. Agronomic characters. Developmental stages. Plant anatomy. Biazil. The possibility that the characters normally utilized for the botanical description of Irhe bean cv. would permit a classification, especially regarding the comercial groups established for Brazil, was studied. The following parameters were analyzed: seedling, stem, growth habit, flowering, inflorescence, infructescence and fruits, seeds, and phenology. Variance analysis of the observed characters revealed significant differences among cv. When comparing means, no
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