TUMI CUT WHOLLY K*A T B EM 8. - - Single copy - - - $2 Ten oopies - - $1S - 1 The Daih Nutioiuil Era i* pnblUhed every oven- Three copies . - 6 Single copy six mouth* - 8 the report- of tho proceeding! o» Five copies . 8 Ten oopic* six months ingJlcSfio. Payment in advance is uniformly rtquiwd. * fSiS-SJto.. Unlet of Advi.rtimig.-~L<in cents a lino for the drat t«NB D and E. insertion, five oenU a Tin* for each subsequent one. Daily paper, for term of eight months - . - »a wu Money to be forwarded by mail at our risk Large amount* be remitted in drafts or certifioaiet of R,Ut* of Advertuuig tM Daily. uiay When note* on tho banks - - - ERA. ia 0u« one * NATIONAL deposit*. money aent, (ton DAILY »<iuare, linen,) New fire - Boston, Do. do. threeinsertionineertioni . York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, New notes are at lass discount one week - {»« preferred. Englaud Do. do. G. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. than New York State notes, and these less than l)o.' do. two woeUs . BAILEY, notos . 4 00 Western one month . Do do. communications to the on busi- - - 0.00 All Era, whether Do. do. two monthi neaa of the or for should be ad¬ moniw - - 8.00 paper publication, Do do. three month* . NO. 65. dressed to (J. BAILEY, Watki/iKiun, D. C. A liberal discount for long advertisement*, and VOL. I.WASHINGTON, D. C.f FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1854. thv*e who adrertiie for a longer time- C. M. Kentuoky News, Newport, Ky.j W. 8. Bailey; $1. PKMPBCTUK VON IBM. Human Itightti and Interests.the only mire X. That no permanent settlement of LIST OP MEMBERS OfTHE «D CONGRESS, Whig..A. Pennington. 1) <'. of order and oonoord. can be looked NEW HAMP8HIBE. True Demeorat, Mount Pleasant, Iowa; J. W. Howe; THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. WASHINGTON, foundation the Slavery question for, noun. W. $1.50. In no sense will it be the organ of a Party, in the of the of two Old 'Line Democrats..George Kittrod^o, Gulioh UNRIVALLED AKKAY OF TALENT. " except practical recognition The Senate consist* Senators from each Hibbard. * Der Demokrat, Davenport, Iowa; Th. ; $2. 0TTH* EIGHTH TOLUltt OF THE or a mere but absolutely free State. There are George W. Morrison, Harry of the POST, in be¬ PitOSPECTDB* Party Paper, u truth that Slavery is sectional, and Free¬ thirty-one State*, represented by Proprietors aguin coming matiohal ska. and independent," claiming to speak by au¬ dom the total of sixty-two Senator*. NORTH CAROLINA. Pacific Statesman, Han Franoiaco, Cal.j J. 11. Purdy. THEfore the public, would return tkanka for the gun- " for ita and rec¬ national; by separation Whigs, in Italic; 014 Line Democrats, in Roman. Old Line Democrats..H. H. Shaw, Thomas eorus patronage which has placed them far in ad¬ PROPRIETOR. thority nobody except editor, the Government from and I. Der National Demokrat, Washington, D. C.; Fred. in and a BAILEY, BOITOB AND no in to pre¬ General Slavery, Those marked D., Independent Democrats; U., Ruffin, Wm. S. Ashe, Burton S. Creig, Thomas Buell A Blanchard, $2. vance of every other literary weekly America; EDITOR. ognising authority any quarter those elected as Union men, S. K., those elected as Schmidt, editor; publishers; aa the auitable return for auch free and hearty JOHN o. w wittier, corresponding scribe its course and the exercise of its legitimate and consti¬ L. Clmgraan. only been made 0. policy. Southern or State Rights men. Rich¬ ANTI-SLAVERY PRESS. support, their arrangements for 1854 have I>. on side . John unite the Beau¬ tutional the of - H. WASHINGTON, In Literature, it will aim to influence Freedom; President David K. A lobwon WhigsSion Rogers, Kerr, with a degree of liberality probably unequalled »n Tho National Era is a weekly newspaper, tiful with the True, and to make both immedi¬ and by leaving to the States the whole Secretary . Anbury Dickins. ard C. Furyear. Liberator, Boston, Ms.; Vfoi. Lloyd Garrison; $2.60. the history of Amoricau newspaper literature. They voted to Literaturo aud subservient to the purposes of of and extradition of Term expire*. Term expires NEW MEXICO. Freeman, Philadelphia, Pa.; C. M. Bur¬ have engaged, as contributors for the ensuing year, do ately practical subject Slavery tht? ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. Pennsylvania of talent and In it i ima to 1ohtl0H;unite the BeaufafuR._llt:flli life. Old Line Democrat..Jose Manuel Gallegos. leigh; $2. the following brilliant array geniua Literature, from service. - - both every-day atr home and fugitives Benj. FiUpatrick 1866 Stephen Adams, (U.) 1857 OHIO. Mrt. Emerson Mrs. Deni¬ - - N. Bennett, with tho True, and to make immediately Able correspondents, abroad, XI. That all men have a natural to 0. O.Cluy 1859 A. G. Brown - - 1859 National Auti-Slavery Standard, New York, Y.; Soutktoortk, of and hat* right MISSOURI. Old Line Democrats..DavidT. Disney, M. H. S. II. A K. $2. ton, Grace Greenwood, and Fern. subservient to tho praotioal purpows every- have been secured, ample provision a t'10 as the use ARKANSAS. Gay Quinoy; Fanny a«d - - com¬ been made for its Literary Misoellany. P0rt'0u (hat, U. W. Johnson* - 1855 David K. Atchison 1855 Nichols, Alfred 1*. Edgerton, Andrew Ellison, Anti-Slavery Bugle, Salem, 0.; M.R. Robinson $1.50. In the first paper of January next, we design to the - . - it advocates the Ilighta ot Man. It will publish oondensed reports of the pro¬ of the soil is indispensable life, Wm. K. Sebastian 1859 Henry S. Geyef 1859 Frederick W. Green, Thomas L. Ritchie, Ed- Voice of the Fugitive. mencing an Original Novelet, written expressly lor d&\nlPolitics, of and what- of movements in right of all men to the soil is as sacred as CONNECTICUT. NKW HAMPSHIRE. son B. Olds, Wm. D. Lindsoy, Harvey H. John¬ our columns, entitled and the Rights, opposes ceedings Cmgress, explain . - 1855 Moses - - 1855 Equality whether which do not their to life itself. Trunutii Smith Norris, jr son, WUson Bliss, Andrew THE BRIDE OF THE WILDERNESS, to cauees of - Shannon, George ever violates or tends vidatethem, that the always right Isaac . - 1857 Jared W. Williams- 1859 ANTI-SLAVERY WORKS HALE AT T1IIK OP- body, its be Toueoy Stuart. FUR By EMERSON BENNETT, author of "Viola," (his be Involuntary Personal lie upon the surfaoe, and from position XII. That the public lands of the Uni¬ CALIFORNIA." NEW YORK. CLKI'HANK. " Clara Moraland," " The Forged Will," etc. - BY LEWIS - - Scott Harrison. Aaron Har¬ Despotism, Spiritual Absolutism,^7'tuj}eVLIass Legts able to keep a constant watch upon the action ted States to the and should William M. Gwin 186ft Wm. II. Seward 1855 Whigs..John P1CB, This Novelet, the author of "Cli>ra belong people, - - - - W. R. by popular of the of the Federal Government in relation to all John B Weller 1867 Hamilton Fith 1857 lan, Moses B. Corwin, John L. Taylor, Life of Isaac T. $1.26, 21 Morelaud," we following another, oalled Selfishness Capital Tyranny not be sold to individuals nor to DELAWARE. NKW JERSEY. Hopper.prioo postage design by iSaS the of a at issue between and granted Sapp, Edward Ball. ccnts. THE of Combination, Oppression Majority, questions Liberty Slavery. but should be held as a sa¬ James A. - 1857 J. K. 1857 STEP-MOTHER, of the corporations, Bayard Thompson Democratsi.L. D. I of " - Campbell, A. DEN author Home or the Exaotions of Party. The cxtenbive subscription Weekly John. M. - 1859 William 1859 Independent Uncle Tom's Cabin.price 371 cents, postage 12 cent* j By Mrs. MARY SON, Pie- »nil cred trust for the benefit of the Clayton Wright Edward J. R. " etc. It holds no fellowship with the Whig and Era, which, during the year about to close, has people, FLOKI1IA. NORTH CAROLINA- Wade, Giddiugs. five copies for $2, postage paid. turos," Gertrude KusstJI." and should be in limited - - We have also the of a number ol Democratic believing that the reached tho number of twenty-eight thousand, granted quanti¬ Jiteison Morion 1865 George E. Badger 1855 OREGON. Uncle Tom's Cabin in 60 oents, post¬ promise organization, free of to landless settlers. # R. 1857 1859 Old Line Lane. Germau.prioe SKETCHES BY GRACE main issues on which they have arrayed must make it an eligible medium for advertisers. ties, cost, Stepbon Mallory Vacancy Democrat..Joseph age 16 cents. GREENWOOD, be^ Era will be i<*tued on a sheet as XIII. That a due for the Federal GEORGIA. OHIO. PENNSYLVANIA. Whose brilliant and versatile pen will be almost ex¬ are obsolete The . - each other - 1(1 aguinst Daily regard IK. C. Dawson 1855 S. P. Chuso (I. D.) 1855 Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin.prioa 60 cents, postage clusively upon the Post and her own "Lit¬ that are now used the Sectional as that of the Daily National Intelligencer, and sound administrative Holiert Toomtl 1859 F. Wade 1857 Old Line Dtmocrats.T. B. Florence, J. Rob employed they chiefly by <rf Lib- large and there¬ Constitution, (U.) Benjamin oents. tle Pilgrim." Interest of Slavery to impair tho lovo on the 2d day of January, 1854, daily policy, demand that the funds of the Gen¬ INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA. ins, jr., Wm. H. Witte, John MoNair, Samuel White Slavery in the States, Hon Charles Mrs. Southworth- whose fascinating works are now - - Barbary by ertv natural to the Americau mind, and " after, until the 1st of September, 1854, (or long Government from John Petit 1856 James Cooper 1855 A. Bridges, A. Muhlenberg, Christian being rapidly republished in England also, will eral be . Henry 60 12 oents. to lte ru1®- should continue in at kept separate Jesse D.
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