DOCUMENT RESUME ED 051 838 LI 002 858 AUTHOR Sadler, Pauline, Ed. TITLE North Dakota Governor's Regional Ccnferences on Libraries, October - November, 1968. Proceedings. INSTITUTION North Dakota State Library Commission, Bismarck. PUB DATE 70 NOTE 93p. MRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Conference Reports, Conferences, *Library Cooperation, *Library Planning, *Library Programs, *Library Services, *Public Libraries, School Libraries, State Libraries IDENTIFIERS *North Dakota ABSTRACT The twelve Governor's Regional Conferences explore areas of agreement and consider steps to be taken to develop a state-wide plan for library service.A selection of eleven speeches, representative of the general trend of the Conference are: (1) The Role of the School Library in Interlibrary Service, (2) School Libraries,(3) The Place of Bookmobile Service in the Library Program in North Dakota, (4) What Do You Expect from your Libraries?, (5) Rural Library Services, (6) Public Libraries, (7) Interlibrary Services, (8) A challence to Change,(9) Interlibrary Cooperation, (10) Interlibrary Services Cooperation and (11)A Library System and Its Headquarters. Also included is the summary of the twelve region group proceeding. (MM) U.S. DEPART MOT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION CO THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR re% ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT POINTS Or VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES CO SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE or EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY v--4 O NORTH DAKOTA GOVERNOR'S REGIONAL CONFERENCES ON LIBRARIES October-November, 1968 Sponsored by the STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION under TitleIII LSCA PROCEEDINGS Mrs. Pauline Sadler, editor 00 GN/ STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION O BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA O 1970 William L. Guy GOVERNOR Walter Fiedler Richard J. Wolfert STATE LIBRARY COMMISSIONER STATE LIBRARIAN iii STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION Memorial Building Capitol Grounds Bismarck, North Dakota 58501 1970 PRINTED BY RICHTMAN'S, INC. 1638 Main Ave. Fargo, North Dakota Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-629990 Classification:Z716.N9 1970 027.4 Subjects: 1. Library conferences North Dakota. 2. Library cooperation North Dakota.I. North Dakota.State Library Commission. II.Title. 2 iv "Libraries A Citizen's Necessity" 3 Preface The Governor's Regional Conferences on Libraries Proceedings here- in presented, is the result of a numher of groups of people interested in library services for North Dakota. The Proceedings of the Conferences reflects the thinking of repre- sentatives from academic, school, public, and special libraries in North Dakota. The intent of the publication of the Proceedings is for improv- ing library service of all types at all levels for all the people of the state. Although the Governor's Conferences are only a beg.oning in inter- library services, it is hoped that through discussions, an agrement can be reached concerning basic assumptions and primary objectives;library programs implemented at an early date; and hopefully, legislative ap- propriations forthcoming for a sound library development program in the state. The State Library Commission has devoted a great deal of effort to consideration of the many elements to be included in a state-wide pro- gram to improve service and utilize resources currently available to the best advantage, Consideration was given to strengthen library programs in the state at all levels of operation. Librarians and interested groups are in agreement for a comprehensive plan for library development in North Dakota. The Governor's Conferences, sponsored by the State Library Com- mission, were intended to explore areas of agreement and to consider steps to be taken to develop a state-wide plan for library service. A total comprehensive consideration given to all types of libraries should lead an anticipated resource of knowledge within the reach of all citizens of the state. MRS. PAULINE SADLER vi Introduction The twelve Governor's Regional Conferences on Libraries were plan- ned primarily for library trustees. librarians, and directors of alltypes of libraries Public, School, College-University and Special, and to lay people in business, industry. the professions and community to those who were interested in libraries, their development and improvement. interlibrary cooperation needed to be the prerogative of the people in North Dakota to concern themselves with the necessity for library services and for providing the inspiration, ideas, contacts, and materials needed to plan for the communities' library development. Information of the current status of libraries, library services, library needs and the pro- jected potentials for the future of community libraries was intended to stimulate the citizensin concerning themselves about their local area needs. The State Library Commission in conjunction with the regional steer- ing committees planned and conducted the meetings in twelve areas of the state. The twelve Regional Conferences were planned in the period dating from September 9, 1968 - October 9, 1968. The Conferences were held from October 14, 1968 - November 8, 1968. The Conference head- quarters were centrally located with each region tofacilitate for the delegates' convenient access to the meetings. Especial appreciation is extended to the Advisory Council, the twelve local planning committees of each region and the numerous library-mind- ed citizens, and the dedicated staff of the State Library Commission who contributed their time and labor to the Conferences. A selection of the speeches representative of the general trend of the twelve Governor's Regional Conferences are included in the proceed- ings. MRS. PAULINE SADLER Conference Coordinator vii Welcome Itiswith great pleasure thatI welcome you tothe Governor's Regional Conferences on Libraries. A signi- ficant necessity for public libraries and improved library services from pre-school children to the senior citizen has been brought about by the technological advancement of the space age and the population explosion. Libraries, being a vital necessity in this cultural change must meet this challenge, The theme of these confer- ences, "LibrariesA Citizen's Necessity", clearly states thc need for a provision of an improved library system for a greater service to the citizens of North Dakota. William L. Guy Governor viii R ;:- Advisory Council on Library Resources Mr. Robert Burke, Attorney Mrs, Ruth Ralph, Librarian Grafton Crosby NIrs. Grace V. Bacon, Past Pres, NIrs, Don Shiite, Pres. N. D. Federation of Women's Clubs N. D. Federation of Women's Clubs NI t Larimore \b. Brooks J.;1(.1)0, Past Pres. NIr. Bernnett Reinke, Librarian American National Cattlemen's Assn. Dickinson State College Keene Dickinson Nlr. Wendal Cushing, Librarian NIrs. R. F. Gunkelman, Jr., Past Pres. School of Forestry Parent 'leachers Association Fargo Bottineau NIrs. Vera DeTienne, Librarian NIr. Nlelford Hanson NIcLean-NI creel. Regional Library City Councilman, Velva Riverdale kir. Lewis E. Johnston Mrs. Coral Layton, County Supt. National Council on Education Fort Yates Forest River Mr. Elmer 1)ewalcl, Librarian Mr. E. S. Riffle, Supt. State Law Library Public Schools Bismarck Fessenden Mrs. Genevieve Buresh Miss Beatrice Larson, Pres. Director. of Library Services North Dakota Lihrary Association Dept. of Public Instruction Devils Lake Bismarck Mr. George Sinner, Member Mrs. Freda flatten Board of Higher Education Serials cataloger, NDSU Cassel ton Fargo Senator Robert Nasset Mrs. Jean alley, Librarian Regent Ward County Library Nl inot Senator Ilefbert L. Meschkc Nlinot Mr. Donovan Berrie, Supt. Public Schools Senator Evan E. Lips Dickinson Bismarck Mrs. Abner Larson, Past Pres, Senator Emil E. Kautzmann N. D. Trustee Assn. Nlanclan Fargo x Table of Contents Preface .vi Introduction vii Welcome viii Map ix Advisory Council Table of Contents xi Messar,,e to Delegates 1 Regional Programs 2 The Role of the School Library in Interlibrary Service School Libraries _32 The Place of Bookmobile Service in the Library Program in North Dakota 35 What Do You Expect from your Libraries? _39 Rural Library Services 46 Public Libraries 50 Interlibrary Services 52 A Challenge to Change _57 Interlibrary Cooperation 65 Interlibrary Services Cooperation _68 A Library System and Its Headquarters _72 12-Region Summary of Group Proceedings 76 xi Message to Delegates I am very pleased to extend my greetings to all of you attending this Regional Conference on Libraries. I am sure we all agree that if we are to continue to provide the im- proved public library service the citizens of every area of our state deserve, it will be necessary to plan and organize our total library ser- vice to make maximum use of all resources available. This can only be clone through the cooperation and effort of all librarians, library trustees, educators, state and local officials and state legislators. I commend and congratulate each of you for the time and effort you are devoting to the continuing improvement of our library service through- out the state. My best wishes to you for every further achievement. Governor William L. Guy 10 1 REGION 1 Stanley, North Dakota October 14, 1968 Conference Program Presiding: Mr. Ralph Bekken, Conferenci2 Chairman 9:00 A.M.Registration and coffee 9:30 A.M.Opening Session Welcome: Mr. Bruce Rodenhizer, Mayor of Stanley Keynote Address: Mr. Norris Wilson, Supt. of Schools, Tioga Panel: What the Region Has in Libraries Moderator: Mr. Ralph Bekken, Attorney, Stanley Academic LibrariesMiss
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