G a m e THE BREEZE To n ight Volume XIV Harrisonburg, Va., Saturday, February 22, 1936 Number 16 Westhampton JUNIOR MIRROR Juniors Dress Students Elect Meets Varsity Helen Mitchel Most Versatile Like Gardeners Minor Officers Mary Cox Most Popular Tonight In Gym Lois Sloop Most Literary For Class Day For Next Year Peter Wratney Most Athletic Mary Cox Most Dependable Freshman vs. Waynesboro Ethel Cooper Most Intellectual Cultivation of Beauty Is McKnight, Way, Phalen, Preliminary Game Julia Kilgore Most Musical Theme Used by Class and Knight Chosen Postponed Marjorie'Fulton Most Stylish Florence Rice... Best Dancer of 1937 S. G. Officials The H. T. G. basketeers will make Bertha Jenkins Best Looking "Cultivating the lovely things in Election of the minor officers, held their second home appearance hfcre this Mary Cox Best Leader Marie Craft Happiest life," the Juniors of H. T. C. appear- Tuesday, completing the roster of evening at 8 o'clock when, they meet ed on campus yesterday as gardeners Peter Wratney Wittiest campus officials, some of whom will as- the Westhampton College sextet \in an celebrating their third growing season. Mary Cox Friendliest sume their duties in March, resulted in eagerly anticipated game. The Juniors wore yellow and white costumes consisting of yellow aprons, tfhe election of Eleanor McKnight, The freshman game scheduled to be yellow and white bonnets, and car- Cambridge, Md. vice-president of stu- played against Waynesboro H[igh ried small watering pots. dent government and Martha Way, School was postponed yesterday and Women's Roles Carrying out this theme, the pro- Kenova, W. Va., secretary-treasurer. will be played at some future date^s gram at the party in the Gym last MARY BRYANT COX Other student government officials are a preliminary to a varsity game. Are Selected night was centered around an old- Independence, president-elect of the student body and president of the Junior Class. Dolores Phalen, Harrisonburg, editor No information as to the strength V li fashioned garden in which dancing and Handbook and Mary Knight, Norfolk, of the Westhampton team could be Four Students Definitely singing took place. recorder of points. gained last night. In the last two Unusual decorations in the form of DrJ.W-Wayland Chosen To Act in latice work and picket fences fur- Y. W.C. A. officials elected Tues- clashes with the H. T. C. sextet, how- Stafford Play nished atmosphere to the Gym while day are Louise Faulconer, Unionville, ever the Westhampton basketeers met Talks In Chapel artificial flowers added color. Alice vice-president; Helen Mitchell, Appa- defeat. With the definite selection of the Jean Pickett, Junior mascot, partici- The probable line-up for tonight's .lachia, secretary, and Sue Quinn, Rich- four students who will carry the fem- pated- in the program along with the Former Professor Reviews game as announced by Anne Kellam, mond, treasurer. Completing the Ath- inine roles in "The Late Christopher majority of the class. - principals and Ideals captain, will be H. Irby and L. R. letic Association officers are Martha Bean," Stratford spring production, re- I he Junior banquet was held in t H T r Pullen as guards, M. Byer and C. Bluestone Dining Hall, Friday evening. I OI H. 1. L. (Peter) Wratney, Pittsburg, Perm., Brennan as centers, and A. Kellam and hearsals are being held 3 times a week. The Junior and Freshman officers seat- "T-1 , ~ ' ■' .' ^1 ,"-~v "■"*" '■ r* V- ,-*v vireK»reMdentv^'»faiW;an Ljuidj^ghank »a*i3»»c-c«nqtier-caTjrerweren7nriior»--»-^- ** • ««■»■ *"*» -j*«i|o»yivx• atnr-m/*ar~** Pe^rsburgVSusiness manager and MaiT" The Senior Class is acting as hos- will play Abbie, Doris Bubb, Mrs. Mary Cox, president; Ellen Eastham,] school are in most respects today what were in tne garet Shank, Harrisonburg, treasurer. tess to the team. Haggett; Anna Fearnow, Ada; and vice-president; Adelaide Howser, sec-1 they beginning was the Mary Stuart, Susan. retary; Helen Shutters, treasurer; Alice declaration of Dr. John W. Wayland, Alice West, Salem, was elected busi- Koontz, Bywaters Previous to this time, eight girls West, business manager; Katherine formerly professor of history and head ness manager of the BREEZE, Annie have been studying and actings these Beale,. Sergeant-at-arms. Freshman— of the history department at the State Glenn Darden, Holland, business man- Teachers College and one of its early Represent I. R. C. roles. Agnes Arnold, president; Elizabeth ager of the Schoolma'am and Anita Rawles, vice-president; Audrey Kil- faculty members, in a talk made at Wise, varsity cheer leader. At District Meet man, secretary; Katherine Warner, the regular assembly hour Wednesday Giffords Leave For treasurer; Nell Cox, business manager; morning. The major officers were elected Feb- Hazel Koontz, Elkton, and Eliza- Jeanne Fretwell, sergeant-at-arms. Sen- "At that time our life was character- ruary 4. beth Bywaters, Opequon, will represent Education Meetings ior president, Flora Heins; Sophomore ized by simplicity, economy, and hard Those officials who do not take office the local IRC at the meeting of one president, Ila Arrington. Other guests work," Dr. Wayland said. "It had in March will do so at the beginning hundred and twenty-one organizations Daisy Mae Gilford, president of the were: Mrs. A. B. Cook, Frances Wells, to be simple because there were only of the 1936-37 session. of the southeast district at Winthrop Alpha Chi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, Bertha Jenkins, Miss Turner, Dr. and two oi three buildings, with no as- College, Rock Hill, S. C, next week. and her father, Dean W. J. Gifford, Mrs. H. G. Pickett and Alice Jean. sembly hall other than two adjoining The incoming and outgoing presidents left this week to attend the annual Committee chairmen for Junior Day rooms with a portable partition in Music Convention expect to leave for South Carolina, convention of the National Education were: Alice West—decoration; Ade- Maury Hall. The first assembly, in Holds Meetings February 27. Association being held at St. Louis, laide Howser and Martha Way—Gym September, 1909 was held here. Later Nineteen Virginia colleges and uni- Missouri. Kappa Delta Pi, interna- program; Lois Sloop—class songs; Dot assemblies were held in the gymnasium i Here In April versities will be represented at this tional honorary society, is also holding Beach—invitations; Helen Mitchell— of Ashby Hall, the second floor of its annual meeting in connection with Harrison Hall, and in Reed Hall conference at which all the principal programs; Nina Hayes and Virginia The joint convention of the Virginia colleges east of the Mississippi in the the NEA convention. Lee—property; Bertha Jenkins—ban- gymnasium. "We had to be economical in many Music Teacher's Association and the southern part of the U. S. will be in The honorary society head left this quet; Dr. Pickett—materials. Virginia Federation of Music Clubs of ways, economical of both resources attendance. morning in order to be present for the which Miss Edna Shaeffer, head of the and time. Two presidents of the Roundtable conferences, discussion Kappa Delta Pi convention, beginning department of music, will be chairman, For Good Work good tools are as school encouraged such economy and periods, and lectures on vital interna- Monday. Dr. Gifford left Friday af- will meet at the College April 15-18. necessary as good workmen. simplicity. tional affairs have been planned. ternoon for tne NEA meeting. Both Joint hosts with the college will be "We worked hard and took ourselves Among the speakers of national repu- plan to return next Thursday. two campus organizations, the Glee seriously. Most of us were young, tation which have been secured by the An open forum among all chap- There's a Time for everything, and Club, of which Luemma Phipps, Galax, with the seriousness of purpose of Carnegie Endowment for International ters represented will be a feature of women are clever in timing their re- is president, and the Aeolion Club, Peace are Dr. Edgar Fisher, former the Kappa Delta Pi meeting held from quests for a new fur coat or something young people. At the same time we were optimistic, believing in a worth- honorary musical organization, which dean and professor of history and poli- February 24-26. Among the speak- like that. Emma Dunbar, Dunbar, W. Va., heads. while future for the institution and tical science at Rboret College at in- ers on the programs will be Dr. Wil- Mrs. T. R. Steele, of Portsmouth, stanbul, Turkey; Dr. Joseph L. Kunz, liam Baglcy, nationally know educa- ourselves. We felt that we were Be Critical—of yourself. building for the future. is president of the Federation of Music lecturer in international law at the tor, and Dr. Florence Stratameyer, Clubs, and Mrs. Bristow Harden, of "A spirit of good fellowship was University of Toledo; and Miss Amy vice-president of the honorary organ- Norfolk, of the Music Teacher's As- When Reason Fails, use your nerve. (Continued on Page Three) Hemmingway Jones, division assistant ization convening in St. Louis. sociation. of the Carnegie Edowment. It is the second time that the latter Juniors Conduct Sketcher Draws Portraits organization has been entertained at Committee Works the college but the first time that the Friday Assembly Of Junior Class Officers former has met here". The college has On Placements been host to the district convention several times. Developing the theme of the Junior Stately glide . erect carriage . and L. and U. of Va. engaging The Placement Committee of the o Day program yesterday, a large num- contagious smile . aristocratic nose smile.—ADELAIDE HOWSER. College under the direction of Dean ber of class members participated in . democratic spirit (I want every Senior Class Elects W.
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