APPLICATION NUMBER: WD/D/18/001139 APPLICATION SITE: LAND ADJACENT FOLLY FARM, THORNFORD ROAD, YETMINSTER PROPOSAL: Application for approval of reserved matters for layout, appearance, landscaping & scale in relation to Outline approval WD/D/16/000642 APPLICANT: Burrington Estates (Yetminster) Ltd CASE OFFICER: Hamish Laird WARD MEMBER(S): Cllr R A S Legg, Cllr M Lawrence RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: Approve. 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE: 1.1 The application site is agricultural land to the north of Yetminster and would be accessed from Thornford Road. The land lies to the north of Stonyacres and wraps around the east and north boundaries of St Andrews C of E Primary School. Along part of the eastern and southern site boundaries is the boundary for the Yetminster Conservation Area and land of local landscape importance. However, the application site is neither in the Conservation Area or designated as land of local landscape importance. The site lies outside the defined development boundary for Yetminster but abuts it in part on the southern site boundary. 1.2 No public rights of way cross the site but there is a public footpath on land to the east and a permissive path to the south to Boyles School. There is a public footpath on land to the west on the opposite side of Thornford Road. There are several residential properties in Stonyacres which abut the southern boundary of the application site. There is also a residential property at Folly Farm to the north of the site. 1.3 This is an application for the approval of Reserved Matters following on from the grant of outline planning permission for residential development for up to 87 dwellings to be constructed on the site (Ref: WD/D/16/000642). The principle of residential development for the site has, therefore, been established. The Matters Reserved for consideration as part of this application are: Layout; Appearance; Scale and Landscaping. The position of the vehicular access to the site from Thornford Road was fixed at the outline stage. 2. DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT: 2.1 The Reserved Matters (RM) application, seeks the approval of details comprising Appearance; Landscaping; Layout and Scale. It involves the erection of a mixed housing development (85 dwellings); the provision of an area of public open space; a contribution towards primary and secondary education; and, a new footpath linking the site to St Andrews C of E Primary School. The outline planning permission was the subject of the prior signing of a S.106 Agreement and 13 conditions. 2.2 The S.106 Agreement secures the following: Affordable Housing a Minimum 35% Affordable Housing; Tenure control of affordable housing, 70% rented, 30% as shared ownership; Controls to ensure concurrent delivery of market and affordable housing Public Open Space Agree a specification for the provision of an area of open space with the Council; Provide at the developers expense the open space to the agreed specification; Transfer the completed open space area to a Management Company prior to the occupation of 30% of the open market dwellings on the site. To manage, monitor and maintain the public open space in accordance with the public open space scheme as agreed with the District Council. Education Contribution To provide the County Council with a financial contribution towards education provision. (Primary and Secondary) with 1/3 payable on commencement of development; 2/3 payable by the first occupation of 1/3 of the qualifying dwellings; and, to pay all the contribution by the first occupation of 2/3 of the qualifying dwellings. The contribution to be £5,444.50 per qualifying dwelling; Qualifying dwellings are those containing 2 No. or more bedrooms (including any such qualifying affordable housing units). Provision of a footpath and public footpath scheme To provide a direct footpath link from the site to the school with re-positioning of any gates as deemed necessary. 2.3 The Reserved Matters submission and approval of its details will enable the scheme to comply with the outline planning conditions and legal obligations. 2.4 Subsequent to the original submission, and the receipt of comments from consultees and neighbours, revised plans have been submitted, which result in: A slightly altered layout to meet LHA and FRA requirements; Detail design changes to dwellings to reflect the concerns raised by the Parish Council and neighbours resulting in alterations to the layout and appearance of the flats in the NE corner of the site to reduce their height, bulk and scale. Building redesigned together with adjacent houses with more traditional appearance and repositioned. Adopted roads have been checked/adjusted to be 5 metres minimum width to allow use for visitor parking. 2m single side footpath and crossing points are acceptable to main spine and have been shown with crossings to private drives. 2m margin for forward visibility on bends have been incorporated. Kerb/ road alignments reviewed and layout adjusted to improve crossing points and service vehicle turning; Northern parking area - Parking layouts adjusted to improve accessibility and incorporate landscaping. Eastern gardens reviewed - Gardens enlarged together with other plots listed. Hedges and trees to be retained as per details attached to the Outline permission; Pump station layout and parking adjusted to improve screening / appearance. Revised plans submitted reflecting existing foul sewer staying in situ – Layout adjusted to avoid need to re-route drain. Palette of building materials and building design in line with Yetminster references. “Split” buildings now joined. Affordable and open market dwellings not to be distinguishable. Some additional stone houses incorporated in prominent locations ( plots 29 and 58 ) Other issues: Amended side elevations to plots 40 and 41 to look over access to Public Open Space, Amended side elevations to plots 46 and 53 to overlook parking courts. Footpath connections clarified. 3. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY: Application No. Application Decision Date of decision Description WD/D/15/001693 Outline Application for REF Appeal withdrawn (Appeal) residential development WD/D/15/001693 Outline Application for R 15 February 2016 residential development WD/D/16/000642 Outline Application for A 23 September 2016 residential development 4.0 RELEVANT PLANNING POLICIES: 4.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2018 The NPPF has been updated with a revised version published on 23 July, 2018. Paragraph 11 of the NPPF advises of the ‘Presumption in favour of sustainable development’. Section 5 ‘delivering a sufficient supply of homes’ outlines the governments objective in respect of land supply A sub-section ‘Rural housing’ at paragraphs 75 -77 reflects the requirement for development in rural areas. Paragraphs 83 and 84 'Supporting a prosperous rural economy' promotes the sustainable growth and expansion of all types of business and enterprise in rural areas, through conversion of existing buildings, the erection of well- designed new buildings, and supports sustainable tourism and leisure developments where identified needs are not met by existing rural service centres. Section 11 ‘Making effective use of land’ Section 12 ‘Achieving well designed places’ indicates that all development to be of a high quality in design, and the relationship and visual impact of it to be compatible with the surroundings. In particular, and amongst other things, Paragraphs 124 – 132 advise that: The Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people. It is important to plan positively for the achievement of high quality and inclusive design for all development, including individual buildings, public and private spaces and wider area development schemes. Permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions. Further advice contained in the following sections of the NPPF is of relevance: Section 14 – Climate change – and where applicable – flooding and coastal change. Section 15– Natural Environment Section 16 – Historic Environment Section 4. Decision taking: Para 38 - Local planning authorities should approach decisions on proposed development in a positive and creative way. They should use the full range of planning tools available, including brownfield registers and permission in principle, and work proactively with applicants to secure developments that will improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. Decision-makers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible. 4.2 Adopted West Dorset and Weymouth & Portland Local Plan (2015) Section 38(6) of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that all development proposals are determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Development Plan for West Dorset is The West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan (adopted October 2015). In the adopted Local Plan, the following policies are considered relevant: ENV1 Landscape, Seascape And Sites Of Geological Interest ENV2 Wildlife and Habitats ENV5 Flood Risk ENV10 Landscape and Townscape Setting ENV11 The Pattern of Streets and Spaces ENV12 The Design and Positioning of Buildings ENV15 Efficient
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