P O S T A L ^ E c L i p t S s h o w T h I RECOftB CiftOULAfiON t h e L a R g E s t i n t h e c o u n t y . T h e y d o n 't L i e . * * ~ “HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.” • VOLUMN XX IX . UNTY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY APRIL 4 1928 NUMBER 3S NEWS OF LONG AGO. Number of Birds and The Record Honor Roll. Cleveland YouthsIn The Y P E O P L g Among those who have subscrib THAT WASNT OLD NEWS. Whit Wa« Happening In Davie Before Animals Killed ed or renew'ed their subscriptions S raight And Narrow Int Will Guarantee It.” The Days of Automobiles and Rolled A census of the dead, the first to The Record, our thanks are dm- The Cleveland county board o< Hose Some Things That' Happened Here Nearly undertaking of this character to be the following: education has decided that corpora 1 , Pavie Record, April I 1903) tried in North Carolina, has been punishment by the teachers of Clevp Fifty Years Ago. \V. A. Bailey, of Advance, was C W. Hall launched. The dead in this case Mrs. T. N. Chaffin land schools shall be endorsed Bi in town Friday. that body. They have proclaimed From Davie Times, May 26, 1881. will be the number of game and Rev A C. Chaffin Dr. A. Z. Taylor, who is located the fact that “spare the rod and f , N. C. \ animals taken in the State during Inferior court, first Muodav in orn- wishing a croquet set get a J. M. Horn spoil the child” is a clause that hsu- in Selma, spent last week in town the hunting seasou just closed. DAVIE PEOPLE” L. B. Ratledge lust its .oriejnal meani g in iher June. Thereare iS cases on the Ivirgain hv calling on him. with Iiis family. The census will be in the nature E. E. Koontz locket and 35 presentment btrfoi e Pu ilie 211 I of June, Statesville, i C. Pinnix, Deputy Collector -yes This action may d 1 ihe child of a survey of game conditions of B C Brock ren of that county 'a great d* al 01 :he grand jnrv. N. C . will vole on a proprsilion for Pavie and \adkin, was in town j gtate j t v v lp carried on by C C Beck mu id. too Our young friend Philip H j sub-cube 000 to the Stat-s- '■*" *1* < * ♦ > F r i d a y . j means of a return postal card mail- J M Ratledge C.iip>ral puni.-h nent should a' Booe, has located in Winsion He ville Airline Railroad This sub­ W R- Felker, of Kappa, was in e(j t0 every hnnter’in the.State on Rev M F Booe ways be use as a last of re ort, 0: .vouiri be glad to have his friends sciiption is to he turued over Io town last week on business. the number of game birds and ani­ E H Smith couse. But that it must t>e used tr call ou him at Bioivn & Carter's the North Carolina Midland pro­ Miss Louna Willson who has mals killed during the season. O E Driver ffie teacher and parent at times W F. McMahan Esq will be at vided it luiilds to Statesville. teen visiting her uncle. Rev. W. One hundred and twenty-five J MoodySmith goi 3 without dyii g. Tne endorse­ :he court house 011 the 3d, 6th, 7th Elder Drurv A. Woodson, of Va. C. Willson, returned tojherliomein ment, of the scnuol officials wi i thousand returned cards, Deputy H H Lanier and 8th of June for the purpose of has accepted the call of the Baptist Statesville Thursday. Game and Fish Commissioner strengthen the hands of tht t achers churches at Mocksville and Jeru­ W H Davis m Cleveland, and in this manner listing the taxes for the State and W. A. Weant has about com­ Thomas declares, are being mailed salem, and will be upon the field a- ■one Co. A J Anderson work for the more effective training county. pleted remodeling his store building out from the Department of Con­ W A Weant The canning factory a Neivberne hout the 1st June Will preach in the Weant block for a drug store of the young. servation and Development by Dir­ C A Crews There are teachers who do not ex­ commenced putting up green peas (I). V.) at Jerusalem the 1st Sab- to he run by Dr. Kimbrough. ector Wade H. Phillips with re­ Mrs D P Foard ercise the right of corporal punish on Monday They have shipped oath in June. The Martinsville Manufacturing quests that tne blanks be filled in JamesFMoore ment wisely, and much harm oftei over 6000 cans of oysters to Bj Iii- The fuivejing corps under Capt. Co., will soon be ready to turn out and mailed back to the department N B Weant results from their idisioncrases. more at one shipment. Ramr-her, reached this place on ’h e T im e . finished lumber at their plant near Immediately. R A Howell But this is the type of pedagogue, W K. Gibbs, of this county Tuesday, when they completed the the depot. “The report.” continued the De C M Sheets the author'ties in Cleveland togeth­ fleeced a sheep cne day not long I Io ation of the road as far as Mocks­ Rev. C. S. Casliwell, of Marion, putyJGarae and Fish Commissioner, C G VanZant er with those of other Carohm since and got ttn pounds ot wool. ville. The Caotain and his boys has jnsl concluded a series of meet­ “ is one which every hunter in his Mrs. Frank Sheek counties, are trying to get rid of — The sheep wcigued 135^4 after left yesterday morning for Mores- Hickory Rt cord. IE COMPANY ings at the Cooleemee Baptist application for a licence agree'd to John Brown shearing, and was only 13 months viUe where they will make a survey * church. make at the close of the season. It J W Wall old. Farmington, N. C., May 24th lSt N. C. «1 The Cooleemee cotton mill had is important that every hunter C F Blackwood Last Of His Company. Prof. E. \V. Scott has oj e >ed a Mr. Editor:—Soineof the anti- ♦I to stand idle three days last week make this report in order that ac­ U K Spry Frank Mode, Confederate veter normal writing school at. County stock law men are preparing for -C-VeVefrVu- % 4 on account of hight water. curate information may be obtain­ H R Eaton an, died a few days ago near Mar­ Line. Mr. Ccott knows his btisi war. Ou last Sunday evening Len Dickson was diiliing his squad of T. R. Walsh will take charge of ed regarding game conditions in W D Foster io*', McDowell county. Mode went ness and will improve the writing The Davie Times April 7th. to the army when a vouth of 19 and men for the durpose of protecting im tm tim m nl the State. J K Crotts of all those who will give him tli.if Superior court is in session here fought four years without receiving hit defeat. Mr. Jint Cnthrell cap­ “ Information complied from the J R -Brown attrntion, scratch. He lived to be 86 yeats this week with Judge McNeal pre­ survey will show definitely the sup­ Mrs Mollie Powell W. B. Moss has just received a tain. ild and his death resulted from a YEAR siding. ply of various types of game in the fresh supply of fine confectioneties Ty Singer Drummer. D G Grubb fall. He is the iast survivor of his (serve your wants in Ex-Senator J. C. Pritchard has different sections of the State and a id cainied goods which he ^offers Thereareseveral inses of smal- Mrs E H Hauser company that went, to the war at been appointed Associate Justice of pox 111 different oarts of the Slate. Grocery Line than will provide a' basis upon which B R Bailey the beginning of hostilities. to the trade at low figures. Anv fresh and you can the Supreme court of the District will rest many of the solution of G F Koontz m e*sewhere A big of Columbia, . .. r . •game problems -in North Carolina-.: 'Mrs Mattie-lHartman - - The legislature has passed a bill It will help to show how the sup­ Mrs. Louise Smith lhing, hats, caps, and Ecenomicat Transportation introduced by A. T. Grant, Jr., to ply can be increased for the bene­ W. S Walker (over our stock before pav all outstanding claims in the fit of every hunter.” J. L. Tolbert ring goods. Bargains hands of the school teachers and "In your sworn application for Mrs. C H McMaham others for the years 1901 and 1902 license under the State Game Law, D. H Thompson The following list takers have you agreed to report at tne end of B. L Hopkins been named for Davie county, J. the season the number and kind of j. S. Plowman H. Sprinkle, W. C. Douglas, L. birds and animals taken by you J. P. Chaffin 1ENDRIX A Bailey, W. D. Foster, C. A. and where taken,” says the report W. M. Markland Hall, A. T. Grant, Sr.. A. C. b[ank. “ The facts so gathered South Mocksville Chas.
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