+ + ServingServing thethe communities communities in: in: LenaweeLenawee & & Monroe Monroe counties, counties, t SCHOLARSHIPS 2 includingincluding Blissfi Adrian, eld, Bedford Blissfield, Township, Dundee, Erie, Ida, LaSalle, Luna Pier, t Bedford Township, Carleton, PEOPLE 2 Monroe,Dundee, Ottawa Erie, Ida,Lake, Monroe, Petersburg t STUDENTS OF THE WEEK 2 Ottawa Lake & Petersburg t SENIOR CITIZENS 5 THE BLADE, TOLEDO, OHIO y THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2007 SECTION M BEDFORD SCHOOLS WHAT’S ON SEEING TO IT THAT THE TEACHER’S ALL WET Adrian State audit tDracula, 8 p.m. Oct. 19, 20, 26, and 27, and 3 p.m. Oct. 21 and 28 at Croswell Opera House, 129 East sheds light Maumee St. Tickets: $22 general admission-$18 up- per balcony; $20 seniors- on energy $18, and $18 students-$12. Information: 517-263-6868 or www.croswell.org. tLenawee Humane Soci- savings ety has cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies for adoption at $50 per animal. Most of the District is ‘greener’ animals available for adop- tion are already neutered or than many in Mich. spayed. Call: 517-263-3463. By LARRY P. VELLEQUETTE BLADE STAFF WRITER Blissfi eld TEMPERANCE — Bedford tBlissfi eld Model Railroad Public Schools’ buildings may Club open house, 11 a.m. to be “greener” than many Michi- 4 p.m. Oct. 20-21, Nov. 17- gan schools, but there’s room 18, and Dec. 22-23, 114 East for improvement, according to a Adrian St. Children accom- recent state energy audit. panied by a parent have the Nicholas Evans, a staff engi- opportunity to run trains over neer with the energy offi ce of the 2,700 square feet of track. Michigan Department of Labor Free. Call: 517-266-0949. and Economic Growth, surveyed Bedford’s school buildings late Clinton this summer and delivered his t Roast pork dinner, 4:30-7 analysis to the board of educa- p.m. Oct. 26 at United Church tion last month. of Christ, 300 Tecumseh Rd. His conclusions: the district Adults $8, ages 5-10 $5, could save much-needed money under 5 years free. Takeout THE BLADE/HERRAL LONG by changing some light bulbs available. Information: 517- and shutting down appliances 456-4363. Stephen Dubuc, right, a sophomore at Bedford High School, the senior class of 2008, was part of Bedford’s Homecoming when not in use. is living what might be every student’s dream — dunking a Week festivities last Thursday. Other spirit-building activities Mr. Evans’ inspection didn’t Dundee teacher, in this case, Med Barr. The dunk tank, sponsored by were Sunglasses Day, Hat Day, and the Homecoming parade. cost the district anything. It was conducted under a statewide t Family Movie Night, energy-saving initiative called 6:30-9 p.m. Oct. 19 at Dundee Rebuild Michigan, in which Branch Library, East Main state and local governments and Street. Animated comedy schools are audited to improve about a surfi ng penguin. Take Historic City Hotel about to begin energy performance. your own movie snacks and “Schools for the most part beverages. Use the back, are very anxious to participate,” lower door entrance. explained Tim Shireman, the project manager for the Rebuild Erie life anew in Monroe’s downtown Michigan Program. “We’ve got tCraft show and pig and an economic situation where chicken roast Oct. 27, craft By JC REINDL the schools’ revenue is uncertain and bake sale 9 a.m. to BLADE STAFF WRITER and schools are looking to save 3 p.m., lunch served 11 a.m. MONROE — Closed for the last any way they can.” to 1 p.m., roast 5-7 p.m. at four years, the historic City Hotel Mr. Shireman said the 10-year- 1100 East Samaria Rd., Infor- on West Front Street was abuzz old free program has already au- mation: 734-497-5804. this month with whining power dited 50 government buildings t Erie Mason High School saws and falling hammers. and school districts the fi rst nine swimming pool open every The building’s owner and months of this year, about what Wednesday for two sessions, redeveloper, Ken Wickenheiser , the program has averaged for a 7-8 p.m. and 8-9 p.m. at 2400 was inside working up a sweat whole year. Lakeside Rd. Lifeguard on in his jeans and T-shirt as he laid “In most schools, their duty. Cost per session is $1. fl ooring alongside his crew. second-largest line items are Information: 734-848-4257. The 1850-era building is set to reopen late next month as See ENERGY, Page 2 Monroe a higher-end “boutique hotel” following a $500,000 renovation t Monroe County Commu- that Mr. Wickenheiser began in nity College’s fi tness day, the fall of last year . VOLUNTEERS STEP UP Health Odyssey: 9 a.m. to Most of the rooms will rent 1:30 p.m. Oct. 23 on MCCC’s for $80 to $90 a night, Mr. Wick- Main Campus. Health infor- enheiser said, and will feature mation and screenings in the wood fl oors, kitchenettes, fl at- Mason gets Gerald Welch Health Educa- panel televisions, and marble tion Building. Free screenings tile showers. A limestone fi re- will include pulmonary func- place will grace the lobby. help in hunt tion, blood pressure, height After purchasing the hotel and weight, chiropractic, in September, 2006, for a price asthma, and a foot exam and of about $200,000, Mr. Wick- for district glaucoma testing. Information enheiser was looking to turn also available on diabetes, nu- the three-story building into a trition and cancer. Free mas- mixed-use development with sages by a therapist. A num- schools chief commercial space on the ground ber of other tests requiring a fl oor and residential apartments By LARRY P. VELLEQUETTE four-hour fast available for a BLADE STAFF WRITER fee. Keynote lunch speaker at on the second and third fl oors. ERIE — With money not a 12:30 p.m. brown bag event But following a suggestion by exactly arriving at Michigan will be Linda Lauer, licensed John Patterson , president and physical therapist special- chief executive offi cer of the schools by the bus load from izing in pain management and Monroe Tourism Bureau, Mr. Lansing right now, the Mason holistic health. Wickenheiser said he changed Consolidated School Board has his mind. He decided instead turned to an old friend to help t Monroe County Commu- to turn the building back into a fi nd a new superintendent. nity College Cuisine 1300, hotel — albeit with much larger A committee of administra- a dining opportunity offered and nicer rooms than before. It tors from the Monroe County by the college’s chefs and had 48 rooms when it closed, Intermediate School District second-year culinary arts and will reopen with 11. is facilitating Mason’s search students, will be open Oct. Mr. Patterson said he was to replace Marlene Mills, who 19 to Dec. 12 on Mondays, pleased with the decision. resigned as the district’s super- Wednesdays, Thursdays, and “Having a downtown hotel is intendent last December. Fridays, with seatings at ISD Superintendent Don 11:30 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. a vital part of having a thriving Spencer; Elizabeth Taylor, the Reservations are required. downtown … I think it’s going to ISD’s assistant superintendent Call 734-384-4272 between be the nucleus of the revitaliza- 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday tion of downtown.” for human resources and legal through Friday. Mr. Wickenheiser said the rea- counsel, and Susan Miller, the son he is fi lling his building with ISD’s communications special- t Italian dinner at the Center hotel rooms rather than apart- ist, are conducting Mason’s su- 6 p.m. Nov. 9 at Monroe Cen- ments comes down to advance- perintendent search — for free. ter Cancer Connection, 15275 ments in computer technology. “It’s sort of a pilot for us, to see South Dixie Hwy. Cost of the The hotel business has tra- if this is a service that we could Italian feast, prepared by Chef ditionally involved signifi cant offer our local districts,” Mrs. Mario Pace, is $10. Purchase overhead expenses, such as costs Taylor said. tickets early by calling 734- of paying doormen and employ- The ISD team will hold two 241-8888. ing round-the-clock desk staff. THE BLADE/ANDY MORRISON public forums at 7 tonight to tMonroe Camera Club So to turn a signifi cant profi t, Jeremy Stotz, top photo, cleans dust from the hardwood fl oor in one of the refurbished rooms. get public input on the search meets the fi rst and third See HOTEL, Page 2 Thursday of the month, 4010 Above, a fi replace and exposed brick wall will highlight the lobby area of the hotel. See MASON, Page 2 North Custer Rd. Information: 734-243-3346. Samaria tGirl’s Tea Party, from 1-4 Owens golfers victorious in 6 of 9 fall tournaments p.m. Oct. 27, Grace United Methodist Church, 1463 West By MARK MONROE medalist honors at an invita- Smith fi nished with the lowest “He’s a very good talent,” Samaria Rd. Dress up in tea- BLADE SPORTS WRITER tional this fall. MORE SPORTS INSIDE average on the team (74.96). The Guerrero said. party attire. Music, crafts, and The Owens Community Col- “What I like about this team is tCampus Notes: Freshman sophomore shared fi rst place Crisp, who was second on treats. Information: 734-856- lege golf team followed up a that if it’s not one guy, it is some- runs to the head of the fi eld at with Bell at the Urbana Invita- the team with a 75.12 average, 3490.
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