
JOe COSTA MESA FEE TESTS ISE IIOIIIECOI(ING QUEEN lorlfewport- ...--wlllbo IW-od" tbo b&l!-llme futlritles Friday eYealDc. Oct.l1, at tile lilrti«-W"""'""«PIM at Daridloa tleld. 0.0 ol the S - - wiD be tbo- IUid tbo --lUllS Ule S other clau pr1Dcessu 'Will aen-e u ber covt. 'Ptdlnd We. ..at.~. are ttt.!1 IWDey ol - IU&fllaodo - left, IUid lf!Wilrol ol Lido We,- ollbo senior prlDcesses; stancHnc, left ton.-,--at Mary L)'DD MWJDQ'• oiBaJ Sbcw-, ~e ; Lclrl ­ Burlsb ol Lido lsle, frechman; Ju Ka.nmara of CWI Hn-. 88ldor, aDd AAtta Smith ol lJAio Isis, ·-. (Eoslp (>lloiD.) New freeway plans, which WOWd an more houses a.1ooc 5tb An, 1D Corona del Mar, are betac dl~ 1D meettnp • wltb delip eopDee.rs a.Dd de~ olp llalf of ... Slals Dl~ HO- H IJM • , • aU this atteatloa fs 50 tlrinc, 1Dd1eates: l1tllt ofiU&flftYo. Rick Rodney L..a•er as be aad ll1s m·...tber, M.uy, aDC1 daddy, Coroaa del Mar Chamber ol fl.mous teftnis cna.mp Rod LaYer, pr.,-e to lean Hoac Hosp1ta.1 tor tbeir Harbor Vetr HUb: borne. Rick ns born :U Hoa.g oo Saturday, Sept. Z'l, weighing iD lt 8 pomds, 5 oUDCes. (Jack West pboto.) 8.1. fights for fire hall BILL IIOBLE of BoJbco lalaDd wu ooe of tbe competitors J.a Sex ed for parents asked Jut Jtu'l f.oaucanJ, of tbe GraDd Prts. for tricycles. Tb1a slbtlities, aDd eventually tbey year's aeat 1.1 set tor Oct. ZS. trill assume no respoDSibtllty," Wr. Browe saJd 1n retUbl. He s;a.id that the talk lbcll1. serious WnHy Problems refers 2nd trike only to a ver y small mloortty, and ~t the sexeduc.a.Uoooour­ ses Ia pubUc schools could DOt compoWld the problem. Or. Nolan Frtueue. edue&­ tton commJttee chairman, said tllat a questionnaire is beiDC" prepued tor t!W.lln& toPU'eiU to de termine their oplnioo5 oa the advisablUty of se:r educa­ tion and b.mUy Ufe classes. He sa.td that the r espoos.es to these questionnaires wtu be takeo.lDto consic1eratloo in ctraft1Dc tbe report that h.ls com mittee will submit to tbe NeW'pOI't Ka.rtlor Chamber. FIRE HITS UHDA -E -·11 $10,000 -­ aee -.ru done 110 tbe !K)me aiR. D. Olmstead ol 5Z L1Dda Jail OD Oct. 5 when & flu wu -.necs by ODe of the chtk!rn plaJtac wlth matches ud candle~ lD tbl crilld'a bedroom. A - bod, oltM lllaod, tbo carpel, ID tbo aU lbo _.,c- lllolt&lr.._c-. IUid put "' ... don - "' ud... ..,.--•ckala&o<LIIIr.. Olaa• 1 ._. ....... eataoD ... liar~· Sh.. UI no *1IIC- tbo S clllldr-. Tboro--.. ~~~- • CONSERVATIVE CORNER ....... -~~-~...-.- ., Clo-• -· 10•1M• 111M-- Yolu ~~--....... uo uth<IIJ lolllal 1M lnlll llot ID 1>t ... - IIJ ......,.. Fateol llii<IICI •· Ill torllll tW ,___ IM-..-oi!MIIowiAII, ..1 a lion 111aa '1$ udr._t&: 1J T- ....,_, Dr, - lleBinlo, no •·-~~--ero.eomtar/ Ho malloltlllo~ "Wo _____________________.Our Braes: broldeUtl u tM •• vat~ al from II'IOfe tbln a doMDJt&tll ut .....-lila w.r at lllaatt.l TO YOUNG PIOPU-I'AIIT II -·" baa o•....,.ocl - ' or,; ,... ·111 laM J!11t 1o t111o "mod" wardrobe; and J win paooalty tee tbrt "'••• ot a C~-r"olut.loDU1 youth war. Be oo .-rd lll J10W JDeal llll OI'PIQAL MIWSPA... A> Y"" moy have ounnitod from my lint ""'"'lM'! that they are dimlbutcd amon1 the poor. WJty · ader~ aetloG CfO!Ct, ..mttus an btlac COildldtd .ecb0018 tJr 1111 attt....., la.- OP TMI QTY OP MIWFOIT IIAOt letter lue week, mUiion• of Ul ovc:r-)0-and-out- don't you "se:lf--dclcnlled ideali1t1"' practice W'ldil'tfCIHI to 111m Ud to blJ 1.1 oU1ef putt ol Ca.Worall. &lid UttralioD bJ lt'I01...,."1 'ltlfOR Alll:A'S OFFSET N£F$PAI'Eit of·• "'~"'"" '"' lecl:up-tO:here with the •ttl· what you preach? YULOu eae 11 •atlYe tdtlc&- aerou tbt t.otlllb'J. Tra1D1DC P'~· He., JOUI' Votct ot TH£ H"- tudes add behavior of a larae aepnent of our Oflloo ................... Eoolp .......... til If you a~uden ta want 10 rebel api.nM t1aM.llaDr"':-Baru• a1ttter la blUe ctYeD by experteaeed Amll'teullm to be" 0111' JOmC ''hypocrisy," why don't you rebel aaaiDM aa • • on ChrliUU S.A. V,E.leldeta, wbo people!' 1711 L C... a.,.• c-•1 ., CaW. - 92625- ro-: don•t blame you for beina upect by the educational system whole .. llbt:ral" teaciMrt for tbla IDOitb. lt ls ,.,...., underltud the methods em- Dr. McBtnlt"a addr ... U: TILU'IIDII .. 673:0S. (-""" CMoo 714) •,.tablbhment." You'•• be<n .., by 1hc aive yoo low marks unlaa you tcpe.lt the tllllt ataComnumtJt .. BiaekPU- p)OJtd by lbe mtUta.nt, radical P. 0. Dol 90, GIHdlle, can­ 1'18 tiEWPOCT IIAABOa EPISICN '• ... o.lp • ,.,., .. priatM establi1hment. Bul the e:stabl~nt is .­ teachers' leftist fairy taks at cuminatioo lime? tMr ~Mid La Blrte.. y La left. Whleh LDt1udea the S,D,S., IorDi& 91Z09. ... r"'ah• Ia .. Cilp of Na.,cwt a.~t.. ..,. U. HI,- \ocaU,- Capitalism and the system of inchvid~l enter­ If "hypocriSy" really offends you, wby don't Aupat, P~;er•Utmade b' tbt Bl&et PaAlhtra, tile Blatk The COMII'YIUYt CorMI' la .-. _. .,_..., • ..,.,.., ta dta N..,..-t C... a •- prise. Nor even what was formerly known as a..., you re~l 11gainst the .. Christi1m" heads of your tbl e:re:~ Stud«<l UtliOO ud OCMrs. takiDC part lD thla '"!;~COD~ ArM. PWI~ ....._.,., - n-.4ay. See-oM cl- ,...,. paid ··Americanism." H is a combinalk>n of indu•· tu1lrC- divinity schools who are so quick to procla)m pull Tbls objec.Uvt 1a to bt Dr. YeBirDJe relatel that trlbtllinc lbe IWD • C.... •• .._, Calli. trial cartelisiS, education and foundalton that they don't believe in tM divinity and Jtu'. UIMd lD aeeorduce b1J orpnls&Uoo Is publlalllnC S.A. Y.£. (studeoll A) plliiiiYio­ TilE NEWP<MIT HARBOR ENSIGN •- MJ!Idrd to M • •••· bureaucrat., leftist churchmen and liafltweight resurrection or Christ? accomp ltbOda S CbrliUaD IDdercround oews- lenee l.D Educatloa LD. a deter- ,.... ol ,...._, clrcalatioa b,- co.n decree No. A.-20178 tt.e4 communicaton who are deliberalely lrJ'-a to to wtth a to save ~1 14, 1951. Ia s.p.n. Co.-t f« the Couey ol Or•:r• State of conven this n11tion into a Man:ist·Faseist wei­ Ifyou want ~o rebel against the: war. i.n V~- :~h~:~ ~C:~, papers, combined elr- mined effort AmerlCL CaiUcw..._ ..d by ,..__a thereof ia q..Jilied to pUll all ptlhHc I I •-· b rond'·· nam, why don 1 you ask why o\Jr m1htary IS radita.liR &Dd to acUn.te" the 5e ired b 1 are state or IIKit own power ue, au - - tri ti not being allowed dete.at • country smaller member& M4 AR;IT. uA3A ......................... _.o-,- actd P..._ll.._ ment and convenience. Most of these I ~ OltberatulUesaod~ CAR boosts pa 0 sm ~~~ ~pie than the State of Massoun? sttadeats of the target in- PF.C HAAPA ............................................... Aa.»ciata Edkor are neither Man:isiS nor Fascists, but t y are If you want to rebel againSI the faceless, sUtut.Jons T ltt George Buttola wtll ebaperODI SUISCI.,TIOM IATIS manipulated by Communists and are playina impersonal, giant corporations, why don't you 1n the "oewsletter ate the 6 8 Y Mra. W, 8 • r Nancy Bu::eoll,RobinWethii.Dd Ollie ye• . ... 00; 2 ye-, 17.00 the Communist game. What is more, they are O.e ye•, JS.OO; 2 yreara, 19.00 using you as pawns in the game. Communists demand t ~ know why so many of the~ ~ steps W'bieh are planned to ac- The Henry Bowea Society of Wark Norcross, wno wtlla.ttead trading w1th the arsenal of an enemy k1lhns eompUsb tbese objectives: the CbUdren the trom the Henry BoWeD can lake a college or a country with only 3% ot Am~rlcan Sotlety. our soldiers in the fidd? Launch add1Uonal under- Revoluttoo (CAR), sponsored by Mr s. Buccola, a past recent of the people-plus the pawns. 1 ot The main rea50Cl many or yoo have con­ w .hy .don't you rebel. ag~inst ~ rig~ com· gro~lld newspapers which spec. the Co\. W1Utam Cabell Chap- the Col Wlllia.Jn Cabin Cbap­ mumcatlons system wh1ch 1s bramwashms. the LaUze ln •'four letter words", ter, D.\R, Ne"J))rt Beach, ter D!R, Is currently Cautor­ tempt for "money-making as an end" is that ot American people? Not so? How long smce In attempting to defame thOse wW celebrate patriotic educa- nia state asslstalll secretary. you never lwd to make any . You had every­ <71. .eOij " -"¥ you've ~nan anti·Communist TV prusram in authOrity in the "est.abllsb· tlonw~k0ct.12-19wi.thanex- Tbe party wUl be beld at tbe thing handed to you. So you became, not an ARVO E. HAAP.A, owner and publisher of the Ensign or movie? Ever'! Communism is the scourge of ment," hlblt at lbe Ne·.fpOrt Beach Henry Korsi.U Runnlfll Sprlnp eagle, but a leech. the world, yet you either ignore it or embrace GlorifY indecency by ad- Mariners llbraty. Ranch Mat Tbousaod QUI and The "idealist" voice: rrom the campus cries z. it. It is 11\e cauw of most of the world's prob- vocating a sexual revolution by Tbls exhibit Is uDder the wi.ll inclllle a hayride, bar­ ARE PARENTS ABDICATING? "hyp<K:risy" at th~ community elders and the tern~ today, hut you are almost ·never told the the ~ead o1 promiscuity and supervision of Mrs, Doillld W.
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