JOHN HARVARD’S JOURNAL rent goals include decreasing reliance on (“When I see them surviving out on the that link. Every March, Morales attends public funding (the Corporation for Pub- street,” he says, “it’s an inspiration to me the station’s annual mariachi festival, a lic Broadcasting provides 27 percent of how a≠ectionate they are toward humans fundraiser that draws thousands of peo- the budget, much less than it used to); despite the challenges they face.”) He has ple and is the longest-running event of its gaining a foothold in the Los Angeles no children, and recently moved in with kind in the nation. “I think it is a good media market; filing for spectrum space his companion, Amy Kitchener, a folk- thing for immigrants, regardless of where to become the only public-radio outlet for lorist for the State of California. they came from, to maintain their lan- Latinos in Texas; and developing a na- Spare time has often been spent visit- guage and culture,” he says. “And it is also tional Spanish-language Latino news and ing his parents. Although Rafael Morales, important for all American immigrants to information service for digital public- who died last December, had lived and be a part of the mainstream, in order to radio channels in the United States. worked in America for more than half his function and be a part of this wonderful life, he wished to return to Mexico after country, which is America.” (He himself His honors include the 1999 Edward R. death, so his wife and son made the trip filed for citizenship the day he turned 18, Murrow Award from the Corporation for to Oaxaca in January, burying Rafael’s because he wanted “a voice in my new Public Broadcasting for his “visionary” ashes in the Tequixtepec graveyard next adopted country.”) expansion of public radio and commit- to his parents. The elder Morales was also In practice, he acknowledges, it is a ment to community service; he had al- a musician: it was as secretary of the mu- challenge to hold onto one’s roots. “Even ready received a so-called “genius grant” sicians’ union that he crossed the border myself, at a certain point I was taken away from the MacArthur Foundation in 1994 in 1950, ostensibly to retrieve some in- —took myself away—from the commu- for his creative and entrepreneurial ap- struments. “Mariachi music was his bread nity in order to help my community,” he proach to improving the lives of Latinos and butter, and his passport to the U.S.,” says. “So my retention of language and cul- and other people of color. That mission says Hugo Morales. “As Latinos,” he adds, ture is very important. I could not main- remains his focus. Even his dog, a German “we are a transnational population and tain my sanity without my strong affirma- Shepherd mix he rescued from the mariachi is a national genre of music that tion of who I am.” nell porter brown streets, is named Revolution. He also brings all Mexicans and Mexican-Ameri- cares for 12 stray cats in his Fresno neigh- cans and U.S.-born Mexicans together.” borhood, and has paid to have them fixed. RB has played its own role in fostering Candidates for Election This spring, five new Harvard Overseers University faculty appear around the and six new elected directors for the Har- country to lecture on their specialties vard Alumni Association (HAA) board Comings and Goings and meet with alumni. Here is a list of will be chosen by alumni. Election results some of the speakers traveling to will be announced at the HAA’s annual local clubs this spring. For details, contact the club in question, call the Harvard meeting on June 7, Commencement day. Alumni Association (617-495-3070), or go to www.haa.harvard.edu. All Harvard degree holders, except Cor- On May 2, former University Marshal Richard Hunt talks about “Harvard on the poration members and o∞cers of instruc- World Stage” for the Harvard-Radcliffe Club of Philadelphia. The Harvard Club of tion and governance, are entitled to vote Santa Barbara hosts psychology professor Marc Hauser on May 4. On May 6, mem- for Overseer candidates; all degree hold- bers of the Harvard Club of Central Florida can hear about “Why Americans Love ers may vote for director candidates. God and Europeans Don’t” from associate professor of government and social The candidates, listed below in their studies Glyn Morgan.Appearing at the Old Colony Harvard Club on May 8 to dis- order on the ballot, are: cuss “Life at Harvard College Today” is the College’s dean, Benedict Gross. Christo- pher Queen, of the Division of Continuing Education, is at the Harvard-Radcliffe For Overseer (six-year term, five to be Club of Western New York on May 9.The next day, McArthur University Professor elected): and Nobel laureate in economics Robert Merton talks with members of the Har- Richard A. Meserve, J.D. ’75. Washing- vard Club of Quebec.The Reverend Peter J. Gomes, Plummer professor of Christ- ton, D.C. President, Carnegie Institution ian morals, is at the Harvard Club of New Jersey on May 16, and at the Harvard of Washington. Club of Birmingham the following evening. On May 17, Chua Tiampo professor of Lucy Fisher ’71. Los Angeles. Film pro- business administration emeritus George Cabot Lodge explains “Economic Devel- ducer and co-head of Red Wagon Enter- opment and Poverty Reduction” to the Harvard-Radcliffe Club of Rochester. The tainment. Harvard Club of Northeast Ohio hosts Ali Asani, professor of the practice of Indo- Lisa M. Quiroz ’83, M.B.A. ’90. New Muslim languages and cultures, for a lecture on “Understanding Islam and the Role York City. Senior vice president, corpo- of Religion in Muslim Societies: Going Beyond the Headlines” on May 23. rate responsibility and inclusion, Time On June 5, Loeb professor of classical art and archaeology David Mitten reveals Warner Inc. “Macedonian Royal Tombs at Vergina and Their Contents” for the Harvard Club of Ronald Cohen, M.B.A. ’69. London. Southern Connecticut. Chairman, Portland Capital and The Portland Trust. 78 Sally Williams-Allen, on courses, events, speakers, and other M.A.T. ’65, Paris. Senior ad- happenings around campus. Some of the viser in alumni relations, IN- new o≠erings include: SEAD business school. “Women and War in the Twentieth William E. Markus ’60. Century” features material from the Pittsburgh. President, Mark- Schlesinger Library and scholarly lectures walt Incorporated. on topics such as the lives of “war brides” Stephen W. Baird ’74. and on women terrorists. Incoming Uni- Chicago. President and CEO, versity president Drew Gilpin Faust also Baird & Warner Inc. discusses her evolution as an historian. Yuki Moore Ronald Cohen Lucy Fisher Laurenti Elena C. Crespo ’89, “String Theory, Black Holes, and the M.B.A. ’93. New York City. Fundamental Laws of Nature” looks at Senior vice president, direc- cutting-edge techniques humans have de- tor of client management, vised to understand the universe. Citi Analytics, Citigroup Inc. “Hasty Pudding Awards of 2006” in- B. Lane MacDonald ’88. cludes video of Halle Berry and Richard Boston. General partner, Gere. Snippets from celebrity roasts, Alta Communications. skits, and parades from years past can Catherine A. Gellert ’93. also be viewed. New York City. Partner, Wind- Champ Lyons Jr. Richard A. Meserve Lisa M. Quiroz crest Partners. Richard B. Cooperstein ’88, M.B.A. ’95, For Burbank, Cali- fornia. Senior Overseer vice president, finance, busi- Richard B. ness develop- Stephen W. Baird Elena C. Crespo ment and eq- Cooperstein uity ventures, Richard R. Stephanie D. Schrock Wilson Walt Disney Company. Champ Lyons Jr. ’62. Montgomery, Al- The HAA nominating abama. Associate Justice, Supreme Court committee proposes Over- of Alabama. seer and elected director Richard R. Schrock, Ph.D. ’71, Cam- candidates each year. The bridge. Keyes professor of chemistry at the committee’s 12 voting mem- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. bers include three current or Catherine A. Yuki Moore Laurenti ’79. Trenton, former Overseers and nine B. Lane MacDonald Willian E. Markus New Jersey. Director of capital campaign, other alumni chosen by the Gellert Isles Inc. HAA’s executive committee. Stephanie D. Wilson, S.B. ’88. Hous- Overseer and HAA elected ton. NASA astronaut. director candidates may also be nominated by means of For Elected Director (three-year term, six petitions signed by a pre- to be elected): scribed number of eligible Nana Amma Twum-Danso ’94, M.D. degree holders and filed by a ’98. Decatur, Georgia. Physician; director, set date early in the year. Mebendazole Donation Initiative, The @ Phuong-Vien Nana Amma Task Force for Child Survival and Devel- Harvard Home Sally Williams-Allen opment, Emory University. The university’s on-line Nguyen Twum-Danso Phuong-Vien Nguyen ’86. Corona del learning programs (accessible Mar, California. Vice president, Morgan via athome.harvard.edu) pro- For Director Stanley. vide a wide range of material Harvard Magazine 79.
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