Scholars Crossing 2008 -- 2009 Liberty University School Newspaper Spring 1-27-2009 01-27-09 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 26, Issue 13) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_08_09 Recommended Citation "01-27-09 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 26, Issue 13)" (2009). 2008 -- 2009. 13. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_08_09/13 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2008 -- 2009 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Registration for the second scuba class UNDERWATER EDUCATION • A2 has begun as the first class wraps up. pHQRfott bringJ£rgs?y'4 The undergraduate Moot team wins iThoughtfbn^eMPoS^ PREPARING FOR COURT A4 awards in national competition. Obama's policies are already MAMA'S ERA IS BORN • A5 changing corners of the world. See B5 for product review.I lffiEITYCHy4MPIOLIBERTY.EDU/CHAMPION . TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2009||fyOL. 26 ISSUE M N »N £WJ THWRIGIN OflMAN plplS. STRIKES PAKISTAN'S BORDER Twomissile attacks killed at least 22, including ^^^^"J^'&S^.^ers"'ast Friday in Pakistan's f^^|i|fc'border j rfe^^^v with Afghanistan, l||||||prig to MSNBGfc^iKThe foreigners were , believed to be part of al-Qaeda^n^bne of them could possibly be ais^joJial-Qaeda figure from ^^^^^her^^tp been many sinfilar_U S strikes a^^^^aWtmore^ha^O^f^e'A'ugust'ao^feut^ ^^^p«|the first incident sinee^JMmstallation feofet^|new*l3 S^aldmirystration, insWashm^torv, ^Rakisj^niigo'j!^^ .^ffl^ttacks',rnak'eViuW^di'fficult fo'fjtnf rn/toS? |||pnMr^i^^ Hfi|ORTION POLICY SWINGS LEFT Part of a d^ect>eversa]^^&tppli6ies'of *' •j>trfe^st^1gh^jea"fs,co^ncemm^ ^ '--^ Iftwlra' ®5 '©.b^m"a'li?ted^ie ISa^prVria1forjaW'.fci .tfujjaiiYgtforfe^^ of* -''' ^aoortions^ovjjfrjeas a^c^ingjtgJFJfoNe^s * ^angerous'pregnahdi'fe worldwide whiM • '<•': |fe'c^er.va|iye$ seejt^s^arfis^n'aet^e^arf ^ , Yhas"bete™*stitutjedtaj^lj§pgtwice alre^y'^ • » MURDER MINUS MOTIVE INTELLIGENTLY REFUTING«RWIN'S THEORY 'irid1«!pngrafJeiyVednesday's brufayh^ekoj £r ^^^^^S'^ N E^"^^^^^^mE R ' XinjYang,3Haiy|irjg Zhu w"as,taj&rJmto,Gu^ jfej^nS^brai,&v^pV&^^ irao^^^^^^^no&^irfeJ^eWitt explaineH^hi^^ Jcgal^ue-o'Hjl^ > and cVarcj&cl'jnihef. sta^biha^accogdirin'gJ^the' t ifeiijjfJhA-'.L it in. L L om munit\" i\I -,i I'cfi^.'J15. Ipjarininggjj[ligenf|s%ig^^|ggjd^^Iutidhf . ' • irreducibl)^cp'mple^^^ffi"caVfe|^^^^^^^^ ;' Rcjanoke Jin^s:/Sp£GU|atiWar6^ ". inatural'seta=tic\n JJK * jwo^ft'aci be'en iriyblyfedtomanticajly.-bugthpse'' *, wiiumhu of ^iitsJioVu^iv-itHiibkil/tiOtion' * Sa^LfmRjicjps^are^^ »ypioijiiiK;n^\m6]igplKnrtl]tjl jberu JrawKeu^y a^'Rlvid^ailtist^huivhlllFRBC ^aK*^hosnn£-rwo Icffib'cjCs. ifljei^"aJio3§^i^m'urfity''dif^to^;"1;"" • ^^^^i^^^^^^^ss^§ Ag'^Bji^^^^tli ^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^ffilEf iday, Feb. * Kipj.*Beisecke? Frienas-of bqjhtiitudent jwere •'eaVghtpff:gu|'^ ic^^^p^^^^TO^r£senj^^^^^^t^^^dA' s authorities^tljjlittle ijiformajion regarding* : !r^^^foM^)ri ^^p^^.og^^^^^^m^^ffl ^^«q|l§^u^^^^p;eM^^»a^^^^^Y^^^«i RQ^sityejxiQtive JgLetimcl the murd^er V*** ^ PllilllllllS ^nETOl^e^^^^^rMfc^^DiscQ^^^toutew^ g^^%fjUSrj<?,ij«N^n$M\iei^ JSHftfiCORD HIGH INTERNET USERS "^M^^r^^joCTpfr^s^l^^ps^^^^p^ "• (.\oUrtKin pJ^iifui lKeliA^^jJ *.!'"?,* ^'s^-o^the^ linnet" for cdm'fr)'unication-ancl ' ^^h^vokiTediiv-nMc^mpJox^^^S ) ^information Have,, rea'shed , record .numbers ^^^K^^^^^^^^K^^^^^^pi^rll journal- ^^^^^^^^Msymposiu'm i1iiiW-i^KJk.e^ j4(», -"Global internet, u age reacliecl..pv,er'"1i billion fcpV entui^sulsojl w* iy.01 Jrog to the School of unique visitors^m tiVe% rfiohth of December , |l|p||iehts simultane'gjS^^^^^^^^^^^^ i ''.B'eheVa'biofclj/i^st is.tho*autljoi ^d*^feoU*I}ari. J a"ccor*ding''t(3CNETcoim lh& AsiaiPacifiG$region IlkAwi'iiie'v.toi o,h l)ul 'he AfFairsj@fefehe»Bre|^p is nuifibertope.m the^vvjprjd making up"i nearly love,~is holding, its second sympos^^pilr&eSa^ ^JIUai^fjN^j. r\\'rn b*Blaok"'B'o\-'v?£> 1* ^Iffl, 'A .half-(41 3 percent) of the total^ international i|||p^img that mV°^^K^^H Natural sdech6'TO^n|j®a©ffl£^^^ise, rep^topKiSE r population using' th&lnteme1> The U S placed <third In* (vdrldwide Internet usage with 118 4,> kemirmsystems that work, and-fatrmtsver\^^^^^ .percent, right' behjhdiEurop'e at.28 percent IV-'X'^iT-./' fllF-fllli - '•SteSYMfOSJWShpftfojL mmmWx(&'w<M DEBU^ 'Jul'^?l'1 V liijje"t|]cjuni\ cwt,l;s;ne^\t ra^ ^^^^^ive hoste'd:,^^^^^^^^m dio pto^'riiiiTCgin l^fst Vlond'n -^p lii ^ffis^ut^^^iieproof Co-Pfg^uc&|| "SneV(iill'iir\lTo'^^i^fcd'b\^Jatlfe\\ ^^^^^^m^«' "Oregon Gpngr|||p •\St^-cfr^eanicft"^iTOi.t\^i^>\,^flycj.'P ;rnah Greg^\pffi&;: President. pa^^g| ~,^sreuybv[-S M1T^ Pact. Tim' Echols' and j "IUJCXM lssoliatc^leapl Chancellor >J^^^^S •".vioi^tarS^JarSSprqlSsga well Jr. Sarah:S^S^^ director for the Liberty ;. ^^^^^B;LaW and"! Policy in Washingtdn,. | ' ndly-had.fe^^alro| will be on start to give | start is no "stranger to. weekly updates; on'•} public P°lici^l|i§lB§l ithe-xapital, accorclirig:'[ ^^^^^^»e Gifpips March^i^^p^ to a Law'School .'press';, • "a.l-jOOOyearlyappear- t^Utltymfonkenship release.; .', '; aneeSj and he origi- CONTRIBUTING REPORTER . nally had the idea to Given the nature of [ A busload of Liberty;stj|||p joined a throng of hundreds.of thou- Abortion is murderand God says "Thou shaltnot kill;'" freshmanjphn . , start Liberty Live. To ~ the program and the i ' sands on. the mall in Washington D.C, last Thursday for the 36th annual Talbert said. "I always wanted to do somethinglike this, but I never really.'- jj -help bring this: dream to life, he invited topics that a covered, there is great [, March for Life. Held each year on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the did before. This was the big one, so I was like, Lets do.it.' Sold^^^^g potential for heated debates to start, not | I executives from the American Family As- % J4Kited:StaI^^^^^^^^^Kision legalizing abortion, the March for Excitement was thick as the body of people began to march from the ^^Mn (AFA) to the campus for a tour only from the hosts arid gues|||^^^§ ,;Life attraC^^^^i^W^^K^^^W^^i^W0'^ message to Capitol to the Supreme Court Building;"' andan. overview,of his vision. A. tech­ but from the listeners, as.tyell. In an effort , ^^^^^fflea^^^^ "I chose to come today because I feel like we need-to-make a stand-n *• nological powerhouse for the Christian to get the audience. off|o0ne. sidelines ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ig to a crowd of believers in not just with our words — but by actively d'oir|g^^™rng, even if it's community, the AFA liked Staver's idea and into the game, listeners can blog on \ ^^^^^^^^^^^^eae^^^^urvoices need to be heard something as small as being a part of a crowd," freshman Amanda Haas said. "It really did give me a sense of patriotism seeing that this is what ; "and was eager to help get Liberty Live on the Liberty Live Web site about their • too,'" freshman Hannah Hunt said. • Oh Pennsylvania Avenue a mother stood with a wide-eyed child on America is about — all .different people living in the country and fighting " the airwaves Sp|fr?V? thoughts on the topic matter. her hip holding a sign.that'read: "We babies love life." •for what's right." j VSSS •••• "IHey have the delivery (capabilities) At the end of the day, our conservative j Decked in coats, hats and gloves, and holding signs and banners, The pro-life marchers knew that they had their work cut out for them, : with new media in various formats, and values will win," Staver said. And we are ' people of all ages gathered in a city that two days before had welcomed as they expected President Barack Obama to push the pro-choice agen­ Libertyhas the content," Staver said. "We not afraid to put them out there and de- -, a multitude celebrating change. This throng, too, wanted change. Yet, it da. The day after the march, Obama reversed a Bush administration ban bate." brought the two together so that Liber­ wanted change that would stop an estimated 3,000 unborn infants from " on providing federal money for international groups that perform or offer ty's content and all the things we do can Liberty Live also offers listeners the ; being killed each day. information about abortions. f vi^fesfcS be distributed through some of the AFAs chance to call in and voice their opinions : "We need change now more than ever," Pastor Luke Robinson of Fred­ Pro-life supporters, however, are not deterred. "There is hope," Haas new media systems." on the subject matter. "Hie host will'allow ; erick, Md. said in an address to the crowd. He quoted Mother Theresa in said. "We have the truth and we have the better argument. We just need to - The hour-long radio program covers anyone to speak and debate a topic, ac- j . an admonition to fight for the life of each unborn infant. "It is poverty to know how to voice it and get our voices heard. This is the crucial time." . ; a broad variety of topics ranging from cording to Staver. decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish," Robinson Contact Aubrey Blankenship [ ethics to politics, and has special speak­ The Liberty students who attended feel strongly that abortion is wrong atanblankenship(S>liberry.edu. ers and experts to give commentary and that they, as Christians, need.to do something about it.
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