THE THE NEWSPAPER NBWtMMM THAT IS THAT IS nil l» >[fi'NT ALWAYS Hl.Al) VOI.UHr.l4i NUMDEK37 BERNARDSVILLE. N. J.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 191O A DOLLAR flFTY THE TTIAIV The Township U'mmitlee •••••••••••••••••••••••••a A Misapprehension - (iiadsione—bcdiniDsier Mid-Nonmbcr ai '-The Met in tpsoial session Wednesday nil Hee-nis to exist wit li many in regard to is,,..-,...' -., tht \ [Sfax '•••<] the members heinK present, and held one tho street light imbroglio, which, M we Mrs T. \Ves!e> Itrokiiw and Mi-< The IJHIU'N' Aul S,,,,,tj oftbvl'ro*. Hun«et mill tiv<miiiK»tiir, i>f its oliHinm "lovefoasts". Kvery- are iiifnnneil is a very simple intitter. Miirv Sehomp, nf Hi'dminiter, lmve been. bvleriim Ollttrol ill * f Mst.'uU\ aftel • Anil OJMOlMF Oftll Mr mnl thing liariiiouious from beginning to The statement is that t lie Water Turn- visiting their brother. SUM A honip, in IliHHl W Illl Ml>. \V.,|t<T ., Ill II Ami nniy tlinri'liii IKI iin>niiiiii;iif thnbnr, elosn. >anv do not ask the GotHtniulOUSri to Itauhops, Mtl Kdwin Dicker IKM bMn a (DMA Wlu'« I i>ut nut ttisin. miinttiin the lintt, which it tln> I'ompn- 1'ii'liininary arrangements—plans, etc. I'hailes Staff,Of MoiTistowii, hat be,-n nf Mr. und Mir. Chart* L Hubiit«,in TwlllKht iiml 'ivi'nliiK boll. uy— will do ns always liitlu>rto—but for next season's nmd work were au- Almost at every turning one meets visiting old friends in Peapank, where Alhinlic t'lty. When t - 'itter are Mop- And iifti'r Hint Iheilnrk; merely to nnvke pioil wliat IIMIIHKC is thonzeil. with a group of irrepressibles who lire «> tiimi"ilv resided. ping for a coiiMilerable tin"'. Ami mu,v Uu'i c K' nuMiuliu^H uf fKrvv.H'11, A petition fto an elaoltrto light at far lone through maliciotis mtsolllet—tllB When 1 uiiibiii'lt. Btill moralizing over the results of the Mrs. Ottnrlsi ll Tiger, of Pwipaek, smashIIIK lit 1,'inips anil iliriturhiitn'e of 'rile <ni!iii propU aUourltiig a itatU- Hills railway crossing was grunted. election anil explaining just how it all tail Mr und Mrs. (' Minim Wvekoff, For tlm'f nun Ottt cmr lintiini' <if Tltni- mulPliK'c A oltHUga in tln< hour for the meetings the service by lawless ami naif ilrunken tm.' school nt Rook] >ird, iivttn- niiniu- Th« ttood way bww ma far, happened—a fool business. Mi-s Tilhe Schoni]> and Mi- IICIIM taiaom rttfloo of rcDtiMtM, are tote I Impp to 4i>i>iny Pilot fllee to fttft) of ill" Oommitteo and of the Board of lioodhuiH who think it is smart m throw • • • Wyukoff, of Bwlnilinter, mxmt sunn' in nh' h:i]ipv Wllll R Xum* t»'\ to In- Wllenl Iliivi- ITIIMH'II tllf hir. Health was deolded upon, notico of •lies and otherwise interfere with siiid lays vvith IKIUIOH.- m Newark, sent by the Junuir O. B Siviety—a IlKV. .JOHN K. HANCOCK whii'.ii appeari olnwhvHa Morristown ladies of the Town Im- service. ' Iwii'e h|i«vd" Work, Messing belli After a Hirioiis illnes* of lint two A rosdlution pfovldltlg for the ftppoint- irovement Society are already perfect- This, it is said, Is done nuiinly in the li ibbll inintiiitr li ver\ gna I In (pot* Weekt, tli« Rev. John K. llimi'ork, ro- nii'iit of Tlioni'is Liddy ])olieeiiiiui, at ng plant and laying ont a program for outlying sections, by t hosi> of the baser hie inlgbtV Niniiod liiinneil II iiiiidiiv'< given mid tecipi.'iitH. tired Mutliixlist minister, "crossed tllO $j ]HM' day, siibji'et to the lupervlsiotj icxt yonrN work. Something worth element who go to the villages, of a Sat- shouting; another '-'li In u U-w Iwarj and Mis. Williamt'inben,of LogantvUtt, bar" and anchored within, beyond the of tlm OotnitUttae on Police, Messrs. while about that, urday night for inslauce, and on their I nuuibi-r gut ft*Ottt & lloaeu te 'JOeiieh bus rtijoyet) a visii fmin her sister, lilu Juuil und plie:isiinls an -rin i', but a! M l\ Sh'VeUS, o[ M,'VVi>UlSMl. reaoh of earthly storm und ttress, ou Meeker anil Batllgttte, was unaninionsly • • • way home in the late—or early—hours Monday at i p. m, Death foaud him at adopted) aud provliton was mudefora work eft' thr effect* Of the drink they ew nre bf»lng t ik.'ii \"t H few hunters l*'red Kampiniei ,h and a companion IIIH home, where lie bad lain BIUOC •trlok- einiiplete niiitorm, bailge and "iirma- It was time that Jersey chose another have taken by doing whatever mischief Fatnp ,'dl day itnd grt nolhing tued tin rabbits IIII Tm wiav. on with paralysis about a fortnight pi*- mi'iit" of club, revolver, eto., Mr. Liddy )cmocnitio Governor, not one of hermay appeal to then, l''r:mk I'hessun, of GiarUtottO, is in- Mr. ami Mr* F .1. ll.ippe und f;niul» vi<inis; lieninrrliHge of the hrnin is nimii'd being fjmnted a permit to carry such. 'ormer Chief Kxecntivrsnf tlmt political We ore told that the total outlay stalli g a heating plant ill the Anthony ie Sunday guefts of Mr Mini Mr»i. a« the Imniedtato oanso of dmth. He is to go oil duty <it once. The ex- aith having survived, while of Hepub- 'inulil w>t amount to !?5 ihe year to iniUie loiuestead. miles lioeknmii, iin laiulabuiv furm. Dccenwii, v>iu> WHS ngi'il seventy-five pensu will bfl bovneby tho General Fund. iu "Kxs" there are (We — Grigj;s ood the datBagS resulting from such Frederick Huylw, of IVipx'k, has Mine Brook. It was ordered that ft copy of the lawVoorhees, Murphy. Stokes und Fort, source, aud if the Township maintained 39611 ap|H>inted one of the judges to ofli- yi'iirH, leaves ii widow, two sons ami two h'red Kiiniett \v:n § Sinn lily guest at bearing on such appointment and recit- anything like an effective Police, such daughters. Tim sons itre Kdwiird, of • • • iate nt the third iiniituil«ho\v of tl"' 'Kliuhiirsl." Somervllla, aud Booty Davis Hauoook, ing tin! duties of such police ofHoer, be as this newspaper has long insisted upon, Kssex Poultry, 1'igcon and I'et Stock Governor Wilson will lmve Mio hmnl - at homo. The danghtm MB Mrs. J. F\ furnished him and, for the Information tlicre need be w> soil irlinlrtvr for broken (Iluh, iu the Hiding Academy in EMI Bin, Ciantnoo llaBBittg mid soil, ng ont, of some 500 rather choice plums, .'hiranee ,lr. of Tieiitoii, n\v visiting Gaits, of Pittsliurg, mid Miss Clura, of of whom it may concern, tlist the samo lumps, etc. Here, again, is where the 3nutgB, Mnnilny evening. without running np againtt the Civil •elatives hereaboui. Succasiiiiiia. bn published iu the Beruardsvillo NEWS- benefit of Law and Order conies in. Donations of books, old or new, will Service law, which protects a lot holding Miss Eleanor BolKKHIOTVT has been Mr. Hancock WHS bora in Wailisou Adjourned. "Do you grasp it ? " w gladly received nt the IV.-ipack and official positions. favored with t\ visit from her mother July 18, 1885,Mid,after duo preparation, Jlinlstone Public Schools, for additions Mrs. lloraci'Sehoenover, ot' Malteawan, joined the Newark Oonfcreiico iu 18(>5, • • • :o the library. Latest Ncwslels Church Notes N. Y. his first charge, for two years, beiug No matter what may nriso to attract Frederick Curling und wife have re- Tha Post Offlco hours ou Thanksgiv- Miss Jennie V. Hnghoa will speak on Dr. und Mrs. Waten Hurrows have Pareippauy w»l Wliipvany. Subsequent- the "womeu folks" at this season the turned from a visit to relatives at Hopat- ing Day will be from 7 to 10.15 a. in., China" this afternoon to the women been (juests at "liairns" lirae" thti ly lie soiled, in the order named, the "counter attraction"'' of the big Btores, uong. Churches of "Verona, Springfield, Sparta, after which tho offiee will bo closod for of the Methodist Church. week. with their alluring ante-holiday offer- Interesting Missionary services have Verona (a second term), Prince's Buy, tho day. Next Sunday will b« Thank-Offering A gOOdl; number of Methodist people, ings of furs, silks, millinery, etc., will belli held in St. Luke's Olinroll with S. I., New Gcrniautowu, Basking Btdge, DoYoflSays: "I am looking for the Sunday, Two men, who are famous in headed by Piistor Nesbit, ftttemled the draw them into the shopping centres good attendance and inueh interest. Glen UardueT, Blooinsbury.High Bridge, coldest weather aud the heaviest suow- very time. Methodism as preachers of unusual annual dinner of tin- Kpwurlh l/cagru' Mt.Hermou, Suociisunuaawl Broadway. storms the last half of this mouth ever power, will bo in tho pulpit and preach. A Union Th.'inkigiving service will he • • • at Wiiiianiukor's, New York, on Friday He retired III 1901, und ahout five years recorded in New Jersey, especially from Rev. Dr. E. S. Tipple, of the New York held III the Hefiinned Church, Penpack, evening. ago became a leoideut of Basking UiilKe, Conference, now Professor of Practical ou Thanksgiving l),vy at 10 R, ra, Kev the twentieth to the twenty-fifth". Apropos of the recent Mr. ami Mrs Waller Allen have beta whence ho journeyed to Pleasant Plains Theology in Diew Seminary, will preach J, M. Harper will preneh. L. H. Nuse, Sr. and Jr., went after "landslide" one might well quote Little visiting friends in Fleiniiigton. as a supply to the viioimt pulpit iu that Peterkiu: in the morning.
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