Astronomical Science Young Stellar Objects in the Orion B Cloud Monika G. Petr-Gotzens1 Juan M. Alcalá2 1 Loredana Spezzi1,3 Jes K. Jørgensen4 ( Thomas Stanke1 Marco Lombardi5,6 João F. Alves7 1 ESO 2 INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli, Italy 3 European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Darmstadt, Germany 4 Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 5 Department of Physics, University of Milan, Italy 6 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA 7 Department of Astrophysics, University of Vienna, Austria Wide-field near-infrared imaging sur- veys offer an excellent opportunity to obtain spatially complete samples of young stars in nearby star-forming regions. By studying their spatial distri- bution and individual properties, the global star formation characteristics of a region can be established. Near-infra- red wide-field imaging observations of a significantly large area in the Orion Molecular Cloud B, obtained with the VISTA telescope on Cerro Paranal are presented. On the basis of photometric selection criteria, we have identified 186 candidate young stellar objects that are associated with the stellar clusters NGC 2068 and NGC 2071, and with the stellar group around HH24-26. Overall, Orion B shows a lot of similarities in its star formation characteristics with other Galactic star-forming regions: a star formation efficiency of a few percent, a equator. Orion is also the nearest region Figure 1. VISTA three-colour (ZJKs) mosaic image of stellar mass distribution very similar of active high- and low-mass star for- the northern part of Orion B on a logarithmic display. The image covers ~ 1.6 square degree and contains to that of the Orion Trapezium cluster, mation allowing us to study many aspects more than 100 000 objects. Clearly visible in the and a high observed fraction of circum- of the star formation process in great north is the embedded stellar cluster NGC 2071, stellar discs. detail. while the cluster in the centre is NGC 2068. For the study presented here, we ana- Orion mini-survey (Petr-Gotzens et al., VISTA wide-field observations of Orion B lysed the multi-band photometry of a 2011). The analysed field contains the ~ 1.6 square degree field in the northern prominent bright optical reflection nebu- The constellation of Orion is a beautiful part of the Orion Molecular Cloud B, losities NGC 2068 and NGC 2071 which, night-sky object visible to both southern which was observed as part of the Visible observed at near-infrared wavelengths, and northern hemisphere skywatchers, and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astron- beautifully reveal their full nature as due to its location close to the celestial omy (VISTA) Science Verification (SV) young stellar clusters (Figure 1). The ages 42 The Messenger 162 – December 2015 Figure 2. Upper four 4 4 Selection of young stellar objects L1630N SWIRE/resamp [2.58 deg2 ] panels: VISTA/Spitzer 6 6 colour– magnitude diagrams for objects The region of Orion B that we studied 8 8 in Orion B. The dot– contains roughly 160 000 VISTA sources, ] ] dashed lines show among which less than 1% (!) are actually .5 10 .5 10 [4 [4 fuzzy limits with expo- young objects belonging to Orion; the 12 12 nential cutoffs that define the YSO can- large majority of the sources are fore- 14 14 didate selection criterion ground and background stars. Efficient in each diagram, and reliable young stellar object (YSO) 16 16 excluding contamination source selection is therefore a critical 01234 01234 from galaxies (dia- [4.5]–[8.0] [4.5]–[8.0] monds) and field stars task. We employ a multicolour selection presenting normal method that is based on the combination 0 0 photospheric colours of JHKs near-infrared photometry with (black circles). The con- that in the mid-infrared, and has been 2 2 tinuous red lines show proven to provide an optimal distinction 4 4 hard limits; fainter 0] 0] objects are excluded between disc-bearing young stellar 4. 4. [2 6 [2 6 from the YSO category. objects, reddened field stars and galaxies Point-like and extended (Harvey et al., 2007). In detail, the location 8 8 YSO candidates are indicated by red dots of an object in each of the colour–colour 10 10 and open squares, and colour–magnitude diagrams is com- respectively; YSO can- 12 12 pared with well-defined boundaries in didates with no VISTA these diagrams for the expected loca- 02468 02468 morphological classifi- [4.5]–[8.0] [4.5]–[8.0] cation are indicated by tions of young stellar objects (Figure 2). asterisks. The selection is then decided on a com- 0 0 bined probability for a source being a Lower four panels: young stellar object, based on its location 2 2 2MASS/Spitzer colour– magnitude and colour– in colour–colour and colour–magnitude 4 4 colour diagrams for the space. 0] 0] 4. 4. SWIRE galaxy cata- [2 6 [2 6 logue. Three objects This selection method has been applied from the SWIRE cata- 8 8 logue (marked as aster- very successfully to select YSO candi- isks) are classified as dates in star-forming regions observed 10 10 YSO candidates, within the Spitzer c2d and Spitzer Gould 12 12 according to our selec- Belt legacy surveys (e.g., Evans et al., tion criteria. 01234 01234 2009; Hatchell et al., 2012). In order to [4.5]–[8.0] [4.5]–[8.0] apply the same method, we matched our VISTA catalogue with the Spitzer com- bined Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) and 3 3 Multi-Band Imaging Photometer (MIPS) 2 2 catalogue by Megeath et al. (2012), K K resulting in ~ 58 500 sources with com- H– H– 1 1 plete ZYJHKs, IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8 μm and MIPS-24 μm photometry. Fig- 0 0 ure 2 shows the VISTA/Spitzer colour– colour and colour–magnitude diagrams used to select the YSO candidates in 0123401234 K–[4.5] K–[4.5] Orion B, which led to a total number of 188 such candidates that are indicated in of the clusters have been determined J ~ 20.3 mag and Z ~ 22.5 mag. All data Figure 2 with red symbols. by Flaherty & Muzerolle (2008) to be reduction was performed by the Cam- 1–2 Myr, although star formation appears bridge Astronomy Survey Unit (CASU) Even though we have used a well-tested, to be still ongoing, as suggested by the pipeline1. We estimate that our survey robust YSO selection method, remain- outflow sources that are clearly seen in should have detected, for a population as ing contamination from extragalactic the north of NGC 2071 and in a chain of young as ~ 2 Myr at a distance of about sources, foreground main-sequence cool young stellar objects to the southwest 400 pc (i.e., the case of Orion B), essen- dwarfs, and background red giants is of NGC 2068. Our VISTA images were tially all objects from ~1 MA down to ~ 5 possible. Using the Galactic stellar popu- obtained through the ZYJHKs filters (0.9– Jupiter masses (MJup) in a region showing lation model by Robin et al. (2003), we find 2.2 μm) and achieved excellent sensitivity, less than 1 mag of visual interstellar that the expected number of background e.g., a 5σ detection limit of Ks ~ 18.5 mag, extinction. giants in the direction of our observed The Messenger 162 – December 2015 43 Astronomical Science Petr-Gotzens M. et al., Young Stellar Objects in the Orion B Cloud area, and within the magnitude limits of M/Mी Figure 3. The Ks-band our survey, is very low (~ 3 stars). Red 3.31.0 0.22 0.05 0.02 0.004 luminosity function (KLF) of the region targeted in background giants generally appear much Orion B before (empty Saturation limitCompleteness limit brighter than young Orion members in the histogram) and after same effective temperature range and (line-filled histogram) are therefore easily distinguishable. Simi- correction for interstellar extinction. The labels on larly, we find from the following experi- 10 the upper x-axis indicate s ment that the number of possible galaxy the corresponding stellar contaminants is very low: we take the mass according to the object VISTA 2-Myr isochrone. SWIRE (Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extra- of The continuous and galactic) catalogue and select an area the dashed vertical lines same in size as our target area and then indicate the complete- Number place this sample of extragalactic objects 1 ness and the saturation behind the Orion B Molecular Cloud. In limit of the VISTA Ks- band photometry, practice this means applying extinction to respectively. The contin- the extragalactic objects according to uous curve is the KLF of our extinction map of Orion B. Then, we the Trapezium Cluster, apply our YSO multicolour selection crite- scaled to the peak of 81012141618 the Orion B KLF. ria to the reddened SWIRE catalogue Ks magnitude objects and check how many targets would be classified as YSOs. Only three nosities, masses and presence of cir- KLF of Orion B shows a broad peak at objects from the SWIRE catalogue were cumstellar discs. The estimate of the approximately 0.3–0.7 MA before it classified as YSOs (see also lower right YSO masses is probably the most difficult steadily declines into the substellar mass panels of Figure 2). In fact, visual inspec- and we derive it indirectly from the regime. The fraction of substellar objects tion of all 188 YSO candidates revealed YSOs’ luminosity at Ks-band. Particularly compared to the total number of YSOs two objects which appear extended in interesting is the frequency mass distri- is 28 %, which, after a correction for con- the VISTA images and could be clearly bution of the YSOs, i.e., the shape of tamination with field stars, is more like identified as galaxies.
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