5934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 17 Charles Eads Coons Odell Wynne Williamson, Jr. John Francis Creed John Kessen Withers HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES William J. Crosby Charles Anderson Wurster Richard Dickson Cudahy Stewart Young MoNDAY, MAY 17, 1948 Robert Carroll Davis Daniel De Foe IN THE NAVY The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Walter Albert della Chiesa The. following-named midshipmen (Naval The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera John Francis Dent, Jr. Academy) to be second lieutenants .in the Montgomery, D. D., offered the follow­ Sims Gerald· Dildy Marine Corps from the 4th day of June 1948: ing prayer: Benjamin Joseph Di Loreto Hugh D. Adair, Jr. Ben A. Moore, Jr. William Pinkerton Dougherty RichardT. F; AmbrogiRichard C. Morrow Almighty God, may the words of our Benjamin Wynn Eakins George T. Balzer Merrill L. Norton mouths and the meditations of our George Martin Edwards, Jr. Robert R. Carson Keith O'Keefe hearts be acceptable · in Thy sight, 0 John Arnold Edwards Leamon R. Cooke Orlo C. Paciulli, Jr. Clarence Couch Elebash Robert R. Dickey Ill John M. Perkins Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer. David Draper Garrison Lucius V. diLorenzo Robert D. Reem Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Patteson Gilliam Edward F. Duncan Jack W. Robbins By unanimous consent, the reading of Harold Sherwood Gillogly Richard N. Hall 2d Edwin M. Rudzis the Journal of Friday, May 14, 1948, was Joseph Eugene Gorrell Henry C. Hamilton; Roy K: Russell Warren Reed Graves Jr. Richard D. Schneider dispensed with. William Comstock Hayden Dean B. Hansen Robert N. Smith LEAVE OF' ABSENCE Wilho Richard Heikkinen Lee R. Howard James W. Strother Joseph William Huey Charles J. Kelly Robert G. Tobin, Jr. By unanimous consent, leave of ab­ Samuel Fuqua Hurt Floyd M. McCurdy, Jr. sence was granted to Mr. ALLEN of Cali­ fornia, from May 17 to May 21, 1948. Floyd Allan Johnston The following-named (civilian college grad­ Jay Silverman Josephs uates) to be ensigns in the Supp~y Corps of RECESS John Kastris, Jr. the Navy: Donal Denis Kavanagh The SPEAKER. Pursuant to House Alfred Henry Kerth, Jr. Roger C. Bliss William J. McMordie Resolution 502, the Chair declares the Donald Charles Kipfer Leonard E. Brock James R. Martin Robert T. Broili Roy D. Mannie· House to be in recess for the purpose of Edward Anderton Kritzer holding memorial services as arranged by George Adelbert La Pointe Ramon L. Burke Dean 0. Powell George Newton Leitner LeRoy T. Carter Ben R. Scht;nidt the Committee on Memorials. · Vincent Paul Lewando Homer Fults Robert G. Whitman. Accordingly the House stood in recess, Louis LoConte, Jr. Andrew Khourie Fred I. Woodworth, Jr. to meet at the call of the Speaker. W. Grim Locke Joseph G. Power (civilian college gradu­ MEMORIAL SERVICE PROGRAM Denman Murray Long ate) to be a lieutenant (junior·grade) in the May 17, 1948 William Henry Lynch · Chaplain Corps of the Navy. William Meredith Lyon Prelude, sacred selections (11 :30 to 12) ---­ The following-named (civilian college grad­ United States Navy Orchestra Gaylord MacCartney uates) to be ensigns ln the Civil Engineer Presiding officer _______________ The Speaker William James Madden Corps of the Navy: Hon. JoSEPH W. MARTIN, JR. Nasor John Mansour, Jr. Invocation __________________ The Chaplain Robert Couth Mathis Herbert L. Baker Howard D. Graessle II William Thornton McGinness PhilipS. Birnbaum, Jr. Wayne C. Hall, Jr. Dr. James Shera Montgomery Francis William Mcinerney, Jr. Charles Bultzo Jerry D. Hattshman Solo: Lead, Kindly Light (Dykes)-------­ James Clifford McManaway, Jr. John L. Dixon Theodore R. Howell Han. J. PERCY PRIEST, Representative Richard Lee Miner Albert H. Gallaher Jack H. McDonald from the State of Tennessee Otis Corcoran Moore The following-named to be ensigns in the At the piano ____ Musician John Wigent Nurse Corps of the Navy: Scripture reading and prayer __ 'l'he Cha:plain Rhone! Earl Morgan Roll of deceased Members ________ The Clerk William Donald Mounger Frances J. Bombriant Virginia R. Mussen James Allen Muehlenweg of the House of Representatives Ruth L. Brenner Cecile R, Normandin Devotional silence. Morton Claire Mumma III Eleanor M. Budinsky Mary E. H. O'Brien William Charles Ocker Address __ Hon. EVERETr DIRKSEN, Representa­ Frances S. Czegely . Kathleen J. O'Kane tive from the State of Illinois W11liam Thomas O'Connell, Jr. Helen Daroska Jean B. Pieczarka Solo: Going Down the Valley (Fillmore) __ _ Robert Edwin Pater Barbara Ellis Marie L. Rios Hon. HARVE TmBoTT, Representative Jack Francis Peppers Norma J. Geho Dorothy L. Rowe Thomas Albert Phillips, JJ:. 'from the State of Pennsylvania Ruth L. Grass Margaret Russell At the piano____ Musician John Wigent John Charles Pickering Julie E. Kell Sara A. Sims Robert Murray Pomeroy Address ____ Hon. RAY J. MADDEN, Representa- Helen A. Kenyon Edith A. Smith tive from the State of Indiana Jacob Bernard Pompan Elise M. Lovely Mary R. Thames Taps ____________ Musician Frank Sclmonelli Philip Steven Porter _ Elizabeth M. Me- Evelyn M. Vejvoda Benediction __________________ The Chaplain Alton Harold Quanbeck Laughlin Gloria J. 'vesper Donald Hood Reynolds MEMORIAL SERVICES Evan Willlam Rosencrans IN THE MARINE CORPS George Warren Rutter The below-named midshipmen to be sec­ Tl!e SPEAKER presided. James Gage Sandman ond lieutenants in, the Marine Corps: INVOCATION Rodman Saville· Lewis H. Cameron John E. Rudder The CHAPLAIN. Lord, Thou hast been Louis Wellington Schalk Elisha G . ..Cloud Nicholas M. Trapnell, Irving Bernard Schoenberg WilHam G. Crocker Jr. our dwelling place in all generations. Edward Leigh Scott Loren T. Erickson William F. Trisler Before the mountains were brought forth, Richard James Seguin Mack R. McClure James R. Young or ever Thou hast formed the earth and Ivan Morange Sellg Sherman L. Prosser the world, even from everlasting to ever- James Cole Shively, Jr. Richard Ingram Skinner The below-named citize.ns to be second . lasting, Thou art God. For a thousand Charles Peter Skouras, Jr. lieutenants in the Marine Corps: years in Thy sight are but as yesterday William Young Smith Simon I. Degulis, a citizen of New York. when it is past, and as a watch in the Arthur Snyder, Jr. Joseph P. , B. Franklin, a citizen of New night. So teach us to number our days, Richard Neil Stein Jersey. that we may apply our hearts unto James R. Gallman, Jr., a citizen of Texas. Henry Barthold Stelling, Jr. wisdom. And let the beauty of the Lord Donald Brunhoff Swenholt Philip J. Garm, a citizen of Pennsylvania. Michael Joseph Tashjian Jack E. Harlan, a citizen of California. our God be upon us. Amen. Stanley Edward Thevenet James E. Harren, a citizen of Texas. ANNOUNCEMENT George Selby Thomas Francis R. · Hittinger, Jr., a citizen of Vir- Mr. BISHOP. Mr. Speaker, we have Robert Armes VanArsdall ginia. James Alward Van Fleet, Jr. Floyd G. Hudson, a citizen of Virginia. again been saddened since the printing Walton Vernon Waller Arthur R. Mansfield, Jr., a clt~en of the of the program for the memorial exer­ Paul Elwood Weaver District of Columbia. cises today by the passing of our distin­ Samuel White, Jr. Edwin A. Pollock, Jr., a citizen of Virginia. guished colleague in the other Chamber, Francis Marion Williams Jack L. Selk, a citizen of California. the Honorable JOHN OVERTON, of Lou- if1 . 1948 CONGRESSIONAI.J RECORD-HOUSE 5935 1s1ana. As you know, the -' flags are· still Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass Listen! Them's footsteps, ain't they? at half-mast in his memory. of the field, which today is, and tomor­ Some other folks bringin' their kid to see us. Hope we never have to make room for him. In deference to the wishes of the mem­ row is cast into the oven, shall He not Sure-1'11 skip it-- bers of his family ," the paying of tribute much more clothe you, 0 ye of little Didn't mean to disturb you­ to him is being deferred until this occa­ faith? Ain't crowdin' yo,u. am I, Buddy? sion a year hence, when it is hoped they Eternal God, our Father,. Thou who can be with us. art ever present to guide and to com­ ROLL OF DECEAS~TI MEMBERS VOCAL SOLO fort, increase the faith and hopes which Mr. Al:r;1ey E. Chaffee, reading clerk of Hon. J. PERCY PRIEST, accompanied we feel in the temples of our souls. By the House of Representatives, read the by Musician John Wigent, sang Lead, these tokens grant that at the last we following roll: Kindly Light. may merit the "Well done, good and SENATOR SCRIPTURE READING AND PRAYER faithful servant." We thank Thee for THEODORE GILMORE BILBO, .a Senator from the voice that comes across the cen­ the State of Mississippi: Born October 13, The CHAPLAIN: turies to the hearts of all in' sorrow: "Be 1877; teacher; farmer; lawyer; attended Pea­ Oh, yet we trust that somehow good of good cheer." Be Thou the bread of body College at Nashville, .Tenn., Vanderbilt Will be the final goal of ill, life for our hunger and the water of life University, and the University of Michigan; To pangs of nature, sins of will, for our thirst. Thy servants whom we member of the State senate, 1908-12; Lieu­ Defects of doubt, and taints of blood; tenant Governor, 1912-16; Governor, 1916-20 remember today rest from their labors, and 1928-32; elected to the United States That nothing walks with aimless feet; , and their works do follow them.. The Senate in 1934, 1940, and 1946; died August That not one life shall be destroy'd, souls of the righteous are in the hands 21, 1947. Or cast as rubbish to the void, of God.
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