VhtThe Official Publication-UhiDIGESTof the Worldwide TV-FM DX Association DECEMBER 1994 ., ; W 9=e~Ei o d "` N -4 F2 - CrJ C O F~ G~ GJ bU ~ c a to zrl10 ~+~~ ~~~~ p d N O E to :0r o ~~~~ ,A Cn d> t SEASON'S GREETINGS! (New Stations, wrCT-66, contd.) filiate in that region, has been APPLCATIONS TO CHANGE the facilities : granted permission to drop the CBC 2240kW/481m and go independent ; thus, the new ° W TV News CONSTRUCTION PERMITS TL 27 24'30"N, 82 ° 15'00 CBC grants in central Ontario . The Doug Smtth 3km NE of Verna, 30km E of Sarasota Huntsville station is currently op- 1385 Old Claduvme Pike St City erating as a relayer of CKVR, I'm Ch EAH BRAT Call New Orleans, LA : WHNO-20- Pleasant View. TN 37146-8098 O O !L 46 126 59 WPM Panama City not 1008 clear on whether this sta- (615) 746-3203 5000kW/276m tion will switch to relaying the Beach TL 29 ° 55'11"N, 90 Internet: ° ° 01'29"W CBC . Bobcaygeon (the site of the (TL 30 10'59"N, 85 ° 46'42"W same tower as 7277'? .3143(- conWuserve .corn 2km on WCCL-49 and three channel 54 relayer of CFTC) is near E US-98 . I don't have old LPTVs, in the facilities on this one.) antenna farm near Peterborough . Gretna . LA 54 4376 213 none Slidell Abbreviations used in this col- I saw their GM on the (TL 30 ° 17'08 .7"N, ° 54'18 .2W Lesea The Lumberton, NC station on umn : 89 satellite, announcing P 3 .3km SE of Lacombe . the new 31 will be part of the UNC-ETV ERR= Effective Radiated Power in station on the air, Was 1000kW/273m on the WHNO/WCCL in mid- educational TV network, relaying kW October . This is part of tower south of New Orleans .) the WUNC-4 Chapel Hill . In regard to HART=Height Above Avg . Terrain Sumrall religious network, the WUNE-17 changes, I list another nc= no change with KWHD-53 and WHME-46 . set of previous facilities of TL= Tower Location CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 1808kW/131m; I suspect these are CP= Construction Permit Ircn Mountain, MI : WDHS-8- for a backup antenna but I'm not Pr= Province (of Canada) CHANGES GRANTED 29 . 6kW/190rn sure . = Non-commercial TL 45 ° 49'14"N, 88 ° 02'39"W CRTC=Canadian Radio-Television same as St Ch EAP HART Call City the Iron Mountain UHF In Madison, the WHA-21 changes Commission translators, FL 58 137 59 Pt . walton just north of the reflect the upcoming move to the DBS= Direct Broadcast Sat . FOE town . Beach community tower . WISC-3 and WMS''J SS := Spanish language Fred (TL NW corner of lots 325 & McCormack says it went on 47 are also moving, and I know W;S" LFRT=Low Power Relay Transmitter the 326, wherever that is! air October 19, and it was has received its construction per- (Canada) granted an Was 49CkW/49m .) operatin-, license mit but haven't seen the details TBD= To Be Determined on the 25th . Bill Draeb has come through the FCC yet . seen it with TBN, and it ap APPLICATIONS TO CHANGE pears on a TBN list dated Oct . With the upcoming premiere of CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 31 . the Paramount and WB networks, Fox EXISTING STATIONS is warning its affiliates not to FOR NEW STATIONS Greenville, TX : KTAQ-47+ sign secondary affiliations with St Ch SRP HART Call City 240 kW/178m these new nets . Several Fox affil- _Ch _St City ; license CA 60 3540 362 KCSM San Mateo TL 33 ° 09'32"N, 96 ° 08'31"W iates- KJTL-18 and KCIT-14 are men- 31 NC Lumberton ; Univ . of NC (was 1550kW/369m) Applied for operating license tioned- have said they'll proceed ;313`_kW/319m ; CA 26 3236 792 KMPH Visalia on October 27 . with secondary-affiliation plans TL 34 ° 97'51"N, 79 ° 02'41"W (was 3240kW,/784m . Ho-hum . .) anyway . c .9krn WSW of St .Pauls) NC 42 1375 nc WTVI Charlotte Danville, VA : WDRG-24 -_ 16 ON Barrie ; CBC (was 1380kW . Again, ho-hum . .) _, OOOkW/30m Fourteen successful bidders (183kW) NC 17 1537 546 WUN8 Linville TL 36 ° 24'51"N, 79`20'07"W for IVDS licenses have failed tc 54 ON Bobcaygeon ; CETO-9 912kW) I believe this is somewhere near make the downpayments for their (223kW) (was Yanceyville, NC, 50km NE of bids in time . The FCC has announced 8 ON Huntsville ; CBC Greensboro . that there will be no waivers of the (43kW; see Other Stuff) CHANGES GRANTED TO EXIST- Fred's sources say this one deadlines . Some applicants have 21 ON Orillia ; CFTO-9 came on August 17 . I'm al threatened to sue to keep "their" ;2081<W) ING STATIONS most positive the parameters licenses . The maximum sanction 18 ON Parry Sound ; CBC are different, 5000kW at 30m possible would be for the FCC to would almost certainly vie St Ch SRP HART Call city re-auction the licenses . NY 26 659 180 WTJA Jamestown late OSHA regulations! (was 457kW/182m) Paxson Communications has pur- PA 53 nc ac WPGH Pittsburgh Nogales, Sonora, Mexico : 38/50 chased Telemundo affiliate WTGI-6i (FCC says new TL, but it looks like No technical details, but the chief Wilmington/Philadelphia . While nc the old one to me!) engineer of an AM station in No- plans for changes have been an- WX 21 1127 453 WHA Madison gales notes two new stations on nounced, Paxson's other TV station, TELEVISION (TL : 43 ° 03'21"N, 89 °32'06"W here on channels 38 and 50 . The WTLK-14 Rome/Atlanta, is reportedly Mineral Pt . s Junction Rds ., Mid- allocation table indicates both going religious . On a similar dleton . stations should have positive off- vein, Pappas Telecasting, owners of Was 759kW/381m .) sets . independent KRBK-31 Sacramento and Fox KMPH-26 Visalia/Fresno, has purchased Univision affiliate KREN- NEW STATIONS ON THE AIR OTHER STUFF 27 Reno . A switch to relaying KRBK or KMPH would be quite possible . Bradenton, FL : WFCT- 66Z The Canadian grants are from I committed a serious typo last Saul Chernos via Greg Coniglio . I Permanent permission has been month and moved this station to have no further details, and these granted to Fox to transmit program- channel 26! Sorry . Also . Fred are not 1008 official . Reportedly ming to their three Mexican affili McCormack has some corrections on CKVR-3 Barrie, the current CBC af- ates . XETV-6, XHNUL-57, and XHRTA- (Other Stuff, contd .) The Denver, Salt Lake, and of affect on this kind of protec- 17 have been carrying Fox programs Philadelphia changes aren't NOT DEAD YET 110nism." Good question! I hon- under temporary authorization, chal- 1008 official, except that KMGH estly don't know what effect NAFTA KUSI-51 San lenged by Diego . The has confirmed an ABC affilia- "Not Dead Yet" will appear on has on cross-border delivery of stations cover San Mexican Diego, tion, and KUSA has confirmed an occasional basis to list construc- broadcast programs . I have heard Laredo TX, and Brownsville - they're changing networks . The permits which have been granted rumors to the effect that someone Harlingen TX . changes are related to CBS' plan extra time to complete construction . is considering returning one of to swap WCAU to NBC in return It should give you some idea as to the "border blaster" high-powered The Republican sweep of the for KCNC, KUTV, and other sta- which new stations are actually being_ AM stations to an English-language November 8 election is likely to have tions . (WTVJ and WRC are most built, and which have dried up 6 format, but to date they're just considerable effect on broadcast frequently mentioned) The move- blown away . rumors . regulation . It's already had a major ment of Fox to KWGN is somewhat effect on those who will oversee the less definite . wRPA-44 Rancho Palos Verdes, -A John Combs, Orlando FL : FCC and telecommunications policy . ,,AWD-58 Ft . Walton Beach, FL Seven of 23 Congressmen on the House The switch in the Raleigh, WFDG-28 New Bedford, MA "The strange saga of W40AQ Telecommunications Subcommittee and NC market is scheduled to take WEOt~-30 Wilson, NC Kissimmee continues ." First, this one of 14 Senators on the Senate place on Oct . 1, 1995 . KRXI-11 Reno, MJ station aired ID color bars 24 Comnr_~nications Committee either re- WFVT-55 Rock Hill, SC hours/7days . Occasionally, they'd tired or lost reelection . bring up a real program- 1970's Mexican TV shows (John says they The most likely changes under FORUM looked like they were taped off- Republicans control are the repeal of +". air in Mexico, complete with com- parts of the 19°2 Cable Act, removal i Frank Aden, Boise ID : mercialsl), strange home-shopping of restrictions pre-dent_n local services, Hispanic preachers . phone companies from providinc cable Frank writes that K22DX Nampa service, and relaxing multiple- CBS is said to be consider- finally appeared sometime during the Now, they've begun running owners ".ip ing changing its mind about buy- week of Sept . 26 . Programring eras the Panamerican Hispanic network ing WVEU-69 Atlanta . The net from World Harvest TV (the LeSea SUR, which airs programs from sev Othe- ~i-:a ::ges might include ,- work religious network) and PROSTAR. "No eral Latin American countries . creased pressure for has not yet filed for F= restrictions on approval local IDs have been seen and video John is wondering how they get se :: and violence TV, of the sale, despite a on and for Spec December 11 deadline quality is very poor ." K°,.
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