Open Access in France : current status and future trends Francis ANDRE INIST-CNRS & Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France [email protected] 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 1 outline Evolution of the French research system Open access : were are we now : institutional repositories, national archive, open publishing. Challenges we are facing 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 2 Organisation of Research in France 42 000 researchers and engineers in public research organisations : CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique multidisciplinary CEA – Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INSERM - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale INRIA - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique CNES – Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales CEMAGREF - Centre national du Machinisme Agricole, du Génie Rural, des Eaux et Forêts IFREMER - Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation durable de la Mer 51 000 researchers and engineers in Higher Education institutions : 85 universities + « grandes écoles » 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 3 Outputs Budget : 13 b € in 2004 (global R&D budget 35 b€) 93 000 researchers (includ. PhD students) who produce ~ 70.000- 90 000 documents/year French publications account for 13.6% (Europe) and 4.7% (world) By disciplines : Biology : 4.8% Medical research : 4.5% Applied Biology : 3.7% Chemistry : 4.5% Physics : 5.2% Earth and Universe Sciences : 5.0% Engineering : 4.3% Mathematics : 7.1% 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 4 Evolution of the research system New law governing universities : Freedom, autonomy, responsability New rules governing joint labs Restructuring CNRS : more thematic autonomous institutes Already existing IN2P3 ( Nuclear and Particles Physics) and INSU ( Universe sciences) More to come in Life Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Engineering,… Merging universities to create bigger and more visible entities Direct impact on the way organisations are re-thinking their visibility and managing their research publications dissemination. If journals were more promoting the scientists, open archives are used to promote and make visible the research organisations they belong to. 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 5 Some new key bodies ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) Goal : foster the transfer of public research results towards the industry Call for tenders, call for proposals, permanent open calls Budget for 2008 :955 m€ Political trend for research : more project-driven, more finalised OA support :all scientific outputs produced under funded research in open access (deposited in HAL) AERES ( Agence pour l’évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur) Research organisations assessment Research units assessment Validation of researchers activities assessment procedures Should take into account publications deposited in IR 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 6 Examples Open access publishing Scoap3 Retrodigitization programmes with on line OA Open Archiving : HAL 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 7 Open publishing Portal launched by CLEO ( Centre pour l’Edition Electronique Ouverte), a collaboration between CNRS, EHESS, Universities of Avignon and Provence. Open Access to peer-reviewed journals in Social Sciences and Humanities. Some restricted access to content if moving wall requested by journal? Documents are also deposited in HAL, for long term archiving purpose. Respect of journal identity, editorial policy and autonomy. Open access publishing : IN2P3 involved in SCOAP3 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 8 Journals retrodigitization programmes Persée Operated by the University of Lyon2 under the umbrella of the ministry of Higher Education On line access of SS&H academic journals Open access with a moving wall Highly used service : to be replicated 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 9 Open archiving :HAL history… An existing open archive platform since 2001 2003 : CNRS and Inserm signed the Berlin declaration But no real interest and support for OA from policy makers, researchers and even librarians : raising awareness is a very slow process… Development of institutional portals (INRIA, Inserm), communities portals 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 10 signature of a Memorandum of Understanding 19 july 2006 associating French Higher Education Institutions, through the Conférence des Présidents d’Universités and the Conférence des grandes Ecoles, and research institutions : CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INSERM - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale INRIA - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique CEMAGREF - Centre national du Machinisme Agricole, du Génie Rural, des Eaux et Forêts IRD - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Institut PASTEUR 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 11 A major political step • A national cooperative approach : signatories represent more than 80% of the researchers • Ministry of Higher Education and Research acting as an umbrella organisation • To develop/maintain a shared platform for open archiving French research outputs • steered by a Strategic Committee (COSTRA) and • a Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (COST) 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 12 A shared platform based on HAL Direct Scientific Communication According with researchers practices Direct (Web interface) or indirect depositing (Web services) Long term preservation (agreement with CINES, the higher Education Computing Center) Participating to the international repositories network Room for institutions visibility Local repositories/HAL connection 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 13 Local repositories and HAL Local repositories •Scientific publications + internal reports + videos + e-courses + … •Combining Open access and restricted access •Making visible the patrimony of universities •Participating to regional or thematic federations (virtual universities) based on OAI harvesting HAL •Scientific quality control •Shared nomenclatures •Connected to international repositories (PubMedCentral, ArXiv) •Focusing on the publication not on the institution valorisation •Research process oriented 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 14 AUTRESAUTRES INRAINRA IN2P3IN2P3 HALHAL SHS/SHS/TICETICE INRIAINRIA EXPORTS IMPORTS OAI haL BibliBiblioographicgraphic iteitemm FullFull texttext Domain-specific metadata Institutional metadata ArArXivXiv Mandatory metadata 08th may 2008PubMedCentrPubMedCentraall F. André CNR Rome 15 ? ? AUTRES ? ? AUTRES INRAINRA IN2P3IN2P3 HALHAL SHS/TSHS/TIICECE INRIAINRIA EXPORTS IMPORTS OAI haL Hits 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 16 ? AUTRESAUTRES INRAINRA IN2P3IN2P3 HALHAL SHS/TSHS/TIICECE INRIAINRIA MetadataMetadata EXPORTS IMPORTS OAI haL answers IN2P3 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 17 Deposit portals domain-dependent generic institutional typological OTHER UNIV INRIA HAL TEL HAL-SHS INRA EXPORTS OAI-PMH REDIF IMPORTS RSS XML, WS haL Etc. BibliBiblioographicgraphic rerecordcord FullFull texttext Domain-specific metadata Institutional metadata ArArXivXiv Common metadata 08th may 2008PubMedPubMedCentralCentral F. André CNR Rome 18 Services offered •Searching and open access to scientific documents. •Automatic retrieval of publication lists. •Customized alerts defined by the research scientists themselves. •Automatic duplication of documents in other open archives such as ArXiv or PubMed Central. •Exchangeability and interconnectability with institutions’ information systems. •Creation of interfaces enabling institutions to create their own environments. •Collections building to select, enhance and retrieve the output of a laboratory, a team, etc. 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 19 Full-text deposits in the whole archive 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 20 Visibility of research papers : HAL/PubMedCentral linking Inserm/NCBI cooperation Inserm papers forwarded to PMC if elligible : Pubmed ID and pubdate mandatory Respect of the embargo period Only Full Texts in English Metadata uploaded from Medline Achieving several goals : archiving nationally, giving access at the point of use, promoting the institution, high quality of metadata,… 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 21 Manuscript deposited in HAL 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 22 What’s next ? Still a lot of do Need a formal political structure Need a multi-institutions technical body Need more resources (dedicated staff) Take into account research data Mandating deposit ? positive signs Trend of the deposit curve Other public research organisations joined the agreement But Despite a stronger OA commitment, current re-organisation of the research system will probably slow down the development of a national policy. 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 23 Some final remarks… Open archiving and open publishing are complementary. Open Access, publishing and archiving, is used to maximise impact of research results. Publication costs are research costs. OA is not costless. But only reasonable costs are compatible with public research budgets. 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 24 Thank you ! [email protected] 08th may 2008 F. André CNR Rome 25.
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