THE BEAUTIES OF OCCULT SCIENCE INVESTIGATED; OB, TH E CELESTIAL INTELLIGENCER: IN TWO PARTS. PART TBE IIRST CONTAININO A PLAIN, EASY, AND COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION TO’ ASTROLOGY, WITH ALL THE REQUISITES FOR OBTAINING A FAMILIAR AND GENERAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE SCIENCE; A NEW TABLE OF ASCENSIONAL DIFFERENCES For Thirty Degrees of Declination to the Poles of the Houses for the British Metropolis; And many other Particulars never before published. PART THE SECOND CONTAINING THE M E T H O D o f calculating , d i r e c t i n g , a n d JUDGING NATIVITIES, both according to the A&GOLIAN SYSTEM AND THE DOCTRINE OF PTOLEMY : THE WHOLE ILLUSTRATED BY THE NATIVITIES OF SEVERAL EMINENT PERSONAGES, viz. Lewis X V I (late King of France), Napoleon Bonaparte, And several others never before made njrfJltfcT BY THOMAS WH LONDON; FBnCTED FQS AND PUBLISHED BY ANNE DAVIS,' ILD- - INGS, ALPERSGATE STREET; AND J. S. DICKbON, 18^ IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW. m o . Digitized by Google entttcv «t ©tatUtut*’ Digitized by Google CONTENTS. PAG«. AN address to the Young Student in Astrology, (from Lilly) — 3 Introduction -------- ■■ 1 — — 8 'What Astrologyis — - ■ — — Id Of the twelve Signs of the Zodiac and their Divisions * —— 17 Of the different Aspects — .......... ...... - * 1 Of the Planetary Howes and their Effects — — A Table of the Essential Dignities of the Planets ■ The Diseases each Planet signifies — ----- ;----- Diseases under Satnrn — — — — — --------- —— Jupiter — -■ — — £ S 8 g g g? - The Sun 3 - Venus 8 - Mercury 41 * The Moon 48 Table of the Friendship and Enmity of the Planets — * 45 ■ ■ ■■ Orbs and Mean Motions of the Planets — ■* 45 ----- ------------ Planets Latitude, Ac. ------- —— 46 ■— Radiations, or Sinister A Dexter Aspects of the Planets 47 — Antiscions of the Planets — — — — 49 ■ — Affections and Significations of the Degrees in each Sign? cf of the Zodiac ----- — * \ 51 • ■— Dignities, Fortitudes and Debilities of the seven Planets51 — ■■■ ■ Fortitudes and Debilities of Fortune in any Geniture 54 The signification o f the twelve Celestial Signs —,---------- £4 O f the Properties o f the Son, Moon and planets with the Herbs ful-j ly described under each ------ — — \■58 Another brief description of the 9hapes and forms of the Planets 81 The Coloiiry o f the Planets and Signs •— —— 84 Digitized by Google II CONTENTS. PAGE. Of the Numbers attributed to the several Planets, according to the, opinion o f an eminent Author — __ i 87 Some observations concerning Sympathy of Cure — Explanation of Technical Words used in Astrology —.. ---------------------: the twelve Houses of Heaven with directions for ) Erecting the Horoscope ■----------- $ 105 Figure of the Horoscope or twelve Houses of Heaven 108 fThe Operation of the twelve Houses ■----------- ..----- 109 , *fhe Signification of the t welve Houses — — — 119 . The twelve Houses Poetized ------------ ' — . • _ 1H 'Forcible reasons for the Division of the twelve Houses — 115 A Table o f Sun Rising and Setting, calculated for every sixth day) of the month, requisite to be known in ascertaining the truef 124 Planetary Hour ------------------------------ _ 5 Table of Planetary Hours for every Day and Night in the week 125 ---------- — Planets ruling the Day and Night ------------ . 128 A Set Af Tabl<*srfor finding the duration of .each Planetary Hour, and what Planet governs any Hour of the Day or Night, cal­ 160 culated for every sixth day of'the month — &c. ----- T.--------------------------- -P lan etary Hours for every day in ) the"week, beginning from Sun Rising . •— ■ ■ $ Ths Signification of each Planetary-Hour, and what Use may be) made of-them —— — *— —— S 141 Motion of the Planets to any hour of the ^ A TaMe-to R-educe th: 146 day otnight Copy of an Ephemeris, for February, 1809 ■-------------- 149 Tobies qf,th? twelve Houses, calculated for the Latitude of 51 de­ 150 grees, 32 minutes * — • — ------ Directions f r erecting the Figure of Heaven, and placing the^ Pla­ 16$ nets in the Horoscope — ---- - --------- ' A Celestial Figure, erected 11 minutes after 11 in the morning 172 Another Celestial Figure 175 A fable of the principal fi xe.l Stars near the Ecliptic, shewing their ) 170 Longitude, Latitude, Magnitude and Nature — S Tables for converting mean Solar Time into Degrees and Parts of ^ the Ter rest ial Equator, and also for converting Degrees and> 184 Parts of the Equator into mean Solar Time J A Table of the Latifodeaud Loogitudeof the principal Cities and)' 1 86 Towns iu. England _ ----------- * A Table shewing the Semidiurnal Arch to every degree of the Ectip. 189 „ ----- ------------------- Seminocturnal Arch to every degree Digitized by Google CONTENTS, Ml F iO l, A. Table of the Ascensional Differences, under the Poles of the Houses 1ft Signs of D&ath in Infancy ----- — • IM ---------- Short and Long Life — — 195 ---------- -a Violent Death — ‘ ----- — — 196 T^e Manner or Kind of a Violent Deatl? - ■■ 198 Nature of the Houses — —— —* 1ft Buies of Saturn and Mars — — —«■ 90S Signs of Riches and when — ■— ----- 286 Signs of Poverty - ■■ —— 806 Excellent Aphorisms fit to be considered by those that practice the) Geoethliacal part of Astrology --------- $ Aphorisms for guiding the Judgment on Marriage — fig -------- ^—concerning the Position of Venus ------ 884 - for determining Issue — ■» ■ — 834 -shewing the Dfeathwf Issue ■ - ■ 236 Some short Rules for the making of Elections upon several occasions 836 Persons described by each Planet in all the twelve Signs 241 Brief Observations in forming Judgment from the Planet that is? Lord of the Ascendant ------- ■ - - •— $ 868 A Table shewing howthe Name of the Man or Woman may be ? found, to whom the Native shall be joined with in Marriage $ 864 On the Nature and Quality of the Signs ---------- 865 The Art Qf Calculating Nativities in a plain and easy 271 How to rectify a Nativity by the Aniinoder of Pfolomy — 272 To Rectify a.Nativity by Moodane Parallels, and Transits of the? Planets on the Cusp of either of the three Prime Angles > 873 General effects produced by the Planets in each of the twelve Signs 283 General effects produced by the Position of the Lords of the Houses 286 General effects produced by the Conjunction of the Planets — 293 General effects produced by the Sextile and Trine of the Planets 297 General effects produced by the Quartileand Opposition of the Planets 305 Of the Measure of Time in Directions -----—■ 313 How to Equate the Arches of Directions, whereby to ascertain the") Length of Time in which the. Events denoted by them will be> 315 in coming to pass ■■ ■- -— ------ ) The Signification of Directions 317 The Sun or Moon to the twelve Houses S31 Judgment to be Inferred from Transits 332 Digitized by ogle *» CQKTEHTS. * / H 6K . Judgment* to be Inferred frota Revolution 836 Of the Space of Life — . —• — 835 —*— Prorogatory Place* — •— 337 Partof Fortune — — - 339 Governor ot the Apbetic Place - « - w 340 The Ways of Prorogation — . — • 341 Of Riches — — - ' 346 Of Honour and Dignity — - 347 Of the Quality of the Pofession *— 359 Of Marriage . 354 Of Children — — 360 Of Travelling ■—»—- 365 Of the Quality of Death - 365 The Signification of several fixed Stare ie Nativities 370 The Signification of the Sun directed to fixed Stare 372 Of Secondary Directions 374 Observations on the Nativity of W. Cooling SEO — ----- ...— ------- ■-------W. Cromwell - 398 - J. Orchard r— 404 - J. Harris — 406 * M. Dukes . — -— ^410 - M Mouncher ----- -- 413 - S. G..... — — 417 - J. Taylor — 419 - Lpuis, the XVIth. of France 425 -NagO^Sgg ^OVUAPAETB 428 Digitized by Google To the joung Student ia Astrology, {Frc«'Lffly.) Ify Friend, HOEVER yon are, you .dull with a* mack ■ease recetvetbe benefit of my laborious Studies, and 4 * intend to proceed in acquiring Ibis heavenly knowledge of the Stare, wherein the great and admirable works,of the invisible .and all-glorious Got? arejo manifestly ap- parent; in the firsiplace consider and adore your om­ nipotent Cs u t o s , and Jbe thankful unto bun for existences fie bumble, and let no natural knowledge whatever elate your mind or withdrew you from your duty to that divine P uovidbnce, by whose all-seeing order and appointment, all things heavenly and earthly have their^oonstantjftad never-ceasing .motion : but tbn more y6ur.knowledge is enlarged l)y this sublime and' comprehensive science, the more, should you magnify the .power and wisdom qf the A^niOBTY Goo, and strive to preserve yourself in hi^fcvour, having in con, etaxUremanbrancej that the more holy you are^aadlhu ■ Google nearer you approach to Goo in your religious duties, the purer judgement shall you always give. Beware of pride and self-conceit; yet never forget your digni­ ty consider your own nobleness, and that all created things, both present and to come, were for yejir snfr* created, for your sake ewn Goa became ManYou are that Creature who being conversant with Christ, liveth and converseth phoye the Jicavens:—How many privileges and advantages hath Goo bestowed upon you: you range above the Heavens by contemplation, and conceives the motion and magnitude of the Stars.: you talk with Angels, and even with Goo himself; you hate all Creatures within your dominion, and keep the Devils in subjection. Your capacity for ac­ quiring knowledge is unlimited by your Maker ; and the blessedness of an enlightened mind will bring you the consolations of joy and happiness. Do not then deface your nature, nor make yourself unworthy of these celestial gifts; do not deprive yourself of the power and glory Gen hath allotted you, for die pos­ session of a few imperfect, yaipand temporary plea? acres. When you have perfected the contemplation of your G od, and considered the extent of those faculties with Which you are endowed, you will he fit to receive the following- instruction, and to know in your practice how to conduct your self. As you will daHy converse with the Heavens, to instruct and form your mind ac? Cording to the image of divinity.
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