GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION (PLANNING BRANCH) 1ST FLOOR, PATRACHAR VIDYALAYA BUILDING TIMARPUR, DELHI-110054. No.F.DE.18-3(10)/2010/Pre-Matric/OBC/PLG./ 2193-2206 Dated: 8 October 2012 CIRCULAR Sub:- Pre-Matric scholarship for OBC Students (CSS) for the year 2011-12. HOS’s of the schools are informed that under the “Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students (CSS) for the year 2011-12”, funds have been allocated as per details given in Statement –I as Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minority Department GNCTD has released funds to cover class I - X th students of 2011-12.The list of eligible students School-wise as furnished by respective HOS is at Statement -2. All HOS are advised to display the names of the beneficiaries concerning your school in the school notice board. The guidelines for disbursement are as under. S.No. Category Class Eligibility Scholarship Main Documents Annual Amount (Rs. Required Marks Family Per Annum) Income not to exceed (Rs.) 1 OBC I - X Less 44500 I–V 1). Cast Certificate issued than Rs. 750/-p.a. by Delhi SDM office. 55% in VI-VIII the Rs.900/-p.a. 2.) Self declaration of family previou IX-X income in the prescribed s class Rs.1000/-p.a. format (enclosed) is required. 2. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to the Major Head 2225 –C1(1)(3)(15) Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme (CSS) for the year 2012-13 under Demand No.08. Sd/- (N.T. KRISHNA) DY. DIRECTOR (PLG.) All head of Schools Copy for Information:- 1. PS to Director 2. All DDE’s (Distt.) 3. OS (IT) SELF DECLARATION OF FAMILY INCOME I ,…………………………….. (Father/Mother/Guardian) of……………………….....................................(Name of Student) who is studying Class…………………………………….……………… Section………………………………in the School…………..……… ……… …………….hereby declare that my annual Income from all sources is Rs………………………………………………………. in word……………………………………. If at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/not true, all benefits given to the student under welfare Schemes could be withdrawn and legal action as deemed fit, may be taken against me or my ward. Date: Place: Signature (Father/Mother/Guardian) Residential Address Statement -1 Pre-Matric scholarship for OBC Students (CSS) for the year 2011-12. Total no. of Amount of SI.No. School ID Name of the School Student in School Scholarship 1 1001001 Bhola Nath Nagar-SBV (Babu Ram)-1001001 6 5600 2 1001004 Kanti Nagar-SBV-1001004 3 2750 3 1001006 Surajmal Vihar–SBV-1001006 5 4450 4 1001008 Bhola Nath Nagar, No.1-SBV-1001008 2 1900 5 1001010 Bhola Nath Nagar, No.3-GBSSS-1001010 1 1000 6 1001018 Bhola Nath Nagar, No.1-SKV-1001018 5 4350 7 1001022 Vivek Vihar-GGSSS-1001022 9 8200 8 1001023 Bhola Nath Nagar, No.3-GGSSS-1001023 7 6300 9 1001024 Kanti Nagar-GGSSS-1001024 4 3600 10 1001026 Vivek Vihar,Phase-II-GGSSS-1001026 1 900 11 1001104 Surajmal Vihar-RPVV-1001104 1 900 12 1001105 Jhilmil Colony-SBV-1001105 14 13000 13 1001106 Kiran Vihar-SKV-1001106 4 3300 14 1001110 Rajgarh Colony-SBV-1001110 5 4200 15 1001111 Jhilmil Colony-GGSSS-1001111 8 7200 16 1001151 Shahdara, Teliwara-G(Co-ed)SS-1001151 1 900 17 1001196 Vishwas Nagar-SKV-1001196 2 1800 18 1002001 Mandawali-SBV (Veer Udham Singh)-1002001 3 2700 19 1002002 Patparganj-SBV (Genda Lal Dixit)-1002002 6 5200 20 1002003 Kalyanvas-SBV (Raj Bihari Bose)-1002003 3 2400 21 1002004 Shakarpur, No.2-SBV (Ishwar Chand)-1002004 3 2700 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Pkt. II-SBV (Prem Chand)-1002006 22 1002006 10 8900 23 1002008 Kalyanpuri-SBV-1002008 1 750 24 1002010 Trilokpuri, Block 20-SBV-1002010 2 1900 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Pkt.IV-GBSSS(Shaheed 25 1002016 Capt.Hanifuddin)-1002016 1 1000 26 1002020 Kalyanpuri-GBSS-1002020 1 900 27 1002022 Kalyanpuri-SKV (Mother Teresa)-1002022 2 1900 28 1002023 Mandawali-SKV-1002023 5 4200 29 1002024 Trilokpuri, Block 27-SKV-1002024 19 17600 30 1002025 Trilokpuri, Block 20-SKV (Sharda Sen)-1002025 12 10700 31 1002026 Kondli-SKV (Jeeja Bai)-1002026 5 4500 32 1002027 Dallupura-SKV-1002027 7 6000 33 1002028 East Vinod Nagar-SKV (Ravindra Thakur)-1002028 3 2400 Mayur Vihar, Phase II, Pkt.B-SKV (Annie Besant)-1002029 34 1002029 1 750 35 1002031 Patparganj-SKV-1002031 7 6000 36 1002032 West Vinod Nagar-SKV-1002032 7 6500 37 1002033 KalyanVas-SKV-1002033 7 6250 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Pkt.II-SKV (Janaki Devi)-1002034 38 1002034 13 11200 39 1002036 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Pkt.IV-GGSSS-1002036 7 6400 40 1002037 Khichripur-GGSSS-1002037 1 900 41 1002177 Trilokpuri, Block 27-SBV-1002177 2 1500 42 1002180 West Vinod Nagar, Block E-G(Co-ed)SS-1002180 1 900 43 1002181 Joshi Colony-GBSSS-1002181 1 900 Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Chilla Gaon-G(Co-ed)SSS-1002182 44 1002182 2 1800 45 1002183 New Ashok Nagar-SKV-1002183 1 900 46 1002185 Vasundhra Enclave-GGSSS-1002185 11 9900 47 1002186 New Kondli-GGSSS-1002186 6 5400 48 1002190 Mandawali-GGSS-1002190 6 5700 49 1002193 Shakarpur, No.2-SKV-1002193 14 12400 50 1002196 Shakarpur, No.1-SKV-1002196 2 1750 51 1002198 Kondli-SBV-1002198 7 6800 Mayur Vihar, Phase III, Kondli-Gharauli-GBSS-1002263 52 1002263 2 1800 53 1002351 Preet Vihar, Govt. Co-Ed Secondary School-1002351 3 3000 Mayur Vihar, Phase III, Kondli Gharauli-GGSS -1002352 54 1002352 8 7400 55 1002354 Mayur Vihar, Phase III GBSS-1002354 3 2800 56 1002363 Gazipur-GBSSS-1002363 1 1000 57 1003007 Chander Nagar-GBSSS-1003007 2 1800 58 1003009 Geeta Colony, Block 13-GBSSS-1003009 6 5500 59 1003013 Krishna Nagar-SBV-1003013 12 9900 60 1003024 Geeta Colony, Block 13-SKV-1003024 9 7750 61 1003025 Chander Nagar-SKV-1003025 7 6150 62 1003026 Shankar Nagar-SKV-1003026 2 1750 63 1003027 Gandhi Nagar, No.1-SKV-1003027 4 3150 64 1003028 Laxmi Nagar-SKV-1003028 6 5450 65 1003034 Gandhi Nagar, No.2-GGSSS-1003034 1 900 66 1003035 Gandhi Nagar, No.3-GGSSS-1003035 4 3700 67 1003036 Krishna Nagar-SKV-1003036 9 7700 68 1003153 Radhey Shyam Park-GGSSS-1003153 2 1800 69 1003202 Geeta Colony, Block 2-G(Co-ed)SS-1003202 2 1800 70 1003205 Shivpuri-G(Co-ed)SS-1003205 1 1000 71 1104001 Yamuna Vihar, Block B, No.1-SBV-1104001 13 11900 72 1104002 Khajoori Khas-SBV-1104002 3 2700 73 1104007 Ghonda, No.2-GBSSS-1104007 16 15100 74 1104009 Yamuna Vihar, Block C, No.1-GBSSS-1104009 1 900 75 1104010 Dayalpur-GBSSS-1104010 5 4600 76 1104012 Bhajanpura-G(Co-ed)SSS (RDJK)-1104012 1 1000 77 1104019 Ghonda, No.2-SKV-1104019 6 5250 78 1104020 Gokalpuri-SKV-1104020 3 2800 79 1104021 Gokalpur Village-SKV-1104021 5 4600 80 1104022 Khajoori Khas-SKV-1104022 23 21000 81 1104023 Yamuna Vihar, Block B, No.1-GGSSS-1104023 3 2800 82 1104024 Yamuna Vihar, Block C, No.2-SKV-1104024 67 60100 83 1104025 Ghonda, No.1-GGSSS-1104025 3 2700 84 1104029 Vijay Park-GGSS-1104029 2 1800 85 1104149 Yamuna Vihar, Block B-RPVV-1104149 4 3600 86 1104261 Tukhmirpur-GBSSS-1104261 10 9700 87 1104262 Tukhmirpur-GGSSS-1104262 4 3700 88 1104335 Sonia Vihar-GGSSS-1104335 1 900 89 1105007 Babarpur-GBSSS-1105007 1 1000 90 1105008 Jafrabad-GBSSS-1105008 1 900 91 1105014 New Seelampur, Marginal Band-GBSS-1105014 2 1900 Jafrabad, Zeenat Mahal(Urdu Medium)-SKV-1105018 92 1105018 13 11550 93 1105019 Babarpur-SKV-1105019 1 900 94 1105020 New Seelampur, No.1-SKV (C.R.Dass)-1105020 29 24750 95 1105024 Shahadara, G.T.Road-SKV-1105024 3 2800 96 1105025 New Seelampur, No.2-GGSSS-1105025 6 5600 97 1105026 Brahampuri-GGSSS-1105026 3 3000 98 1105028 East Rohtash Nagar-GGMS-1105028 2 1800 Shahadara, G.T. Road-SKV (Mani Ben Patel Bharti Mahila)- 99 1105110 1105110 4 3700 100 1105113 Brahmpuri-GBSSS-1105113 2 1800 101 1105117 New Usmanpur(Gautam Puri)-GGSS-1105117 9 8400 102 1105229 Brahmpuri,Govt.(Co.ed)SSS Block-X-1105229 24 22200 103 1105238 New Seelampur, No.1-GGSS-1105238 4 3600 104 1106001 Nand Nagri, Block B-SBV (B.P)-1106001 3 2800 105 1106002 Dilshad Garden, Block C-SBV-1106002 5 4450 106 1106003 Nand Nagri, Block E-SBV-1106003 12 11200 107 1106007 Shahdara, Mansarovar Park, No.2-GBSSS-1106007 3 2800 108 1106012 Dilshad Garden, Block J&K-GBSSS-1106012 10 9100 109 1106018 New Seemapuri-SKV-1106018 3 2550 110 1106019 Mandoli-SKV-1106019 6 5700 111 1106021 Seemapuri-SKV (Vishwamitra)-1106021 9 8200 112 1106023 Dilshad Garden, Block J&K-SKV (St. Eknath)-1106023 24 23100 113 1106025 Dilshad Garden, Block C-GGSSS-1106025 4 3800 114 1106026 Nand Nagri Extn., Block FI-F2-GGMS-1106026 1 900 115 1106112 Ashok Nagar-GGSS-1106112 4 3700 116 1106113 Nand Nagri, Block E-SKV-1106113 7 6150 117 1106114 Shahdara, Mansarover Park, No.2-SKV-1106114 2 1900 118 1106117 Saboli-GGSS-1106117 73 66200 119 1106120 Saboli-GBSS-1106120 10 9000 120 1106122 Old Seemapuri, Block GH-GGSS-1106122 2 1800 121 1106123 Meet Nagar, Block B-GGSS-1106123 3 2700 122 1106252 Nand Nagri, Block D-RPVV-1106252 1 900 123 1106256 Harsh Vihar GGSS-1106256 1 1000 124 1106259 Mandoli Extension-GGSS-1106259 17 15400 Meet Nagar-B-Block, Delhi-94,Govt. Boys Sec. School- 125 1106261 1106261 2 1800 126 1207004 Nehru Vihar-SKV-1207004 8 6900 127 1207009 Burari-SBV-1207009 1 900 128 1207012 Timar Pur-SBV-1207012 2 1800 129 1207013 Roop Nagar,RSV NO-4-1207013 7 6800 130 1207014 Gokhle Marg-SBV-1207014 1 900 131 1207015 Roshanara Road-SBV-1207015 2 1900 132 1207017 Roop Nagar, No.1-GBSSS-1207017 1 900 133 1207019 Shakti Nagar, No.1-GBSSS-1207019 2 1800 134 1207022 Mori Gate, No.1-SBV-1207022 1 750 Sabzi Mandi, Kedar Building, Amar Shaheed Matadeen 135 1207033 Lodha-SKV-1207033 11 9650 136 1207034 Timar Pur-SKV-1207034 7 6800 137 1207035 Malka Ganj-SKV-1207035 9 8550 138 1207036 Burari-SKV-1207036 1 900 139 1207037 Shakti Nagar, No.1-SKV-1207037 14 11950 140 1207038 Shakti Nagar, No.2-GGSSS-1207038 4 3800 141 1207039 Roop Nagar, No.1-GGSSS-1207039 10 9200 142 1207041 Roop
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