Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2021

Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2021

Reliance• Industries Limited July 23, 2021 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza, Plot No. C/1, G Block Dalal Street Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai 400 001 Bandra (East) Mumbai 400 051 Scrip Code: 500325 / 890147 Trading Symbol: RELIANCE/ RELIANCEP1 Dear Sirs, Sub: Consolidated and Standalone Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 In continuation of our letter dated July 15, 2021 and pursuant to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations), we enclose the Unaudited Financial Results (Consolidated and Standalone) for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 , duly reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, at their respective meetings held today. The meeting of the Board of Directors commenced at 5: 15 p.m. and concluded at 7:30 p.m. Kindly acknowledge the receipt. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Reliance Industries Limited Savithri Parekh Joint Company Secretary and Compliance Officer Encl.: as above Copy to: The Luxembourg Stock Exchange Singapore Stock Exchange 35A boulevard Joseph II, 2 Shenton Way, L-1840 Luxembourg #19- 00 SGX Centre 1, Singapore 068804 Regd. Office: 3r d Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400 021, India Phone #: +91-22-3555 5000, Telefax: +91-22-2204 2268. E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.ril.com CIN- Ll71 IOMH1973PLC019786 D TS & Associates LLP SRBC&COLLP Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Suite# 1306 -1307. Lodha Supremus. 12th Floor, The Ruby. Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Pare!, 29 Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar (West), Mumbai - 400 013, India Mumbai-400 028. lndia Registered Office: 22 Camac Street Block ' B', 3rd Floor, Kolkata-700016 LLP ldentity number: AAB-43 J8 lndependent Auditor's Review Report on t11e Quarterly Unaudited Consolidate<l Financial Results of the Company Pursuant to the Regulation 33 of the SEBT (Li§tii,g Oblig:Jtious and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, :as amended Re,iew Report to The Board of Directors Relhmce Industries Limited l. We have 1-e,·iewed the accompanying Statcmcn1 of Ummdirctl Consolidated f'inancial Results of Reliance Industries Limited (rhe "Holding Company.. ). which includes joint opera1jo11s and its subsidiaries (tbe Holding Company and its subsidiaries 1ogether n:rer.rcd to as "the Group"}. its associates and joint ventures for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 (rhe ''Statement") anachcd herewith0 being submiHed by the Holding Com1Jany pursuant to the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended (the "Listing Regulations''). 2. This Statement. which is the responsibility of the Holding Company's Management and approYed by rhe Holding Company·s Board of Directors. ha. been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Indian Accounting Standard 34, (Ind AS 34) '·'Interim Financial Reporting'' prestribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act. 2013 as amended, read with relevant mies issued i:hereunder :md other accounting principles generally accepted in lmlia. Ollr responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Statement based on our rcYiew. 3. \Ve conducted our re\-iew of the Statement ·in accordance with the Standard 011 Review Engagements (SRE; 2410. "Re,·icw of 1merim Financi al 1nforma1ion Perfonned by lhL· lndepcnJenl Andi1or of the Entity" issued by the lm,1itllte ofChartered Accourrtants oflndia. This standard requires that we plan and penonn the review to obtain moderate assurance as lo whe111er the State.men! is free of material misstatement. A review of interim financial infonnation consis1s of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for fimmcial and accounting maners, and applying analytical and other review procedru-es. A re,-i.:,,· is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Standards on Auditing and consequently does not en.able us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of .aU s·ignificant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express au audit opinion. We also performed procedures in accordance with the Circular No. ClR/CFD!C:vIDl/44/2019 dated March 29. 2019 issued by the Securities and Exchru1ge Board of fodia under Regulation 33(8) of the listing Regula1ions, to 1he extent applicable. 4. The Siatemem includes the result s of the following entities: List of Subsidiaries: 7-Jndia Convenience Retail Limited. ABC Cable Network Pri,·ate Limited Actoserba Active Wholesale Prin1te Limited, Adhunik Cable Network Limited. AdYenture Marketing Prirnte Limiteu, AETN18 '.'\.1edia Prirnte limited, Affinity USA LLC. Arnbika DEN Cable Network Private Limited, Amogh Broad Band Services Priva1c Limited, Angel Cable Network Prirnte Limited. Antique Communications Priv-ate Limited, Asteria Aerospace Prirnte Limited. Augment Cable Network Pri vate Limited. Aurora A lgne LLC. Bali Den Cable .'.'letwork Limited, Bee :Setwork and Conuuunicarion Limited, Bhadohi DEN Entertainmenr Private Limited, Big Den F.nte11ainment Umited. Binary Technology Transfers limited, Blossom Enterlainme11t Priva1e Limited. Cab-i-Net Comnmnications Private Limited, Channels India NetV>'Ork PriYaie Limited, Chennai Cable Vision 1'etwork Private limited, Colorful Media Pr.i'v11te Limited. Colosceum Mec.lia Private Limited, Crystal Vis.ion Media J>rivate Limited. C-Square l11fo Solutions Private Limited. Dadha Phanna Distribution Private Limited, Den A.F. Communication P1frate Limited, Dr.:n Aman Entc1iainment Private Limited, DEN Ambcy Cable Networks Private Limited, Den Ashu Cable Limited. DEN BCN Sundty . Network L~mited, _D~n Bindra ~etwork Pri~at~ Limited, De1_1 Broad1::11d Lin:iled, _D~n Budaun Ca~~f Co;·"<·~, Network l'nnite Lumted, Den C1ti Channel Lmuted, Den Classic Cable IV Scrnces Lumted. DEN Cf}~af.: __ ,..,.-....,___,,(~, ...,,::::::-a;;a;:::b., (!l.~rr \ \\ ..,_~$0C/tt , '-·• ! Uf P,,1 i -¾:'q ~~---.....•. lH-' \ MLI j ;,-; !! "'\<". ,1.;., \ J •;;; •I ,,._(C.,('{:} ·. )~ '¥.1-~>-._ --<!?1/ o( u a1 >* -~tn-;.,tc~":P ~ *,q'- .I.,#)~ ' ">?J ----~,::.. ~ - ~ ■ D T S & Associates LLP SRBC & COLLP Vision Network Limired. Den Di!,.>ital Cable Network l.imi1ed, Den Discovery Digital Networks Pri·,ate Limited, Den Elgee Cable Vision Private .Limited, Den Enjoy Cable Networks Prirntc Limited, Den Enjoy Navaratan Network P1ivatc Limited, DEN Enjoy SBNl'vI Cable Network Private Li mited, Den F K Cable TV Network Private Limited, DE N .Faction Communication System Limited, Den fatdi Marketing Private Limited, DEN Harsh Mann Cable Network Limited, DenJai Ambey Vision Cable Priva re Lunited, Den Kashi Cable Network Limited, Den Kauakada Tekcasting And Cable Senices limited. DEN Krishna Cable T\' Network Limited, Den Maa Sharda Vision Cable Networks Limited, Den Mahendra Satellite Private Limited, Den Malabar Cable Vision Limited. Den Malayalam Telener Private Limited. Den MCN Cable Network Limited, Den l\fod Max Cable Nerwork Printe Limiied, Den Nash.ik City Cable Network Private Limited, D en Nem•orks Limited, Den Patel Entertainment Network Private Limited. DEN Pawan Cable 2'-etwork Limited, Den Pradeep Cable Nerwork Limited, DEN Prayag Cable Networks Limited, Den .Premium Multilirik Cable Network Privarn Limited, Den Prince Ketwork Limitell Den Radiant Satelite Cable Network Private Limited. Den Raj km City Communication PriYatc Limited, Den Sahyog Cable Neiwork Limited. Den Sariga Communications l.imikd. Den Sa1dlite Cable T\" Kerwork Limited. Den Saya Channel . ·ctwoik Limited, Den Steel City Cable etwork Limited, DEN STN Television Nc1work Pri,·n te Limited. Den Supreme Satellite Yision Privu'le Limited. Den Yarun Cabk Network Limited. Den Vfvl \la1:,,ic Entertainment Limited, Dcn-Manoranjan Satellite Private Limited, Desire Cable Network Limited, Devine Cable Network Prirnte Limited, Digital Media Distribrnion T ru;-,1, Digital IS Media Limited, Disk Cable Network Private Limited, DiYya Drisbti Den Cable Network Private LimitcJ, Drashti Cable Network Limited, Dronagiri Bokadvira East Infra Limited, Dronagiri Bokad,ira Nort11 Infra Limited, Dronagiri Bokadvira South Intra Limited, Dron.agiri Bokadvira West lnfrn Limired, Dronagiri Dongri East Infra Limited, Dronagiri Dongri North Infra Limited, Dronagiri Dongri South Infra Limited, Dronagiii Dongri Wet.t Infra Limited. Dronagiri Funde East Infra Limited. Dronagiri Funde North Infra Limited, Dronagiri Funde South Infra Limikd. Dronagiri Ftmde Wes, Infra Limited, .Dronagi1i Navghar East Infra Limited, Dronagiii Navghar Nonh First Jufra Limited, .Dronagiri N:.n-g]rnr North Infra Limited, Dronagiri Navghar North Second lnfra Limited, Dronagiri Navghar South First Infra Limi1ed, Dronagiri Navghar Souih Infi.i Limited, Dronagiri Navghar South Second Jnfr<1 Limited, Dronagiri Navghar \\\;st Infra Limited. Dronagiri Pagote East Infra Limited, Dronagiri Pagote N011h first Jnfra Limited, Dronagiri Pagote Norlb lnfra "l imited, Dronagi1i Pagote ~orth Second ln:frd Limited. Dronagiri Pagotc South J'iThi lnfra Limited. Dronagiri Pagote So·uth lnfra Limited, Dronagiri Pago.te West Infra Limited, Dronagiri Panje East Infra Limited, Dronagiri Panje N"m1h Infra Limited. Dronagiri Panjc South Infra Limited., Dronagiri Panje West Infra Limited, eDreams Edusoti PriYatc Limited, e-Eigbteen.coru Limited, Ekta Entertainment Network Limited, Elite Cahle Network Private Limited. Eminent Cable Network Prirnte

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