•••••••••••••• May, 1968 Volume 27 ~,...,_ .. ., ,..., ,..., Number 5 •t ' - ~ -... _t":w:: \ I Aa. •••••••••••••• . ,. • 4 •• ~ • • .! ' .J. Picture ~our Summer 't ~ ;:f: ~. ' ... t ='~' u; '- c • "' ,~ 4- ~ • t 1' ~ .. • ~ I - MAY ' 1968 < ate Parl{_s t wb8' ~ a t th !re th it werr ;n wil From picturesque views of the Mighty perintendent of parks, discussed some of ~orror. Mississippi River, to cheerful picnic areas, the new developments that will be await­ to the solitude of a forest hiking trail, to ing visitors this season. a lake-side beach. These are but a few of "Thirteen new shelter houses were con­ the attractions at Iowa's state parks that structed at various areas and are ready will delight vi sitors this spring and sum­ for use," he said. "Road improvements mer. will be made at Red Haw State Park, ThE:' Iowa Consen ·ation Commission has Lucas County; Geode State Park, Henry put extensi' e planning and work into the County; Wild Cat Den State Pa rk, Mus­ development of its park system. Every catine County; and Wapsipinicon State effort has been made to provide outdoor Park, Jones County. New bathing beach recreation accommodations for Iowa resi­ facilities are open at Lake Darling in uroor- dents and out-of-state vi sitors to the Washington County and Green Valley 1, WaP' "Land Between Two Rivers." State Park in Union County. There are 91 state parks and recreation "A special blacktop trail was recently at Ot areas of which nine are under local man­ completed at Margo Frankel Woods just bene- agement. The parks range from primitive outside Des Moines for crippled children 01roenu areas awaiting development to highly de­ and other people who must use wheelchairs n Com veloped areas with outstanding facilities. or similar devices. It was constructed pri­ exhibit There is something for just about every marily for children at the Easter Seal es frolt one at Iowa's parks whether you spend a Center at Camp Sunnyside, but it's avail­ results week's vacation camping or just out for able for all to use." ~jfiC It" an afternoon drive. Activities that can be A new hiking trail was laid out at Back­ to fin enjoyed include boating, swimming, fish­ bone State Park in Delaware County. Con­ 1 add~ ing, hiking, camping, scenic drives and siderable improvement has been made on bird watching or just a chance to "get hiking trails in other parks including frolll 1 away from it all." grading and placing chipped limestone on like th Among the facilities available are picnic the paths for hikers. ban th tables, fireplaces, shelter houses, lodges, Other improvements include a new showers and trails. Park officers are in shower at Lake Anita State Park in Cass residence at the major park areas. County and new water system at Prairie Iowa's outstanding state park system Rose State Park in Shelby County. GI £ 0~ Vt SJN I O~ S30 didn't come about by accident. It has been Throughout the fall and winter months, ~Q1Q I V ~I ~O ! S IH !S the result of planning and work since 1919 park personnel are busy preparing for the A UVUU I1 WJfl113AVU 1. :. S when the first park was established at heavy summer season. While winter winds Backbone. Each year new facilities are blow around park shops, men are building needed to handle the increasing demand picnic tables, fireplaces, signs and other for outdoor recreation opportunities. facilities. Machinery and equipment are Joe Brill, Conservation Commission su- (continued on page 36) Page 34 IOWA CONSERVAT I ONIST Iowa Conservationist Vol. 27 May 19o8 N 5 Publ'shed monthly by !he Iowa Conservation Com­ mission, State Office Building, 300 4th Stree1, Des • • • Moines, Iowa 50319. Addre~s all mail (subscrip­ tions, change of nddress, Form 3579, manuscripts, Dear Sirs: mail items) to the above address. I wish to report a change of address, and while I am writing I would like to Subscription price: two years at $1.00. Second class postage pa 'd at Des Moines Iowa. say that I enjoy the IOWA CO'\ Sf R\'ATIO!'IST very much. It never ceases to amaze 'N R ~ Reserved) me how , our editors can get so much information and good reading in so f ew of ~ HAROLD E. HUGHES, over~or pages. Keep up the good '' ork. tb E B. SPEAKER, D l t A. L. 1\Ieyer DAVID EVANS, l:d1tor KRISTINE ELIN, M ~naC')inq Editor JACK KIRSTEIN, Photographer Ccntlenwn: RUSSELL NELSON, Photoqrnpher I am interested and a little pet plexed by your cottontail arlide in the 1\farch WAYNE LO NNING, Photoqrapher CONSER\ ,\TI0"1IST. Where are they? MARY STAHOWICK, tditorial Consul~ant Five ~ears asro I traded for a Browning "Lightning" 20-gauge Over-Under. I JULIUS SATRE, C r ,!..,• c M ~n qer MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION have shot OXI•, cottontail with 1t Crows, barn pigeons. starlings, pestiferou~ MIKE F ZACK Ch r 11 Ma )n C ty tomcats. and one crippled cow: but only OXE rabbit. JAMES R. HAMILTON V1ce Clla1rman .. Storm Lake I wish your "cottontail number:- by leaps and bounds" would do a little leaping EARL E JA~VIS. .... ... Wilton Junction and bounding hcrt> in \restfield Township, Fayette County. I still think rabbit KEITH A M~NURLEN ............ Ames hunting is grand sport; but if all there is to it is to walk in the fresh air, and LAURENCE N. NELSON Bellevue WILLIAM E. NOBLE ......... Oelwein carry m~ beloved Browning, I'm s ure glad I traded for the lightweight 20-gauge. ED WEINHEIMER .. Greenfield I'm now past 67 years. Yours, CIRCULATION .. ... ....... ... 63,769 S\ Reuben Jones COMMISSION MINUTES Gentlemen: cl Ha\ ing been a reader of the Co"~FR\'ATIC '\I ST for se\'eral years and an Iowa +c Iowa Con enation Commis ion sportsman for a long time, I would hke to ha,·e you publish this letter in the l'J :\Ieeting H eld in Des :\loines, Io" a CoXSER\ ATIO~IST so that other Iowans may learn to apprt>ciate the consen·ation I March 5 a nd 6, 196 s\·stem. ApproYed a study in depth in coordina­ Recently, the town of Wheatland made preparations for a ne\\ city park and tion ·with the Commission's Planning and 'olunteer:-; ''ere asked to help dig- up and transplant seYeral trees f rom the \Vapsi +t Coordination Sec Lion on a long-rangP River bottoms near Wheatland. When we entered the timber, ''e saw two large e dredging program on East Okoboji Lake, bald-headed eagles and three smaller eagles leave the timber area. I have been tl and that efforts be coordinated with the told these eagles make their home in these timbers year around. East OkoboJi Improvement Corporation. I ha,·e now seen with my O\\ n eves "hat a great JOb the Iowa Conservation Commission is doing to help pre\ent the extinction and destruction of our birds, B B. 0. R. animals, and natural resources in Iowa. ~ The following pro,1ects were appro\ ed Sincerely, I for submission to the B. 0. R. for Feder al Donald L. l\Iills cost sharing under the Lands and Waters Conservation Fund Program: The Taylor County Conservation Board U. S. Highway 67 and 9 miles north of Carl Shumake r and the Iowa ConserYation lit to reconstruct an existing abandoned rail­ Clinton was appro\ cd. Commission was appr<n'ed. of r oad gr ade to impound an 18-acre lake on The request of the Clinton County Con­ The contract for the design of the its Windmill Lake Park Area one mile servation Boarcl to acquire 10 acres of Teachers Training Complex at Spring­ pi south of Iowa Highway 2 and approxi­ land under a sponsoring agreement with bro0k State P ark \\as awarded to James mately 7 miles northwest of Bedford. the Iowa H ighway Commission for the Lynch & Associates of Des 1\Ioines. The Monona County Conservation Board purpose of deYeloping a highway safety Contracts were awarded for the follow­ "' to develop its 80-acre Whiting Woods to rest area for the traveling public us ing ing: provide extensive multiple-use activities Highway 61 and as a picnic area for the Access r oads and parking areas at Belle­ on this naturalistic a rea. people living in the local vicinity 5 miles vue State Park to Kueter & Son, Bellevue. north of Welton and located between the A water well at Wildcat Den State Park County Conservation old and the new H ighway 61 right-of­ to L. F . 'Vinslow, Walcott. The request of the Clinton County Con­ ways was approved. \Yater and sewer lines and sewage ejec­ servation Board to acquire 260 acr es of The request of the Hardin County Con­ tor station at Spr ingbrook State Park to land for the pur pose of developing a mul­ servation Board to acquire 42.9 acr es of Christofferson and Chr istianson, Kimball­ tiple use outdoor recreational area, espec­ additional land as an addition to their ton. ially for river access, approximately 5 Ferris 'Vilderness Area approximately 9 \Yater stor age tanks at Lake of Three miles south of Low Moor and located on miles north of Eldora was approved. F ires State P ark, Nine Eagles State P ark the north bank of the Wapsipinicon River The r equest of the Taylor County Con­ and Lake Geode State Park to Cunning­ was approved. servation Board for approval of the de­ ham Reis, Des Moines. The r equest of the Clinton County Con­ velopment plan and r epor t prepared for A water storage tank at Waubonsie 1 servation Board to acquire 8 acres of land their Windmill Lake Park 3 '2 miles east State Park to Jack Brust Company, Ne­ by a 25-year lease at a total cost of $1 of New Market was approYed.
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