―Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; so shall I keep TheThe TestimonyTestimony of thy mouth.‖ Psalm 119:88 Verse Of The Month “ Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil…” Hebrews 2:14 Vol. VI March 2015 No. 3 INCARNATION “With whom shall ye liken Me?” saith the Lord, Immortal, Eternal, The Ancient of Days, No end, no beginning—feeble words can’t afford to express His all powerful, unsearchable ways. Yet clothed in His Majesty, stooping to dust, He took of the ground, where animals trod And lovingly formed from low earthen crust, a MAN in the image and likeness of GOD! Breath of Life! Living Soul! With Being and Voice, Perfection without, and sinless within, Power over Creation and Power of Choice…then falling from favor, by evil and sin. Relationship severed! Eternity lost! Driven from Eden, no remedy found. The remainder of life he would pay the high cost by the sweat of his face, and thorns in the ground. Unlike his Creator whose image he bore. Temporal, mortal, and bearing his sins, A vapor of life, with soul sick and sore. Oh! What could be done for remission of sins?! Of no reputation, a servant in form, was born in a stable, an animal’s pen From the Glory of Heaven, to live as a worm; all GOD in the likeness and image of MAN! The same One whose presence in a fiery bush, had made the ground Holy, and told Moses thus, “Take thy shoes off thy feet!” Now here in the flesh, was putting on sandals and walking with us! God in flesh! Can it be! Accepting us too? Not dealing with us according to sins? “As the Father loved me, so have I loved You.” “Henceforth, I call you not Servants but Friends.” Unlike royal lineage—rejected, despised! Beaten, forsaken, and bearing His cross, A Creator, struggling for breath, closed His eyes, and ransomed my soul from damnation and loss! Redemption accomplished! The price has been paid! No longer an outcast! A new path He trod! And when my life’s through, I shall be satisfied…when I shall awake in the Likeness of GOD! Joseph Gish The Testimony .................................................... ...................................................... .... ... .......... ................................ ........................................ ................................... ................. ......................................... ................................. “For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in.” Matthew 25:35 HOSPITALITY 3 Editorial HOSPITALITY produce a wealth of good results if A blessed Lord‘s Day is drawing embraced wholeheartedly and in- to its closing moments. Assem- tentionally. The first one high- bling in public worship was a won- lighted is found in I Peter 4:9 derful privilege as we exalted His which reads: ―Use hospitality one name together. The Spirit brought to another without grudging.‖ a convicting message calling all to This verse could be summarized a life of prayer. The singing, as: Be fond of your guests and prayers, and communion of spirits without complaining, i.e., Mary were sweet. Fellowship was flow- and Martha Fondness is to be ten- ing; dinner invitations were given der toward, to be affectionate of and accepted to ―abide with us till another. It is as if we would enfold evening.‖ Warm hospitality ex- our guests within our arms (if not tended and on the spot! The Zac- literally at least figuratively), to chaeus model in action found in embrace them, to welcome them. Luke 19:6, where ―he made haste, Hail! A fondness like this takes a and came down, and received him ―coming down,‖ an humbling of joyfully” into his house. The hours ourselves to freely bless another. pass and we retire to our warm The second lesson found in Ro- homes enriched and refreshed. mans 12:13 reads, ―Distributing to Evening welcomes us with falling the necessity of saints; given to snowflakes quietly painting the hospitality.‖ This calls us to earth‘s canvas with its fresh blan- share appropriately with others ket of whiteness, a fitting epitaph and to pursue after guests. There of a dying day. Beautiful. Peace- is no doubt that a certain fondness ful. Sometimes it seems as if God of others, of brethren, and of has called us all over to His place strangers will also motivate a pur- for the day and it was just per- suit after them. Let us ask our- fect!! We do believe that every selves, ―Am I fond of guests?‖ good gift and every perfect gift is Think of God‘s love and care for from above, and cometh down us. Think of His fondness of us from the Father of lights. It is true even while we were yet sinners. that God‘s gifts fall in abundance Consider God‘s pursuit of us as upon us as does the snow from ―He made haste and came down‖ heaven, and yet His Word reveals as He seeks us out. We read in to us that a day with God and His Ephesians 1 that He hath children is also a day with inten- abounded toward us. The parable tions. The thriving Christian com- in Luke 15 sometimes referred to munity will be partly character- as the ―Parable of the Faithful Fa- ized by the warmth of Christian ther‖ gives us a picture of a pursu- hospitality. Have you thought ing father and a bringing out of much lately of what your inten- the best to bless another with the tions are in the area of hospital- best part being that ―he received ity? The old adage is that ―good him joyfully‖ into his house! intentions will get you nowhere‖ As we open up our homes and and perhaps it is partly true, but hearts may Christ be the Center- they may provide a start to getting piece; the unseen Guest that us somewhere! blesses all the rest. Two scriptural teachings on this subject, just by themselves, will Gary Peters 4 The Testimony March, 2015 General CHARACTERIZATION OF ―Anabaptists‖). From their begin- THE THREE HISTORIC ning, the outreach of the 1708 PEACE CHURCHES Brethren was different from that (In relation to their understanding of the Anabaptists. The Brethren of the two Kingdoms) emphasized a life of personal com- mitment and holiness, a direct Society of Friends (Quakers) and result of their Pietistic origins Political Activism which, as we shall see, reached Anabaptists and Social Justice back into Quaker thought. The Brethren and Personal Holiness Anabaptists, of necessity, first em- The characterization of the phasized complete separation of three traditional branches of the kingdoms, largely as a result of Historic Peace Churches—political the severe persecution which they activism, social justice, and per- suffered. However, in the mid- sonal holiness—were suggested to nineteenth through the twentieth this author in a conversation with century, many Anabaptists em- the late Brethren historian, Don- braced then-prevalent missionary ald F. Durnbaugh sometime in the outreach with emphasis on social early 1980s. Durnbaugh, as most justice and activism. Brethren historians, held that the The Brethren, originating two Schwarzenau Brethren were not hundred years after the Anabap- historically Anabaptist in origin. tists, suffered persecution to a The Schwarzenau Brethren of much less severe degree than the 1708 had some roots and shared Anabaptists. From their beginning many beliefs with the 1525 Ana- in 1708, the Brethren shared with baptists; however, the Brethren of the Anabaptists the Two Kingdom 1708 were and are still, distinct in concept through a fellowship com- many ways from the Anabaptists. munity. Both the Anabaptists and The purpose of this writing is to the Brethren had a biblical out- preserve an appreciation for that reach in their beginnings. The distinction. Brethren mission seems to have Not all brethren share Durn- been based on personal witness baugh‘s interpretation of Brethren strongly supported by the faith history, so in order to understand community, that is to say they historical events, it seems wise to held more to church planting sup- include the following introduction. ported by the Brotherhood than to The Schwarzenau Brethren of an individual missionary zeal and 1708 (hereafter called ―Brethren‖) social concerns beyond everyday originated nearly two hundred contact. It was not until the mid- years after the Anabaptists of 1800s that the Brethren adopted 1525 (hereafter called the then-prevalent mission per- CHARACTERIZATION OF THE 3 HISTORIC PEACE CHURCHES 5 spective, resulting, in part, in the meetinghouse. The Mennonites, on Old Order separation of the 1880s. the other hand experienced some Although there has always been loss of numbers through Brethren interaction between the Anabap- missionary zeal—at Kreyfeld, tists and the Brethren, following Friesland, and in the Pennsyl- the development of the church vania Colony. schools and home schooling among Some might hold that recent the Amish and Conservative Men- interaction between the Brethren nonites in the 1940s and 1950s and the Conservative Anabaptists and among the Old German Bap- represented a revival of former tist Brethren in the 1970s there zeal among the Old German Bap- developed, as a result of this inter- tist Brethren rather than an adop- action, a greater adoption of Con- tion of Anabaptist ways. However, servative Anabaptist features by already in 1713 in Alexander the Old German Baptist Brethren. Mack‘s Answers to Eberhard Gru- This included an element of ber’s Ground Searching Questions, greater conservatism in dress and Mack spoke of the Anabaptist practice across the brotherhood Mennonites as ―now-deteriorated with a greater demand for stan- Baptists‖ observing that they had dardization of practice ―deteriorated in doctrine and life‖ (characteristic of Conservative from the foundational Anabaptists Mennonites and Amish).
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