:- / 1 '. / 1 - - - . 2 / 1 ; / r* : - ^ 3 T lh e "F m T w i n P a lIls, l s Idaho792nd year,■, NI o . 9 _________________T h uirsday, r January 9,.199997 .s(.SO c c n t s I - _ _____ ; ’ . G o o dD MORNING.'1 B a t t sBig n s Q ) n w i t [ t a x r e; l i e f p il ; a n !___W e a x u e i ________ • ■ . ' EM j Today: Mosdyly (cloudy with west winds’1 0 to 20 mph. Chance of Recommencidation ‘ IT M e s s a g e eexcerpts - B7 * ' rain or snowf thisth evening. Highs Scaled-bacick 4045. Lows 30-35.30 Page A2 a good start, s ’Batt’s speech', it mi^might come. .say r i a “This is a firstt stepsc in providing some < K t i relief, and I c.\pecpect w e will follow with schooli. bucidget I l~ additional shiftsts ini the years ahead,” a g ic ^ A L L E Y " ......■ - college ofFici.:ials U - M V ; leglslaturi Batt said. Ik On line; FilerrHigh i; School looks _ By Karen Tolkklnen L ist year Magic;ic Valley^ iaivTnakere pre- draws( fire to expand its:s linkli to the Internet. - -nme»NewrwmB< ' ■ ' lcg£rofSouilvemTdahor\vhJdid l wlU~^—sentcd'n'flun>-ofnof-relie^bills^f^U^^^car- -------- th e n red;duce th e p ro p erty tffx lev’evy in ing Jerome Coimtynty, \sith serious budget Page B l BOISE - Gov. Phil Battatt singled out Jerome andai Twin Falls counties, needs of its own,1, wasw on the verge of a ByB Karen Tolkklncn Jerome 'and Twin Fall•alls counties Collegeges would have liked twice:e ithat tax revolt. One, a proposalp to shift S4.95 Times-WewsTl writer_______. Walden case:5: The1 prosecution , Wednesday for the onlyIy proj p erty ta x ' much, bui)ut callcd th e rvcommcndaticItion a million in liquor fuifunds to community col- relief he is wiling to suppon5on tiiis year. good stanUl. Jeges, passed tlie'le Housei but died in a BOISE - State schools supciuperintendeni begins outlinirning its case against And it’s modest. “I don’tVt know if it’ll go a long way,ay, but Senate committeele lateI; in the session. A nne C. Fox said she will11 c(continue to fonner drug; investigatorin Don During his budget addiddress to the anythinglg w e can d o would help," ssaid Senate Presideident Pro Tem Jerry pushp for a 5 pcrcent increaseise iin th e pub- ^ -Walden.-------- P a g e B l___ - - nation’s most conservativeive Legislatiire,. — ilike.MIason,-CSrs-finance-dean. a in. “ Il — Twigfis. R-Dlackfoot[oot, who.sat.on.the.leadj;____-Uc.school$.budgeiT-dcsplLe.u ite_Cav_l?lii] ___ _ • he recommended th e countim ties get a com- helps allc'leviatean unfair situation.’'' ‘ership committeetec that defeated last Batt’sg recommendation WedVednc'sday to bined half million dollars> in property tax The tw;wo co u n ties are th e only/ oones year’s proposal,, calledca this year’s idea ‘ cutc that in half. S p o r t s _ relief. An additional $500,0H),000 will go to tharsupp<)pori CSI tlu-QupJi property taxes.ta ___ more^‘p^at_ab]ej^|_e,” espedally since it does____.. ’ In^a-tiglit-budgot-year-whtwhere-iialf-of- ......... - -Kootenai County.------ --------- OtherlvrE vragic'Vallcy counties payy {Half not raise taxes.' state agencies are actually:y s<seeing bud- • It doesn’t amount to a wholei lot of their stud'jdents’ tuition tlu-ougli liquor:or rev- H e also said CSI should be prepared getg cuts. Batt recommendedded ju st S705 change for property owne:/ners, however. enues the;ley receive from the state, for more state interlterference. --------------- ----- —'million for public schools, ppartly an because'........ ing to accept more rev- .. - Por example, the ownerr ofo: a 5100,000 Kootemtnai County is the only counrmty to “If they’re going the growth in the numbersrs oof students house on a 520,000 lot wiU11 savesj just S13 a . su p p o rt I Coeur. _enue, they have: to accept more regula-, : North Idaho College in Co •hasle\’elcdoff.------- year. That still leaves S96! on their tax bill d ’Alene. • tion,” he said, For the current budget: year,ye; ending for a t^vo•year college. M ason;tl said he hopes for more reliejliefin Rep. Ron Blackjck, R-Twin Falls,;Said . June 30, schools get S689.55 millionm: from The SSOO.OOO in state mornoney will go to - coming_y;_yenrs. Anti from the tontm e o f Pie Please sec REUEF. Page A2 thel\ state budget. ' _____ Fox and state educators had requested ..............-S- S723.5 million for public schofrhools in 1997- ■ ~ __________ • 998, including S20 million for additional GHARACTEER__ \ discretionaryd spending.;. LLast year, schools received a 3.7 percentent incrca.se. Bmln power:: TheTl TVvin Falls High Batt’s recommendation angeredang some educator. School wrestlirtiing team has come ‘‘Most'everj-one requestsits imore than a long way. No^^ow the Bruins are we can give them," Batt said,aid. “This lias one of the teanjams to beat. historically been the case." Fox spokeswoman Rhondanda Edmiston P ag eD l said th e sm aller increaseL* couldco harm .fichoolsLahilityjp.payJor.basibasics^udLfli___ Hornets lead:I: DE edo moves into . heatingh' and lighting and programpro s for ■ ■■ .n:mentoring and teacher traininjning.,,,, ____ the No. 1 spotDt iin the Idaho boys’ However, schools will seece ithis year's basketball poll•oil. Page D l holdback o f 2.5 percent restrestored, and money for SRCcific programs,ns, said Mike Brassey, adminisu^tor o f thehe 1Division of Your Sports: JeJerry Wilding is Financial Management. elected to thele American2 Athletic ■ ' I• "I'his'Ust indudos a recommcnmendnrionto . Assodation for the Deaf Hall of increase beginning teachers’■rs’ ;,s;ilaries by ~ ~ F a m e : — ----------- Page D4 - -1.5 percent; S7 million for>r nleclinolog>'; ------- S750.000 fnr teaching studentlenis 'wiih lim -' ited English .skills; Sl millionon ffor reading OUTDOOF3 R S - . training for kindergarten tlmthrough chirtl- grade teachers; and S2.3 milliilillion for sub- stance abuse education. D espite tho.se appropriaticiations. Ball\ recommendations, upsett TTwin Falls Schools District Supcrintendendent Terrell Donicht, who called the increa:rease “actual- ly a decrease." “We’ll bc able to buy lessss f<for the kids that we’ve got, given that we’r,ve’re gr<)\Wn(’„ ond factoring in inflation,” DoiDonicht said. Buying less means across-OSS.the.board Up a tree: Taglg <along with writer- uor uwm/Tiif n»»«m cuts,(•) induding larger dasscs:cs iand fewer hunter Stu Mu;klurrell on a success*" Richard Wilson, tight, puts tholO finishingfir touches on his newly shishorn head, matching Robin Haven'vens'-halrcut Wednesday. The twoivo fplay cancer victims In a fieldf' trips and textbooks,, he said. The student body in the Twin, Fa:Falls tlisirici ful m ountain1 lionli hunt in the production of ‘Death Defying Acts,”Act a play by David Haverty. Thalie play, which nins tonight througl)ugh.Saturday at O'Loary Junior HHl^ l^ School, is a fundraiser grew by nearly 2 pcrcent thislis yyear. South Hills. Page D5 ft>r Mogic Valley Regional Medicjdlcal Center's Hospice brogiam. ■'______________________ Please SCO SCHOO:H00LS, Pago A2 Jumping jackra!(rabbits: Columnist . ' Daidd Hocklan[ander explains the subtle joys ofif s!shooting jackrab- W o lf r e ocovery p n•ogram rujn s ah eadd o f s c h e cd u le i n WV est . bits in winter.:r. Page D5 By William Brock Nez Perce tribe, ^vhich is supeiiiper\'ising the TTmo»Wew8 writer'_________________ Normore Canadiaian imports dueje in Idaho recoveryre program in Idaho[} btbecause the O p in io nJ _ . stateSt; chose not to get involved.,’cd. ..... TWIN FALLS---No:mornora Canadian— quipped.-^i.-W e’re alieaii-of-schedule-ile and-;;— Bangs said.----------- —In-199G, three breeding pairslairs producetl . • ■ Chastened: Do]Don’t underestim ate gray \volves wU be turneded loose in cen- udget.” 'H ie ivolf recover}.ery program is ahead 6f a total of sLx to e i^« pups in IcIdaho - and thenew . contri:trite Newt Gingrich.____-tnaLIdaho'-hecause-Uitj-iti^ndangered _____ ^ w o yejrears ago this month, fede:deral_ ___schedule bccausc:c : _______ • ____ “v“wc have nine pairs now, willwitli only two ; o'fficials lauriched a much-':h-dis- . '• Mortality is faTlowerfar than on^rially fcmfc al^eft to pair up," Mack[ck said,j 6 S p ed es Act program to re-ese^istablishthcm « today’s editoristrial says. Page A - wolf expected, “We’re praying for a romanmantic winter is exceeding ail expectationsons cussed - :and bitterly contested - v luction plan. • ’riie woh'es are staying together bet- arand a fertile spring.” Bangs4 adadded./'This “I doubt that we’ll havo ,.i„bri„sa„y le past two winiers, officialss hhave te r tluin originallyly eexpected, ycyear could really be the tumin;Tiing point for C o m m u nNriY i more in, ever,” said Edjd 1Bangs, wolf 4 3 'd wild wolves in westem Can:anada, • Generally speapeaking, tlie wolves arc wiwolf recovery. recovery program coordind.Mtorforthe ,hc„ bm.DUglit them to central Idaho10 and: remaining within1 tl:tlie designated “recov- “With the trend riglit now,:)w, w e’re pre. __ Club Calendar:h : See what clubs-......... - - U .S . Fish and Wildiife-Servic■rvice in Helena,' Yellowstoitone National Park“ for rele.ilease. eiyarca.” ’......................... ......... dictirigdi niore than five breecreed itig p a irs ' are m eeting thithis week. Page D8 Mont.
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