Woodward Hi-Lights 1952 – 1953 Chronology Issue Date Page 1 September 26, 1952 2 2 October 7 14 3 October 30 24 4 November 14 36 5 November 26 46 6 December 23 56 7 January 16, 1953 68 8 January 30 78 9 February 13 90 10 February 27 102 11 March 20 112 12 April 3 122 13 April 23 132 14 May 15 146 My Woodward diploma - May 20, 1953 162 1 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor hs)( / Ove (1,3C -/0 7: Se.Pt i 1 l'I /7 1 Con S 11 tt) 1'1'01).1 1.1 b(l_y ' -----I- -. -- 2 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor li. - Dear Frank: (.. i. How do you go about. -getting N5X4,010 - . -, -:likpkyou. /, 4',., f ',' __,*. 0 .,: , .i ,.,,,b-Friendpse.. \ , . Dear'Fi*ndle6W You Can't do a lot about it. She does or she doesn't. A girl may admire a fellow because-he's a good athlete, a good tudent, s6cialAe and witty, a leader in school actiitities or if he is courteous Dear Tessie: and thouglitful. Sc maybe the best way to Whenever I go to a movie get a girl to like you, or at least notice with my. chum, sheim.ets her you, is to go in for some ao ty. boy friend. Then: after the show he'always asks us out 0 for a soda. Should .I accept it or not? Meanwhile, be pleasant ands courteous t per every chance. Just Wondering you get. Tf she seems to be tumbling, try aucixig her' for Dear Just Wondering:. a date. Accept nog And then, if they . Frank really seem to But don't of. make it a-habit, you'll feel like Dear Tessie'' a tag-along. of course; if your chum 'hen I co:.p home frori?. a date, do say, needs you as a sort of chaperon, go with "It's time for me .to go 'in nOk:i;" or wait them. But try to keep it Dutch treat. till the boy says he must leave. Tessie - Sleepy Dear Frank: . Dear Sleepy: When I take a girl to a dance, do I Your fellow 'walks you to your doorstep her thank after each deride. when you arrive home, ofcourse, and you Thankful bring the date to its close by saying some thing appreciative, like: "Good-night, I Dear Thankful: had a wonderful time." Uo, although an occasional compliment on her dancing, he dress, or something else, will please her.-.1.AneMit sure to\ thank her for a good time when you leaVe CLIE;1182 CAPERS her at her door. Frank Has anything unusual happened lately?' If it has, we haver0t heard, about it. Dear Tessie: For that reason, this cdlumn may turn out I am 13 year old, Is that too young to be dull. to wear nylon stockings? . But wait: I think something has Rosie happened. Our darling and capable commis- sioner of Amusements, Pennie Pace, has Dear Rosie: .introduced the first dance of the year. host girls 13 or 14 are old enough to' Yes: It was the big "Back.to School Daze wear nylons with their best dresses to DanceP There were mixerse4nd fox trots church and on special oc,assions., But if played by Stan Schmutz's orchestra. We you are still little-girlish, nylons may hope everyone enjoyed the big dance. make you look odd. For everyday, bobby' We hope that that plucky sophomore, sox and flat shoes are still preferred 14 Kent Meeks, gets along swell and he will the high-school crowd. You'll feel more be back soon. at home in them, too. Jon and Jan Tessie 3 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor WOODWARD HI-LIGHTS Volume St Geor e Utah t - - PAPER DLLAYED SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS We many intended to put the paper September 3 - Harold Roper,.Mickey Clark out on Thursday, September 18. As the September 4 = Tony Jarvis. at that mimeograph paper had not arrived September 5 - Kent.Meeks - time, we were delayed a week. September 7 - Helen Miles Since the colored paper has not yet September 8 - Gene Shirzenegger come this issue will be all white. We September 9 - Roger Ruesch, Mervin Iverson, hope to have it 'different by the next Judith Larsen issue. September 10- Dennis H. Iverson September 11- Colleen Higgins September 12- Charles Welch "TWO IDEAL STUDENTS" September 13- David Arlynn Cook' September 16- Val Dean Williams One of our ideal girls in Woodward September 17- Dean Earl Highis De Anna Hawkins. She always has September 19- Vivian Morris, Lonny Hafen a'smile for everyone. She never passes September 22- Bruce Stowell yoU, but she says "hello" or stops and September 23- Gerry Cottle; Lorna Tillahash talks to you. She is one of'the cutest September 24- Sherrie Ann Ott, Darwin Tobler 9th Grade girls. She's always prepared September 27- Anna Laura Heaton, Amy in her school work, and she always tries Allred to be on time to her classes. She never September 30- Johnny Allred, Robert Bowler, cheats in tests or in sports. She also Jay Dee Walker, Amelia Ann tries to play her best in sports. Pendleton, Dean Cottom One of our ideal boys in Woodward All the information concerning students High is Danny Hawkins, He always makes is not filed in the office yet. Consequent- new students feel as if they're welcome. ly, some birthdays may have been omitted. He's always fair in sports and everyone likes him. We should have more students ih Wood- ward these tiro. FUN I FUN I FUN I -R. G. At the home of Rochelle Rollins, Saturday night at 8:00 olclock sharp, a GET ACQUAINTED DANCE regular "hen party" was held.. The I suppose all you lucky students were occasion being Rochelle's 14th birthday. out to our big get acquainted dance Those attending were as follows: Karen .Friday night, September 12. If you Vawdeey, Beryl Slack, Marilyn Noel, LuAnna weren't you missed a wonderful time. Adams, Janet Seegmiller, Darla Kay Blake, Coach Blake started things out by hav- and of course Rochelle. They played games ing the girls line up on one side of the and enjoyed a very choice lunch of ice floor and the boys in the center and then cream, punch, and cake. A wonderful time meet your partner in the center to dance. was enjoyed by all. Good luck Rochelle Before long almost everyone there was on for your next -14 years the dance floor tripping a light fantastic to the rhythm of Stan Schmutz and his -Rosalee- orchestra. Throughout the dance there were plenty of milknickles on sale for refreshments. Erinae W.: "Where did the population of We would certainly like to thank the Utah come from?" faculty for their efforts in making this Marcia C.: "Adam and Eve :" dance possible. I'm sure everyone there osodorad himself immensely. El Roy S.: "Do you think she's a natural blond or a bleached blond?" . Bruce S.: "I think she's a suicide blonde." El Roy S.: "What kind is that?" Bruce S.: "Dyed by her own hand." 4 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor PUBLISHED SEIII-MONTH:a NY THE - ASSOCIATED STUDTAITS-OP THE thi_necessary,steps to launch the new WOODWARD .:.government .its ,own HIGH SCHOOL - and.sreparle.f9r de.mise. After the constitution was passed Paper Staff: George Irashington was'our first new Com. of Publ: Geniel McConkie Predident Editor-Paper: William J. Baker For almost a century and a'half,.the Editor- Annu.: Erinae Woodbury constitution' has stood as a guardian of Art Dorothy Hall individual liberty and the supreme law Janice ;liaison . of the land. -Nita Gubler- Reporters: Reta Gubler Norman Fgwson GOIT, BUT FOT FORGOTTEN 4. J. Wendell Bayles Roslie Harris Thursday, Sept. 4, at 7:00 A. I i. I woke Ada Ann Pendleton Eric Eastman up. A troubled night lay behind me mixed Nadine Woodbuty Eulalie Hopkini with the thoughts of schooll-and night- mares. But now I knew that it was all TEE PALING OF THE CONSTITUTION over; summer vacation I mean. Sadly I Before the adoption of the constitution, dressed myself, faced with the realiza- the United States had a very weak Central tion that I had only two more hours of . -Government. ' freedom., I don't know whether I ate. In March, 17814 the "Articles of Confed- breakfast or not, my mind being so heavily eration and Perpetual Union" went into burdened with the dreaded thought of school effect, but despite their high sounding and home work. title, they left much to be desired. Iiy mind wandered back to the pleasant There was neither an effective E::ecutive memories of Scout camps, hikes, swimming, nor a Supieme Court. With no power of gardening, hoeing, ditch digging ---I taxation, the Central government depended began to wonder Whether school would be upon the States for funds. -' so bad after all.. 'Then . A's: I: Washington, Hamilton, and other 4 trudged wearily down the hill I leading patriots urged that the Central made a firm resolution to take it .lie a Gove3nments should be strengthened. man. fly companions were full of haIf-. On May 141,1787. therb mere fifty-five hearted optimism, hoping for air condi- men who attended the Convention. Eight tio:ing (hint, hint) and perhaps th:,t the of these nen had signed. the Declaration of teachers had read that blessed article in Independence, seven had served as Governor s the Readers Digest concerni-:g hone work.
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