PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (P&Z) Patrick Michael Grall-District 1 Jonathan Day-District 4 Kenneth A. "Chip" Landers-District 3 Angela Waldrop-District 5 Todd Brognano-Member at Large, Vice Chairman Jordan Benson Stewart - Member at Large Shawn Frost - Non-voting liaison School Board Alan S. Polackwich, Sr.-District 2, Chairman The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet at 7:00 p.m. on THURSDAY, March 23, 2017, in the County Commission Chambers of the County Administration Building, 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach. THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SHALL ADJOURN NO LATER THAN 11 :00 P.M. UNLESS THE MEETING IS EXTENDED OR CONTINUED TO A TIME CERTAJN BY A COMMISSION VOTE. AGENDA ITEM#l CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ITEM#2 ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA ITEM#3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. February 23, 2017 ITEM#4 ITEM ON CONSENT A. McBride Accessory Dwelling: Request for administrative permit use approval to convert a garage into a 572 sq. ft. accessory dwelling. Linda McBride, Owner. Indian River Project Management, Agent. Located at 1496 Treasure Cove Lane. Zoning: RS-3 (Residential Single-Family up to 3 units/acre). Land Use Designation: L-1 (Low Density Residential 1 up to 3 units/acre). (AA-17-05-66 / 95030117-78733) [Quasi-Judicial} F:\Community Development\CurDev\P&Z\Agenda & Lists 2017\3-23-17 agenda.doc 1 ITEM#5 ITEM NOT ON CONSENT A. FPL Heritage Switchyard: Request for administrative permit use approval for a private limited utility facility (electrical switchyard). Florida Power & Light Company, Owner. Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., Agent. Located at the southeast comer of 4th Street and 98th Avenue. Zoning: A-2 (Agricultural 2 up to 1 unit per 10 acres). Land Use Designation: AG-2 (Agricultural 2 unit per 10 acres). (SP­ MA-17-04-04 I 2016120041-78459) [Quasi-Judicial] ITEM#6 PUBLIC HEARING A. FPL Blue Cypress Solar Energy Center: Request for special exception use approval for a private heavy utility facility (solar energy center). Florida Power & Light Company, Owner. Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., Agent. Located on the west side of98th Avenue, between 4th Street and 9th Street SW (Oslo Road). Zoning: A- 2 (Agricultural 2 up to 1 unit per 10 acres). Land Use Designation: AG-2 (Agricultural 2 unit per 10 acres). (SP-SE-17-04-06 I 2017030093-78598) [Quasi­ Judicial] ITEM#7,. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS ITEM#& PLANNING MATTERS A. Planning Information Package ITEM#9 ATTORNEY'S MATTERS ITEM#lO ADJOURNMENT Except for those matters specifically exempted under the State Statute and Local Ordinance, The Commission shall provide an opportunity for public comment prior to the undertaking by the Commission of any action on the agenda, including those matters on Consent Agenda or matters added to the agenda at the meeting. ANYONE WHO MAY WISH TO APPEAL ANY DECISION, WHICH MAY BE MADE AT THIS MEETING, WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR TIIIS MEETING MUST CONTACT THE COUNTY'S AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) COORDINATOR AT 772-226- 1223, AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. Meeting may be broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 27 - may be rebroadcast continuously Saturday 7:00 p.m. until Sunday morning 7:00 a.m. Meetin broadcast same as above on Comcast Broadband, Channel 27 in Sebastian. F:\Community Development\CurDev\P&Z\Agenda & Lists 2017\3-23-17 agenda.doc 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION There was a meeting of the Indian River County (IRC) Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) on Thursday, February 231 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the County Administration Building, 1801 27th Streett Vero Beach, Florida. You may hear an audio of the meeting; review the meeting agenda, backup material and the minutes on the Indian River County website www.ircgov.com/Boards/PZC/2015. Present were members: Vice Chairman Todd Brognano, Member-at-Large; Patrick Grall, District 1 Appointee; Chip Landers, District 3 Appointee; Dr. Jonathan Day, District 4 Appointee; and Angela Waldrop, District 5 Appointee. Chairman Alan Polackwich Sr., District 2 Appointee; Jordan Stewart, Member-at-Large; and Shawn Frost, non-voting School Board Liaison, were absent. Also present was IRC staff: Bill DeBraal, Deputy County Attorney; Stan Boling, Community Development Director; John McCoy, Chief of Current Development; Ryan Sweeney, Senior Planner of Current Development; and Lisa Carlson, Recording Secretary. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. and all stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. Additions and Deletions to the Agenda There were none. Approval of Minutes ON MOTION BY Mr. Landers, SECONDED BY Dr. Day, the members voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the minutes of the January 26, 2017 meeting as presented. Mr. Bill DeBrall, Deputy County Attorney, welcomed new Commissioner Mr. Patrick Grall to the Board. Item Not on Consent Vice Chairman Brognano read the following into the record: PZC/Unapproved 1 February 23, 2017 A. Pointe West East Village Phase 2: Request for preliminary PD plan/plat approval for 161 residential lots. Redus EL LLC, Owner. Masteller & Moler, Inc., Agent. Located on the east side of 74th Avenue, south of 16th street, and is bounded by the Pointe West golf course on three sides and by the East Village on one side (west side). Zoning: PDTND (Planned Development Traditional Neighborhood Design). Land Use Designation: AG-1 (Agricultural 1 unit per 5 acres). Phase 2 Density: 3.35 units per acre; Overall Point West Density: 1.99 units per acre (PD-17-02-01 I 99070081-78258) [Quasi-Judicial] The secretary administered the testimonial oath to those present who wished to speak at tonight's meeting on this matter. Mr. DeBraal asked the Commissioners to reveal any ex-parte communication with the applicant or any conflict that would not allow them to make an unbiased decision. Mr. Landers disclosed that he is a resident of Pointe West East Village Phase 1 but that it would not prohibit him from making a fair decision regarding this request. Mr. John McCoy, Chief of Current Development, reviewed information regarding the request for preliminary planned development (PD) plan/plat approval and gave a PowerPoint presentation, copies of which are on file in the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Office. He recommended that the Commissioners grant preliminary PD plan/plat approval for the Pointe West East Village Phase 2 with the conditions listed in the staff's report. Applicant Mr. Steve Moler, representing Masteller & Moler, Inc., clarified details of the proposed project. ON MOTION BY Dr. Day, SECONDED BY Ms. Waldrop, the members voted unanimously (5-0) to approve staff recommendations on this Quasi­ Judicial matter. Public Hearing Vice Chairman Brognano read the following into the record: A. FPL Indian River Solar Energy Center: Request for special exception use approval for a private heavy utility facility (solar energy center). Florida Power & Light Company, Owner. Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., Agent. Located on the east side of 122nd Avenue SW, immediately PZC/Unapproved 2 February 23, 2017 north of the Indian River County/St. Lucie County boundary. Zoning: A- 2 (Agricultural 2 up to 1 unit per 10 acres}. Land Use Designation: AG-2 {Agricultural 2 units per 10 acres). (SP-SE-17-03-01 I 2016110089- 78358} [Quasi-Judicial] The secretary administered the testimonial oath to those present who wished to speak at tonight's meeting on this matter. Vice Chairman Brognano asked the Commissioners to reveal any ex-parte communication with the applicant or any conflict that would not allow them to make an unbiased decision. Mr. Grall disclosed that he did attend the recent FPL open house related to this project but that it would not prohibit him from making a fair decision regarding this request. Mr. Ryan Sweeney, Senior Planner of Current Development, reviewed information regarding the request for special exception use approval and gave a PowerPoint presentation, copies of which are on file in the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Office. He recommended that the Board recommend that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) grant special exception approval for the proposed solar energy center with the conditions stated in the staff report. Applicants Mr. Bruce Barkett; Mr. Bart Gaejens, Ms. Krista Hendricks and Ms. Kelly Fagan, representing FPL, clarified details of the proposed project and gave a PowerPoint presentation, copies of which are on file in the Board of County Commissioners {BCC) Office. ON MOTION BY Dr. Day, SECONDED BY Mr. Grall, the members voted unanimously (5-0) to accept staff recommendations on this Quasi-Judicial matter. Commissioner's Matters There were none. Planning Matters Mr. Stan Boling, Community Development Director, said that he anticipated a need for both the March 9 and the March 23 meetings. Attorney's Matters There were none. PZC/Unapproved 3 February 23, 2017 Adiournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. PZC/Unapproved 4 February 23, 2017 :ITcffi 1-J A AD[\HNISTRATIVE PERiVUT USE CONSENT INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission DEPARTMENT HEAD CONCURRENCE: P-; ommunity Development Director FROM: John W. McCoy, CP; Chief, Current Devei"i~t DATE: March 10, 2017 SUBJECT: Linda McBride's Request for Administrative Permit Use Approval for an Accessory Single-Family Dwelling Unit [AA-17-05-66 / 95030117-78733] It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission at its regular meeting of March 23, 2017. DESCRIPTION & CONDITIONS Indian River Project Management, on behalf of Linda McBride, has submitted an application for administrative permit use approval for an accessory single-family dwelling unit.
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