^4'3-pr Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS 36 Pages PRICE VOL. 10 NO 58 Boca Raton, Fla., June 10, 1965 , •/ Reflecting Pools And Mud The three-month drought that has kept sprinkler systems and hoses running almost constantly was broken Sunday when "the rains came." During the four-day period from Sunday through Wednesday, a heavy overcast hung over the area most of the time, dumping more than four and a half inches of rain on the city. While it turned parking lots into reflecting pools and watered the grass thoroughly, the Everglades *•# west of Boca Raton were still suffering from lack of water. Behind the National Wildlife Refuge sign (below) the sawgrass usually stands in fish-filled water. Now the area beyond the canal in foreground is scarcely more than thou- sands of acres of mud. Three-Day Rain Breaks Drought, Misses 'Glades Apportionment: Only Light Rain Is Recorded Brass (?) Knuckles 'A Long, The new city charter, which goes into effect In Parched Recreation Areas Hot Summed in 2* more., days specifies that emergency ordi- Rains starting Sunday with the heaviest Tues- n£:\ss are good for only 60 days. broke the long dry spell day totaling 2.4 inches. "A long, hot summer In order to prepare for the new document, here, but failed to help This week's rainfall in Tallahassee," is pre- the City Commission had City Attorney Roberta the parched Everglades brings to 13.77 inches I dicted by Boca Raton's McKenry dig through old emergency laws and immediately west of Bo- the total so far this Rep. Donald Reed. Tuesday night re-enacted eight of them. ca Raton. year, still well below The House of Repre- Some were pretty colorful, such as the one A total of 4.43 inches normal. sentatives met for the that prohibits concealed firearms, blackjacks, of rain was recorded The three-day rainy first day yesterday "metallic knuckles and slingshots." That metallic here during the three- spell this week brought Your Commissioner afternoon in a session knuckle provision, according to one city employe, day period from Sunday almost twice the amount that is supposed to re- is to protect the city in case of discovery of new through Tuesday, ac- of rain that fell the past apportion the state ac- exotic metals. cording to Charles D. three months. Rainfall cording to the Supreme Others were more prosaic, such as the respon- Cober at the Boca Ra- for March was .70 inch- Court's mandate of "one sibility law of parents for damage by minors; ton Water Treatment es, .72 in April and 1.30 To Be a Councilman man, one vote." liability insurance for vehicles for hire; election Plant. inches in May for a However, the Florida provisions; regulation of speed of railroad trains; The continuing over- three-month total of Beginning July 1, you In probably the most ment came in for a Legislature has a bad salaries of the city manager and municipal cast also dropped more 2.72. can address your favo-. far-reaching action, the share of attention. Anew record when it comes to judge and enabling ordinances on cigaret taxes. rain on the city Wednes- The drought has been rite city commissioner commission read for the act will permit the vol- reapportionment, and All the ordinances werepassed on first reading; day, boosting the total endangering fish and - that is, if you have a first time a change in untary registration of the representatives and they'll get final airing during the next 20 days. even higher. wildlife in the state's favorite - by the name building regulations firearms, for the pro- senators from small Some had been on the books for several years, famous Everglades and "councilman," for that which will require tection of those people counties, who have held and several of the commissioners could not re- Cober said .75 inches apparently the end is not will be his official title. treatment of land and who want to register control since the turn of member why they were originally passed as were recorded Sunday, yet in sight there. Wa- An ordinance to make structure for termites them for insurance (Continued on page 2A) emergency ordinances. .08 on Monday and 3.60 ter levels have been the change official as and pests. The action purposes. Another ordi- Tuesday. The figures dropping throughout the prescribed by the new will be in the form of an nance will make it per- are recorded on a mid- 'Glades, with the hard- charter led a string of amendment to the South- missive, instead of night-to-midnight ba- est hit areas being the ern Standard Building mandatory, to license sis. new laws Tuesday night bicycles. Chkkee Builder Forfeits Bond, Everglades National at the meeting of the Code, under which the At Loxahatchee Rec- Park. commission. city builders operate. In other action, the reation Area, manager The areas north of the Inspection and state- commission: Art Swanson said only Tamiami Trail - includ- ment by a licensed con- LEVIED lien assess- Judge Dix Issues Bench Warrant .67 inches of rain had ing the conservation trol company will be re- ments against abutting fallen during the three- areas west of Boca Ra- quired. property for extension A. H. Sligh, builder of ed and forfeited a $100 weeks to tear it down and day period, leaving the ton - received some re- Amusement page 4A In another change to of water mains to ser- Boca Raton s celebrated bond he had posted two pay a $75 fine or begin a parched sawgrass river prieve because of the Ann Landers 2A the building code, the vice lots 42-47, block 1 "chickee" on north weeks previously. 25-day sentence in jail. as dry as ever. water conservation ef- Church 11B city officials heard, in Boca Raton Riviera; beach, will be subject In a court trial, When he failed to appear Slight differences forts of the Central and Classifieds 2-8-9-10A again for the first time, ABANDONED a por- to a. 25-day sentence in charged with construct- in court Tuesday, Judge were also noted at Southern Florida Flood a rule to place air con- jail if he is found in Palm ing the grass-topped hut Dix said the jail sen- Marymount College, Editorials 4B tion of Hillsboro boule- tence is now mandatory Rainfall there totaled Control District. The Public Notices 2A-10B ditioning, heating and vard and Solano street Beach County in the next without a building per- conservation program refrigeration under a in exchange for some two years, Judge Ken- mit, Sligh was found and he will "amend 4,1 inches for the first also sparked a hassle Real Est ate 8B separate inspection. At neth L. Dix said Tues- guilty and given two (Continued on page 2A) three days of the week, Sports 6-7 A needed right-of-way; with conservation present, no Inspection EMPLOYED, effec- day. groups interested in the TV Listings 4A or permit is required tive June 1, Christopher Sligh, a New York National Park area when Women's News Section B for installation of these K. Watson as a police businessman, failed to water was not released County Delinquent items. appear in municipal to flow south into the Tax List Section C The police depart- (Continued on page 2A) court Tuesday as order- park. Water customers in Boca Raton also voiced S@ys ic Reseochsr their share of com- plaints, largely aimed at record high water bills. Sprinkler systems and hoses were being S. Florida: Faster Growth heavily Water Department- South Florida will and 10 million by 1980. and will be the target have shown that even billings for May were continue to grow at a They won't be all re- of much research and with increased competi- $70,020, an increase of gigantic pace, and will tirees, he told the Ki- study, since it is so new. tion from foreign coun- some 50 per cent over become more prospe- wanians. Florida's economy tries, including the Car- the billings for May, rous than ever, but only "Actually, a good will continue to rest on ribbean, Florida tour- 1964. if it keeps a watchful percentage of them will agriculture, t o u r i s m ism will continue? to eye against the en- come from the 20-35 and industry, he pre- grow and will be for croachment of social- age group, and will be dicted. many years to come the ism, the director of eco- taking advantage of the "No more land will largest single facet of The Weather nomics research of one many new technologies be tilled, but it will pro- our income," he said. of the state's largest that will be invented in duce more as technolo- Industry will grow June 5-9, 1965 companies told the Ki- the next decade," he gies advance. With mil- even faster than agri- Hi Lo Rain wanis Club Tuesday. said. "Retirees will lions of more people, culture and tourism, he Sat. 87 69 0 T.E, Johnson, of the come, too, but they will there will be much more predicted. Sun. 85 72 .75 Florida Power and Light be younger, and will demand for our vegeta- "More and more of Mon. 87 75 .08 Company's Miami head- strengthen the economy, bles and citrus." America's blue-chip Tues. 80 70 3.80 quarters, predicted that not sap it as many peo- Johnson said that peo- companies are moving Old beer cans, beach shoes and boards litter the beach in front of the con- Wed.
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