Aboriginal Organizations Hornepayne First Nation Contact: Chief Ron B. Kocsis 92 Sixth Avenue P.O. Box 1553 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2040 FAX#: (807) 868-2050 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.hpn.ca Accommodations Agich’s Riverside Cabins Rocks Hunt Camp Contact: Stewart & Donna Agich Contact: Nicholas Doyle 6 Roundhouse Road 1 Airport Road Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Box 338 PH#: (807) 228-0093 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 EMAIL: [email protected] PH#: (807) 868-2085 WEBSITE: www.agichsriversidecabins.com EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.rockshuntcamp.com Parkview Apartments Contact: Taylor Paul Jackfish River Inn 220 Front Street Contact: Jon & Sherry Peroff Box 98 10 Becker Road Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2307 OFFICE#: (807) 868-2370 FAX#: (807) 868-2623 CELL#: (807) 228-2545 EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.hornepayne-edc.com www.jackfishriver.ca Pro North Outfitters DJ’s Apartments Contact: Bill & Tina 69 Fourth Ave. Unit 1 Nagagamisis Lake Box 1558 Box 720 Hornepayne, ON P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2197 BILL: (807) 228-0337 Cell#: (807) 228-1243 TINA: (807) 228-1650 HOME: (807) 868-2897 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.pronorthoutfitters.com 1 HORNEPAYNE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Updated August 10th, 2020 Advertising CFNO Radio Hornepayne.com – Job and Business 87 N Hill Street Advertising Thunder Bay ON, P7A 5V6 Contact: David Jaremy TF#: 1-888-621-1989 WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] http://www.hornepayne.com/home.html WEBSITE: http://www.cfno.fm/submitevents.aspx Email if your event is time sensitive Automotive Hornepayne Service Centre Contact: Carol Gilbert & Steve Renaud Highway 631 North Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Box 130 PH#: (807) 868-2638 Fax#: (807) 868-2179 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.hornepayne.com/service- centre.html Banks/Financial Services Northern Credit Union Contact: Laura Kahara Bayford, Branch Manager 84 Front Street Box 160 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2471 x 3800 FAX#: (807) 868-2898 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.northerncu.com Beauty Care La Vita Bella Aesthetics Salon Sherry Parkman Contact: Mirella Anderson Hair Stylist 63 Herbert Avenue PH#: (807) 868-2163 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-3009 Trish’s Silver Shears Hair Stylist Charlene’s Cuts & Hair Care 85 Fourth Avenue Hair Stylist Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (705) 971-4834 PH#: (807) 868-3344 2 HORNEPAYNE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Updated August 10th, 2020 Beer, Wine, Liquor Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) Legion Club Room Outlet 48 Sixth Avenue Contact: Cindy Mackie Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 200 Front Street PH#: (807) 868-2083 Box 369 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2092 FAX#: (807) 868-2751 Business Services Hornepayne Economic Development Corporation Contact: Taylor Paul 220 Front Street Box 98 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2307 FAX#: (807) 868-2623 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.hornepayne-edc.com Campgrounds/RV Parks Nagagamisis Provincial Park Highway 631 Box 670, 613 Front Street Hearst ON, P0L 1N0 PH#: (807) 868-2254 WEBSITE: www.ontarioparks.com/park/nagagamisis 3 HORNEPAYNE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Updated August 10th, 2020 Churches Calvary Gospel Church (Pentecostal) Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church Sunday Worship – 10:30am Sunday Worship – 11:00am 1158 Leslie Avenue 45-R Second Avenue Box 488 Box 220 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2616 (Church) PH#: (807) 868-2452 (Church) PH#: (705) 362-4042 (Hearst Rectory) Grace United Church Sunday Worship – 11:00am St. Luke’s Anglican Church 36 Third Avenue Sunday Worship – 11:00am Box 690 69 Fifth Avenue Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-3131 PH#: (807) 868-2540 (Church) Clubs / Organizations / Businesses C&D Paul Curling Club Hornepayne Snowmobile Club Inc. Contact: Judy Mann 2021 Highway 631 North 1 Tower Road Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-3331 PH#: (807) 868-2346 Kid’s Soccer / Softball Catholic Women’s League Holy Name of 68 Front Street Jesus Council Box 370 45-R Second Avenue Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2020 PH#: (807) 868-2840 KidSport Hornepayne Masons Box 393 63 Front Street Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Box 105 PH#: (807) 868-2183 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 WEBSITE: www.kidsport.ca/ontario/hornepayne/ PH#: (807) 868-2886 Legion Ladies Auxiliary Hornepayne Hospital Auxiliary 48 Sixth Avenue 278 Front Street Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Box 190 PH#: (807) 868-3053 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2442 Little Rockers Curling Open 9am-12pm Contact: Lindsay Dasti Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne Minor Hockey Association PH#: (807) 868-3170 1 Tower Road Box 697 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2445 4 HORNEPAYNE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Updated August 10th, 2020 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 194 Senior Citizens’ Sunshine Club 48 Sixth Avenue Contact: Carol MacEachern Box 339 PH#: (807) 868-2100 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2083 Dawn’s Crafts & Creations WEBSITE: http://www.legion.ca/ PH#: (807) 228-3422 Construction/Contractors A&F Kistemaker C&S Enterprises Contact: David & Pete Kistemaker Contact: Steven Trudel 19 Becker Road 210 Third Avenue Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-3185 PH#: (807) 868-3311 FAX#: (807) 868-3186 CELL# (807) 229-4243 B. Walton Trucking Kiste’s Trucking Contact: Brian Walton Contact: David Kistemaker 163 Brown Street 19 Becker Road Box 1481 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-4755 PH#: (807) 868-2704 Thor Logging Inc. Browne’s Renovations Contact: Tyler Haavaldsrud Contact: Randy Browne PH#: (807) 228-1923 22 Neesomadina Avenue Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Total Exteriors PH#: (807) 868-2314 Contact: Daniel Brassard FAX#: (807) 868-2488 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (705) 362-2087 Cheffy’s Painting & Renovations Contact: Daniel Cheff Marc Fortier Construction 48 Fifth Avenue Contact: Marc Fortier Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 132 Marathon Rd. PH#: (807) 868-1091 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (705) 255-5757 Convenience Stores G&L Variety Hornepayne Service Centre 83 Front Street Highway 631 North Box 658 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Box 130 PH#: (807) 868-2494 PH#: (807) 868-2638WEBSITE: www.hornepayne.com/service-centre.html 5 HORNEPAYNE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Updated August 10th, 2020 Courier/Delivery Services Canada Post Purolator 247 Third Avenue TF#: 1-888-744-7123 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 WEBSITE: PH#: (807) 868-2173 https://www.purolator.com/en/home.page TF#: 1-866-607-6301 WEBSITE: UPS https://www.canadapost.ca/web/en/home.page TF#: 1-800-742-5877 WEBSITE: Candice Delivery https://www.ups.com/WebTracking/track?loc=en PH# (705) 335-0921 _us Day Care The Three Bears Day Care Contact: Debbie Smith 59 Neesomadina Avenue Box 496 PH#: (807) 868-3450 FAX: (807) 868-2663 WEBSITE: www.threebearsdaycare.ca Economic Development Hornepayne Economic Development Corporation Contact: Taylor Paul 220 Front Street Box 98 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2307 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.hornepayne-edc.com Education and Training Contact North FAX#: (807) 229-2791 Contact: Chantal Gingras EMAIL: [email protected] 14 Hemlo Drive WEBSITE: http://contactnorth.ca/ Box 1899 Marathon ON, P0T 2E0 PH#: (807) 228-3025 TF#: 1-855-375-2790 6 HORNEPAYNE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Updated August 10th, 2020 Ecole Saint Nom de Jesus Hornepayne Secondary School Principal: Simon Ukrainetz Principal: David Jaremy 59 Neesomadina Avenue 162 Fourth Avenue Box 100 Box 750 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2716 PH#: (807) 868-2476 EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Holy Name of Jesus Catholic School Hornepayne Public School Principal: Laurie MacEachern Principal: David Jaremy 59 Neesomadina Avenue 162 Fourth Avenue Box 100 Box 539 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2452 PH#: (807) 868-2503 EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Employment Services Centre Partenaires pour l’emploi/Partner’s for Employment Centre Contact: Mélissa Pouliot 90 Front Street Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: 1-855-372-1070 EMAIL: [email protected] First or Second Tuesday of every Month Hornepayne Action Centre Contact: Taylor Paul A205-220 Front Street Hornepayne, Ontario PH# 1-807-868-3422 EMAIL: [email protected] Fire Station Hornepayne Volunteer Fire Department Deputy Chief: Miles Wallingford 68 Front Street Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2323 WEBSITE: http://www.townshipofhornepayne.ca/hornepayne-fire-department.html 7 HORNEPAYNE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Updated August 10th, 2020 Forestry Hornepayne Lumber Limited Partnership Kenogami Lake Lumber 2 Becker Road Kenogami Lake Road Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2426 PH#: (807) 868-2723 Jackfish River Management 10 Becker Road Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2370 WEBSITE: www.jackfishriver.ca Gasoline Hornepayne Service Centre Highway 631 North Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 Box 130 PH#: (807) 868-2638 WEBSITE: www.hornepayne.com/service- centre.html Grocery Store McKinnon’s Freshmart 44 Third Avenue Box 40 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (807) 868-2705 FAX#: (807) 868-2807 Health & Family Services Algoma Family Services Busy Bee Cardio/Strength Classes North Algoma Office Contact: Donna MacInnis 26 Ste. Marie Road 59 Neesomadina Avenue Wawa ON, P0S 1K0 Hornepayne ON, P0M 1Z0 PH#: (705) 856-2252 Contact Over Facebook TF#: 1-800-461-2237
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