February 6, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 1445 Senator Alan Cranston. Senator Cranston cate for his constituents, while always being modal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act passed away on New Year’s Eve, 2000. mindful of the needs of the entire nation. His (ISTEA) of 1991, which increased federal Born in California, Senator Cranston hon- efforts to provide affordable housing, protect funding for surface transportation infrastruc- ored our Golden State for many years with his our environment, secure a woman’s right to ture. As chairman of the Transportation and service to community and country, serving for choose, and advocate for the disabled paved Infrastructure Committee, Congressman SHU- eight years as State Controller of California, the way for groundbreaking legislation that STER was the driving force behind the Trans- and in the United States Senate for twenty- transformed domestic policy in the United portation Efficiency Act for the 21st Century four years. States. But what Senator Cranston is best (TEA 21) and the Aviation Investment and Re- Senator Cranston will be remembered for known for is his lifelong commitment to world form Act for the 21st Century (AIR 21). Amer- his fight for human rights in the world. He will peace and his conscientious objection to nu- ica will benefit from Congressman SHUSTER’s be remembered for his mastery of the issues, clear weapons. He played a pivotal role in de- legislative initiatives for decades to come. his hard work, plain spoken manner, and hu- veloping arms reduction and nuclear arms I want to wish Congressman SHUSTER well mility. control treaties and traveled the world, building on the occasion of his retirement. He fought against fascism and Nazism, relationships with foreign leaders and pro- f alerting people to the threat of Hitler, by ex- moting peace. Senator Cranston will always posing the virulent nature of Hitler’s writings. be remembered for his many contributions to TRIBUTE TO LATE SENATOR ALAN This act of courage helped to show the world the global community, and I am proud to rise CRANSTON the importance of fighting this menace to free- today in celebration of his life of service to the dom and democracy. Many years later he State of California, this nation, and our world. HON. SAM FARR fought with the same level of conviction f OF CALIFORNIA against apartheid in South Africa, helping to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WELL WISHES TO HON. BUD SHU- end that unjust system through economic Tuesday, February 6, 2001 sanctions by the United States. STER ON HIS DEPARTURE FROM He fought to protect federal employees HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, today against job discrimination, worked for opportu- I am proud to pay tribute to one of California’s SPEECH OF nities for women in the workforce, and strove finest and most respected Senators, the late to end discrimination against pregnant employ- HON. WILLIAM J. COYNE Alan Cranston. ees. OF PENNSYLVANIA Alan Cranston was born in Palo Alto, Cali- He championed legislation to expand the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fornia, on June 19, 1914. He studied at the family planning program, and he helped lead University of Mexico and then continued at Wednesday, January 31, 2001 the fight for the proposed equal rights amend- Stanford University. While he began his pro- ment. Mr. COYNE. Mr. Speaker, I want to pay trib- fessional career as a news correspondent, the Senator Cranston was always eloquent, ute to one of our colleagues, Congressman international events of that time led him to join honorable, tenacious in his causes, respected BUD SHUSTER who is retiring this year after 28 the United States Army. At the conclusion of even by those who did not share his position years of service in the House of Representa- the Second World War, he left the Army to be- on the issues. He was gentlemen in the best tives. come President of the United World Federal- sense of the word, a scholar, a thinker, a BUD SHUSTER has served his constituents ists. This, along with his founding of the Cali- doer, and a leader. He will be missed. well in his time in Congress. He has worked fornia Democratic Council, propelled him into f hard to improve the economic health of Penn- the political spotlight. Other positions he held sylvania’s 9th Congressional District, and he during his tenure at the Senate include Chair- IN RECOGNITION OF SENATOR has been successful in securing federal infra- man of the Committee on Veteran Affairs, ALAN CRANSTON structure funding for Pennsylvania’s 9th Dis- Chairman of the Gorbachev Foundation, Presi- trict, which is located in the rugged terrain of dent of the United States: Kyrgyz Business HON. ADAM SCHIFF the Allegheny Mountains. He has also hon- Council, and Senior International Advisor for OF CALIFORNIA estly and accurately reflected his constituents’ Schooner Capitol Corporation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES views in his many votes in the House of Rep- Those who know him and worked with him resentatives. remember his modesty and true commitment Tuesday, February 6, 2001 Congressman SHUSTER has also worked towards making the world a safer one. Sen- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in tirelessly and in a bipartisan fashion as a lead- ator Cranston was honored with numerous celebration of the life of the late Senator Alan er of Pennsylvania’s Congressional delegation awards for outstanding achievements in the Cranston. Growing up in California, I devel- to address problems facing the Common- field of world security, and for his efforts to- oped a strong admiration for the life and work wealth. The collegiality that has marked the wards global peace. During his 24-year Sen- of this great leader. As a young man living in Pennsylvania delegation’s cooperative efforts ate career, Senator Cranston had a hand in Northern California and attending Stanford has stood out as a refreshing contrast to the developing and promoting some of the most University, I came to view Senator Cranston bitter partisanship that has often divided the influential legislative measures considered by as a model for our time and an inspiration to House in recent years, and BUD SHUSTER, as Congress. His efforts to end the Vietnam War young people everywhere. He served a leg- one of the senior members of the delegation, and to improve relations with the Soviet Union endary four terms in the United States Senate has had a significant role in setting and main- go unmatched. In addition, he helped shape and made history by being the only U.S. Sen- taining that tone. I have always appreciated the Senate opinion of the SALT II and START ator ever to have been elected his Party’s the courtesy and attention that he has dis- treaties. Whip seven times. His vibrant intellect, per- played to his delegation colleagues—which, I After leaving public office, Alan Cranston suasive skill, and even-handed approach were want to emphasize, took no notice of party af- continued his fight to abolish nuclear weap- recognized by leaders here and abroad, and filiation. ons. He founded and acted as President of Senator Cranston came to be seen as guiding Congressman SHUSTER’s most important the Global Security Institute, enabling citizens hand in shaping many of the important legisla- legacy will undoubtedly be the leadership that to express their concerns about security tive measures that came up for consideration he provided on the House Committee on issues. His expertise was frequently sought in during his 24 years on Capitol Hill. His devo- Transportation and Infrastructure. Congress- treaty negotiation and nuclear arms control, tion to the causes he cared about and his ex- man SHUSTER has long recognized the impor- and he published many works on these pertise on both domestic policy and inter- tance of government-provided infrastructure in issues. national relations made him one of the most promoting economic growth in this country. He Mr. Speaker, Alan Cranston did not seek at- talented and well-respected public servants of has led a highly successful fight to provide tention for himself nor demanded honor, but this century. greater resources for investments in our na- he deserved it. He honored all living beings by The people of California will be forever tion’s highways, bridges, mass transit, and serving to promote peace and prevent de- grateful for the many accomplishments of Sen- aviation system. He was actively involved with struction. Please join me in remembering the ator Alan Cranston. He was a tireless advo- Chairman Robert Roe in crafting the Inter- respectable and truly remarkable man, Sen. VerDate Aug 31 2005 11:46 Feb 28, 2007 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E06FE1.000 E06FE1 erjones on PRODPC74 with SENATE 1446 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 6, 2001 Alan Cranston. I end with a quote that Senator Cranston that 20th century will always be could have been in the Olympic Games in Cranston carried in his wallet for years: known as the American Century. 1936 and was good enough but didn’t quite A leader is best when people barely know f make it because he did not concentrate he exists, less good when they obey and ac- enough. That taught him a lesson that stayed claim him, worse when they fear and despise A TRIBUTE TO ALAN CRANSTON with him throughout his life: success requires him. Fail to honor people and they fail to discipline and focus. honor you. But of a good leader, when his HON. BOB FILNER His artistic bent was evident by the three of work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will all OF CALIFORNIA his oils that hung in his Senate office.
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