Notes 04/01/2021 Page 1 of 28 Music Programmes On

Notes 04/01/2021 Page 1 of 28 Music Programmes On

A Selection of Music Programmes on Shortwave - B-20 broadcast period Compiled by Alan Roe alan-roe-swl [-at-] Versions of this list have also appeared in BDXC Communication and NASWA Journal All dates/times are UTC. Transmitter abbreviations used are the same as in WRTH 2021. ‡ = Frequency currently inactive Alan Roe 4 January 2021 (v 3) Start - Stop Days Station Lang Programme Title Frequencies Su-W-Sa 0000 -- -- -- 0000 - 0030 mo WRMI SP Trova Libre 9955-rmi 0000 - 0055 tu-su V of Hope - KVOH SP Música y Ministerio 9975 0000 - 0100 sa R NewZealand Int EN Music 101 with Charlotte Ryan 15720 0000 - 0100 su Mighty KBC EN Radio, But Not As We Know It 5960-nau 0000 - 0100 su WRMI EN All Tribes R 7730-rmi 0000 - 0100 su, mo WBCQ EN Radio Timtron Worldwide 6160-bcq 0000 - 0100 Daily irreg Mike R DU/EN Varied pop 5810-hee (low power) (irreg) 0000 - 0100 daily R Farda FS ME mx (some West mx & talk) 5860-kwt 0000 - 0100 daily R Rebelde SP Often has Cuban music 5025 0000 - 0100 daily Radio 4KZ EN Varied oldies/hits 5055 0000 - 0100 daily V of Turkey (TSR) TU Often has Turkish music 6000 0000 - 0100 daily WRMI EN Oldies (Bob Biermann) 9395-rmi (tu-sa: -0015) (+th: 0030-) 0000 - 0100 tu-su ERT V of Greece GK Often varied Greek mx 9420 0000 - 0100 sa,su R Delta Int DU/EN Varied pop 6005-elb (irreg) (low power) 0000 - 0100 we WRMI EN Jazz From the Left 7730-rmi 0000 - 0100 1st sa Scandinavian WE R Finn Varied music (1st sat) 6170 11690 0010 - 0100 tu-sa R France Int FR Couleurs Tropicales 3965(drm) 0015 - 0025 su R Romania Int SP Top Musical (pop) 6040 7325 9600 11800 0020 - 0030 fr R Romania Int SP Programa musical 6040 7325 9600 11800 0030 - 0040 we R Romania Int SP Programa musical folclórico (Folk mx) 6040 7325 9600 11800 0030 - 0040 sa R Romania Int SP Música folclórica rumana (Folk music) 6040 7325 9600 11800 0030 - 0100 su WRMI EN Hobart R Int (DX px also inc mx) 7730-rmi 0035 - 0057 mo R Havana Cuba EN From Havana (2-weekly) 5040 Notes 04/01/2021 Page 1 of 28 Music Programmes on Shortwave B-20 (v 3) 0040 - 0057 su R Havana Cuba EN Music with a Message 5040 alt with The Jazz Place 0045 - 0057 mo R Slovakia Int EN L/Tribune (incl Musical Crossroads) 5850-rmi 7780-rmi 0100 -- -- -- 0100 - 0130 tu-th,sa-su V of Hope - KVOH SP Música y Ministerio 9975 0100 - 0157 mo KBS World R SP Melodías de Corea 9605-hri (alt: 5990-grv/6100-grv) 11810 0100 - 0200 sa R NewZealand Int EN Music 101 with Charlotte Ryan 15720 0100 - 0200 su Mighty KBC EN The Giant Jukebox 5960-nau 0100 - 0200 su R Romania Int RO As We Like! (hour 2) (Club/party) 5910 7420 0100 - 0200 su WBCQ EN Grits Radio 6160-bcq 0100 - 0200 su WRMI EN All Tribes R 5010-rmi 7780-rmi 0100 - 0200 su WRMI EN Encore Classical Music 5010-rmi 5850-rmi 0100 - 0200 Daily irreg Mike R DU/EN Varied pop 5810-hee (low power) (irreg) 0100 - 0200 daily R Farda FS ME mx (some West mx & talk) 5860-kwt 0100 - 0200 daily R Rebelde SP Often has Cuban music, incl: 5025 su: Música Viva 0100 - 0200 daily Radio 4KZ EN Varied oldies/hits 5055 0100 - 0200 daily V of Turkey (TSR) TU Often has Turkish music 6000 0100 - 0200 tu-su ERT V of Greece GK Often varied Greek mx 9420 0100 - 0200 sa,su R Delta Int DU/EN Varied pop 6005-elb (irreg) (low power) 0100 - 0200 mo R Romania Int RO Zi-le D-Alead-Ale Noastre (Folk mx) 5910 7420 0100 - 0200 mo WBCQ EN R New York Int 6160-bcq (every other week) 0100 - 0200 mo WRMI EN Countdown2.Christmas R 4980-rmi 9395-rmi 0100 - 0200 tu WBCQ EN From the Isle of Music (Cuban mx) 7490-bcq 0100 - 0200 we WRMI EN Jazz From the Left 4980-rmi 9395-rmi 0100 - 0200 th WRMI EN R Emma Toc WS (Media px also inc mx) 9955-rmi 0100 - 0200 th WRMI EN R Northern Europe Int 5010-rmi 5850-rmi 0100 - 0200 fr WRMI EN VORW R Int 5010-rmi 7780-rmi 0100 - 0200 fr WRMI EN VORW R Int 4980-rmi 9395-rmi 0100 - 0200 1st sa Scandinavian WE R Finn Varied music (1st sat) 6170 11690 0110 - 0200 su,mo R France Int FR Musiques du monde 3965(drm) 0130 - 0140 su R Romania Int EN All That Jazz 6130 7325 0130 - 0140 mo R Romania Int EN Music Time 6130 7325 0130 - 0140 tu R Romania Int EN Your Music (Pop) 6130 7325 0130 - 0140 we,sa R Romania Int EN Truly Romanian (Trad/folk mx) 6130 7325 0130 - 0140 th R Romania Int EN Music of Romania (Trad/folk mx) 6130 7325 0130 - 0140 fr R Romania Int EN Music Highlights (Classical mx) 6130 7325 Notes Music Programmes on Shortwave B-20 (v 3) Page 2 of 28 04/01/2021 0130 - 0200 daily R Progreso SP Mostly mx, some news 4765 0130 - 0200 mo WRMI EN Mike's Gospel music 5010-rmi 5850-rmi 0130 - 0200 sa WRMI EN Mike's Gospel music 4980-rmi 9395-rmi 0130 - 0200v su WTWW EN Bob Heil: Theatre Organ Under the Arch 5085 (irreg & may start early or late) 0135 - 0157 mo R Havana Cuba EN From Havana (2-weekly) 6000 9700 0140 - 0157 su R Havana Cuba EN Music with a Message 6000 9700 alt with The Jazz Place 0145 - 0157 th KBS World R SP Al Son de Corea (Traditional) 9605-hri (alt: 5990-grv/6100-grv) 11810 0152 - 0156 daily R Romania Int EN Simply Folk (A traditional folk song) 6130 7325 0200 -- -- -- 0200 - 0230 su WWCR EN Martha Garvin: Musical Memories 3215-wcr 0200 - 0230 mo WRMI EN Blues Radio International 9955-rmi 0200 - 0255 tu-su V of Hope - KVOH EN Pat Conrad: Swing Shift 9975 0200 - 0256 su R Romania Int RO Radio Concert Season (Classical) 5910 7420 0200 - 0256 daily V of Turkey (TSR) TU Often has Turkish music 6000 0200 - 0256 sa R Romania Int RO Verba Manent (hour 1) 5910 7420 0200 - 0257 mo KBS World R SP Melodías de Corea 15575 0200 - 0300 su KBS World R EN Saturday Playlist 9580 0200 - 0300 su WBCQ EN Texas R Shortwave(4th su) 6160-bcq (#28Mar -A21 sked)) 0200 - 0300 su WBCQ EN The Lumpy Gravy Radio Show 6160-bcq 0200 - 0300 su WRMI EN Texas R Shortwave(1st su) 5950-rmi 0200 - 0300 Daily irreg Mike R DU/EN Varied pop 5810-hee (low power) (irreg) 0200 - 0300 daily R Farda FS ME mx (some West mx & talk) 5860-kwt 7585-kwt(0230-) 0200 - 0300 daily R Progreso SP Mostly mx, some news 4765 0200 - 0300 daily R Rebelde SP Often has Cuban music, incl: 5025 su: Música Viva 0200 - 0300 daily Radio 4KZ EN Varied oldies/hits 5055 0200 - 0300 daily WTWW EN Greatest Hits of all Time 5085 - su: Jeff Laurence - mo: 'Big' Jim Edwards - tu: Ted Randall - we: Chip Hobart - th: Sarah Crane - fr: Steve Taylor - sa: Steve Hunter 0200 - 0300 fr-mo WRMI EN VORW R Int 5850-rmi 0200 - 0300 tu-su ERT V of Greece GK Often varied Greek mx 9420 0200 - 0300 mo KBS World R EN Sunday Selection 9580 0200 - 0300 mo WBCQ EN R New York Int 6160-bcq (every other week) Notes 04/01/2021 Page 3 of 28 Music Programmes on Shortwave B-20 (v 3) 0200 - 0300 mo WRMI EN Alt Universe Top 40 9395-rmi 0200 - 0300 mo WRMI EN R Emma Toc WS (Media px also inc mx) 5950-rmi 0200 - 0300 th WRMI EN This is a Music Show 5850-rmi 0200 - 0300 sa R NewZealand Int EN Music 101 with Charlotte Ryan 15720 0200 - 0300 1st sa Scandinavian WE R Finn Varied music (1st sat) 6170 11690 0215 - 0230 su WRMI EN Mike's Gospel music 5800-rmi 0230 - 0245 su R Romania Int FR Musique traditionnelle roumaine 6130 7410 0230 - 0245 mo R Romania Int FR Programme musical – jazz 6130 7410 0230 - 0245 tu R Romania Int FR Les tubes du moment 6130 7410 0230 - 0245 th R Romania Int FR Musique classique roumaine 6130 7410 0230 - 0245 sa R Romania Int FR Programme musical 6130 7410 0230 - 0300 su,mo R Marti SP Arte Express (Art, culture, music) 6030-grv 7435-grv 0230 - 0300 tu-su WRMI EN Oldies (Bob Biermann) 9395-rmi 0230 - 0300 mo R France Int FR L'épopée des musiques noires 3965(drm) 0230 - 0300 fr WRMI EN Blues Radio International 9955-rmi 0235 - 0257 mo R Havana Cuba EN From Havana (2-weekly) 6000 9700 0240 - 0257 su R Havana Cuba EN Music with a Message 6000 9700 alt with The Jazz Place 0245 - 0257 th KBS World R SP Al Son de Corea (Traditional) 15575 0300 -- -- -- 0300 - 0350 su KBS World R KO Kim Hyung Joong's Music World 11810 0300 - 0400 su (irr) WBCQ EN Lost Discs Radio Show 6160-bcq (irreg) 0300 - 0400 su WBCQ EN Texas R Shortwave(4th su) 6160-bcq (#24Jan, 28Feb) 0300 - 0400 su WRMI EN Alt Universe Top 40 5950-rmi 0300 - 0400 su,mo R Marti SP Postmoderno 7355-grv 7435-grv 0300 - 0400 Daily irreg Mike R DU/EN Varied pop 5810-hee (low power) (irreg) 0300 - 0400 daily R Farda FS ME mx (some West mx & talk) 5860-kwt 7585-kwt 0300 - 0400 daily R Progreso SP Mostly mx, some news 4765 0300 - 0400 daily R Rebelde SP Often has Cuban music, incl: 5025 su: Música Viva (-0330) su: Todo Můsica (0330-) 0300 - 0400 daily Radio 4KZ EN Varied oldies/hits 5055 0300 - 0400 daily WTWW EN Greatest Hits of all Time 5085 - su: Jeff Laurence - mo: 'Big' Jim Edwards - tu: Ted Randall - we: Chip Hobart - th: Sarah Crane - fr: Steve Taylor - sa: Steve Hunter Notes Music Programmes on Shortwave B-20 (v 3) Page 4 of 28 04/01/2021 0300 - 0400 tu-su ERT V of Greece GK Often varied Greek mx 9420 0300 - 0400 tu-su WEWN SP Fe hecha canción 5970 0300 - 0400 mo WBCQ EN R New York Int 6160-bcq (every other week) 0300 - 0400 mo,th,sa WRMI EN Encore Classical Music 5800-rmi(th)(+irreg: sa) 5950-rmi(mo) 0300 - 0400 tu-fr WRMI EN Oldies (Bob Biermann) 9395-rmi 0300 - 0400 fr WRMI EN VORW R Int 5800-rmi 0300 - 0400 1st sa Scandinavian WE R Finn Varied music (1st sat) 6170 11690 0300 - 0400 sa WBCQ EN Rock Wave 6160-bcq 0315 - 0325 su R Romania Int SP Top Musical (pop) 6150 7410 9740 11800 0320 - 0330 fr R Romania Int SP Programa musical 6150 7410 9740 11800 0330 - 0340 we R Romania Int SP Programa musical folclórico (Folk mx) 6150 7410 9740 11800 0330 - 0340 th R Romania Int SP Música sinfónica rumana 6150 7410 9740 11800 0330 - 0340 sa R Romania Int SP Música folclórica rumana (Folk

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