60 C.A:RLTON. BEDFORDSHIRE. (KELLY's . fJe1ls : the font is Transitional, with rude interlaced the interest of [2o for the Sunday school. John Robin­ <:arving and cable moulding round the basin, and is son left two cottages at Carltrm, the rents to be divided supported on tall circular columns : the Perpendicular amongst the poor members and consistent walkers attend­ chancel screen, though mutilated, remains, and there in~ the Carlton meeting. The principal landowners are the is a piscina ; north of the chancel was once a chapel : Earl Cowper K.G., P.c. and William Francis Higgins esq. there is a small inscribed brass to J oane Goddard, D.L., J.P. of Turvey House, and the rector. The soil 16w, and inscribed stones to Thomas \-Veils, rector, is clay; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat 1642, " aged about Ioo," Rev. Benjamin Rogers, so and some land in pasturage. The area is 1,530 acres; years rector, 1771, and Rev. Henry John Ellman, rector, rateable value, £r,529; the population in 1891 was 379· 1Bzg-6z: there are 140 sittings. The register dates Parish Clerk, R.obert Barnett. from the year I554· The living, consolidated with that Sexton, John Johnson. ,of Chellington, is a rectory, joint net yearly value £310, PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Annie J ames, sub-postmistress. including 413 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift Letten through Bedford arrive at 8.30 a.m. & 3.15 of and held since 1876 by the Rev. William Henry Deni­ p.m. ; dispatched at 9.20 a.m. & 5 p.m.; sundays, 2.30 ~on M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. The rectory p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at house was built between 1859-62. The Baptist chapel Harrold, 2 miles distant was built in 176o, and has a burial ground adjoining. In 1790 Henrv Sharp, gent. left to the ministers and church­ Parochial School (mixed), built in 1859 for t-his parish and wardens £roo, the interest to be applied, in the first Chellington, for 105 children; average attendance, 73; ir;.stance, to the preservation of the gravestones to his there is a master's house attached, built in 1878, at a family, and the remainder to be given in bread to the cost of about £2oo; Edwin Simpson, master poor of the parish. X athaniPl Grant, of Chillington, in CARRIERS:- r 8o6 left to the Trustees of the Baptist Meeting the To Bedford.-Franklin, tues. thurs. & sat interest of £wo for the support of the minister, and also To Wellingborough.-Franklin, wed. & fri Alexander .Alexander "\Vilson, Moor ho Bonficld Charles, farmer Franklin Robert, carrier 'Betts John Bonfield Sidney, The Angel P.H Harper Benjamin, horticultural buildr Venison Rev. William Henry M.A. Brandon George Nelson, plumber, Hilton "\Villiam, bricklayer -Rectorv- glazier, painter & decorator Huie Thomas, farmer, Nicholas farm Bull George, Fox P.H Lord Joseph, carter & coal dealer COMMERCL\L. Burridge Thomas, brick &c. maker Partridge Wm. leather dresser A1:en Alfred, beer retailer Chambers Thomas, wood dealer Sharpe John, farmer llarnett Robert, tailor & parish clerk Chamb€rs William, thrashing machine Tongue William, farmer IBattams William Bland, farmer owner & hurdle maker Topham Ernest, farmer, Hill farm JJetts Arthur, vermin destroyer & Cockings Dick, chimney sweeper Towl William, shopkeeper .chimney sweeper Crouch Charlotte (Miss), shopkeeper 'fowl William, jun. baker .Betts Charles, farmer, Fishers farm Crouch George, blacksmith Wooding Jabez, baker CHALGRAVE is a parish, 3~ miles north from Dun- in 1833, is for fuel, and West's charity for educational stable station, 6 south-east from Woburn and 4! east purposes. The Mercers' Company, who are lords of the d'rom Leighton Buzzard, in the Southern division of the manor, and Peter Valentine Gilpin esq. J.P. of Hockliffe, county, hundred of Manshead, petty sessional division John Warner Adams esq. of Hockcliffe, John Edward Day ~md union of Woburn, county court district of Leighton esq. and Wesley Whinnett esq. t.he principal landowners. JJu.zzard, rural deanery of Dun.stable, archdeaconry of The majority of the female population are employed in t·he Bedford and diocese of Ely. The chlH'ch of All Saints manufacture of straw plait. The soil is marl and grav-el; is &n ancient structure of mixed styles, consisting of subsoil, graveL The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, chancel, nave of five baye, ai&les, porch, and a now mined beans and peas. The area is 2,430 acres; rateable value, western tower of Perpendicular date, containing 3 bells: [2,770; the population in 1891 was 730. the chancel is of the Decorated period, with Perpendicular insertions: the north arcade is Early English, the south, Wingfl.eld, about three-quarters of a mile south, and Decorated, the aisles are Early Decorated, "ith some Per­ Tebworth, I mile south-west, are hamlets, belonging pendicular insertions : there are two ancient t<Jmbs, one to this parish, which is much scattered. HoCKI.IE':I'E ou each side of the nave, with life-sized effigies of knights village extends into this parish. :iD. armour, in a good state of preservation. In 1889 the Parish Clerk, William Robins. tower fell during- a thunderstorm, and in falling de­ PosT OFFICE, Tebworth. John Smith, sub-postmaster. stroyed part of the nave : the church has not yet been Letters arrive from Hockliffe RS.O. at 7 a.m. & 4.15 r~aired, and services are held in a structure of brick at p.m. Postal order;, are issued here, but not paid. Tebworth. The register dates from the year 1539. The Hockliffe, I~ miles distant, is the nearest money order living is a vicarage, net yearly value £130, with resi­ & t~legraph office. WALL LETTER BoxEs, Tebworth, dence, in the gift of and held since 1898 by the Rev. cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 5.Io & 8.35 p.m. week days only; Edward Tritton Gurney B.A. of Corpus Christi College, Wingfield, cleared at 8 a.m. & 4·55 p.m. week days only Cambridge. About 1770, the notorious Dr. Willia.m ScHOOL:- Dodd, executed for forgery 27th June, 1777. was incum­ National, Tebworth (mixed), with house for mistress, bent of the parish. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Read's built in 1852, for 120 children; average attendance, <:harity of£ 13 15s. yearly, the interest of £soo, bequeathed 8-t; Miss Clara Nichols, mistress Cha.lgra.ve. Bing J oseph, blacksmith Whinnett Wesley, farmer & landowner Day John :Edward Bradshaw Cornelius, farmer Wingfl.eld. Gurney Rev. Edward Tritton B.A. Cook Thomas, Queen's Head P.H. &. Chalgrave vicarage butcher Whinnett James Fall Richard "\Villiam, farmer, Chal­ Day Jn. :Edwd. farmer & landowner COM:MERCL-I.L. grave manor Grove Amos, grocer & carpent@r Osborn D. & J. butchers & farmers Bird "\Villiam, beer retailer Tebworth. Ostler :Edward, grocer Gurney Edward, farmer :Purrett Misses Pratt Thomas, grocer Pratt l<'rederick, farmer 1Vhinnett W esley Robins J a ne (Mrs.), shopkeeper Whinnett Frederick, farmer COMMERCL\L. Sinith John, boot maker, Post office Whinnett J ames, farmer, Hill farm Adams J uhn, farmer Stevens David, Shoulder of Mutton Whinnett James, farmer, Pond farm Barnes Frederick, beer retailer P.H. & timber merchant Whinnett Thoma.<!, farmer CHELLINGTON is a parish and village adjoining a Decorated western tower with broach spire, con­ Carlton, bounded on the north by the river Ouse, which taining 4 bells : the font, Early English, is a cylindrical is crossed by Harrold bridge, 4 miles from Turvey basin on circular shafts : there is a parish chest, dated ~lation on the Bedford and Northampton branch of the r6fq; and inscriptions to William Chaderton A.M. Midland railway, 9 north-west from Bedford, in the 1724; Rev. Thomas Chaderton A. M. 1735, and to the Northern division of the county, Sharnbrook petty ses­ Bamford family : in the churchyard is a tomb to Sir sional division, hundred of "\Villey, union and county Robert Darling kt-. who, as a boy, it is said, used to c.mrt district of Bedford, rural deanery of Felmersham, keep cows on Chellington Hill; in 1767 he was sheriff archdeaconry of Bedford and diocese o~:E7J. The church of London and Midd1esex and in 1768 was elected M.P. of St. Nicholas, pleasantly situated on the sum­ for Wendover, as the colleague of Burke; be died 4th mit of a hill, is a building of stone, in the August, 1770: the church was restored in 1869 and Early English and Dec9I"ated styles, consisting of r 892, and affords qo sittings. The living, consolidated .clumcel, clerestoried na-Ye, aisles, south porch and with Carlton, is a rectory, joint net yearly value [3ro, / .
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