4 - , -.r;- . ■■ T ' i ' -■ . I. IS P WBAI'.'i ■. AVEBAQ* OAILT ODtODLATiOM .r of 0. S. • a fo r the Month o t J n lj, 19SS Bnrtlirri. ' • Henvy min tonight ani probably t Thnrodny m on ^ g; not nmch 4 5,159 ohongo la temperhtnre, northenot t- of the AoAt Burenn galeo. •V (CSaaaUled A dvertlslag on P age 12) FOUBTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS yOL.UInNO.277, M AN CH EI^R, CONNn WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23, 1933. D i n r n N H i T s VOTERS TO PASS Ten Die As Gale Hits Atlantic Seaboard T DISTRESS CALL EXPECT BREAK SOON NRA CRITICISM UPON iim n iE S FROM STEAMER IN DISCUSSION OVER B O N m i o G i f r BATTUNGGALE A S i m O A L NATION’S COAL CODE ChainKin of State Recoyery Final Action on ApinrouBS Second Message from Uner Board Spikes News Story Details o f Issne to Be Off Virginia Coast Says TRADE FAILURES I Debate Overshadows AO Housing is Breaking”— CaSag This State a Shck- Taken by Special Town ARE ON DECREASE Other Conferences at tr— Praises Attitude. Meetnq at High School Vessels Rush to Scene. Washingtdn — President New York, Aug. 23.—(AP)— A Dr. Edward G. Dolan, of this Voters of the Town of Mamches- Bankruptcy M3I Has Been Keeping Close Tabs On aeamd SOS distrest, call was sent town, chairman of the State Recov* ter will meet tonight in High School out by the coastal' steamer Madison ery Board, today discredited a news Hall a t 8 o’clock, d. a. t., to vote on Grinding at Much Slower Situation— Retailers Con- shortly before noon, eastern stand­ item appearing this morning criti­ the issuance of 3650,000 of bonds as part payment for the Ch^ey utili­ ard ttine, today. cicing Connecticut’s attitute towards The message, picked up by Mac- Rate for Two Months. tinne Their Talks — Ma­ NRA. as emanating from official ties, thn South Mandiester Water Kay Radio at 11:30 a. m., and by sources. This state has been among Company and the South Manchester the Unltec States Coast Guard at the leaders in the opinion of both rine Workers Also See Sanitary and Sewer District. 11:58 sL m.. gave the position at 20 New York, Aug. 23.—(AP)— the Administration and the New Approval was given the purenase miles northeast of C^hesapeake England Advisory board. Dr. Dolan Statistics on business defaults in­ ot the companies and the appropria- lightship, off the coast of Virginia, Jobson. stated. tioti o t 360,000 by a special town and said: “Housing breaking.” dicate that the bankruptcy mill has State A Leader meeting held July 21. Previous to been grindinp at a much slower The Connecticut board has been The first- distress signal at 7 that meeting, the Selectmen have rate during these last several working with the New England Ad­ o’clock this morning, which was Washington, Axig. 23.—(AP) — stated, the board held the opinion followed by five hours of silence, montba. The figures also suggest visory board in effecting the pur­ that another town meeting would if-”' The serious problem of shaping a poses of NRA, according to Chair- ■v?:aaeAiv>c.ri:x- said that the entire forwaro deck the removal of some of the shoals be necessary to specifically approve house had been washed away. final code of fair practice for bitum­ TTi«n Dolan, and no criticism has on which many commercial and in­ the issuance of bonds of the type ’The ^(toast Guard intercepted an inous coal again today overshadow­ bem directed against this state by determined on. The gale that swept up the Atlantic seaboard from Cape Hatteras to Boston, taking at least 10 Uvea, dustrial enterprises cracked up the New England leaders. On occa­ struck with great^t fufy the coasts of New Jersey and Maiyiand, capsizing and scattering hundreds of answer'to the second SOS from the ed manifold activities of the recov­ The vote on the purchase at the during the paat three years. sion the Administration has asked craft One of the craft, the tugboat Point Breeze, is shown off Seven-Foot Knoll Lighthouse near Bal­ S. S. Ehnilia, which did not give its town meeting of July 21, was 1,525 The curve Om. business insolven­ ery administration, but the only Connecticut for advice <m matters timore, Md., just before it was swept over on its side and sank. The engineer perished. position. The Emilia reported Itself to 1,088 in favor of purchase and cies, downward since early iz. the word on progress was that a “break of moment in Washington because 1,330 to 1,127 to appropriate the on the way to give assistance. th^ state has been so far in ad­ Others Or Way year, has slanted at a noticeably might come EUiy time,” and that ^iS50.000 necessary fo r part pay- sharper angle since general busi­ not only Administrator Hugh S. vance of others in adhering to NRA m ept. Other vessels on the way with aid nrindnles. DRUNKEN DRIVING were the (toast Guard cutter Cara- ness started its climb out of the de­ Johnson but President Roosevelt Started in June pression in \.pril, ano from thin in­ himself wEus keeping constant tab on Wires the President A petition for the sale of the bassett and the (toast Guard de­ Dr. Dolan today dispatched tele­ ATLANTIC COAST SWEPT IN AN AIRPLANE stroyer Upshur. verse performance tbe keepers of developments. properties by Cheney Brothers was the statistics on business mortali­ This word came from Deputy Ad­ grams to President Roosevelt and While the Madison did not give filed with the Public Utilities Com­ ties have concluded that the upturn ministrator Kenneth BL Simpson, General Johnson asking for specific Couplf Arrested In Los An­ any details of^ts trouble, its posi- mission on June 29, and was ap­ was the means of resuscitation for who handled the coal bearing. charges that may have been direct­ proved by the Commission on July geles After Wild Ride In the ti(Hi would indicate that it was at ed against Connecticut’s response BY RAGING NORTHEASTER many enterprises which otherwise While the coal conferences went 19. In the specificatioiu presented Sky — Not Hurt During the converging point of two violent might have fotmdered. on privately between officials, oper­ or attitude towards NRA. He Is to the Public Utilities Commission. storms, one sweeping up the coast confident that the reported charges Crash. Downward Tread ators and labor leaders in separate Cheney Brothers listed the present from the south, the other down from offices, factions of retail trade began will be disqualified and that this value of the South Manchester the northeast. How sharply baa been tbe down­ state will be given a dean record. If OU Dominion i.H(er Smids ward trend in failures Is well illus­ airing animosities in public b r ­ Water Company at 31,024,456 and NRA IS SUGGESTED Los Angeles. Aug. 23.—(AP) The vessel bad 37 passengers and ings,' advocating suppression of any criticism does come from the of the South Manchester Sanitary A wild ride in the sky over a crew of 50 to 60 aboard. Captain trated by Dun’s Insolvency Index, Administration steps will be taken forms of competition Jenoimced by A Sewer District at 3383,196. with Glendale resulted in Ronald William Heath is»in command. wbicb, for tbe first three weeks of Immediately to rectify the trouble. Out SOS— Thonsands of August, stood at 88.5 compared witnesses as unfEdr. 320,000 additional for maps and Wilson and Ctorinna Marlowe, Ownera of the vessel, said the Dr. Dolan said. FOR ALL TEACHERS with 90.4 for July, 99A for Jtme Marine Workers pinTin of both companies, bringing actress, being booked today on forward bousing contained only Praises Goss and 179.4 for January For August A group of seamen representing the total valuation of the combined Dollars Worth of Damage charge of being intoxicated in apartments and nothing vital to the tbe Marine Workers Industrial U the news story coming from a properties to 31,^27,652. last year tbe index was 164.6. Washington correspondent this an airplane. operation of the ship. Union and headed by A. H. Jones The sale of the properties will be The ship carrying Wilson and For tbe past three months the morning can be interpreted as The Madison left New York yes­ Index has remained below 100, of Baltimore, arrived at tbe office of effective, if the bonds are approved Reported on Seaboard. State Department of Ednca- Miss Marlowe, went through a Johnson to present a demand tor a critizing the work of Jolm H. Goss terday for Norfolk. Va. wbicb is not far out of line with by the voters, on September 1. The series ol contortions, wheeling code for ship crews, longshoremen, of Waterbury, in charge of the the five-year average covering the town agrees to make no assessments and diving ove> a thickly- and harbor workers. consumer-employee drive in this . tion Sends Ont Letter to years 1925-29. The comparison with upon any person or corporation for B IX L E T IN ! populated residential sectioo and After consultation outside John­ state. Dr. Dolan said, he wished to the cost of existing sewers and the same period a year ago is be understood as extremely grateful New Haven, Ang. 33.— (AP) barely xiissing a school. son’s cuSide, four spokesmen for tha properties. FATHER COUGHLIN strikingly favorable, is tbe Index 20 men who came presented their for the cooperation being given by —The United Stetes Weather i n School Heads.
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