RAM WELCOMES RAM WELCOMES CLASS OF DOWNTOWN COLLEGE '45A TO CAMPUS Vol. 23 NEW YORK, N. Y., SEPTEMBER 18, 1942 No. 1 Mimes Production Calling All Newshawks Fr. Gannon's Address At Annual Holy Ghost Slated For Early To RAM Tryoufs Beginning yesterday and con- Mass Acclaimed By Metropolitan Press tinuing this afternoon, the annual November tryouts for positions of the RAM Staff are being held. Freshmen, or University Head Expects College Year OfficiaZ/y members of any other class who Mr. Mvsurillo, S.J., New are interested, should report at Post-War Collegiate Opened by Mass of Moderator of Group, the RAM Office this afternoon in Acceleration the basement of St. John's Hall. The Holy Ghost Announces Plans Freshmen aspirants will be The Metropolitan press heaped given sample stories to write and, paeans of praise on Rev. Robert I. On September 7, the College year The production of an original if accepted, will be given tempo- Gannon, S.J., President of Fordham was officially opened with the annual drama by a Fordham alumnus and rary berths on the News Staff, University, for his annual address at Solemn Mass of the Holy Ghost and the introduction of an improved sys- the permanency of which will de- the mass of the Holy Ghost in which distribution of prizes. The cere- tem of develop- pend on the quality of their work. he confessed a reversal of his posi- monies were held on the steps of ing undergradu- Those accepted will automati- tion on the international situation Keating Hall, and were viewed by ate theatrical cally become eligible for member- and announced that "we were wrong the guests, faculty, and student body talent are the ship to the Fordham Press Club, and President Roosevelt was right" from Edwards' Parade Ground. main points in ^f ~*jk which for many years, has been the program of V*Mt » f in regard to the validity of the inter- The Mass was celebrated by Rev. an integral part of campus extra- vensionist viewpoint. John F. Sexton, '37; Rev. Daniel J. the Mimes and «l ^^, ^ ' curricular activities. Mummers, Ford- What the Manhattan editorial Brady, '37, was Deacon, and Rev. ham's dramatic staffs considered particularly signifi- William A. Reinboth, '37, was Sub- society, for the cant, along with Fr. Gannon's re- deacon. Mr. Herbert A. Musurillo, coming year, ac- vised political viewpoint, was his S.J., acted as Master of Ceremonies. cording to Mr. Council Organizes statement concerning the continua- At the conclusion of the Mass, the Herbert A. Mu- tion of the accelerated programs in awards for last year were presented surillo, S.J., who s, % For Social Plans American colleges after the war has by Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S.J., has replaced Mr. been concluded. President of the University. First K d w a r d F. Fr. Gannon said he felt that com- Class Honors in Junior for 1941-42 Clark, S.J., as •!• Bermlngham Of ShortYear' pulsory military service appears des- were awarded to Michael J. Cava- Moderator of the group. tined to become a permanent feature nagh, Bernard F. Crowe, Cornelius The drama, drawn from the book, Autumn 'Week-End' Plan of American life and that the accel- Harvester Club to P. Dennehy, Joseph J. Smith, and "God's Jester,' was written by John erated program would have to be James R. Whitmore. Winners of T. Dugan, '41, former columnist for Rejected at Meeting; retained in order to continue college First Honors in Sophomore were The RAM, who is now in the army education. Hold Annual Dance Paul J. Blatz, John M. Cannon, Ken- overseas. It concerns a Jesuit mar- Harvester Date Set The frank admission of his mis- neth J. DeMaille, James C. Finlay, tyr and is written in a series of take in viewpoint regarding isola- Kenneth T. Gallagher, Patrick J. scenes rather than in acts. The Meeting chiefly for organizational tionism and his outlook on world af- On October 16 McCarthy, and Justin K. Schaeffer. names of persons and localities in purposes, but also considering sev- fairs at the present moment were In Freshman, First Honors were the action have been fictionalized eral proposals, the Fordham Student combined in a passage that was re- Rice to Head Society; won by Joseph R. Cammarosano, because of their relation to living Council met for printed in almost all city newspa- Harold J. Delaney, Robert B. Fath, persons and present-day events. the first time this pers. Via Cava Chairman Anthony B. Felice, Joseph F. Meyers, "The Mimes wish to be entirely year on Tuesday, "Only a year ago," Fr. Gannon Of Autumn Hop Robert E. O'Brien, Eugene A. Reilly, objective in presenting this play," September 15th said, "there were many loyal Ameri- and Louis M. Tedone. under the chair- cans, and I was one of them, who felt Mr. Musurillo said. "The play itself manship of its Under the leadership of its Presi- Under the Heading of Special is the thing, and not its so-called that this was not our war, that if we dent, Francis X. Rice, '43, the Har- Awards, the Alumni Oratorical President, John kept to ourselves no one would dare 'significance.' It should succeed or D. Ryan, '43. vester Club, foreign missions organ- Medal was awarded to Lawrence H. fail on its merit." to attack us. We used to say that if ization of the college, inaugurated Reilly, '43. Raymond G. Cushing, '45, The play, to be produced Novem- First to be the Soviets were wiped off the face its activities for the coming year at was winner of the Heydt French ber 6th, will require a cast of about considered was of the earth, it would be good rid- its first meeting held last Tuesday Medal for Freshman year, while forty players and is tentatively en- the proposal by dance and that the feeble and old in the Main Lecture Room of Keat- John R. Cammarosano, '45, received titled "God's Jester" pending the Joseph P. Han- British Empire was not worth one ing Hall. the Heydt Spanish Medal. Paul J. necessary permission of the book's son, '43, that the American life. We protested violent- Attanasio, '45, was the recipient of a ly when we saw our President, as As has been its custom for the publishers. entire weekend past six years the Harvester Club Gold Medal for proficiency in Italian. John H. Bermingham, '43, will of the St. Mary's we used to put it, "spoiling for a The medals donated by the Italian game be devoted fight," dragging us step by step into will hold the first social function of portray Father Miguel and Robert John Ryan the school year. The seventh annual Club to the three students attaining Kibbee, '43, will be the President. to the raising of an endless and dreadful war which the highest grades in a competitive no enemy wanted to declare. dance of the organization is sched- Charles M. Mattingly, '45, plays the funds for the foreign missions. Han- uled to take place on October 16 Italian examination were awarded part of ex-President Avalon, while son's proposed program included a "Today it is humiliating, but many in the gymnasium. The date selected to Florindo V. Cerreta, '43, Nicholas the Boarman brothers, Patrick, '43, dance on the eve of the game, the of us are ready to stand up in meet- is the night before the West Vir- M. Baccari, '44, and Reynold G. and Marshall, '44, are Robert and game itself the following afternoon ing and confess that we were wrong ginia game. Joseph T. Via Cava, '43, Gheduzzi, '45. The Silver French Humbert, the brothers of Father and then another dance, off-campus, and he was right. It was our war is general chairman of the dance. Medal for Junior and the Bronze Miguel. The part of Bishop David that evening, with all proceeds going from the first. If he had listened to Robert T. Shields, '43, Vice-Presi- French Medal for Sophomore went will be taken by Louis Malone, '45, to the missions. The Council found us, China, Russia, and Great Britain dent, is chairman of the ticket com- to Robert A. Pin and Joseph F. Mc- while Augustin J. Kilcullen, '44, will that the plan would conflict with would now be prostrate and we mittee. Kenna, respectively. The final pres- portray Father Miguel's father, diocesan rules regulating the holding should be facing our zero hour alone entation was that of the Robert Lawrence H. Reilly, '43, General of off-campus dances as well as pre- and unprepared. Since plans are still in preliminary James King Award, restricted to the Tarrant, with the parts of General senting certain difficulties to proper "As it is, our strangely assorted stage no other committees have been Class of 1944, which is given for organization and operation. formed. Within the next few days scholastic standing and true Ford- Creuzer and General Jean Maribot allies are far from prostrate and it is expected that members will be handled by two Freshmen, Nicholas The officers who will direct the their immense courage, backed up ham spirit. This was won by Mar- selected for- the refreshment, dec- shall I. Boarman. Gargano and Joseph Martin. Student Council for the remainder by the full power of the United (Continued on page 3) A closer coordination of all years of the term also were elected at the States will make this a long war (Continued on page 6) (Continued on page 5) (Continued on page 5) Accelerated '46 Keyed to War ScheduleBoarman Edits New Monthly; Physics and Chemistry, B.S.
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