Community Development STAFF REPORT Planning Commission Meeting Date: 6/4/2018 Staff Report Number: 18-053-PC Consent Calendar: Sign Review/Ian Hamilton/3000 Sand Hill Road Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve a request for sign review for a new monument sign that would feature text greater than 18 inches in height. The signage would be located near an existing commercial building in the C-1-C(X) (Administrative, Professional and Research District, Restrictive (Conditional Development)) zoning district, at 3000 Sand Hill Road. The recommended actions are contained within Attachment A. Policy Issues Each sign review request is considered individually. The Planning Commission should consider whether the required sign review findings can be made for the proposal. Background Site location The subject property is located at 3000 Sand Hill Road in the Sharon Heights neighborhood, near the City’s western boundary and Interstate 280. Although the site is addressed Sand Hill Road, the site is not visible from the main roadway. The site is accessed via a frontage road that connects to Sand Hill Circle. The subject property consists of four office buildings, associated surface parking, a restaurant doing business as Restaurant 3000, and a small fitness facility. The office site is surrounded by a number of residences in the R-2(X) (Low Density Apartment (Conditional Development)) district. Both the offices and these residences were developed through a Conditional Development Permit (CDP), which was originally approved in 1969. The Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club, which is zoned OSC (Open Space and Conservation), encircles the residences. The Sand Hill Road corridor is primarily office uses, while the greater area also contains a mix of residential uses, the Sharon Heights Shopping Center, several parks, and the Rosewood Hotel. A location map is included as Attachment B. Analysis Project description The applicant is requesting to install a new permanent sign that corresponds to the site’s address number for their existing business. The design requires Planning Commission review due to the size of the City of Menlo Park 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park, CA 94025 tel 650-330-6600 www.menlopark.org Staff Report #: 18-053-PC Page 2 lettering. The proposed sign is shown on the project plans (Attachment C). The applicant has submitted a project description letter (Attachment D) that describes the proposal in more detail. In conjunction with the proposed sign, the applicant is also implementing site improvements that include new landscaping and pathways for the restaurant. These upgrades have been approved by staff through the building permit process, due to their substantial conformance with earlier discretionary approvals. Staff reviews a sign application for conformance with both the Zoning Ordinance regulations and the Design Guidelines for Signs. If the request meets the requirements in both documents, staff can approve the sign request administratively. If, however, the sign request would not adhere to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance and/or be incompatible with the Design Guidelines for Signs, the review of the application is forwarded to the Planning Commission, either through a variance application (in the case of noncompliance with the Zoning Ordinance) and/or as a general review of the sign for consistency with the Design Guidelines. For this application, staff determined that the proposed sign would comply with all Zoning Ordinance regulations. In particular, the subject site is permitted to have a maximum of 100 square feet of signage. The proposed sign area is 64 square feet, and the existing sign area on the site is 17.3 square feet, which creates a total sign area of 81.3 square feet. However, the proposed sign would not be consistent with the Design Guidelines for Signs. Specifically, the sign would not comply with item B.4 of the Guidelines, which states that lettering between the size of eight and 18 inches is considered acceptable, and lettering larger than 24 inches may be considered for buildings with large setbacks from the street. The proposed sign would be the number 3000 and would feature four-foot-tall numbers, which are larger than the size identified in the Design Guidelines for Signs. While the sign would not be visible from Sand Hill Road, it would be located relatively close to the street that provides access to the office complex and Restaurant 3000. Each individual number would be freestanding and sit directly on the ground. The numbers would be fabricated corten steel, which is a material used on other existing signage at this site. The apparent size of the numbers would be minimized because the space between and around the numbers would be open, and the solid area of the numbers would have a two-and-a-half-inch thickness. The overall length of the sign would be four feet tall by 16 feet wide. The sign would not be illuminated and would be placed near the entrance of Restaurant 3000. According to the applicant, the intention of the sign’s design and placement is to establish a sense of place upon arrival at the property. The applicant also notes that “3000” is a key part of their brand identify as a venture capital destination, which the sign would reinforce. Staff believes that the sign would be compatible with the business, and that the design of the proposed sign would be contemporary and attractive, and would complement the existing signage on the site. Correspondence Staff has not received any correspondence as part of the public notices. Conclusion Staff believes that the proposed modifications would result in a contemporary and attractive signage on City of Menlo Park 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park, CA 94025 tel 650-330-6600 www.menlopark.org Staff Report #: 18-053-PC Page 3 the site. The proposed signage would be compatible with existing entry, directional, and building signage, creating a unified theme for the site, and would be consistent with the business’s brand identity. Additionally the sign would not be visible from Sand Hill Road and would only visible after entering the site. Staff recommends approval of the sign request. Impact on City Resources The project sponsor is required to pay Planning, Building and Public Works permit fees, based on the City’s Master Fee Schedule, to fully cover the cost of staff time spent on the review of the project. Environmental Review The project is categorically exempt under Class 1 (Section 15301, “Existing Facilities”) of the current California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Public Notice Public Notification was achieved by posting the agenda, with the agenda items being listed, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Public notification also consisted of publishing a notice in the local newspaper and notification by mail of owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of the subject property. Appeal Period The Planning Commission action will be effective after 15 days unless the action is appealed to the City Council, in which case the outcome of the application shall be determined by the City Council. Attachments A. Recommended Actions B. Location Map C. Project Plans D. Project Description Letter Disclaimer Attached are reduced versions of maps and diagrams submitted by the applicant. The accuracy of the information in these drawings is the responsibility of the applicant, and verification of the accuracy by City Staff is not always possible. The original full-scale maps, drawings and exhibits are available for public viewing at the Community Development Department. Exhibits to Be Provided at Meeting None Report prepared by: Kaitie Meador, Associate Planner City of Menlo Park 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park, CA 94025 tel 650-330-6600 www.menlopark.org Staff Report #: 18-053-PC Page 4 Report reviewed by: Thomas Rogers, Principal Planner City of Menlo Park 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park, CA 94025 tel 650-330-6600 www.menlopark.org ATTACHMENT A 3000 Sand Hill Road – Attachment A: Recommended Actions LOCATION: 3000 Sand PROJECT NUMBER: APPLICANT: Ian OWNER: Ford Land Hill Road PLN2018-00031 Hamilton Company PROPOSAL: Request for sign review for a new monument sign that would feature text greater than 18 inches in height. The signage would be located near an existing building in the C-1-C(X) (Administrative, Professional and Research District, Restrictive (Conditional Development)) zoning district. DECISION ENTITY: Planning DATE: June 4, 2018 ACTION: TBD Commission VOTE: TBD (Barnes, Combs, Goodhue, Kennedy, Onken, Riggs, Strehl) ACTION: 1. The project is categorically exempt under Class 1 (Section 15301, “Existing Facilities”) of the current California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. 2. Make findings that the sign is appropriate and compatible with the businesses and signage in the general area, and is consistent with the Design Guidelines for signs. 3. Approve the sign review subject to the following standard conditions: a. Development of the project shall be substantially in conformance with the plans prepared by C&C Studio Landscape Design, consisting of three sheets, dated received May 8, 2018, and approved by the Planning Commission on June 4, 2018, except as modified by the conditions contained herein, subject to review and approval of the Planning Division. b. The applicant shall comply with all West Bay Sanitary District, Menlo Park Fire Protection District, and utility companies’ regulations that are directly applicable to the project. c. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Building Division, Engineering Division, and Transportation Division that are directly applicable to the project. PAGE: 1 of 1 A1 ATTACHMENT B City of Menlo Park Location Map 3000 Sand Hill Road Scale: 1:4,000 Drawn By: KMM Checked By: THR Date: 6/4/2018 Sheet: 1 B1 ATTACHMENT C ALAMEDA DE LAS PULGAS EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR: L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N 3488 Moraga Blvd Lafayette, CA 64549 3000 SAND HILL ROAD, MENLO PARK, CA 415.
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