Weather Put on yourjammies. Fair Technician today with a high in the low to mid-50$. Warming tomorrow North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 with a high in the mid-70$. Volume LXVI. Number 78 Wednesday. April 1o.1sas Hakim. mm Phone 737-241 "2412 PEC proposes changesin transportation Men assault priest 'I'em Obe- for long-term needs. according to the WARSAW. Poland (UPI) - A Staff Writer new proposal. Catholic priest was assaulted and The committee further recom- severely injured by men who poured The Physical Environment Com- mends to change the North Hall a caustic chemical on his body and mittee has submitted recommenda- resident permit. 'J.‘ to a resident face in the southern city of Krakow. a tions for rectifying State's parking permit. ‘R.’ which would allow resi- -_..a-..’—.—._w. leading cleric said Tuesday. problem to Vice Chancellor of Busi- dents to park in North Hall's parking Cardinal Franicissek Macharski of nessAffairs George Worsley. lot. This proposal would lower the Krakow said in a tales message sent A hierarchy of parking regulations. percentage of parking spaces for to the church hierarchy that the Rev. as well as an increase in permit fee. North Hall to the 23 percent level of Tadeusz Zaleski was attacked by the has been proposed. The hierarchy all other resident halls. unide'ntified men last Saturday in system would allow North and Hills- frontofhis house. borough Square permits to park in Another proposal is the creation of “The priest was stupefied and then any South and Resident spaces. and a student parking sone which will his face. hands and body were burned South permits would be allowed to combine commuter. resident and (with unspecified chemicals).” said park inany Resident spaces. North Hall permits. Macharski in a message to Secretary Resident permits would increase The fringe lot would be used by of the Polish Episcopate Archbishop fromWayeartoflZayear. the faculty. staff and residents. and Bronislaw Dabrowski and Primate Commuter stickers would increase to the fringe lot permits would be sold. JosefGlemp. 800 a year from the current 848 a at a reduced price if the plan is “The priest. who suffered sec year. approved. ond-degree burns. received first aid A shuttle bus system would be The committee recommends that a treatment from the ambulance crew." implemented from the fringe lots limited number of metered spaces be he said. StaffphotobyTamsin Toler throughcampus. created in resident areas for visitors. The cardinal called on authorities It’s a, hit." The transportation department Existing resident and North Hall to find the men and assure the Firstbasernsn Jay Warswcnt14ln State’s 10-6losstoECU Tuesday. Story, Page a. would also study the feasibility. parking spaces would be converted church that the incident would not be location and cost of a parking deck into metered spaces. repeated. OutstandingState teachers announced Leaf plan stalled Professors recognized for excellence RALEIGH. N.C. (UPI) — Tobacco Mark Bumgardner committee. said the selection process After the ballots were collected. ties and Social Sciences student forestry; for the second time; officials said Thursday they're not Staff Writer began last fall when nomination they were sent to the individual representative Cindy Johnson. 0 Associate Professor William C. ready to scrap negotiations on a ballots were distributed. schools where committees composed Johnson said she looked for teach- Grant. zoology; for the second time; surplus leaf buyout plan. despite an The recipients of this year's Out- “There were a number of ways a of three faculty members and a ers who constantly had large classes 0 Associate Professor John C. apparent deadlock and an April 15 standing Teacher Awards. designed teacher could be nominated." student representative reviewed and showed interestin students. Cornwell. animal science; also a deadline for agreement from a North to recognise faculty members who Peterson said. eachcandidate. “That was a big criterion — those repeat winner; Carolina congressman. have excelled in the classroom. have Peterson said his committee chose extra-curricular activities." she said. 0 Assistant Professor John F. “It's not a deadline that we've set.” been announced by Associate Pro During spring preregistration each the top seven and then allowed the The student representatives from Arnold.curriculum and instruction; said Fred Bond. director of the vost Murray 8. Downs. student was allowed to nominate the Education Council and several each of the nine schools examined the 0 Assistant Professor Anne C. Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative one teacher he considered outstand- graduate representatives to assist qualifications of the winners and Clapp. textile materials and man- Stabilisation Corp. “We'll just have Teachers chosen for the annual ing. Faculty members were also themin the finalselection. chose two who will receive a 81.000 agement; to see what the status of the matter award will automatically be placed in allowed to make nominations. “We took the qualifications of the award. 0 Assistant Professor Chandra D. is atthattime." the Academy of Outstanding Teach~ The rules require each teacher to top seven and ranked the top two and The winners of the 1004-85 Out- Cos.design; Rep. Charlie Rose. D-N.C.. said ers and receive recognition in the have taught at State at least five then pickedthe topone." he said. standing TeacherAwardsare: 0 Associate Professor E. Jacquelin Wednesday unless Phillip Morris Inc. Commencement Program. semesters and to be presently “The number of outstanding teach- 0 Professor George T. Barthalmus. Diets. statistics; agreed to the surplus leaf buyout Richard E. Peterson. head of the teaching more than one half the ers (for each school) is based on soology; forthe third time: 0 Professor Christopher R. Gould. plan. he would file a bill using part of School of Education's selection normal teaching load. enrollment." said School of Humani- 0 Lecturer Richard R. Brahsm. physics. the cigarette excise tax to pay for the federal tobacco program. A Phillip Morris spokesman said such a bill would “only serve to Politicians say men have control in North Carolina exacerbate the’ problems of the tobacco growingcommunity." John Price ' “By that standard we are failures." “We have much more trouble having hard-working campaigners." club." Patterson said. "Hard. tough Rose is pressuring tobacco compa- StaffWriter said Patterson. a former member of raising money than men." recently Hunt said. power decides what wins in the nies to agree to a plan that would the Democratic National Committee. elected Representative Betty Wiser ' The problem of raising money legislature." have them buy more than 1.4 billion Women have become become more “More women are getting elected said. becomes even more critical to can- “People put their money in some- pounds of surplus tobacco in influential. but men still dominate but not in the numbers you would Betty-Ann Knudsen. a former didates seeking state-wide offices. one with a lot of political ties." the political scene in North Carolina. Raleigh councilperson. said. "The said Knudsen. who recently lost an Knudsen said. exchange for a 30 cents reduction in general consensus of expect." she said. the support price. That was the But Patterson said that women's only way most women get elected is attempttobecome secretary ofstate. “Women are mostly taken for five politically active women who through the organisational effort of All the women agreed that women granted." she said. “They don't want spoke at a forum presented by involvement in politics ischanging. recruiting volunteers." are verydedicated to their offices. State's Women's Affairs Board "In the past many have run for your opinion: they only want your Thursday evening. office after the end of other careers." “A non-partisan group of 100 “Women tend to be issue oriented; information." Bill bans doubles “A measure of success is not she said. “I think you'll see more women from my county helped me men run because they like the “There are days in the legislature whether you have a tough problem to younger women running in the organise a campaign in the other prestige." Knudsensaid. when I have to clench my teeth." RALEIGH. N.C. (UPI) North deal with. but whether you have the future." three counties." said Wanda Hunt. a But Knudsen said that women's Hunt said. Carolina's happy hours would be same problem you had 10 or 20 years The speakers said paying for senator in the General Assembly. efforts are often thwarted by “the “But the impossible can happen." banned under a bill filed Thursday by ago." said Jane Patterson. quoting campaigns is the most significant “I was elected by making enough goodol’ boy network." she said. “I'm living a dream right a legislator who says the free booze contacts. putting up posters and “The legislature is a gentlemen's DOW. and twofor-one specials are making John Foster Dullus. problem for women entering politics. customers doubly drunk. Rep. Martin Lancaster. DWayne. '— said happy hour drinkers can “drink FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE to excess" because they are offered SOD scores most inside twice as much alcohol for the same 1985 SPRING SEMESTER price. “If you have X number of dollars to April 29 — May 7 spend. you can spend X as much A’s of schools The sounds of spring are money on boose. and you can get upon us. For news on the Craze, twice as drunk." Lancaster said. on down to Page 9 and His bill also would do away with Tom Olsen He said the students generally boogie special bar promotions such as StaffWriter exhibit an around-the-clock attitude; ’view the hip groove sounds “ladies' nights." The state Alcoholic their work takes a great amount of that are comin’ round this Beverage Control Commission also‘tis The School of Design had the timeand effort.
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