jumbo 9. 129 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1936. Revoking Part of a Proclamation setting apart Land in the I And whereas by section twenty-five of the Public Works Borough of Lower Hutt for the Purposes of the TVellington- Act, 1928, it is enacted that whenever any Crown land, public Napier Railway (Lower Hutt Valley Duplication). reserve, or public domain is required to be set apart for any -- public work the Governor - General may at any time, by [L.S. ] GALWAY, Governor-General. Proclamation, set the same apart for such public work without A PROCLAMATION. complying with any of the provjsions of that Act in re~pect of the taking or setting apart of other lands for such purpose: N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of Now, therefore, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursu­ this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, ance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power revoke so much of the Proclamation dated the twenty-fifth and authority in anywise enabling me in that behalf, do' day of March, one thous~nd nine hundred and tb,irty, and hereby prodaim and declare that the land described in the published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 22 of the twenty­ Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for the purposes of the seventh day of the same month, at page 848, setting apart Lo-wer Hutt Valley duplication of the Wellington-Napier land in the Borough 'of Lower Hutt for the purposes of the Railway; and I also hereby declare that this Proclamation Wellington-Napier Railway (Lower Hutt Valley Duplication) shall take efIect on and after the first day of February, one as affects the land described in the Schedule hereto. thousand nine hundred and thirty-six. SCHEDULE. ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of land: 1 rood 23·86 perches. Portion of land in Proclamation 2010, part of Section 15. SCHEDULE. Situated in Hutt Registration District, Block XIV, Belmont Survey District, Borough of Lower Hutt. (S.O. 3115.) ApPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land:­ In the Wellington Land District; as the same is more A. R. P. particularly delineated on the plan marked L.O. 3958, o 2 9·97 Part Lo~ 3, D.P. 37, part of Section 15, deposited in the office of the Government Railways Board at Hutt Registration District. Wellington, and thereon coloured green. o 0 0·01 Part Lot 3, D.P. 37, part of Section 15, Hutt Registration District. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ o 0 9·02 Part Lot 11, D.P. 3770, part of Section 15, General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Hutt Registration District. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 29th day of January, 1936. Situated in Block XIV, Belmont Survey District, Borough D. G. SULLIVAN, Minister of Railways. of Lower Hutt. (S.O. 3115.) In the Wellington Land District; as the sa.me are more GOD SAVE THE KING! particularly delineated on the plan marked L.O. 3958, de­ (L.0.14007/4.) posited in the 9ffice of the Government Rpjlways Board at Wellington, and thereon coloured red. Additional Land near TVoburnset apart for the Pu,rposes of the . TV ellington - Napier Railway (Lower. Hutt Valley Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Duplication) . General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 29th day of [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. ,Tanuary, 1936. A PROCLAMATION. D. G. SULLIVAN, Minister of Railways. HEREAS the land mentioned in the Schedule hereto W is Crown land, and is required to be set apart for the purposes of the Lower Hutt Valley duplication of the GOD SAVE THE KING! Wellington-Napier Raihv8,Y : (1..0. 14007.) A 180 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. rNo. 9 Land taken for the Purposes of a Recreation-ground in the SCHEDULE. Gity of Wellington. ApPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land declared to be Crown land :­ [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. A. R. P. A PROCLAMATION. o 3 23·6"\.Being stopped Government road adjoining or N pursuance and exercise. of the powers and" authorities 6 . 0 2·1 f passing through .section 3. I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every Situated in Block VIII, Mangaoporo Survey District other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this (Gisborne R.D.). (S.O. 1380, brown.) behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor­ In the Gisborne Land District; as the same are more General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 81763, and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at hereby taken for the purposes of a recreation-ground, and shall Wellington, and thereon coloured green. vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City of Wellington as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I do Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued after the tenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred under the Seal of that Dominion, this 17th day of and thirty-six. January, 1936. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. SCHEDULE. GOD SAVE THE KING! APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken: 4 acres 3 roods (P.W. 36/66/1.) 10·39 perches. Being portion of Section 8. Situated in Block XI, Port Nicholson Survey District Re'l)oking a Proclamation taking Land for the Purposes of a (Evans Bay R.D.), (City of Wellington). (S.O. 3082.) ./t. Quarry in the Borough of Thames. In .the Wellington Land District;, as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 91148, [L.S.] GAL'VAY, Governor-General. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at A PROCLAMATION. Wellington, and thereon coloured red. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in under the Seal of that Dominion, this 17th day of this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, January, 1936. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. revoke the Proclamation dated the sixteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, and published GOD SAVE THE KING! in the New Zealand Gazette No. 46 of the twenty-first day (P.W. 50/590.) of the same month, at page 1889, taking land for the purposes of a quarry in the Borough of Thames. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ DeClaring Land taken for a Government Work, and not required General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued for that Purpose, to be Grown Land. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 17th day of January, 1936. [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. A PROCLAMATION. GOD SAVE THE KING! N pursuanc.e and exercise of the powers and authorities (P.W.63/120.) I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in anywis~ enabling me in this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, VISCOunt Galway, 'Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do Crown Land set apart for the Purposes of a Roadman's Paddock hereby declare the land described' in the Schedule hereto to -in Block VIII, Paekakariki Survey District. be Crown land subject to the Land Act, 1924. [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. SCHEDULE. A PROCLAMATION. ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of stopped Government road declared to be Crown land: 1 rood 14·4 perches. N pursuance and exercise of the powe.rs and authorities Adjoining or passing through Allotment 160 (E.R.). I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in Situated in Block VIII, Newcastle Survey District (Auckland this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, R.D.), (Horotiu Parish). (S.O. 27964.) Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby In the Auckland Land District; as the same is more parti­ proclaim and declare that the portion of Crown land described cularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 90444, deposited in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for the purposes of in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, and a roadman's paddock, and I do also hereby declare that this thereon coloured green .. Proclamation shall take effect on and after the tenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 17th day of SCHEDULE. January, 1936. ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of Crown land set apart: R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. 15·64 perches. Being formerly stopped Government road adjoining or passing GOD SAVE THE KING! through Lot 3, D.P.
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