Vol. 35 July, 1948 No 7 trailtraillrei • trifli • AV • Frilla'rltrentreil • trivillnItravitrefliriKYVIVI * VellreclfriOnextv- Mrs. Thirza Buckman "The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving- kindness have I drawn thee." .Jeremiah 31:3. Amazing! Oh, how can this be, "My home with you I long to share, That God should love and care for me? In that dear country's balmy air. It cannot be because I'm good, Oh, how I long that you may see Or always do that which I should. The place I have prepared for thee! I have no merits, I confess; "Remember, 1 was crucified I am myself unrighteousness. For you, was slain, in travail died. Oh, it is this, just this, I know— My joy can never be complete It is because lie loved me so. Until My precious ones I greet. Clear, from afar, I heard the call, "With joyful heart I then shall sing, "I've loved thee, notwithstanding all. And all the bells of heaven will ring; I know thy failings, weakness, too; With My redeemed, all glorified, Draw near,.I long to strengthen you. Then, then I shall be satisfied." "My love is tender, deep, and strong. What can I, Father, render Thee What though the journey may seem long? For all that Thou hest borne for me? Your burdens you may cast on Me; I'll take the cup, and wilt Thou fill Come, let Me carry them for thee. According to Thy blessed will. "I see thee, child, I count thy tears; I call upon Thy Holy name I know thy burdens, all thy fears." To cover all my guilt and shame. Oh, sweetly now I hear Him Say, Then, reproduce Thyself in me. "Yea, I will hold thy hand alway. Amen, Amen. So let it be. THE CHURCH OFFICERS' GAZETTE July, 1948 ANSWER: No, the General Conference has never provided such a leaflet and the reason is obvious. Tithe paying is a duty man owes EDITORIAL to God and not to the conference. The Lord has laid down certain principles in !both the Bible and the Spirit of prophecy with refer- Education of Our Youth nearly every class recitation, will surely befog ence to how we should pay our tithe, but the minds of youth and cast them upon the He has never given instruction so, implicit ROBABLY no question arouses more rocks of uncertainty and leave them without and inclusive that we have no opportunity s a foundation for faith—adrift in a world of general interest or more willing sacrifice to exercise our own conscience and judgment J3 doubt-and scepticism. Such conditions breed in the payment of tithe. "Every Christian among Seventh-day Adventists than the edu- juvenile delinquency and crime and are fertile cation of our children and youth. The de- is a steward of God, entrusted with His soil for the growth of revolutionary theories of nomination is spending millions of dollars goods. Remember the words,, 'Moreover it overnment that now threaten the peace of annually on Christian education. But why g is required of stewards, that a man be found the world. faithful.' 1 Corinthians 4: 2. Let us be sure all this effort and expense when there are In the light of these facts how can we ex- established public Schools everywhere which that we are not robbing God in any jots '1 pect the schools of the world, or teachers who without cost to us will educate our children or tittles; for much is involved in this ques- have no love for God or faith in His word, and prepare them for life? The reason is tion."—Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 246. to prepare our Seventh-day Adventist youth obvious. We know that during the formative We believe that a businessman who has for the hour of temptation and the coming taken God into partnership, and who ap- years not only the future well-being but the of our Lord? If our young people are to be eternal destiny of our children are determined. proaches the problem of figuring, out his tithe saved with us in the eternal kingdom of God, under the direction of the Spirit of God and We therefore spend willingly our meager they must during the days of their youth be savings or go without luxuries or even neces- in harmony with the instruction in the Scrip- developing a firm and unwavering, confidence tures, will be led to a right solution of his sities to make possible the training of our in the word of God and in this last message youth for the kingdom of heaven. This is problem. There are so many different con- that we have been commissioned to carry to ditions in business enterprises that any at- the only excuse we have for conducting a the world„ system of schools apart from the world. The tempt by the General Conference to lay On July 24, the church will observe Educa- down rules for tithe paying would only lead subject 'of Christian education, therefore, tional Day: It will give every church elder touches every home financially and spiritually to confusion and misunderstanding. and pastor an opportunity to rally our people However, "God desires all His stewards to and is of vital interest to every parent. to a fuller support of our schools and colleges. There is no lack of educational opportuni- be exact in following divine arrangements. This is, a work that lies neatest to our door. They are not to offset the Lord's plans by ties in the world. The printing presses are Giving to missions and sending relief to turning out millions of textbooks, and govern- performing some deed of charity, or giving Europe are important and needful, but they some gift or some offering, when or how they, ments are erecting fine school buildings and can never be substitutes for providing a furnishing them with the' very latest equip- the human agents, shall see fit. It is very Christian education for our own children and poor policy for men to seek to improve on ment and facilities. Thousands of teachers youth. -are being efficiently trained in the arts and God's plan, and invent a makeshift, averaging The servant of the Lord has said: "As a (Please turn to page 4) sciences, and they .are being paid out of church, as individuals, . we must make public treasuries to carry the blessings of more liberal efforts for the- training of our education to the children and youth of the young people. The church is asleep, nations. But what has been the moral fruit- and does not realize the magnitude of this age of all this effort? Do we see large returns matter of educating the children, and youth." in the way of a more stable social develop- —Counsels to Teachers, p. 43. ment and a strengthening of the moral fiber Let July 24 be a rally day, but also a day SUBSCRIPTION RATES of the nations? No! In fact, as we look out of planning that every Seventh-day Adventist upon the world around us, we see just the United States and Canada child or young person who intends to be in Yearly subscription . • $1.50 opposite. At no time in history has the moral school next year may be in a Christian school Clubs of two or more copies to one address, one year, each . • • , . • • • 1.35' decadence of the race been so manifest, and which will be to him a harbor of refuge in juvenile delinquency so alarming. Crime is Foreign Countries Where Extra these troubled times. Postage Is Required on the increase everywhere, and lawlessness, —EDITOR, Yearly subscription . 1.65 sex orgies, and drinking parties have become Clubs of two or more copies to one address, commonplace, especially among the teen-age one year, each . 1.50 groups, who are the direct product of modern Question Corner ED/TOR JAMES I. ROBISON Associate Editors educational methods. In this column each month will be an- The responsibility for these appalling social Theodore I. Oswald, Eldine W. Dunbar swered questions on the -work and duties of John E. Weaver conditions must be shared, and that in no church officers or questions concerning any Assistant Editors small degree, by the public schools and 'col- problem that may arise in connection with the Cora F. Thurber Marjorie W. Marsh leges of today. Anyone who has watched local church or any of its departments. We Arabella J. Moore Mary L. Scott the educational trends during the past half EDITORIAL COUNCIL welcome your questions and ask that they be M. E. Kern H. T. Elliott century must realize that the situation that sent to the Editor, CHURCH °PINCERS' GA- the world faces today, is largely the result of ZETTE, CI o General Conference, Takonia Park, PUBLISHED monthly by the SOUTHERN PUBLISH- 9 a wrong education—an education that has Washington 12, D. C. ASSOCIATION, 2119 Twenty-Fourth Avenue, denied the authority of God's word and set North, Nashville 8, Tennessee. Entered as second- aside the binding claims of His law. Secular class matter March 26, 1948, at the post office II in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A., under Act of education has demonstrated its utter inability How to 'Pay Tithe Congress of March, 3, 1879. to change the hearts of wayward youth or to arouse their wills to build a better life and QUESTION: Does not the General Conference ARE YOU MOVING? guide them into paths of righteousness, Knowl- have a leaflet of instruction on how farmers, You should notify us in advance of any change edge in itself is no savior.
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