* The June issue will include an Dimitri Nanopoulos - strengthening links article on the COBE results. between particle physics and cosmology Also reported at the Workshop ing Supercollider Laboratory. It at­ were new results from cosmic ray tracted many distinguished speak­ studies; searches for dark matter, ers in this rapidly evolving field, re­ deviations from Newtonian gravita­ sulting in a wide-ranging and stimu­ tion, time-reversal violation in beta lating scientific programme. decay, the electric dipole moment CERN's John Ellis discussed the of the neutron, and neutron-anti- Standard Model of Particle Physics neutron oscillations; strong field and beyond, and the implications tests of gravitational theories and of recent LEP data (April, page 1). other subjects. Rocky Kolb of Fermilab gave an in­ For the first time the session had troduction to the Standard Big an interdisciplinary character, with Bang, while School Director Dimitri an invited lecture by Ed Fredkin on Nanopoulos of Texas A&M and 'Digital Mechanics: the Universe as HARC presented a unified view of a Computer'. The improvised even­ the two fields. ing concert of classical music, David Schramm of Chicago dis­ given by attending physicists Mi­ cussed the important issue of pri­ chael and Myriam Treichel, Jim mordial nucleosynthesis, with the ports on 17 keV neutrinos (see Faller, Elisabeth Ribs and Tibault observational basis covered by page 21). John Bahcall of Princeton Damour added to the pleasant in­ Greg Shields of Texas (Austin). Ro­ was among the neutrino speakers formal atmosphere which is one of bert Wagoner of Stanford exam­ at the Texas meeting. the elements of Moriond success. ined probes of the Universe at all The status of Big Science was il­ scales, from nuclei to supernovae. lustrated in talks on the US Super­ By S.T. Petcov Andre Linde, now at Stanford, conducting Supercollider (SSC) looked back to the very early from Fred Gilman, SSC's Associate stages of the Universe, including Director of Physics Research; on ASTROPARTICLE the inflation mechanism linking the NASA's role from Venon Jones; PHYSICS initial Big Bang to present large- on the European Space Agency's scale structure. work from Giacomo Cavallo; and New synergy Mark Srednicki of Santa Barbara on Hubble telescope from Peter reviewed the need for Dark Matter, Stockman of the Space Telescope Two major recent experimental re­ leaving his colleague David Cald­ Science Institute. sults have further strengthened the well to look at experimental The meeting showed that while links between particle physics and searches for it. George Smoot of the 'Standard Models' of both par­ cosmology. These are the confir­ Berkeley discussed the beautiful ticle physics and cosmology were mation by experiments at CERN's COBE results confirming the nature doing fine, some refinements are LEP electron-positron collider that of the cosmic background radi­ necessary, especially for the Big there are only three species of light ation, while Alan Dressier of Mt. Bang picture, at a loss to explain neutrino, as predicted by Grand Wilson and Las Campanas Obser­ new large-scale structure. New si­ Unified Theories and needed for vatories reviewed the intriguing mulations show that even cold dark primordial nucleosynthesis, and the large-scale structures, including the matter, until now the best candi­ results from the US Cosmic Back­ great attractor, the great wall and date for the missing material of the ground Explorer (COBE) satellite similar concentrations of matter, Universe, may not fit the bill. New that show beyond any doubt that revealed by recent astronomical observations over the next few the cosmic background radiation is surveys. Nicola Vittorio of D'Aquila years will help to clarify many of primordial.* and Joe Silk of Berkeley tried to the major issues in both particle With this in mind, a new inter­ make sense of it all. physics and cosmology. Hopefully national school was initiated re­ Neutrinos are never far from the a clearer picture will emerge before cently by Houston's Advanced Re­ physics headlines - currently solar the second school in this series. search Center (HARC) and co-spon­ neutrino observations are in a state sored by the nearby Superconduct­ of flux and there is a spate of re­ From Dimitri Nanopoulos 22 CERN Courier, May 1991 "Burn in" with wider nlateaus 6.0 kV reamer Mode Detectors. teed to have a failure rate under 3%, initial burn in with prescribed turn-on bcedure. lateaus can be specified by buyer, up to 1,200 V in 75% Isobutane, 25% A. Data is available on behavior with non­ flammable gas. Hodotector 4390 Fiesta Lane, Houston, TX 77004 USA Phone (713)747-0601; FAX (713)747-0510 CERN Courier, May 1991 23 Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory The following professionals are particularly sought at this time. The SSC Laboratory, a majorExperimenta researchl High Energ andy Physicist developments center, will support 2,000 staffParticipat members;e in research and developmen thet fo SSCr the SSC detector components, Laboratory provides extraordinarydesign of the related careerexperimental facilitieopportunitiess to support of the SS C in frontier science and technology.experimental program , and ongoing HEP research. Qualifications: Ph.D. in experimental particle physics. Experience with Career and term positionslarg aree detecto availabler systems preferred at. all levels. Electrical Computational Physicist/Engineer Accelerator Research Engineers • Power Systems Perform magnetic field computations in support of the SSC magnet design • RF Power • Detector and construction program. • Vacuum Systems Development • Magnet • Cryogenics • Experimental • RF Qualifications: An advanced degree in Physics, Electrical or Mechanical • Design Facilities • Analog/Digital engineering; experience with the commonly available computer codes for • Instrumentation • Physics hardware magnetic field calculations. Experience with FORTRAN (preferably in a and Controls Research experience scientific computing environment) and with UNIX and VMS. • BSEE, MSEE Magnet Visiting Mechanical Collider Injector Physicists and Engineers Development Scientist Engineers Take part in the accelerator design, and specification and implementation • Test SC Magnets • Positions • Cryogenics of the engineering systems. • Magnet Design Available in • Production Qualifications: Degree in Physics or Engineering; equivalent experience • Instrumentation all divisions • Process control with modern computational methods; significant experience in accelerator and Controls • BSME, MSME construction and operation desirable; ability to work within a team and to interact with and communicate with other technical groups. Send letter indicating position desired, resume and three references to: Magnet Test Physicist SSC Laboratory Participate in the SSC superconducting magnet test program at FNAL, MS-2050/CC BNL, and SSCL. 2550 Beckleymeade Ave., Suite 125 DaUas, TX 75237 Qualifications: Ph.D. in experimental physics (particle physics preferred). Experience with hardware and software; ability to plan and carry out An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer testing programs. CAD on workstations HF - GENERATOREN FEM calculations, HF - LEISTUNGSVERSTARKER concepts DuP We • are an experienced team, specializing in inter­ preting and designing components of particle accelerators. • are designing complete vacuum systems, mag­ HOCHFREQUENZGENERATOREN nets, septa, cryocomponents, etc. fur Industrie- und Sonderfrequenzen bis 500 MHz. • prove our technical qualification at DESY for Transistorisiert bis 2000 Watt, Frequenzen bis 1 GHz. Rohrensender von 10-220 MHz und 4000 KW CW many years. 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