' HI^C ■'■■■■ is S S S " ” r _____ ---- ■ .50 ccnts , r Jo. 235’v^;^ J ■ ■ ■ ___ _____________ \; ^PvmiSind j i f '• ■ ■ - ( l i c X j P M OJ R t N H ^ fc ? ^ ■•'■I W e a t o e r . l D c \n V s 3' i o t e l Today: coift(tracts C h an ce o f showers DeV(ivelopers say it today, high ^iitside . 85,6ome WOUluld b e com patible I n «^Agrtng t0H ight,l0V '°” 1 h g 8 A2 w ithth rim preservation B ' . reiac V • > Ponca I^ G Ic V A jL.LEY i lew wrttef__________ ' opunissidii^ ,| B t o PUce: Groupip works on DME - The new owners of • h ^ e to help trouU<iH ed teens DeviK C<Corral v a pristine, spring-fedred ^d atio n ^toin • , | ucked into the Snaie River . g tf on their feet oasLS tud ^deptaiLidi^ y Page A4 Canyon1 lirim in Jerome County - say dwyplanon to put a high-end h o ^ rightBht above tbeb e site. KIS M o n e y Ih e prproblem is, Jerome County '. j intendst t(to create a 7,200-acrc public>Uc Take off: A ir travele>lers o u t o f recrcadoiion area-between the Perrine mSo} TW1NF&'^ r ir Jg _ Tw/t«^piw A»n» : | IVvin RiDs have che£ieaper fares, Bridge arand Interstate 84. So far, no ditocswfll%SSporingonjopBiti ■ plans hawlave been discussed diat woulduld ^fiiiaiicesN«b^jjmfaigMondayr;:: v;. r >i; offidals say. i commercial developmenL County O P i f M “ - J j gDevils Conal is locatcd in a Gap H I Jerome> County( preservation'Zone.ne, •mOtnm BiodonaaFtil Planning and Zoninging ■ ' . \ f l- ^ . w ith die loca said F or proteetloa frocn devetopmMit N a t io n Please see HOTEL, Page A2 Privately owtted land It OevN’e Comi Is sunouitdwlId tby pubUe land Dreposad for p Bnga and I ■ ] independent seenby^ioaiM FcKtaswdl.a ------------- U n a W is a s i — Of d). ^ S AND) FISH — WmnieTbusle; Fbrtiecent onefdtaycoir rrtftTTf n f inM iJM gm iuflfc- . j. I th an $6d,00C m oney he& nreported^^^^fbr' gatnhHng.-'.^f^He^ adteduleTto^ h ' sentencedI lain October ^ j'Vjl: GmI and the courts: fsceup.tolO':ilO'3pan|npriM^HenC^ \ Hi<. n e C ourt S b e tsquired ^ to pey •• > Alabama’ts Supreme coimty. ^ e f justice has bee>een sus- *Tt*ssometIseddn^weneedto^” 4* p S i d ^ pending anm iethics safd M D o e^ re^ew after he refufu s e d to last June tb remove his Ten n o t aQ; wa P /^ m T n a iiH m o n tn jnO:n o n u m en t right widi tb from the court build fw inly booki «*Mre:need;t put-this Usu behind us, an die'-'qui^ R e l ig io n way tOtdO'dd UdngtmtMKChurcu rd ie s e re o m e aw ay r discovering hon: d t t - - * 5 K i(iia a “ ''''.-T'4' __^ipoorhoo^.,. .■ examiqatioiItion •'-j) P a g e a r ^ ^ H ' o f the dnouymty^ tort, revenue shar-. i a u ^torclerk, t i ^ in d ict, elec- (itnd justice BciUtK-dis* ■ S p o r t s tiic t court,t, ccourt tZusL ieseardh an d devdop:ilopment ana sheriffs j office funds could cost betvtreen ! $14,700 andBd $24,750,S but probably ! closer to> the lower number because tbetbe audit won't look at m edic^ billslills in thc indigent fund, snerssaid. The f tm ^ 'win also p<^rm a .reviewofthethe county^ polidcs and • proceduress tito detect and deter wiM» &aud. ■ ‘Tt^ a studystui of piacticcs and PmldentTt iButh speaks Mday at the tc»c» HaiborI Lock Md Pam nearM Burbank, Wash., ia'Swretartary of the interior Qale Nortoirton looks o n .. controlstonu0 mn£a> su n what we are She knew SeablscuH doing is rightight and to double- and H ^ e n n a n woman1 fcfollowed ____ triple-checkck Ifor fraud,” Mikesell the famous horse’ss cca ree r an d 1 B a. then m et him udy will indude a close Page Bl -O lJ j a r o v ee r s a lmn o n r u iUS look at counou n ^ books and records, • u s h , c ri t i e s s p voluntary intinterviews- of apptopri- 1 ate p c^ n nand e ] and other evidence- several dams to benerr iallow thc 1 3 0Q gatheringlactivitics.lhe aa study will > C o m in g iU P Presidiident says fish to swim upstream to spawn, J \ C p O)it: l White Ho[ouse pressure cost the coucounty between $9,000 “ O ne of the diings Fw•ve learned _ _ . ^ SO, according to the con- -=>-— highersr num bers ab o u t Washington, D.C.,:.,isdiere^ h PA t | co lapsej a lot of experts on die1C environ- X l - t r V toU OK WTCr air after U The accoujcounting firm will also I p r o v ees s dam s can stay ment there, at least ththey think reconcile the bond trust and resti- they are,” the presidtdent said. Wewsday tution trustst aiaccounts in thc ISTAR LliMer N m Servica “They’re constantly tiyiiying to tell , . , EPA will relax rOgS court system£m to appropriate coim- itennath of the Sept. 11, re p eople what to do. Myr jjudgment In the afte _ « 2 ty gencnUil liledger account nxmi- lANK Wash. - President is those who think thUicy know 2001, attackick on th e Worid IVade for coaHired plants“ ^ bers and providepra thc county wilh Dding a two-day Pacific w hat they’re doing in Wa:Washington. Ccntcr, thele 1White House initruct- an adjusting'ing entry for Sth District cst svtring to raise cam- ' D.C., you ought to comcnc out and ed thc Envinvironmental Protection added and'cautionaryy informa- Judge RogerDger Biirdidc. who was ash and tout his cnviron- visit w ith the folks wholoareacni- ^cn^topI ^vc the public mislcad- tion. deleted. recently app<appointed to thc Idaho credendals, daimed crcd- ally protecting the envinironmcnt.” ' -ing informrmation, telling New "When th e EPA imade a Supreme CouCourt, “nic District Court y for boosting thc dircat- Officials from conservirvation and Yorkers itit 'was ^ e to breathe September 18 announcercment that will pay theh e :$4,800 to $7,200 fee, Imon population without environm ental groups slshot back. when rcliabable information on air the air was ‘safe’ to breatathe,itdid Mikesell saidraid. KrilghtRtAdown hydroelectric dams They accused Bush of wn IS not available, not have suffident damI aand analy- Also FridFriday, commissioners ‘The Und Endi cgion^ rivers, ing to take crcdit forT l t ^ s ‘'“S S nding is included in a ses to moke such a blanlinket state- approved scnisending out a request for b u r bthe a : massive Icc Harbor work. The story of thec salmon^ report rele;•leased FWday by th e ment,” the report says.i, ‘“Further- proposals for housekeeping servic- Ranch shapes a fami Bush, endd Dam on thc Snake River ,comeback, they said, lielies out in Office of thc Inspector General of more,llie White House CCotmdl on cs. MikeseUcll :said he believes the itage •> and its future NorthwestJcdrop, Bush took a veiled thc occan, not at thc h;hydroclec- the EPA. Itr[t noted that some of the EnvironmcntuI Quality ininfluenced county couldluld save $100,000 a year invironmcntal and conscr- agency’s nenews releases in the Sunday In paign cash trie plants. ... thc information that: EEPA com- by con^cdn,cting. housekeeping serv- . mental crcpoups who contcnd that ; r t would bc mislcadiiiling for die weeks aftercr the attack were soft- municated to thc publiclie through ices.^'^ The Tim es^e t way to regenerate thc, ^ cncd beforeirc being released to th c it rWday f Please see EPAPA. Page A5 PleaseaSG sec FINANCES, Page A2 cncd sidmpopulation is to brcach Please see DAMSi*S. Page A5 public reassissuring information was tearing do I n d e x ndures on the regi Classified .07-20 Movie . With th inuly’sher- Lock andr leaths at 122-year higl[h, states Aggressive drIriving spurs trafflifflc deatiis C ^ ic s ___ B6 NaUdiLire. as a backdith traffic dc C^munlty .B7 ObttmI shotatenv In 2002.42,815 peoplelie died in traffic accidents,, thcthe^ighest number Crossword .BS Opinit•" vation gro riving since 1990 when 44,5{.599 people w ere killed. Aggriggressive driving, News the best >to put bral^ikes on agggressive dri drunken driving and radng'wierera significant factorctors. pffirAblv.<B8 Rellgl salmon octotedpo Prew________ gating comnmmuter& \ afflc States withthtt th e h ig h est Horoscope, .8 8 Sport People killed IntrafI “Igucssyt5 you cnn say we were f i d craidtes, by year percent chan]lan g e s In d e a th s, LM. Boyd . .88 WeaU hH - On ao isolated stretch up," said Lt.L Julio Pajon of tnc 45.000 . |- 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2 MgicVal]^ JU Westo v ie s ___ 88 ■ida highw^K police sur- I guess you carm say Florida Hl(EUghway Patrol, which • UK) drag racers and specta-'• the. street radng sting iska ^QBS(9'^25% Miiiey '... ,C4 WxUjUoh . .A2-3.7 ^ I ' a n ' oaxly - monilng bu^' w e were fedlup. > ' hnear M iami ' 40,000 l ^ g l I jttuaries ; j\5 ^ gton. stiate sd it OM a caw 'lasty earser alone, 42,815 p e o p le .
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