Thursday, August 27.1942 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC FIFTEEN Ithe floor until the sermon is over [ particular interest to those engag- Living on the Land you won t disgrace yourse.f by go-' Fordham Offers Program ed in civilian defense, will be the lng to sleeP- It is a nevcr-fail Geared to Requirements National Catholic Rural Life remedy. continuance of the First Aid class- Conference (Mrs.) Susan Vrawley Eisele Of Nation's War Effort es inaugurated last winter under the direction of Dr. Leonard Pio- coli, professor of the Pharmacy Msgr. L. G. Ligutti, New iork, Aug. 25—With a pro- College in the university. Executive Secretary College Head Hopes gram geared to the requirements 3801 Grand Ave., Des Moines, la of the national war effort, Ford- Male Students Join ham University will inaugurate its Research Bureau Founded scholastic year in the first week of New Yor«, Aug. 26 (10—The Army, Navy Reserve foundation of the Fordham Bureau SOFT SOAP September. From present indi- cations the registration will be of Economic Research has been Milwaukee, Aug. Home-made soap is becoming al- i a. corner or up away from the 25 (ID -The hope normal, but at that time the entire announced by Very Rev. Robert I. most a lost art in this day of high- j reach of the children, will help 'hat every able-bodied male stu- university, with the exception of Gannon, S.J., president of Fordham dent at Marquette University will ¡y-advertised soaps and powders, j i'reshen the ir. In the cellar or the graduate school, will be on the University. The new unit will be a enlist in one or the other of the It will of necessity come back into j basement it will be especially use- accelerated program designed to directed by Dr. Friedrich Baer- reserve units being maintained on its own, as time goes on. "Home - ful. Sprinkle it in the corners or give students every opportunity to waxd, assistant professor of eco- college campuses by the armed made soap »s easy to make and out-of-way places. It will take complete their college a.nd profes- nomics in the department of polit- forces has been expressed this very inexpensive. We are urged away all the odors and unpleasan sional careers before induction into ical science, and its primary ob- week by Very Rev. Raphael C to gave our greases and fats and smeds. If the yard or space about the armed forces of the. United jective will be to clarify the con- McCarthy, S.J.. president of the States. Several of the schools have cepts and the facts relative to the jell them, but first of all, let us j the house where water is thrown university. figure up and see if it wouldn't be or spilled by forgetful little folks, already started the program. national income. "We are confronted wi:h a na- wiser to utiiize them ourselves, and or where water has been thrown Dr. Baerwald will be assisted by tional emergency which calls for Several opportunities to earn thus let the commercial fats be out over winter, has a sour or commissions in the armed forces James A. Hart, assistant professor the greatest effort in American in the Graduate School, and Dan- used for governmental and mili- j soggy condition of the soil, simply of the United States will be avail- ! history," Father McCarthy said. iel Ahearn, assistant professor in tary purposes. sprinkle lime over it lightly with able to students in Fordham Col- "Total war demands total effort. Fordham College. Save every scrap of fat and a house shovel. It will absorb all It is the patriotic duty of every lege, the College of Pharmacy and erease, then use it in making your the unpleasantness, individual to render whatever ser- the Law School as well as in the own soap. You will find that We sprinkle lime around the en- vices and make whatever sacri- School of Education. The Navy Prayers for Canonization home-made soap is more economi- tire area of the house foundation fices are required to win the vic- and the Naval Air Corps will con- cal than bought soap, and in every and around the outside of the tory. tinue their enlistments for those Of Founders of Church in forces and the direction of pro- way as satisfactory and agreeable wash-house five or six times a 'The schools are enlisted for the Canada Asked by Bishops grams for those students who take to use. Even the mildest and fin- year. It keeps the yard clean and duration and for the difficult days them. The Navy offers three est kind of toilet soap may be sweet. that will follow. The army and Quebec, Aug. 24 (ID—A crusade made at home with grease and lye This lime treatment can be used courses: the V-i for entering j *or the beatification and canoniza- navy officials have wisely conclud- tion as a base. in and around a garage and also freshmen and sophomores and if the Founders of the Church ed to utilize existing facilities in in Many people think that home- the ehickenhouse. their attempt to build up the offi- satisfactory evidence of fitness is Canada is prescribed in a joint made soap is harsh and caustic. Helping the Chicken given by the student at the end of Pastoral Letter of the Cardinal But all soap is made with lye or Take a five-cent eraser like they ed bv on ? C neGd" his *°Ph°niore year the Navy may I Archbishop of Quebec and the potash, or similar material. use at school for the blackboard, ripm;nH " expanding forces and j permit him to continue in the two other 23 Bishops of Quebec Pro- Sitting Pretty cover the felt part with sandpaper ZlTl l , replacements-for de-j other courses: the V-5 and the vine«. pleted ranks, Thexnevy «rare enrnnr^encourag-. V-7. The y_5 |a for NavaJ Ayia_, WhiIe paying ^ ^ ^ When you are picking a chicken of medium grain to fit the eraser, | i ng eligible young men to enlist in tion an th save the softer feathers. They can glue it down, and use it for clean- <l e V-7 is for deck duty, j tue of many others connected with the various reserves. boy The ing eggs. It works fast and lasts iviii k« Qi!„ ^ A These ^ United States Army will also! the history of the Church in New be used in making pillows for the 1 boys to use in the hammock or a long time. Most of the dirty win be allowed to continue their i institute at Fordham in September France, the Pastoral Letter in their tent or under the trees. eggs will come clean. Wash only And stuff one for the tractor or the very worst ones. the plow. Dad will appreciate it, Happy Landing even if he scoffs at the idea. If you encounter a particularly j ¡ty an<j leadership Lfcne-Aid long sermon next Sunday, or if you j "The idea of the government of- commissions in the Army Air erable Mother Marie de i'lncarna- Corps and other branches. This j tion, first superior of the Ursulines A bag of lime is a good invest- get sleepy for some reason or j ficials is not to enab,e tQ ment If the house gets musty in I other, just lift one of your feet off I evade the call to service It is to will complement the work of the j in Quebec; Mother Catherine de spells of wet weather or during the floor an inch or two and keep, prepare them for more adequate Reserve Officers' Training Corps. St. Augustln, one of the early Hos- sickness, a pan of lime placed in it off. If you won't let it touch ! service." One of the most important fea- | pitallers of St. Augustin of the Ho- tures of the Fordham program, of | tel Dieu, Que., and Venerable _ ] Mother Marguerite Bourgeoys, who founded the Congregation de No- Motion Picture Classification Issued by the National Legion of Decency tre Dame in Montreal in 1658. The causes of Bishop Laval, CLASS A-I:—'Unobjectionable' Only the more recent films are listed here. CLASS b:—-Objectionable in Part' Apache Trail LUIIC Star Law Men The classification of any pictures, however, Mother Marie de l'lncarnation and ¿•Haunting We Will Go Mat. Maruuutuea Accent on Love Moon Over Miami Mother Marguerite Bourgeoys al- Atlantic Convoy Magnificent Dope un 11 be gladly given to those who inquire at Affairs of Martha Moontide ready have been initiated. Bid Mas of the Hills ivieii ui Texas this office. Phone COurt 0662. Aloma of the South Seaa Mr. and Mrs. Smith Bambi ¿»iia.i Annie Kooney Persons or groups desiring to receive the Battle Cry of China Mia. Miuivur Almost Married Navy Blues Below the Border My Favorite Spy weekly report of the National Legion of De- Among the Living Night Before the Di- Holy Ghost Fathers Open Billy the Kid in Law Overland to Deadwood cency may order it from the headquarters, 35 Angels With Broken vorce Not a Ladies Man and Order Pacific Rendezvous East 51st St., New York City. The charge is Wings New Canadian Novitiate Biliy the Kid's Smok- Phantom Plainsmen Art of Love Of Human Bondage Pied Piper, The $¿.50 per year. Back Street One Night In Lisbon ing Guna One Thrilling Night Blondie Goes to College Pierre of the Plains CLASS A-II:—''Unobjectionable for Adults, Bahama Passage On Trial Rimouski, Que., Aug.
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