P. • I . J:: l " 11 209 ,i:i"iE:.LL '.'T . I. New Study Upholds Lewins Theory That ,Marginal' Jews Are Leaders SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. - A systems. are not yet ready to en­ recent study by Dr. -Ralph Segal­ dure the pain of a complete re­ man of the University of Texas a_t jection of their own past, on the El Paso generally upheld the the­ fear that they might be rejected ory that men of affluence and by the non-Jews If they should THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . status who are "marginal Jews., give up their Jewish 'ambassa­ accept Jewish leadership posi­ dorship> to the 'gentiles.' " tions. The theory was advanced in "Thus, such people In lead­ VOL. LI, NO. 30 FRIDAY ,SEPTEMBER 22, 1967 .15¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES 1941 by Dr. Kurt Lewin of the ership will live the 'outwardly Massachusetts In stitute of Tech­ Jewish but not too Jewish' life for nology In an essay, "Self Hatred a while, and then go over for Knesset Asked To Approve among Jews." He said that Jew­ some moments. come back and go East German University ish leadership positions, the only over again, perhaps many times Dismisses Arnold Zweig ones available, offered contact In the day, They can't quite leave, Additional $15.7-Million with non-Jews of status, and chat and they do stay, Their bags are living In tents near Amman that BONN - Arnold Zweig, In­ therefore many "marginal" Jews not packed, but they're not plan­ JERUSALEM-Israel has would be Inadequate to protect ternationally known German-Jew­ were holding such positions as ning any re-equipping of the old · added $17,000,000 to her defense them this winter. ish writer, has been dismissed "ambassadors" from the Jews. homestead. Meanwhile they ' go costs, already nearly one-fourth Israeli newspapers reported from his post a s chairman of the Dr. Sega!man's study of a through the motions of Jewish of the country's total budget. Iba! Premier Saad Jumma of Jor­ literature department of the Uni­ Jewish community In an uniden­ leadership activities but with Contributions from Jews all over dan said In a broadcast that resi­ versity of Humboldt In East Ger­ tified Southwestern city, "Edge little comminnent." the world for twice the amounts dents of the west bank and the many, according to the news­ City," was discussed at the re­ In Dr. Segalman's study, normally given, and purchase of Gaza Strip should remain there paper. "Der Mittag." It said that cent American Sociological Asso­ "Jewishness" was treated as a bonds by Israelis, have provided "lo spoil the enemy's plan." The he was di smissed because he had ciation convention at the San complex of values. cultural. reli­ \ the money to cover the Increased Inhabitants ot the Gaza Strip are refused to support the communist Francisco Hilton Hotel. , gious. nationalist, humane and defense spending. now free to leave the strip and regime's anti-Israeli campaign. ••Many people," he said, "who ethical. The Texas sociologist The effort needed today was setlle on the west bank or cross "Der Mittag" published re­ are attracted to the majority said that he subml tted 90 ran­ contrasted to that 100 days ago by Into eastern Jordan. ports from letters It said Zwel~ status world and are ready to domly selected "Edge City" Jews Zeev Sharef, acting Finance Min­ The additional expenditure tor had written to the Israeli writers covertly reject the Jewish value to two tests aimed at determining ister, who said last week In a Israel's defense will bring this Association In Haifa, quoting Jewish Identification and style of budget speech to the Knesset that ·year's published defense total to from one, .. I refuse ro co-operate life. The 90 who took the test Israel must now care for areas $478-mllllon. The total budget, In the Government-supported Hias Helped 8,800 were chosen by a panel of profes- and populations which were for­ Including the two supplemental campaign for the llqulda tlon of - slonal community workers and merly "not within her area of re­ requests, will amount to $2-bll­ Israel because It Is identical with were regarded as a representa­ sporislblllty," He asked the Par­ llon. the policy ot genocide and anni­ Resettle In U.S. tive cross-section of leaders. liament to approve spending an Nearly half the supplemental hilation of the Jews by the Nazl NEW YORK - United Hlas synagogue members and the reli­ additional $15,700,000 for supple­ funds will be spent to aid Israel's Reich." Zweig -was reported to Service provided rescue, re­ giously unaffiliated, mental expenditures. Industries and to help them train have denied writing the letters. settlement and related services The leaders were chosen from The government also an­ new workers, This effort to stim­ Now 80 years old, he was ex­ last year to approximately 53,500 the boards of four major Jewish nounced that arrangements had ulate exports refiects the Gov­ iled from Germany at the outset Jewi sh men, women and children, organizations plus a cross-sec­ been made to resume the return ernment's concern over a decline of the Hitler regime and lived in Carlos L. Israels , president, dis­ tion from various groups consid­ of Arab refugees who fied from In private Investment and a re­ Palestine from I 933 until the end closed in the agency's annual re­ ered to be the "power ellte" In the west-bank area of Jordan sulting Increase In unemploy­ of World War lJ when he returned port for 1966, made publlc last the Jewish community. The during the war. There are still ment, to Germany. He took up residence week. More than 8,800 were as­ "power elite" was found to be 7 ,ooo people whose applications No new taxes wlll be Imposed. In East Germany, and In 1957 the sisted to resettle In the United slgnlttcantly "less Jewish" than have been approved but who were Part of the supplemental budget regime designated him president Scates and other Western coun­ other leaders, who In turn were unable to r eturn to their homes will be covered by borrowing of the East Berlin Academy of tries, he said. -, 'l~ss J ewtsh" than synagogue before an Israeli-Imposed dead: abroad, Part wlll be financed by Arts, Many of his novels deal During the past year, the ac­ membr" , · · ·· · • . line vf Aug. 31. using the extra funds from a spe­ with Jewish therr.es. tive caseload of persons regls- · In -st to judge sty~ The Allenby Bridge, the cial defense loan, which brought Of the anti-Jewish, anti-Israel tered to emigrate reached 23,608; llving,'1111 •h leaders were found crossing point over the Jordan In four tlm es the amount ex­ campaigns Ignited by regimes of pre-migration services In the co be no c!l'fferent from a com­ River east of Jericho, Is now pected, communist bloc s tates since the United States and Latin America parable group of non-Jews. B'nai open for three days a week. This The sale ot State of Israel Six-Day War, East Germany's is were rendered to 16,319 relatives B'rlth leaders were reported time no deadline has been set, but bonds abroad, stimulated by the said to be the strongest. and sponsors of prospective mi­ "less Jewish" than the total Jew- · after the 7,000 return, at least war, Is expected to reach $200- Walter Ulbricht's regime re­ grants; 3,030 were aided In the !sh leadership group. _ 110,000 who fied during the fight­ mllllon, more than double the to­ portedly has sought to pressure U.S. with such post-migration "It appears,'' Professor Se­ Ing will remain on the east bank. tal expected, Mr. Share! said, Jewish organizations and fi gures services as naturalization, ad­ galman said, "that Jewish ad­ Israel Intends to continue the The burdens placed on Is­ into taking a public position justment of status, and prevention herence to the Jewish value sys­ machinery for returning the 7 ,ooo rael's economy by the war and against Isr ael. Some party mem­ of deportation and jeopardy; 1,549 tem Is In transition, Impelled as long as II Is needed, a govern­ the. occupation will be felt for bers have rebelled. persons were located throughout primarily by an atmosphere of ment spokesman said, and If ram­ years, Mr. Sharef predicted. Annother passage attributed the world: and , in Latin America, freedom. Those who can •transit' Illes now on the west bank will "The preparations prior to by "Der Mittag" to Zweig assail­ 158 migrants who arrived In pri­ without Inconvenience and dis­ apply for their relatl ves to join the war, and the war Itself, cost a ed ..virulent anti-Semitism" in or years received agency assist- comforts Into higher status •un• them, they may be reuntted. fortune In pounds and dollars, and East Germany, declaring that It ance. J ewlshness• and wish to do so, The United States and other It wlll lake us a long Um e to pay was concealed as anti-Zionism The cost of the agency's are doing so, but' In the limited Western powers have been urging these past accounts," he said, and anti-Imperialism, but did n<;>t world-wide operations for the 'narrowing of Judaism' manner, Israel to permit the return of the The additional $17,000,000 In this alter the regime's "cheerful con­ year amounted to $2,250,334 and which redefines what It means to approximately 170,000 people who budget Item Is only part of this demnation of the Jews and their resulted In a net cumul atlve def!- be a Jew In terms of dilution of fied In June.
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